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10-05-2023, 09:22 AM
Even on FOX, it trails Trump's mouth at his trial. I started another thread about this months ago, added to it with ruling the other day. Did anyone read it? (I usually don't notice this, I just was sort of shocked on this particular one, as the OP title was Missouri v Biden. Seems if stands, it not only shows a 'concerned father,' but impeachable offense.


Biden agency 'likely' violated free speech by working with Big Tech to censor election content: courtCISA 'likely significantly encouraged the [social media] platforms’ content-moderation decisions'
By Brianna Herlihy Fox News
Published October 5, 2023 4:00am EDT

Biden committed worst First Amendment violation in nation's history: Bailey
A federal court ordered an injunction on a top agency within the Department of Homeland Security after finding that it likely violated the First Amendment by coordinating with social media companies to effectively censor "election-related speech."

On Tuesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals extended the scope of an injunction in place that limits the Biden administration's communication with big tech companies to include the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within the Department of Homeland Security.

According to GOP Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who is leading the litigation against the Biden administration, CISA is the "nerve center" of the White House's "vast censorship enterprise" and "the very entity that worked with the FBI to silence the Hunter Biden laptop story."

"CISA was created to protect Americans from foreign attack, and now it has begun targeting its own citizens," Bailey told Fox News Digital.


Missouri AG Andrew Bailey outside US Supreme Court
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey speaks to the media outside the U.S. Supreme Court. (Valerie Plesch / Bloomberg via Getty Images / File)

A three-judge panel determined in the court order that CISA was the "primary facilitator" of the FBI’s interactions with the social-media platforms and worked in close coordination with the FBI to push the platforms to change their moderation policies to cover "hack-and-leak" content.

The opinion describes CISA’s "switchboarding" operations as "merely relaying flagged social-media posts from state and local election officials to the platforms." But the judge said that "in reality, the practice is ended up being "[s]omething more,'" the order reads.

"CISA used its frequent interactions with social-media platforms to push them to adopt more restrictive policies on censoring election-related speech. And CISA officials affirmatively told the platforms whether the content they had ‘switchboarded’ was true or false," it continues.


President Biden in front of US Flag, behind microphones
The Biden administration is appealing a court order that limited its communication with social media platforms. (Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images / File)

"Thus, when the platforms acted to censor CISA-switchboarded content, they did not do so independently. Rather, the platforms’ censorship decisions were made under policies that CISA has pressured them into adopting and based on CISA’s determination of the veracity of the flagged information. Thus, CISA likely significantly encouraged the platforms’ content-moderation decisions and thereby violated the First Amendment," the judges said.

The injunction stems from a lawsuit brought by Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general against the Biden administration that accused high-ranking government officials of working with giant social media companies "under the guise of combating misinformation" that ultimately led to censoring speech on topics, including Hunter Biden’s laptop, COVID-19 origins and the efficacy of face masks.


CISA logo including DHS seal
CISA ‘likely’ violated the First Amendment with its content moderation practices, a federal court found. (CISA)

The attorneys general deposed several officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci and FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan. On July 4, federal Judge Terry A. Doughty of the Fifth Circuit ordered the first injunction, which prevents White House officials and federal agencies from meeting with tech companies about social media censorship, arguing that such actions likely violated the First Amendment.

The scathing Independence Day injunction said the government's actions during the pandemic were akin to "an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.'"

"If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history," the injunction continues. "In their attempts to suppress alleged disinformation, the Federal Government, and particularly the Defendants named here, are alleged to have blatantly ignored the First Amendment’s right to free speech."

The Justice Department has appealed the court order to the Supreme Court, arguing that the government faced "irreparable harm" because Doughty's order may prevent the federal government from "working with social media companies on initiatives to prevent grave harm to the American people and our democratic processes."

10-05-2023, 09:38 AM
Even on FOX, it trails Trump's mouth at his trial. I started another thread about this months ago, added to it with ruling the other day. Did anyone read it? (I usually don't notice this, I just was sort of shocked on this particular one, as the OP title was Missouri v Biden. Seems if stands, it not only shows a 'concerned father,' but impeachable offense.


This is why I rarely listen to MSM. They are folded into the CISA culture. Only covering what the WH puts out there. No one is truly doing investigative journalism in MSM anymore.

90% of U.S. media, is owned by 6 companies, Viacom, News Corporation, Comcast, CBS, Time Warner and Disney

10-05-2023, 10:11 AM
This is why I rarely listen to MSM. They are folded into the CISA culture. Only covering what the WH puts out there. No one is truly doing investigative journalism in MSM anymore.

90% of U.S. media, is owned by 6 companies, Viacom, News Corporation, Comcast, CBS, Time Warner and Disney

I saw "attempts to suppress alleged disinformation" for what it was at the time. Government censorship.

I dropped out of the Missouri v Biden thread because it turned into a COVID thread, IIRC, which not the primary issue. Government censorship is. I do not see this as an impeachable offense unless they can follow a trail of evidence directly to Biden giving the order. We know that isn't going to happen.

Just my opinion since, as usual, there is no proof, but this the State itself. The Biden Admin/Dems are just its manifestation and willing lackeys. Best evidence I can offer is the State has continued on uninterrupted with an Alzheimer's patient at its head.

10-05-2023, 10:14 AM
I saw "attempts to suppress alleged disinformation" for what it was at the time. Government censorship.

I dropped out of the Missouri v Biden thread because it turned into a COVID thread, IIRC, which not the primary issue. Government censorship is. I do not see this as an impeachable offense unless they can follow a trail of evidence directly to Biden giving the order. We know that isn't going to happen.

Just my opinion since, as usual, there is no proof, but this the State itself. The Biden Admin/Dems are just its manifestation and willing lackeys. Best evidence I can offer is the State has continued on uninterrupted with an Alzheimer's patient at its head.
Maybe. The laptop is what may lead back to Biden. That truly is the laptop from hell for that family.

10-05-2023, 10:26 AM
Maybe. The laptop is what may lead back to Biden. That truly is the laptop from hell for that family.The laptop that isn't Hunter's but Hunter is suing Guliani over?:laugh:

The entire government, elected officials or not, and its periphery is nothing anymore but a bad, 50s B sci-fi movie:rolleyes:

10-05-2023, 10:28 AM
The laptop that isn't Hunter's but Hunter is suing Guliani over?:laugh:

The entire government, elected officials or not, and its periphery is nothing anymore but a bad, 50s B sci-fi movie:rolleyes:

Read my last post, over on 'dumb GOP.' I swear if I hear 'shake it up' or 'bring the swamp down' ...

Are there many problems, yes. Is chaos the answer? No.

10-05-2023, 10:33 AM
Related in serious way. Incremental changes with teeth:


Biden's FBI has classified MAGA as terroristsDAVID STROM 8:01 AM on October 05, 2023

Biden's FBI has classified MAGA as terrorists
AP Photo/Susan Walsh
A shocking new Newsweek investigative report reveals that the FBI has classified Trump and his supporters as domestic terrorists.

They couch their classification in “nonpartisan” terms, but even they–anonymously, of course–admit that their investigative efforts are directed at the MAGA movement.

The predicate for this is, of course, January 6th’s riot at the Capitol. Even classifying that event as terrorism is ridiculous on its face, as are the sentences aimed at people who for the most part were nothing but trespassers. I hold no fondness for the riot, which I think was shameful, but practically speaking nothing the rioters did could possibly be negatively compared to what the 2020 George Floyd rioters did.


10-05-2023, 10:39 AM
Related in serious way. Incremental changes with teeth:


This is what happens when you ask what could possibly be f-d up next:rolleyes:

Unchecked government with corrupt, partisan oversight.

10-05-2023, 10:41 AM
This is what happens when you ask what could possibly be f-d up next:rolleyes:

Unchecked government with corrupt, partisan oversight.

But the right has the perfect response! Chaos!!! Shake 'em up!

10-05-2023, 10:48 AM
As discussed, Gaetz & Co paved the way, written by pro-Trump fan:


The Morning Briefing: Let's Check in on Joe Biden's Rogue Goon-Squad FBIBY STEPHEN KRUISER 3:00 AM ON OCTOBER 05, 2023

The Morning Briefing: Let's Check in on Joe Biden's Rogue Goon-Squad FBI
AP Photo/Alex Goodlett

The mainstream media would rather have us discussing Matt Gaetz and the Republican, um, situation in the House of Representatives all day for the next week or two. If we’re being honest here, Matt Gaetz would too. He gets a twitch if he’s out of the spotlight for too long.

Alas, the Democrats are still out there and up to things far more detrimental to the continued existence of the Republic than a little infighting among House Republicans. They’ve gotten to fly under the radar for almost a week, so it’s probably time to see what they’re up to.

It’s been some time since we discussed the FBI here at the Briefing. I occasionally wonder if I’m too eager when calling them out. One never knows what might set off Biden’s Bureau these days.

I’m kidding. We totally know what sets them off: any American who doesn’t vote Democrat.

That’s right, Public Enemy Number One for Joe Biden’s door-battering FBI thugs is still the Generic Trump Voter. Matt has the latest from the Dystopian States of America:

As if it wasn’t bad enough that the Biden administration was abusing the justice system to target Donald Trump, now it’s using the Federal Bureau of Investigation to track and counter supporters of Donald Trump. That’s according to a bombshell report that Newsweek published on Wednesday.

“The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers,” the outlet reports. “The challenge for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the primary federal agency charged with law enforcement, is to pursue and prevent what it calls domestic terrorism without direct reference to political parties or affiliations — even though the vast majority of its current ‘anti-government’ investigations are of Trump supporters, according to classified data obtained by Newsweek.”

Since the Republicans took over the House in January, FBI Director Christopher Wray and his boss, Merrick “Biden Capo” Garland, have been summoned to Capitol Hill on numerous occasions to answer for their un-American antics. Both have repeatedly insisted that they aren’t politically biased in their approach to law enforcement. We all know they’re lying, of course.

Because our institutions are garbage now and nothing matters anymore, the FBI isn’t even bothering to hide the fact that its bosses are full of it.

The FBI may have officially designated MAGA devotees a domestic terror threat only recently, but they’ve been unofficially doing that ever since the commie cabal running Joe Biden’s brain came to power.

During his first sham impeachment, then-President Trump tweeted a poster of himself that said, “In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.” He’s never been more correct about anything.

Forget bringing back COVID. The FBI is going to make up reasons to harass, intimidate, and even arrest anyone who professes that they are going to vote for Trump, no matter how tepid their support may be. This isn’t really just about the MAGA faithful; it’s about any Republican, Independent, or moderate Democrat who wants to get this Constitution-hating regime out of Washington.

If Trump isn’t the nominee, the FBI will have no trouble at all declaring that anyone supporting a different nominee is a domestic terrorist.

Now that we have to worry about voting freely, the country’s transition to a hideous Third World banana republic is complete. We would have been better off if Biden hadn’t mentally checked out and actually ran his own presidency because it feels more and more as if some Soviet leftovers are running things in his stead.

10-05-2023, 10:57 AM
But the right has the perfect response! Chaos!!! Shake 'em up!They better get it together. McCarthy only bought them to Nov. Apparently, the are required to have a Speaker to conduct business. Where are they? Home.

If they have to agree to share power with Dems to get a Speaker over they are just done.

10-05-2023, 11:02 AM
They better get it together. McCarthy only bought them to Nov. Apparently, the are required to have a Speaker to conduct business. Where are they? Home.

If they have to agree to share power with Dems to get a Speaker over they are just done.

They are home to avoid more personal fighting, I do think they needed to cool off. There was no need of this, except Gaetz and Co. Vote them out! Until then, may well end up with the minority Speaker of the House.

Ain't shaking it up, wonderful?

10-05-2023, 11:12 AM
They are home to avoid more personal fighting, I do think they needed to cool off. There was no need of this, except Gaetz and Co. Vote them out! Until then, may well end up with the minority Speaker of the House.

Ain't shaking it up, wonderful?I'm okay with them being home if it pisses off Gaetz, but it really doesn't. Just giving him more platform for more attention:rolleyes:

I'd rather see someone just kick his ass. At least it would be accomplishing something that needs to be done. He needs t be put in his place. First thing they need to do is get rid of that stupid one person can vacate the Chair bullshit. I'm betting even the Dems would go for that.

10-05-2023, 11:16 AM
I'm okay with them being home if it pisses off Gaetz, but it really doesn't. Just giving him more platform for more attention:rolleyes:

I'd rather see someone just kick his ass. At least it would be accomplishing something that needs to be done. He needs t be put in his place. First thing they need to do is get rid of that stupid one person can vacate the Chair bullshit. I'm betting even the Dems would go for that.

I agree with the rule. I do think if they'd stayed in DC, they'd be fighting each other in many ways. I don't think most folks really get how dangerous this move the crazies have accomplished. Unfortunately we'll all be paying the price.

10-05-2023, 11:22 AM
I agree with the rule. I do think if they'd stayed in DC, they'd be fighting each other in many ways. I don't think most folks really get how dangerous this move the crazies have accomplished. Unfortunately we'll all be paying the price.Dangerous is an understatement. It would take a 180, starting now, to escape a 2024 Dem sweep.

We're taking the American sheeple. Bad government is better than no government.

10-05-2023, 11:27 AM
Dangerous is an understatement. It would take a 180, starting now, to escape a 2024 Dem sweep.

We're taking the American sheeple. Bad government is better than no government.

But surely that will usher in a new conservative period! All rainbow farts follow chaos! I can't wait to see that day...:laugh2:

10-05-2023, 11:30 AM
But surely that will usher in a new conservative period! All rainbow farts follow chaos! I can't wait to see that day...:laugh2:

Yeah, the "Red Wave". Saw the preview last year's Midterms:rolleyes:

10-06-2023, 02:36 AM
But the right has the perfect response! Chaos!!! Shake 'em up!

There have been many times this nation has been shook up and it's survived. It will survive this as well.

Sometimes radical surgery is needed for cancer ... and this current government bureaucracy is a malignant cancer on steroids. It needs surgery ... then chemo and radiation and I'm sure that won't even get rid of it.

10-06-2023, 11:34 AM
There have been many times this nation has been shook up and it's survived. It will survive this as well.

Sometimes radical surgery is needed for cancer ... and this current government bureaucracy is a malignant cancer on steroids. It needs surgery ... then chemo and radiation and I'm sure that won't even get rid of it.

As a totalitarian state.

While everyone on the right taking their sweet-ass time thinking they got forever to get anything done are having their private little civil war the Dems are just rolling right along.

10-06-2023, 11:47 AM
As a totalitarian state.

While everyone on the right taking their sweet-ass time thinking they got forever to get anything done are having their private little civil war the Dems are just rolling right along.

Like Gaetz, they are principled.

10-06-2023, 12:43 PM
As a totalitarian state.

While everyone on the right taking their sweet-ass time thinking they got forever to get anything done are having their private little civil war the Dems are just rolling right along.

It became totalitarian under covid. We are digging out now.

10-06-2023, 01:38 PM
But surely that will usher in a new conservative period! All rainbow farts follow chaos! I can't wait to see that day...:laugh2:

Maybe part of the problem is that some of the elected "conservatives" are part of the problem.
so it appears the the "conservatives" are fighting with other "conservatives" .
Also some seem actually oblivious to the problem.

looks like chaos but those who are trying to address the problem are the ones that need support.
No matter what political label they usually wear.

If a conservative is supporting gov't censorship & surveillance he's a scum bag and NEEDS to be fought against.
this is no time for keeping up appearances of "unity" for people who aren't paying attention to what's going on.