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09-25-2023, 10:44 PM
I really don't know. I hope Reynolds is correct and the 'climate crisis' becomes deemphasized, I think we'd see a decline in young people's suicide rates. Many are fully convinced they will not see 25.

As for me, open drilling and fracking!


Even Bill Gates is backtracking — the air’s gone out of the climate-crisis balloonBy Glenn H. Reynolds
Published Sep. 25, 2023, 7:44 p.m. ET

Boston church door bore a scary climate change sign.
A Boston church door bore a lurid poster reading "DUE TO GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS, WORSHIP IN SANCTUARY 9-17-23 CANCELED."

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Has the air gone out of the “climate crisis” balloon?

It’s starting to look like it. Some other causes du jour are looking limp lately, too.

Oh, hysteria is still out there. In Boston this month, I passed a church whose door bore a lurid poster reading “DUE TO GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS, WORSHIP IN SANCTUARY 9-17-23 CANCELED.”

If it were really a global crisis, wouldn’t you want to be praying?

I first thought it was referring to Hurricane Lee, which had been predicted to bring apocalyptic storm conditions to Beantown.

Lee, though, veered out to sea, and that Sunday was sunny, warm and delightful.

(While the soldiers of God had fled the scene in advance, the armies of Mammon were out in force on the Boston Common, in the form of a massive cannabis fair. Say what you will about the stoners, they’re not prone to panic or overthinking.)

But this seems actually a case of closing church so parishioners could go to New York to “Join us in the March to End Fossil Fuels,” which is even more amusing, since traveling uses a lot more fossil fuels than staying in Boston and praying for an end to fossil fuels, which would be at least as effective.

Bill Gates, however, is pumping the brakes on climate panic.

Speaking at a New York Times event, he observed heavy-handed policies won’t work: “If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, ‘I like climate but I don’t want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living.’”

As Gates noted, many of these people are in middle-income countries, like China and India, that are the biggest contributors to carbon emissions today and whose emissions (unlike those of the United States) have been growing.

He also rained on the greens’ apocalyptic parade, saying “no temperate country is going to become uninhabitable.”

And he cautioned against untested approaches like massive tree planting: “Are we the science people or are we the idiots? Which one do we want to be?”

Well, the climate policies the political system supports are mostly the ones likely to yield the most graft, and those the corporate world supports are mostly the ones involving massive government subsidies.

But it’s interesting to see Gates softening his tone; it feels as if climate outrage has passed its sell-by date.

Oh, sure, there are still kooks in Europe gluing themselves to roadways and the occasional nut throwing oil on famous works of art, but it’s all started to seem rather forced.

When you see a shift in a social trend like this, it’s almost always happening for the same reason: The people behind it have figured out it’s doing the left more harm than good.

It’s of a piece with the sudden de-emphasis of ESG (environmental, social, governance) as a tool of corporate management.

In both cases, the detached, well-off white people who mostly run the left dreamed up causes and slogans, which their follow-the-herd peers uncritically adopted until they ran into reality and the rest of the world noticed.

(More to the point, recent polls show Donald Trump actually pulling ahead of Joe Biden.)

If we stop funding Ukraine, Fetterman’s press protectors and other commentary
The reality, as Gates is reminding us, is there’s not actually a climate “crisis” calling for drastic action tomorrow, and running businesses and institutions as if there is one is counterproductive and even outright destructive.

Another reality is the great mass of people around the globe knows this and has lost patience with it.

Likewise, investors have figured out ESG is just a way for managers to substitute fuzzy, hard-to-assess performance metrics — basically a “net wokeness” calculus — for clear and well-defined metrics like, you know, how much profit managers produce for shareholders.

It’s not really surprising that, on reflection, shareholders would rather have profit than trendy causes, and voters would rather have jobs and functioning societies than nonstop apocalyptic rhetoric.

Even Ibram X. Kendi’s antiracism center is falling apart, having produced nothing of substance.

I hope this trend continues. It would be nice to see the New York City government emphasize crime control, subway maintenance and pothole-fixing instead of trendy (and grift-filled) social-justice projects.

It would be nice to see the Department of Defense — which hasn’t won a war since Desert Storm more than 30 years ago — emphasize defeating our country’s enemies over training commanders to avoid “whiteness” and get their soldiers’ pronouns right.

What do you think? Post a comment.
Kipling’s “Gods of the Copybook Headings” are always waiting for civilizations that lose sight of fundamentals in favor of glittering fictions.

Let’s pray ours is returning to good sense before it’s too late.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds is a professor of law at the University of Tennessee and founder of the InstaPundit.com blog.

09-26-2023, 07:35 AM
Say what you will about the stoners, they’re not prone to panic or overthinking.):laugh:

Speaking at a New York Times event, he observed heavy-handed policies won’t work: “If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, ‘I like climate but I don’t want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living.’”

Apply this same principle to the Freedom Caucus. What doesn't work for the goose isn't working for the gander. All this hard-right crap is going to crumble under backlash and leave conservatives worse off than we started.

Biden (or his string pullers) abandoned the "through the back door" approach on climate change and started ramming crap down everyone's throats. Hard change creates disconnect. Especially when as pointed out rhetorically, China and India's factories are chugging away at warp speed.

I'm all for climate change madness collapsing. Applying the same principle to a portion of the Republican party is a problem for conservatives.

Not sure what math is being used for people who think they aren't going to see 25 so they kill themselves sooner. Sounds like time for a hurricane party to me :)

09-26-2023, 10:33 AM

Apply this same principle to the Freedom Caucus. What doesn't work for the goose isn't working for the gander. All this hard-right crap is going to crumble under backlash and leave conservatives worse off than we started.

Biden (or his string pullers) abandoned the "through the back door" approach on climate change and started ramming crap down everyone's throats. Hard change creates disconnect. Especially when as pointed out rhetorically, China and India's factories are chugging away at warp speed.

I'm all for climate change madness collapsing. Applying the same principle to a portion of the Republican party is a problem for conservatives.

Not sure what math is being used for people who think they aren't going to see 25 so they kill themselves sooner. Sounds like time for a hurricane party to me :)
Those under 30 have been pounded with 'the world only has until 20XX! Your parents don't care, the politicians don't care. No one listens to the 'scientists!'

Little kids listen. When they hit 10-12 they realize parents are sometimes wrong. By 15 they are certain all adults are wrong nearly all the time. Yeah, they pay for stuff.

Get a kid depressed...

09-26-2023, 10:46 AM
Those under 30 have been pounded with 'the world only has until 20XX! Your parents don't care, the politicians don't care. No one listens to the 'scientists!'

Little kids listen. When they hit 10-12 they realize parents are sometimes wrong. By 15 they are certain all adults are wrong nearly all the time. Yeah, they pay for stuff.

Get a kid depressed...Was it so different for us? Reminded constantly we were just a button push away from glowing in the dark?

I get what you're saying. I just don't get fear of death paralyzing one to point that one kills oneself. There's just something wrong with that whole idea.

American kids have just been led down a serious path of internal weakness, IMO.

09-26-2023, 10:48 AM
I really don't know. I hope Reynolds is correct and the 'climate crisis' becomes deemphasized, I think we'd see a decline in young people's suicide rates. Many are fully convinced they will not see 25.

As for me, open drilling and fracking!


on "hoping the climate crisis becomes de-emphasized".......

are we prepared to go to blackrock and state street and vanguard and advise them that their ESG's (enivironmental social governance) are misplaced and are strangling the organic economy?

Totalitarianism can be privatized. let's keep this in mind.

09-26-2023, 10:55 AM
Was it so different for us? Reminded constantly we were just a button push away from glowing in the dark?

I get what you're saying. I just don't get fear of death paralyzing one to point that one kills oneself. There's just something wrong with that whole idea.

American kids have just been led down a serious path of internal weakness, IMO.

Ok, I went to private school for first 8 years of schooling, maybe different? From middle and high school I had some 'strong environmentalist' teachers in the sense they had posters on pollution and such. I had a math teacher that had put something up on nuclear power, it was gone the next day.

Science teachers would discuss pollution, including the 'reasonableness' of Paul Ehrlich and Rachel Carsen. We did environmental field trips, including one to Fermi Lab and discussed how every choice has positives and negatives. How one can look to maximize benefits and minimize possible disasters. Nuclear energy was used a lot, both as source for energy and as a weapon.

Illinois, thanks to Mayor Daley Sr., was ahead of most of the country on both water and air pollution improvements-nuclear power included.

09-26-2023, 10:59 AM
Ok, I went to private school for first 8 years of schooling, maybe different? From middle and high school I had some 'strong environmentalist' teachers in the sense they had posters on pollution and such. I had a math teacher that had put something up on nuclear power, it was gone the next day.

Science teachers would discuss pollution, including the 'reasonableness' of Paul Ehrlich and Rachel Carsen. We did environmental field trips, including one to Fermi Lab and discussed how every choice has positives and negatives. How one can look to maximize benefits and minimize possible disasters. Nuclear energy was used a lot, both as source for energy and as a weapon.

Illinois, thanks to Mayor Daley Sr., was ahead of most of the country on both water and air pollution improvements-nuclear power included.

yes. you were mis-educated into a nihilist death narrative.

09-26-2023, 12:05 PM
Ok, I went to private school for first 8 years of schooling, maybe different? From middle and high school I had some 'strong environmentalist' teachers in the sense they had posters on pollution and such. I had a math teacher that had put something up on nuclear power, it was gone the next day.

Science teachers would discuss pollution, including the 'reasonableness' of Paul Ehrlich and Rachel Carsen. We did environmental field trips, including one to Fermi Lab and discussed how every choice has positives and negatives. How one can look to maximize benefits and minimize possible disasters. Nuclear energy was used a lot, both as source for energy and as a weapon.

Illinois, thanks to Mayor Daley Sr., was ahead of most of the country on both water and air pollution improvements-nuclear power included.I'd say it's different:laugh: The first year I finished in the same school I started was 7th grade :) Private school in the Northern Midwest vs public schools in the South and CA, and or DoD schools.

Another big difference is I was raised in the military for the most part. We lived on bases that had nukes and were targets for them. Military was the "industry". I was referring to the threat of nuclear annihilation we grew up with. Due the the aforementioned, probably more acute in my life. Point being the threat of sudden death was ever-present for us.

I am also aware that young adults now could have been born after 9/11. They know what's been drilled into their heads since that time. They've been propagandized and dumbed down enough to believe all the climate crap. Got all that time to chit chat on social media and none to reseach what they're being told. A oint I have tried to emphasize with the "civil war"/anti-government folk that think the military will throw down their arms and join the rebellion because it's "right". Not according to what they've been taught.

I'm still not convinced either way on climate change except for the fact that it happens. I see a bunch of opportunists selling they can stop it but not one addressing how to live with it.

These kids could also use some God in their lives.

09-26-2023, 12:11 PM
I'd say it's different:laugh: The first year I finished in the same school I started was 7th grade :) Private school in the Northern Midwest vs public schools in the South and CA, and or DoD schools.

Another big difference is I was raised in the military for the most part. We lived on bases that had nukes and were targets for them. Military was the "industry". I was referring to the threat of nuclear annihilation we grew up with. Due the the aforementioned, probably more acute in my life. Point being the threat of sudden death was ever-present for us.

I am also aware that young adults now could have been born after 9/11. They know what's been drilled into their heads since that time. They've been propagandized and dumbed down enough to believe all the climate crap. Got all that time to chit chat on social media and none to reseach what they're being told. A oint I have tried to emphasize with the "civil war"/anti-government folk that think the military will throw down their arms and join the rebellion because it's "right". Not according to what they've been taught.

I'm still not convinced either way on climate change except for the fact that it happens. I see a bunch of opportunists selling they can stop it but not one addressing how to live with it.

These kids could also use some God in their lives.

Teo huge predictors of mental and social success, two parents and faith.

09-26-2023, 03:54 PM
Teo huge predictors of mental and social success, two parents and faith.Agree. Something to believe in and look forward to instead of predictions of doom and gloom. I can't recall the last time either party had an optimistic message. Both are fearmongers.

Removing hope is another step toward enslaving the masses.

09-26-2023, 04:27 PM
Agree. Something to believe in and look forward to instead of predictions of doom and gloom. I can't recall the last time either party had an optimistic message. Both are fearmongers.

Removing hope is another step toward enslaving the masses.

miseducating people about tariffs and the importance of production is the final step of enslaving the people.

09-26-2023, 04:37 PM
miseducating people about tariffs and the importance of production is the final step of enslaving the people.

Tariffs would kill an already feeble economy

09-26-2023, 11:13 PM
That would be a big turn around for Gates. He's the one that supported Harvard experiment (scopex) to put chalk material in the atmosphere to block the sun.

09-27-2023, 07:50 AM
That would be a big turn around for Gates. He's the one that supported Harvard experiment (scopex) to put chalk material in the atmosphere to block the sun.
There's an idea I haven't heard yet :laugh:

09-27-2023, 04:09 PM
There's an idea I haven't heard yet :laugh:

It's been out there for years. I think the actual experiment was scheduled for 2021 but was called off at the last second. They actually had shown up in some Nordic country with balloon and all the lab materials and it was scrapped.