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09-19-2023, 10:24 AM
I guess a better question, what's up with the pilot?


Okay, let's talk about that missing/crashed F-35JAZZ SHAW 9:21 AM on September 19, 2023


The Marines aren’t answering any additional questions, of course, citing the need to maintain the integrity of the ongoing investigation. That’s not satisfying anyone following the story, though. So what happened in the moments after the “anomalous event” that caused all of this? Before proceeding, I will include my usual reminder that though I spent quite a few years on aircraft carriers nosing around (older, non-stealth) fighter jets, I have never flown one. But other people who are pilots were offering some of the same questions.

With that said, the pilot executed what seemed like an awfully curious series of steps prior to exiting the aircraft. Hank Bergeron confirmed them on Twitter.

Who punches out of an aircraft that is still not only capable of flight but can be put into autopilot mode and continue flying? (Apparently for quite some time.) And why in the world would you shut off your transponder before exiting, whether the craft was flightworthy or not? Disabling the transponder not only makes the pilotless plane even more of a potential air safety hazard, but it clearly makes the already stealthy craft even harder to locate. That just feels as if it had to have been done intentionally.

This left some of us speculating as to whether the pilot was looking to ditch the plane, perhaps even in a place where some adversary might be able to recover it. Thankfully, that doesn’t seem to have turned out to be the case, but it’s still more than a little peculiar. One other theory (this one put forward by my wife) was that the pilot was simply an extreme version of the wacky JetBlue flight attendant who famously grabbed a beer and jumped out of his plane’s emergency exit, but nobody in his chain of command saw it coming. (Here’s to hoping that wasn’t the case this time.)

Perhaps there is a more logical explanation. If the F-35 was experiencing what appeared to be a more severe malfunction, safety protocols may have dictated a rapid exit even if the plane turned out to be able to continue flying. It seems unlikely to this layman, but I’m not the expert here. But if not, it definitely sounds as if that pilot will be answering a lot of questions during his ongoing debrief sessions. Those planes cost $80 million each and they contain some of our most advanced technology that would be invaluable to our adversaries. You don’t abandon one lightly.

Perhaps we’ll learn the answers to these questions when the investigation is complete. Then again, given the secrecy surrounding the entire program, we may never be told anything more and the incident will eventually fall down the memory hole. But it certainly spiced up an otherwise drab news cycle on Monday. While it was unfolding, the usual crew on social media was having fun with the event, including one person who quickly claimed to have not only found the jet but had put it up for sale on Craigslist. I’ll confess that I got a chuckle out of that one.


09-19-2023, 10:31 AM
The plane was on the verge of being self aware and wanted to identify as a Transformer. No word on if the pilot resembled Keanu Reeves and needed to be dispatched with prejudice.

09-19-2023, 10:51 AM
I guess a better question, what's up with the pilot?

https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/09/19/okay-lets-talk-about-that-missing-crashed-f-35-n579010Can offer only this perspective: Most Marine pilots are serious, usually functional alcoholics. The rest are pretty insane. They were always doing crazy crap but usually kept it minor crap. Like flying so low one pilot was clipping radio antennas off Jeeps. Or, as I had the "good fortune" of experiencing, doing a complete loop in a Huey, even though it is scientifically aerodynamically impossible:rolleyes: Never got in a bird with that particular Major again:laugh:

What went wrong was probably between his ears and no one's going to get an answer unless he gives one.

SOP will be to ground the entire Marine Aviation program until everyone receives counselling on "not doing it" and signs a Page 11 entry acknowledging they understand. Cuz that always works:laugh:

Black Diamond
09-19-2023, 11:02 AM
Can offer only this perspective: Most Marine pilots are serious, usually functional alcoholics. The rest are pretty insane. They were always doing crazy crap but usually kept it minor crap. Like flying so low one pilot was clipping radio antennas off Jeeps. Or, as I had the "good fortune" of experiencing, doing a complete loop in a Huey, even though it is scientifically aerodynamically impossible:rolleyes: Never got in a bird with that particular Major again:laugh:

What went wrong was probably between his ears and no one's going to get an answer unless he gives one.

SOP will be to ground the entire Marine Aviation program until everyone receives counselling on "not doing it" and signs a Page 11 entry acknowledging they understand. Cuz that always works:laugh:

Sounds like top gun movie for hueys.

09-19-2023, 11:22 AM
Or, as I had the "good fortune" of experiencing, doing a complete loop in a Huey, even though it is scientifically aerodynamically impossible:rolleyes: Never got in a bird with that particular Major again:laugh:

My first Journeyman as an apprentice was a Huey pilot in the reserves. Really nice guy.

He told me that you can do a loop, but in every case the main rotors have to be replaced because they overstress while performing that maneuver and are not flightworthy after the fact. So, those loops were always forbidden unless the Brass wanted to impress a visiting Senator or VIP because of the major expense involved fixing the helo after.

I always suspected that there were many more loops executed than reported, though. If Airwolf can do it, so can I!

09-19-2023, 11:40 AM
Some of those memes are pretty funny out there. Usually accompanied by some Woke snark and mission priorities. I'd say there's some Marine COs having a real bad day answering questions.



Black Diamond
09-19-2023, 11:45 AM
Why am I reminded of fort hood? Should I be?

09-19-2023, 12:09 PM
Why am I reminded of fort hood? Should I be?

Certainly wasn't a massacre. Could he be an enemy? I guess, though seems pretty ineffective, other than cost of plane.

09-19-2023, 12:51 PM
Why am I reminded of fort hood? Should I be?

You mean as a sleeper agent to steal the plane? I don't know man, F-35 pilots are the very best and very carefully selected. Every pilot wants to fly that one.

Weird that the transponder was disengaged, and in non-combat configuration they're normally fitted with a few Luneburg Lens around yhe fuselage so ATC and other aircraft can see them on radar. Those can't be jettisoned in flight, only removed from the ground.

Sounds like it was in stealth mode, given that they had no idea where it crashed after he punched out. The only scenario I can think of is that they were doing training and he was the aggressor pilot to train the other pilots/ground crews how to counter a stealth fighter like a J-20 or SU-57, even though both of those are much inferior planes - but if you can counter an F-35, the others will be easy.

The only guy I know of that can steal a stealth fighter is Clint when he stole the MiG-31.

09-19-2023, 12:54 PM
The only guy I know of that can steal a stealth fighter is Clint when he stole the MiG-31.

What about this guy?



Black Diamond
09-19-2023, 12:55 PM
You mean as a sleeper agent to steal the plane? I don't know man, F-35 pilots are the very best and very carefully selected. Every pilot wants to fly that one.

Weird that the transponder was disengaged, and in non-combat configuration they're normally fitted with a few Luneburg Lens around yhe fuselage so ATC and other aircraft can see them on radar. Those can't be jettisoned in flight, only removed from the ground.

Sounds like it was in stealth mode, given that they had no idea where it crashed after he punched out. The only scenario I can think of is that they were doing training and he was the aggressor pilot to train the other pilots/ground crews how to counter a stealth fighter like a J-20 or SU-57, even though both of those are much inferior planes - but if you can counter an F-35, the others will be easy.

The only guy I know of that can steal a stealth fighter is Clint when he stole the MiG-31.

I am humbly worried there is a mental issue. Don't know why and don't want to judge.

09-19-2023, 01:09 PM
What about this guy?



Right, that was a good story. The Foxbat had everyone worried, and that's how we got the F-15. Especially when Israel watched one sprint at Mach 3 - buy as it turned out, the engines disintegrated at Mach 3 and the pilots were forbidden to take it that fast.

And they couldn't turn & dogfight. They were a straight-line hotrod designed to shoot down the SR-71, but they never got close.

You guys never saw the movie? Was my favorite as a kid when it came out.


09-19-2023, 01:13 PM
You guys never saw the movie? Was my favorite as a kid when it came out.

I remember that one. Can't say that I saw it though.

09-19-2023, 01:27 PM
I remember that one. Can't say that I saw it though.

Cheesy special effects by today's standards. The plywood mock-up they used had it's wings flapping like a goose as they towed it down the runway in the theft scene, but as an 11 year old who wanted to be a fighter pilot it was the best movie ever made!

I just noticed that they got a couple of things right regarding stealth, with the faceted fuselage like the F-117 to deflect radar. Impressive for Hollywood to be aware of that concept back before stealth was anything but a pipedream.

09-19-2023, 01:45 PM

As I was saying ... :laugh:

Earlier on Monday, the US Marine Corps announced a two-day pause in air operations throughout the military branch this week.

Black Diamond
09-19-2023, 01:46 PM

As I was saying ... :laugh:

Do you think we can afford more than two days ?

09-19-2023, 01:52 PM
Do you think we can afford more than two days ?The Marine Corps will "do something" to get ahead of being told to. SOP. Stay ahead of the politicians and get out of negative publicity.

09-20-2023, 01:28 AM
I heard one of the major flaws of this jet is ability to be hacked. I'm thinking it was hacked and was told to eject the pilot.

Latest I heard was a debris field was found. Wonder if it is true or just a narrative to hide the fact that they have no idea where that plane is.

09-20-2023, 09:32 AM

NEW YORK, NY — As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in the U.S. to petition the U.N. for additional funds for the ongoing war with Russia, he was angered to learn one of his F-35s had been carelessly ruined by the American military.
"I mean…what gives, you guys?" Zelensky asked American military leaders. "That was one of your - I mean my - best planes! You owe me 80 million dollars now. Pay up, and add an additional 33 trillion for the inconvenience. For the war, you know?"
The jet was abandoned over the southern part of the U.S. Monday after the pilot detected an issue with the transponder. Zelensky reminded the U.S. government he had graciously allowed the Marines to use his plane only on condition that they not crash it into the ground.

"We're deeply sorry to have offended President Zelensky…we're doing everything in our power to smooth things over with our Commander in Chief, who is um…President Biden…of course. Not Zelensky," General Eric Smith, the acting commandant of the Marine Corps, told reporters. "We deeply apologize to our dear leader…um…President Biden…yes…and ask him to please forgive our incompetence."
The Ukrainian leader said he'd accept the apology in the form of many suitcases of unmarked U.S. currency delivered directly to his residence in Kyiv.

09-20-2023, 09:35 AM
Holy crap, this is gold! 1:50 for epic reporting!


09-20-2023, 09:40 AM
Holy crap, this is gold! 1:50 for epic reporting!


09-20-2023, 09:45 AM
I was first thinking that the plane would have flown past the camera during the weather report and then over the weather map behind the guy. I was sad nobody thought of doing that to spice up a boring weather day.

09-20-2023, 09:45 AM
Ah memories :laugh: The Marine Corps, which institutionally has a sense of humor limited solely to Marine Corps humor, has got to be crapping all over itself. Especially if the troops are making fun of this:laugh:


09-20-2023, 09:58 AM

09-20-2023, 10:25 AM

Do they need to scrap those things?

09-20-2023, 03:58 PM
Do they need to scrap those things?I do not know. The Osprey is after my time. We used CH-46's as troop transports ship to shore and back.

What I gather from this is if they hard clutch it shreds the gears and some electronics. Not sure what "hard clutching" is to a VTOL. Thinking along the lines of hard clutching in a vehicle, I can only think jamming it in gear. Only they are in the air when they do it.

Appears to be a regular performance issue.

What I can tell you as a Marine is: they'll jury rig those things anyway they possibly can to make them work. "Thrifty" is an understatement concerning the Corps. Tight-ass bastards is more like it. The Corps' early reputation was based on taking Army and Navy castoffs and making them work and it's no myth :)