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10-01-2023, 11:15 AM
Biden or new person with D wins. Some claim it was stolen. Lose House and increase Dems in Senate.

Gnash teeth about how evil the Dems are.


House Speaker McCarthy faces ouster threat for avoiding shutdownBy David Morgan
October 1, 20237:41 AM MSTUpdated an hour ago

WASHINGTON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Top U.S. House Republican Kevin McCarthy said on Sunday he expected to survive a threat to his speakership after a hardline critic within his party called for his ouster following the passage of a stopgap government funding bill that drew more support from Democrats than Republicans.

Hardline Republican Representative Matt Gaetz told multiple U.S. media outlets he would file a "motion to vacate," a call for a vote to remove McCarthy as speaker, testing McCarthy's support in the House of Representatives, which his party controls by a narrow 221-212 margin.

"I'll survive," McCarthy said on CBS. "This is personal with Gaetz."

Gaetz is one of a group of about two dozen hardliners who forced McCarthy to endure a withering 15 rounds of voting in January before he was elected speaker, during which they squeezed out concessions including a rule change to allow any one House member to call for a vote to oust the speaker.

It was not clear how much support McCarthy would have in such a vote, or whether any Democrats would back him. McCarthy angered Democrats last month by launching an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

"If at this time next week Kevin McCarthy is still speaker of the House, it will be because Democrats bailed him out," Gaetz said in an interview on ABC. "I am relentless and I will continue to pursue this objective."

McCarthy stunned Washington on Saturday when he backed a bill to fund the government through Nov. 17, averting a partial shutdown but not imposing any of the spending cuts or changes to border security that his hardline colleagues had called for.

The bill, which was approved by the Senate on a broad bipartisan basis and signed into law by Biden, is meant to give lawmakers more time to agree on a deal to fund the government through Sept. 30, 2024.

An ouster of the speaker would complicate that process.

"It is destructive to the country to put forth this motion to vacate," Representative Mike Lawler, a Republican, said on ABC. "By putting this motion to vacate on the floor, you know what Matt Gaetz is going to do? He is going to delay the ability to complete that work over the next 45 days."

Gaetz had been threatening to move against McCarthy for weeks.

Republican Representative Byron Donalds, a member of the hardline House Freedom Caucus who had been nominated to challenge McCarthy for speaker in January, declined to say how he would vote.

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy speaks to reporters in the U.S. Capitol after the House of Representatives passed a stopgap government funding bill to avert an immediate government shutdown, on Capitol Hill
U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) speaks to reporters in the U.S. Capitol after the House of Representatives passed a stopgap government funding bill to avert an immediate government shutdown, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. September 30, 2023. REUTERS/ Ken Cedeno Acquire Licensing Rights

"I don't know right now," Donalds said in an interview on Fox. "I gotta really think about that because there's a lot of stuff going on."

McCarthy decided to bring a vote on a measure that could win Democratic support, knowing full well that it could jeopardize his job. One of his advisers told Reuters the speaker believed some hardliners would try to oust him under any circumstances.

"Go ahead and try," McCarthy said in comments directed at his opponents on Saturday. "You know what? If I have to risk my job for standing up for the American public, I will do that."

The bipartisan measure succeeded a day after Republican Representative Andy Biggs, a leading hardliner, and 20 others blocked a Republican stopgap bill that contained sharp spending cuts and immigration and border restrictions, all of which hardliners favor.

The bill's failure ended Republican hopes of moving a conservative measure and opened the door to the bipartisan measure that was backed by 209 House Democrats and 126 Republicans. Ninety Republicans opposed the stopgap.

Hardliners complained that the measure, known as a continuing resolution, or CR, left in place policies favored by Democrats including Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It was not clear what action Democrats might take if a Republican moved to vacate the chair and the House voted on the measure.

Some Democrats have suggested they could support McCarthy if an ouster attempt occurred at a turbulent time. Others have suggested they could back a moderate Republican willing to share the gavel with them and allow power sharing within House committees. Others have shown no interest in helping any speaker candidate aside from House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries.

U.S. Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, a leading progressive Democrat, said her party was unlikely to help McCarthy keep his job without receiving concessions from Republicans.

"I don't think we give up votes for free," Ocasio-Cortez told CNN's State of the Union.

Asked if she would vote on a measure to oust McCarthy, Ocasio-Cortez said: "Would I cast that vote? Absolutely. Absolutely. I think Kevin McCarthy is a very weak Speaker. He clearly has lost control of his caucus."

10-01-2023, 02:23 PM
Biden or new person with D wins. Some claim it was stolen. Lose House and increase Dems in Senate.

Gnash teeth about how evil the Dems are.


Yeah. The American people are not going to tolerate f-ing with their pay, regardless party. IIRC, the biggest sentiment expressed with Biden voters 2020 was drama burnout.

Hypocrisy: Gaetz polling Democrats as to where they stand on McCarthy ouster for crossing party lines to get the CR passed:rolleyes: Is this primadonna related to the Donald?

10-01-2023, 02:26 PM
I may vote for myself this year.

10-01-2023, 02:33 PM
I may vote for myself this year.I'd even have to vote for you vs Trump/Biden. Much as it pains me :slap:

10-01-2023, 03:05 PM
I'd even have to vote for you vs Trump/Biden. Much as it pains me :slap:

My first order of action will be an executive order declaring a state of emergency for our entire country and then fire every member in congress and run a new election for replacements after setting term limits going forward. Members must visit their respective states often and place their votes based on what the people of their respective states want. No more monies for the rest of life either. All congress members will follow the laws just as the citizenry and be held accountable as the citizens would.

I'll certainly have more to add to my list but declaring that emergency and patching that hole is first priority.

Oh, the government will help in emergencies and in other facets - but no one gets a free ride on anything that the rest of the people have to ultimately pay for. Enough damn freebies. MUCH more wise things we can do with that money than hand it out to people who use it to buy expensive shit and never work again. Instead, how about using that money to better neighborhoods and help create JOBS for people to actually earn their money.

Don't worry Gunny, I got you, you're ultimately going to be assigned to oversee all of the Marine Corps. and put shit back into shape. Whatever the head guy is. The president is no longer in charge of the military, the military leaders make the decisions.

Ok, now my first 5 minutes in office are declared. :)


10-01-2023, 03:08 PM
Push comes to shove, I'll write in Will Hurd...

10-01-2023, 03:44 PM
my first order of action will be an executive order declaring a state of emergency for our entire country and then fire every member in congress and run a new election for replacements after setting term limits going forward. Members must visit their respective states often and place their votes based on what the people of their respective states want. No more monies for the rest of life either. All congress members will follow the laws just as the citizenry and be held accountable as the citizens would.

I'll certainly have more to add to my list but declaring that emergency and patching that hole is first priority.

Oh, the government will help in emergencies and in other facets - but no one gets a free ride on anything that the rest of the people have to ultimately pay for. Enough damn freebies. Much more wise things we can do with that money than hand it out to people who use it to buy expensive shit and never work again. Instead, how about using that money to better neighborhoods and help create jobs for people to actually earn their money.

Don't worry gunny, i got you, you're ultimately going to be assigned to oversee all of the marine corps. And put shit back into shape. Whatever the head guy is. The president is no longer in charge of the military, the military leaders make the decisions.

Ok, now my first 5 minutes in office are declared. :)


By the way Jim. It's been fun. Hope all of you enjoy whatever you want.
I see the writing on the wall. I'm too old, and smart to hang around where I'm not wanted.

As of TODAY. October 1st. I am outta here. Hope Kathianne and Gunny have a wonderful
time running the show. And by the way. Never thought you approved of Anti-1st amendment speech.
Thanks for the memories.

10-01-2023, 03:55 PM
My first order of action will be an executive order declaring a state of emergency for our entire country and then fire every member in congress and run a new election for replacements after setting term limits going forward. Members must visit their respective states often and place their votes based on what the people of their respective states want. No more monies for the rest of life either. All congress members will follow the laws just as the citizenry and be held accountable as the citizens would.

I'll certainly have more to add to my list but declaring that emergency and patching that hole is first priority.

Oh, the government will help in emergencies and in other facets - but no one gets a free ride on anything that the rest of the people have to ultimately pay for. Enough damn freebies. MUCH more wise things we can do with that money than hand it out to people who use it to buy expensive shit and never work again. Instead, how about using that money to better neighborhoods and help create JOBS for people to actually earn their money.

Don't worry Gunny, I got you, you're ultimately going to be assigned to oversee all of the Marine Corps. and put shit back into shape. Whatever the head guy is. The president is no longer in charge of the military, the military leaders make the decisions.

Ok, now my first 5 minutes in office are declared. :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp_K8prLfsoLMAO! You can't make me Commandant of the Marine Corps :laugh: I'm not a General Officer.

Secretary of Defense will do. Boy could I ever have some fun :happy0203:

I know you're playing around but there is a REAL reason the military is subordinate to civilian politicians and none get to amass too much power. Frankly, the military doesn't need government. It can perform all the same tasks with a lot less BS.

Problem is there is no democracy in the military. It's totalitarian, military rule. I'm thinking most civilians wouldn't be too fond of it.:)

10-01-2023, 04:14 PM
Some House Republicans want to get rid of Gaetz:


10-01-2023, 07:48 PM
LMAO! You can't make me Commandant of the Marine Corps :laugh: I'm not a General Officer.

I'm the president, I can change shit that needs to be done, so it would be done. :thumb:

Secretary of Defense will do. Boy could I ever have some fun :happy0203:

Yeah, that's the one I meant, they guy in charge of everything. Go change shit back to when things got weird.

I know you're playing around but there is a REAL reason the military is subordinate to civilian politicians and none get to amass too much power. Frankly, the military doesn't need government. It can perform all the same tasks with a lot less BS.

Problem is there is no democracy in the military. It's totalitarian, military rule. I'm thinking most civilians wouldn't be too fond of it.:)

Ok ok. Definitely don't want that. I'll take that one back then. See that though. Proves even though I may make mistakes at times, I take advisement and listen to those who know better. I know a former president that wouldn't listen to anyone. For that fact, I know a president who doesn't truly understand anyone, or much for that fact. :coffee:

10-01-2023, 07:57 PM
By the way Jim. It's been fun. Hope all of you enjoy whatever you want.
I see the writing on the wall. I'm too old, and smart to hang around where I'm not wanted.

As of TODAY. October 1st. I am outta here. Hope Kathianne and Gunny have a wonderful
time running the show. And by the way. Never thought you approved of Anti-1st amendment speech.
Thanks for the memories.

Not sure if I deserved that or not. I've seen you post since I have been back, I have even replied in one thread. Like a few posts. I am for the 1st and you know that. If something happened I must have missed the thread. I was gone for quite a bit there, couple months or so.

I wasn't contacted by you about anything that I saw, I'll go check again. You're posting this so don't think you were banned for anything.

You can always contact me via PM and send me a link to what you're referring to.

10-01-2023, 08:21 PM
Not sure if I deserved that or not. I've seen you post since I have been back, I have even replied in one thread. Like a few posts. I am for the 1st and you know that. If something happened I must have missed the thread. I was gone for quite a bit there, couple months or so.

I wasn't contacted by you about anything that I saw, I'll go check again. You're posting this so don't think you were banned for anything.

You can always contact me via PM and send me a link to what you're referring to.

Don't sweat it, Jim, he's just upset that his little circle jerk friend, AHZ, isn't around anymore. So now he's playing the victim. Seems neither one of the understands that being an asshole just to be an asshole, like AHZ was so fond of doing, goes over like a fart in church in a community as small as DP...

Black Diamond
10-01-2023, 08:52 PM
Not sure if I deserved that or not. I've seen you post since I have been back, I have even replied in one thread. Like a few posts. I am for the 1st and you know that. If something happened I must have missed the thread. I was gone for quite a bit there, couple months or so.

I wasn't contacted by you about anything that I saw, I'll go check again. You're posting this so don't think you were banned for anything.

You can always contact me via PM and send me a link to what you're referring to.

icansayit should at least give you a chance. Doesn't sound like he's done that. He might get what he wants or at least an explanation that suits him.

10-02-2023, 08:56 AM
Some House Republicans want to get rid of Gaetz:

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-gop-members-seek-expel-gaetz-renewed-threat-vacate-house-speaker-mccarthyThe more and more I have read on this CR and the players, I can't find a single one that voted for the right reason. Every single article I have read is nothing but political chess.