View Full Version : How You Are (most likely) Brainwashed.

10-02-2023, 06:07 PM
You are brainwashed through stupidity. You could even have a PhD in something and still be stupid. That is as far as knowing what the truth is. Would you like to know what the real truth is? (At least this aspect of it) Well here it is. Just think of just about anything you think is right or true. The exact opposite is almost certainly the case. There was somebody who even wrote a couple of books on the matter. They are called, "The Book Of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong."

For example, you may think that our system of government is a Democracy. But it isn't. It is more of a Plutocracy. Which is rule by the rich. But to put it more precisely, our system of government is actually a Kakistocracy. Which is rule by the incompetent and corrupt.

To that end, the ignorance of the American public is vital. The reason why is that the ignorant are easier to rule. Or to put it more precisely, easier to abuse. Obviously, our government is to blame for this. I will show you a meme of something said by the former director of the CIA named William Casey. What he said isn't an objective that began with him. And it still goes on. No doubt with the help of the NSA, FBI and other such government agencies. Here it is.


Of course, there is no real solid PROOF that he said this. It only comes from the word of a witness at the meeting with president Reagan where it was supposedly said. There are other things that have probably been said that were so unpopular that coming up with real proof that they were said could possibly turn out deadly for the whistleblower. For example, it is said that LBJ once said, "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years." There is also president Trump calling American war dead "suckers and losers."

Though when it comes to the CIA, there is one thing that there is plenty of proof for. Which is that for years they had been known to experiment on various means of achieving mind control. When it comes to doing that to the American public at large, nothing works better than stupidity. There is also a truism out there that was wrongly attributed to Samuel Clemens. But it is a truism none the less. It says, "It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It is what you are sure of that just isn't so."

Black Diamond
10-02-2023, 06:26 PM

10-02-2023, 06:29 PM
You are brainwashed through stupidity. You could even have a PhD in something and still be stupid. That is as far as knowing what the truth is. Would you like to know what the real truth is? (At least this aspect of it) Well here it is. Just think of just about anything you think is right or true. The exact opposite is almost certainly the case. There was somebody who even wrote a couple of books on the matter. They are called, "The Book Of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong."

For example, you may think that our system of government is a Democracy. But it isn't. It is more of a Plutocracy. Which is rule by the rich. But to put it more precisely, our system of government is actually a Kakistocracy. Which is rule by the incompetent and corrupt.

To that end, the ignorance of the American public is vital. The reason why is that the ignorant are easier to rule. Or to put it more precisely, easier to abuse. Obviously, our government is to blame for this. I will show you a meme of something said by the former director of the CIA named William Casey. What he said isn't an objective that began with him. And it still goes on. No doubt with the help of the NSA, FBI and other such government agencies. Here it is.


Of course, there is no real solid PROOF that he said this. It only comes from the word of a witness at the meeting with president Reagan where it was supposedly said. There are other things that have probably been said that were so unpopular that coming up with real proof that they were said could possibly turn out deadly for the whistleblower. For example, it is said that LBJ once said, "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years." There is also president Trump calling American war dead "suckers and losers."

Though when it comes to the CIA, there is one thing that there is plenty of proof for. Which is that for years they had been known to experiment on various means of achieving mind control. When it comes to doing that to the American public at large, nothing works better than stupidity. There is also a truism out there that was wrongly attributed to Samuel Clemens. But it is a truism none the less. It says, "It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It is what you are sure of that just isn't so."

First thing I am going to ask you to do is star out the last letter of "that" word in your LBJ quote. It will not lose its content. We have African American members of this board. If you cannot bring yourself to do it out of respect for others, I can do it for you.

Second, is it that you believe you are above this brainwashing? I assure you that you are not. While it may be the intent of government to brainwash the masses into stupidity and sheep-like obedience, it does not mean that all allow themselves to be.

10-02-2023, 06:37 PM
I would recommend you post about subjects in the news or politics - and cut the shit about other members, how the board is or isn't ran and what you feel about others.

I don't give a shit about your lame opinions but you aren't going to be disruptive to things around here in the name of "disobeying" or your ideas of freedom of speech.

Your account was approved easily enough and can be banned just as easy. So I suggest you stop with the games. It won't end well but it will be quick.

10-02-2023, 06:52 PM

10-02-2023, 06:53 PM

This thread OP is neither intelligent nor thought provoking...

10-02-2023, 07:00 PM
First thing I am going to ask you to do is star out the last letter of "that" word in your LBJ quote. It will not lose its content. We have African American members of this board. If you cannot bring yourself to do it out of respect for others, I can do it for you.

Second, is it that you believe you are above this brainwashing? I assure you that you are not. While it may be the intent of government to brainwash the masses into stupidity and sheep-like obedience, it does not mean that all allow themselves to be.

Ah, so it begins. I take it that you are having trouble with one of these quotes. But "I" didn't say it.


Next, your stupidity is impressive. I bet you think that we are all Homo sapien sapiens. That is a generic term. It is like saying we are all humanoid. The zoological taxonomic name for the blacks you speak of is Homo africanus niger. Not even being the same species as I am, why in the hell would I care about offending them. I even did a thread about the role of "offensiveness" in my thread about freedom of speech. Couldn't you understand it? If the members of the species, sub-species Homo africanus niger don't like the things I write, they are free to stop even looking at ANYTHING I write! Next, I don't "believe" that I am above the brainwashing I spoke about. I absolutely KNOW it beyond a question of a doubt. I have debated people at various forums over the years that were anywhere from dishwashers to college professors. I crushed them all in debate. Know this know so you don't have any trouble with it in the future. I am your GOD! Intellectually, you are all worms to me. Keep that in mind before you start ordering me around again. Because I will "disobey." I also have a rather interesting meme for you to ponder.


As for what you may think of me, consider these words.


10-02-2023, 07:02 PM
Yes, I know how things work for those who are gifted at being stupid. Truth teller = troll.

10-02-2023, 07:06 PM
Ah, so it begins. I take it that you are having trouble with one of these quotes. But "I" didn't say it.


Next, your stupidity is impressive. I bet you think that we are all Homo sapien sapiens. That is a generic term. It is like saying we are all humanoid. The zoological taxonomic name for the blacks you speak of is Homo africanus niger. Not even being the same species as I am, why in the hell would I care about offending them. I even did a thread about the role of "offensiveness" in my thread about freedom of speech. Couldn't you understand it? If the members of the species, sub-species Homo africanus niger don't like the things I write, they are free to stop even looking at ANYTHING I write! Next, I don't "believe" that I am above the brainwashing I spoke about. I absolutely KNOW it beyond a question of a doubt. I have debated people at various forums over the years that were anywhere from dishwashers to college professors. I crushed them all in debate. Know this know so you don't have any trouble with it in the future. I am your GOD! Intellectually, you are all worms to me. Keep that in mind before you start ordering me around again. Because I will "disobey." I also have a rather interesting meme for you to ponder.


As for what you may think of me, consider these words.

14466How did I know your response was going to be what it is. I am quite aware you did not say the words or you wouldn't be replying to me. As someone presuming to be enlightened above the sheeple, you better than anyone know the word is offensive and can be altered so as to not offend.

Is it your desire to play semantics over an unacceptable world? Or discuss the responses to your OP? Video's 11 min

10-02-2023, 07:09 PM
You used your stupid quote and that's over. There won't be any talk of the N word or written. You have freedom of speech, and I reserve the right to respect other members. We have a cool black guy who posts here who we all like. You can mention your quote, but end of it. Racist shit won't fly. A one time quoting for what you have to say and now you know it's not acceptable and I will respect members here - including yourself if I knew you were black/yellow/white or purple.

10-02-2023, 07:23 PM
I would recommend you post about subjects in the news or politics - and cut the shit about other members, how the board is or isn't ran and what you feel about others.

I don't give a shit about your lame opinions but you aren't going to be disruptive to things around here in the name of "disobeying" or your ideas of freedom of speech.

Your account was approved easily enough and can be banned just as easy. So I suggest you stop with the games. It won't end well but it will be quick.

Well, you don't have a section about philosophy. So this section was as close as I could come as to an appropriate section in which to express an opinion based on the "filthy" ideals of Freedom of Speech. One in which anybody is free to agree or disagree with. Maybe you would think that it would have more appropriate in a conspiracy section. Where no doubt I would have received the same amount of crap. You don't like my thread? This is what I expect as a reply to any thread I write that somebody may disagree with. Tell me what it is that I said in that thread that you don't think is true. That sounds fair to me. (Or they are free to ignore me) Unfortunately, I rarely run across any forums where fairness is a concern. You also called my thread here "disruptive." Who in the hell am I disrupting. And what am I disrupting. Do you work for one of the government agencies I spoke of who's job it is to keep the American public stupid? Because that is the only thing I can see that I am disrupting.

10-02-2023, 07:31 PM
Well, you don't have a section about philosophy. So this section was as close as I could come as to an appropriate section in which to express an opinion based on the "filthy" ideals of Freedom of Speech. One in which anybody is free to agree or disagree with. Maybe you would think that it would have more appropriate in a conspiracy section. Where no doubt I would have received the same amount of crap. You don't like my thread? This is what I expect as a reply to any thread I write that somebody may disagree with. Tell me what it is that I said in that thread that you don't think is true. That sounds fair to me. (Or they are free to ignore me) Unfortunately, I rarely run across any forums where fairness is a concern. You also called my thread here "disruptive." Who in the hell am I disrupting. And what am I disrupting. Do you work for one of the government agencies I spoke of who's job it is to keep the American public stupid? Because that is the only thing I can see that I am disrupting.

Stop the victim act. Nobody cares.

Social Science fits just fine in science.

So, we got the walking through the door being a victim, insults and pre-accusations, a couple of elementary school level topics for discussion that are oh so horrid they've been banned from every board ..

What else you got? Any game?

10-02-2023, 07:42 PM
How did I know your response was going to be what it is. I am quite aware you did not say the words or you wouldn't be replying to me. As someone presuming to be enlightened above the sheeple, you better than anyone know the word is offensive and can be altered so as to not offend.

Is it your desire to play semantics over an unacceptable world? Or discuss the responses to your OP? Video's 11 min

I wonder how often I have to say it. Very clearly in my thread about "who here supports freedom of speech" I pointed out the role of "offensiveness" in the concept of freedom of speech. You CAN'T like everything. If you want me to like everything, basically you are requiring that I be your SLAVE. This forum is the Debate Policy Forum. I happen do disagree with the policy of being a slave. Care to slap another label on this reply besides "semantics?" Also, doing as you say would make me your BITCH. I didn't think I joined a bitch forum. But I am nobody's bitch. Here is another point about "offensiveness." I myself am offended. You wouldn't want to know why. I guarantee you. Because I could back up what I have to say far beyond your ability to refute.

Black Diamond
10-02-2023, 07:45 PM
I wonder how often I have to say it. Very clearly in my thread about "who here supports freedom of speech" I pointed out the role of "offensiveness" in the concept of freedom of speech. You CAN'T like everything. If you want me to like everything, basically you are requiring that I be your SLAVE. This forum is the Debate Policy Forum. I happen do disagree with the policy of being a slave. Care to slap another label on this reply besides "semantics?" Also, doing as you say would make me your BITCH. I didn't think I joined a bitch forum. But I am nobody's bitch. Here is another point about "offensiveness." I myself am offended. You wouldn't want to know why. I guarantee you. Because I could back up what I have to say far beyond your ability to refute.


10-02-2023, 07:46 PM
You used your stupid quote and that's over. There won't be any talk of the N word or written. You have freedom of speech, and I reserve the right to respect other members. We have a cool black guy who posts here who we all like. You can mention your quote, but end of it. Racist shit won't fly. A one time quoting for what you have to say and now you know it's not acceptable and I will respect members here - including yourself if I knew you were black/yellow/white or purple.

I wrote what I wrote. And as far as I am concerned about it, that is the end of the matter. It is all you others who are trying to blow it all out of proportion. Let put an end to it, shall we? Move on to something else.

Black Diamond
10-02-2023, 07:47 PM
I wonder how often I have to say it. Very clearly in my thread about "who here supports freedom of speech" I pointed out the role of "offensiveness" in the concept of freedom of speech. You CAN'T like everything. If you want me to like everything, basically you are requiring that I be your SLAVE. This forum is the Debate Policy Forum. I happen do disagree with the policy of being a slave. Care to slap another label on this reply besides "semantics?" Also, doing as you say would make me your BITCH. I didn't think I joined a bitch forum. But I am nobody's bitch. Here is another point about "offensiveness." I myself am offended. You wouldn't want to know why. I guarantee you. Because I could back up what I have to say far beyond your ability to refute.
And another one.


10-02-2023, 07:51 PM
Well, you don't have a section about philosophy. So this section was as close as I could come as to an appropriate section in which to express an opinion based on the "filthy" ideals of Freedom of Speech. One in which anybody is free to agree or disagree with. Maybe you would think that it would have more appropriate in a conspiracy section. Where no doubt I would have received the same amount of crap. You don't like my thread? This is what I expect as a reply to any thread I write that somebody may disagree with. Tell me what it is that I said in that thread that you don't think is true. That sounds fair to me. (Or they are free to ignore me) Unfortunately, I rarely run across any forums where fairness is a concern. You also called my thread here "disruptive." Who in the hell am I disrupting. And what am I disrupting. Do you work for one of the government agencies I spoke of who's job it is to keep the American public stupid? Because that is the only thing I can see that I am disrupting.

I made myself abundantly clear about the N word and that it's not flying here. Don't care about your interpretations, other forums, this forum, nor do I owe you an explanation.

Use the N word again and you can and will bitch elsewhere. I owe you nothing and you'll get just that. The only explanation and thing you need to know from me is that the N word will not be utilized. Same as I don't allow for a certain C word some use regarding women out of respect to our female members here. It's just simply not shit that is needed for someone to debate subjects. I'm not gonna play games so that YOU get to enjoy "freedom of speech", nor will I bend on disrespecting a friend.

10-02-2023, 08:12 PM
I wonder how often I have to say it. Very clearly in my thread about "who here supports freedom of speech" I pointed out the role of "offensiveness" in the concept of freedom of speech. You CAN'T like everything. If you want me to like everything, basically you are requiring that I be your SLAVE. This forum is the Debate Policy Forum. I happen do disagree with the policy of being a slave. Care to slap another label on this reply besides "semantics?" Also, doing as you say would make me your BITCH. I didn't think I joined a bitch forum. But I am nobody's bitch. Here is another point about "offensiveness." I myself am offended. You wouldn't want to know why. I guarantee you. Because I could back up what I have to say far beyond your ability to refute.Your indoctrination apparently got short circuited during upload.

I'm not seeing anything but a diatribe about some imagined slight rather than discussing the topic of the thread you opened.

Get THIS: You want to play hardass? I'm not YOUR bitch nor is anyone else on this board nor is the board. Get the fuck over yourself, prima donna. I don't care what you call yourself nor if you are or aren't the last drama queen that got banned from here. You're a dick.

Discuss the topic of the thread YOU opened.

10-02-2023, 09:53 PM
... I absolutely KNOW it beyond a question of a doubt. I have debated people at various forums over the years that were anywhere from dishwashers to college professors. I crushed them all in debate. Know this know so you don't have any trouble with it in the future. I am your GOD! Intellectually, you are all worms to me. Keep that in mind before you start ordering me around again. Because I will "disobey." I also have a rather interesting meme for you to ponder.....

Why are you talking to worms?
What does "god" get outta this?

Black Diamond
10-02-2023, 09:56 PM
Why are you talking to worms?
What does "god" get outta this?

Maybe he listens to pink floyds the wall?

Black Diamond
10-02-2023, 09:59 PM
Why are you talking to worms?
What does "god" get outta this?

Interestingly surgeons have a God complex. But this cat doesn't strike me as anywhere close to that level.

10-02-2023, 10:20 PM
Well, you don't have a section about philosophy. So this section was as close as I could come as to an appropriate section in which to express an opinion based on the "filthy" ideals of Freedom of Speech. One in which anybody is free to agree or disagree with. Maybe you would think that it would have more appropriate in a conspiracy section. Where no doubt I would have received the same amount of crap. You don't like my thread? This is what I expect as a reply to any thread I write that somebody may disagree with. Tell me what it is that I said in that thread that you don't think is true. That sounds fair to me. (Or they are free to ignore me) Unfortunately, I rarely run across any forums where fairness is a concern. You also called my thread here "disruptive." Who in the hell am I disrupting. And what am I disrupting. Do you work for one of the government agencies I spoke of who's job it is to keep the American public stupid? Because that is the only thing I can see that I am disrupting.

Look, you're not telling the owner what you will and will not accept. Nor the mods, but certainly not the owner. I may invite you to visit my home, but if you crap all over it, I may ask you nicely to clean it up and not repeat or I may just kick your stinking a** out the door. As is MY RIGHT.

Black Diamond
10-02-2023, 10:40 PM
Look, you're not telling the owner what you will and will not accept. Nor the mods, but certainly not the owner. I may invite you to visit my home, but if you crap all over it, I may ask you nicely to clean it up and not repeat or I may just kick your stinking a** out the door. As is MY RIGHT.

Kind of you to ever dream of or hint at inviting him to your home. Or speak in the subjunctive mood about it

10-02-2023, 10:44 PM
kind of you to ever dream of or hint at inviting him to your home. Or speak in the subjunctive mood about it

10-03-2023, 07:15 AM
I wrote what I wrote. And as far as I am concerned about it, that is the end of the matter. It is all you others who are trying to blow it all out of proportion. Let put an end to it, shall we? Move on to something else.

Despite every effort, this is your attitude? As far as I am concerned, it is the end of your participation on this thread.

10-04-2023, 05:22 PM

You are unbanned from this thread. I moved it to the Steel Cage. Before you complain, I'm trying to work with you to make this work, and frankly, have no reason to. For the time being until we see where this goes, this is how it will be. Just to do a quick recap:

You joined us, we did not join you.

We all believe in freedom of speech and we all know it has its limitations, responsibilities and consequences. You have chosen your political philosophy which is your right to do. Accepting that it is one of the most reviled philosophies World-wide is the responsibility that goes with that choice.

More importantly, how you interact with others on this board is also a choice that comes with responsibilities. On this board, it is as important as anything you believe. It is possible to post what you want without insulting/belittling others, without violating standing rules, and specifically adhering to what the owner communicated to you. No racial slurs.

We ALL disagree on something and we ALL handle it like adults 99% of the time instead of lashing out.

Here again, you are presented with freedom of choice. If you wish to stay, choose wisely.

10-04-2023, 07:03 PM
I'm glad you said all the above. I did the opposite and shitcanned him as I'm not going to support his N word crap and then questioning it when I told him the dealio.

10-07-2023, 06:20 PM
Disobey has been allowed to return. Hopefully the past is the past and things will go forward without issues.

10-07-2023, 06:23 PM
Disobey has been allowed to return. Hopefully the past is the past and things will go forward without issues.
History is written by the victors. Done.