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View Full Version : If This Would Have Been About A Black Liberal

red states rule
10-14-2007, 08:49 AM
The liberal media has no problem insulting, smearing, and making racist comments about black conservatives

However, when thier is even a slight (true or night) hint of racism toward a black liberal, the liberal media and "black leaders" go into full attack mode

Now NPR (funded with your tax dollars) has attacked Justice Thomas with an insulting "satire"

NPR Satire Has a Dumb Justice Thomas Calling Scalia 'Boss'
By Tim Graham | October 14, 2007 - 07:57 ET
Back in March, liberals tried to make a major controversy out of Rush Limbaugh’s parody of Al Sharpton singing "Barack the Magic Negro" (to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon") even though it borrowed the "magic negro" term from a black writer in the Los Angeles Times. Critics thought it was racist and made Sharpton sound like an idiot. One blogger called for station managers to drop Limbaugh and this "worst kind of vile, demeaning garbage." It even became a news story on NBC.

But what about when the left does a similar kind of satire against Clarence Thomas – and on National Public Radio, no less? On October 1, the first day of the Supreme Court’s new term, NPR’s All Things Considered aired a parody by Bruce Kluger and David Slavin, using ethnic and racial stereotyping for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Antonin Scalia, and Thomas. Scalia is pitched as the Godfather (complete with notes from the "Godfather" soundtrack) and Thomas is mocked as Scalia’s goon, who repeats everything Scalia says and even calls him "Boss." Fake Thomas also seems well-versed in the signals of public-restroom sex. (You have to hear it to believe it. Audio here.)

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The skit’s protagonist is Anthony Kennedy, and the first half of the skit is Kennedy being troubled by a hoary Jewish-mother stereotype of Justice Ginsburg, wondering why Kennedy didn’t send her a postcard over the summer and telling him to wear a scarf because the Court building is over-air conditioned. Then, Kennedy tries to go to the bathroom, where he is threatened by the Godfather and his goon:

SCALIA: Well, well. Look what we got here, Clarence.

THOMAS: Yeah. Look at what we got here.

KENNEDY: Oh. Antonin, Clarence, you startled me. Hi, fellas.

SCALIA: Word on the streets says you're making nicey-nice with old lady Ginsburg. Is that true?

KENNEDY: Look, fellows, I just need to go [to the bathroom]...

SCALIA: You just need to go – to lunch with us today. We'll meeting Alito and Roberts for a little pow-wow, Galileo's, 1:30, back room. They got a bacala to die for.

THOMAS: Yeah. To die for.

SCALIA: And we got a lot to discuss, Paesan -- habeas corpus, discrimination, the environment. And we just want to make sure that we're all on the right and narrow.

THOMAS: Don't you mean straight and narrow, boss?

SCALIA: Shut up, Clarence.

KENNEDY: And if I refuse? ("Godfather" music swells)

SCALIA: Let's just say the rumors have a nasty way of spreading around this town. I mean, I’d hate for somebody to pick up the Washington Times tomorrow and read it, oh, we found you in that stall over there, tapping your right foot like a woodpecker.

THOMAS: Right. Tapping three times, then you carefully move your roller back to the front of the stall and then, baby, oh.

SCALIA: Basta, Clarence! So what it's going to be, sunshine? Can I tell the boys you'll be joining us for lunch?

KENNEDY: Well, I suppose.

SCALIA: Good decision, your honor. We'll give you a ride just as soon as Sam finishes washing my car. Let's go, Clarence.

THOMAS: Yeah. Let's go, Clarence. ("Godfather" music)

KENNEDY: It's going to be a long year.

NPR ANCHOR ROBERT SIEGEL: Satire from Bruce Kluger and David Slavin with Jane Gennaro and Todd Cummings.

To NPR's credit, three days later, as the All Things Considered anchors dipped into their mailbox, the anchors read a letter calling the satire stupid, and unfit for NPR (although the racial-stereotyping skit isn't mentioned in the web summary):

ROBERT SIEGEL, anchor: Many listeners wrote to say that they were not laughing at Bruce Kluger and David Slavin's parody of Justice Anthony Kennedy's role as the swing vote on the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this week.

MICHELE NORRIS, anchor: Anna Herrick (ph) was among them. Nothing more than an embarrassing depiction of cliched stereotype, she writes.

SIEGEL: Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the kvetching overbearing Jewish mother.

NORRIS: Antonin Scalia, a Mafioso.

SIEGEL: And Clarence Thomas, the gangster street thug.

NORRIS: It's especially sad to hear something this stupid coming from NPR.

NPR’s website proudly lists Kluger’s left-wing credentials:

Kluger and Slavin also created and wrote the popular "Memo to George" column for Salon.com, in which they imagined secret correspondences to President Bush from Chief of Staff Andrew Card. The series was hailed by the media website Cursor.org as "pitch-perfect satire" (which might have been a feather in their caps had anyone known what cursor.org was).

Prior to their collaboration, Bruce Kluger was an editor of Playboy Magazine for 13 years, and is currently a member of USA Today's Board of Contributors, a columnist for Parenting magazine and a regular contributor to Alternet.org and Time.com.

If one were to follow the anti-Limbaugh model on this, it's hard to imagine a campaign calling on NPR affiliates to drop All Things Considered. It would sound as odd as writing CBS and telling them to drop the CBS Evening News. NPR, and thus the taxpayers, has paid for and endorsed this ethnic and racial stereotyping.

NPR should not be seen as a sober and serious and more intellectual take on the news. It's often just a program made by liberals seeking to please other liberals. At least Limbaugh doesn't take the money of liberals before he skewers them.


10-14-2007, 09:13 AM
Didn't you get the Memo?

Liberals can never be racist, and only Black people can ever be Liberals...Black Conservatives are "race sell-out's"...mind-boggling really.

red states rule
10-14-2007, 09:15 AM
Didn't you get the Memo?

Liberals can never be racist, and only Black people can ever be Liberals...Black Conservatives are "race sell-out's"...mind-boggling really.

To the liberal media

You can't criticize a black liberal - that would be racist

You can't criticize a female liberal - that would be sexit

A black conservative - full scale attack

10-14-2007, 09:19 AM
To the liberal media

You can't criticize a black liberal - that would be racist

You can't criticize a female liberal - that would be sexit

A black conservative - full scale attack

A messed up double standard if ever there was one.

Of course some of the worst racism has come from the Left, such as the racist Affirmative Action program and the NAACP.

red states rule
10-14-2007, 09:20 AM
A messed up double standard if ever there was one.

Of course some of the worst racism has come from the Left, such as the racist Affirmative Action program and the NAACP.

I said this before, if it was not for double standards, libs would have no standards at all

10-14-2007, 09:23 AM
I said this before, if it was not for double standards, libs would have no standards at all

Well yeah, I'm likely to agree.

I'm not really sure what the 21st Century full-on Liberal actually stands for, to be honest, they seem a bit all over the map.

red states rule
10-14-2007, 09:26 AM
Well yeah, I'm likely to agree.

I'm not really sure what the 21st Century full-on Liberal actually stands for, to be honest, they seem a bit all over the map.

Here is some what a liberal believes in

You might be a liberal if …

You think that if someone is getting richer, someone, somewhere, must be getting poorer.

You think that protestors outside nuclear power plants are dedicated activists, but protestors outside abortion clinics are dangerous zealots interfering with a legal activity.

You believe that more federal regulations will make your life better.

You believe that even though the top 20 percent of taxpayers pay 80 percent of income taxes, that the rich are not paying their “fair share.”

You think that Rush Limbaugh’s listeners are mindless “dittoheads,” but you have never doubted anything that you heard from Michael Moore.

You believe in global warming today just as firmly as you believed in global cooling back in the 1970s.

You believe that the network news is a better indicator of what “real” news is than talk radio, Internet news sites, and blogs.

You believe that there was never, ever a problem with biased news coverage until Fox News went on the air.

You believe that Mikhail Gorbachev deserves more credit for losing the Cold War than Ronald Reagan deserves for winning it.

Your parents gave you an acre of preserved rain forest for your first birthday.

You cannot name a single NASCAR driver.

You mentally subtract 100 points from someone’s IQ if the person speaks with a Southern accent.

You think that Dan Rather got a raw deal.

You panic if you discover that you’re out of chick peas.

You think that the phrase “separation of church and state” is in the Constitution.

You pride yourself on your global awareness, global sensitivity and global outlook, but can’t name your state legislator or school board representative.

You are dedicated to helping the poor, the downtrodden and the less fortunate, but you have never given blood.

You have not seen "The Passion of the Christ," and you don’t know anyone who has seen it.

You believe that a woman should make it on her own, without depending on her husband (except for Hillary Clinton).

You believe that professional, working women should never be judged on their appearance (except for Katherine Harris).

You believe that rich people should not be allowed to contribute so much money to candidates for office (except for George Soros).

You believe that government should make a special effort to hire members of traditionally oppressed groups, such as African-Americans (except for Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice).

You feel a deep sense of common cause with oppressed groups, such as Hispanic immigrants (except for Cuban Americans fleeing Castro).

You believe that a mother’s wishes for her child, especially a mother’s last, dying wish for her child, should outweigh the wishes of a father who had long before deserted his family (unless the child is named Elian Gonzalez).

You think people in south Florida, who can’t figure out how to work a butterfly ballot, ought to have the final say in choosing the president of the United States.

You have no problem with Hollywood movie starts flying around in private jets to give speeches on the evils of SUVs.

You think that raising taxes will reduce the budget deficit.

You deplore prejudice and bigotry in all its forms, but think that everyone in the “red states” is an idiot.

You are more concerned, more often, with the rights of convicted felons than you are with the rights of small business owners.

You uphold a woman’s right to choose, unless a woman chooses adoption, chooses to be a stay-at-home mom, chooses to homeschool, or chooses to start a business.

You are more concerned with Vice President Cheney’s links to Halliburton than with Saddam Hussein’s links to international terrorism.

You have used the phrase, “in Europe, the government pays for health care and vacation,” without irony.

You are worried about how the French view Americans.

You believe that nativity scenes should be banned from public view, but that anyone objecting to pornography “only has to look the other way.”

And finally, you are almost certainly a liberal if you refuse to admit that you’re a liberal, and accuse anyone of calling you a liberal of McCarthyism.


Hugh Lincoln
10-14-2007, 04:32 PM
"Kluger and Slavin" are Jews. NPR is run by Jews. Robert Siegel is a Jew. Terry Gross is a Jew. Linda Wertheimer is a Jew. Daniel Schorr is a Jew.

It's important to note.

10-14-2007, 04:32 PM
"Kluger and Slavin" are Jews. NPR is run by Jews. Robert Siegel is a Jew. Terry Gross is a Jew. Linda Wertheimer is a Jew. Daniel Schorr is a Jew.

It's important to note.

Why is it important to note?

Hugh Lincoln
10-14-2007, 05:02 PM
Why is it important to note?

Because if someone is trying to understand why a skit that mocks Italians would fly on a supposedly "liberal" site, this helps. Jews are in power positions in the media and they tend to have liberal politics on domestic issues. So it would be "OK" in their eyes to have a laugh about the dumb Italian conservative and his conservative black henchman. They love, for instance, to play up the prominence of the Italian mob, but they are silent about the Jewish mob. It's a diversion. How many movies from Hollywood are about the Jewish mob? And who is it that controls Hollywood? According to Jewish film critic Michael Medved, JEWS!

They would NOT on NPR play a skit that made fun of liberal blacks or Jews, even conservative ones.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer are Jews. But you would not hear a skit with them making stereotypical Jewish sounds about needing to smack down the Christian goyim on a separation of church and state decision, for instance.

Ginsburg: Oy! More of these goyim and their creches!

Breyer: Heh heh heh. No Jesus in the town square for you, Christians!

Ginsburg and Breyer: L'chaim!

10-14-2007, 05:59 PM
Because if someone is trying to understand why a skit that mocks Italians would fly on a supposedly "liberal" site, this helps. Jews are in power positions in the media and they tend to have liberal politics on domestic issues. So it would be "OK" in their eyes to have a laugh about the dumb Italian conservative and his conservative black henchman. They love, for instance, to play up the prominence of the Italian mob, but they are silent about the Jewish mob. It's a diversion. How many movies from Hollywood are about the Jewish mob? And who is it that controls Hollywood? According to Jewish film critic Michael Medved, JEWS!

They would NOT on NPR play a skit that made fun of liberal blacks or Jews, even conservative ones.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer are Jews. But you would not hear a skit with them making stereotypical Jewish sounds about needing to smack down the Christian goyim on a separation of church and state decision, for instance.

Ginsburg: Oy! More of these goyim and their creches!

Breyer: Heh heh heh. No Jesus in the town square for you, Christians!

Ginsburg and Breyer: L'chaim!Seriously WJ, you are targeting and ignoring the vast numbers of Christians that are behind this as well. Enjoy, if it makes you feel more competent.

10-14-2007, 10:42 PM
I have a best friend from scotland, and your awesome

Didn't you get the Memo?

Liberals can never be racist, and only Black people can ever be Liberals...Black Conservatives are "race sell-out's"...mind-boggling really.