View Full Version : American Suckers Who Died At Pearl Harbor.

10-08-2023, 06:06 PM
I wrote two threads about subjects like this. "History is for suckers" and "How you are (most likely) brainwashed." So it should be no surprise to anybody that America was deceived into thinking that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. And those who died there and in the war that followed were suckers. One and all! For any ex-military around here, that should especially make you very angry.

I looked quite a bit into the matter. There is no doubt that FDR knew quite well where the Japanese were going to attack and when. There are many websites that go into the matter. (And about an equal number that deny it) I will show you one of the ones that say the U.S. knew. But because FDR wanted war, it was kept secret. Here is the telling sentence for me in the article. It says, "By November 16, 1941 (Manila time) Leitwiler informed Parke that he was "reading enough current traffic to keep two translators very busy."

www.independent.org › issues › articlePearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke (https://www.independent.org/issues/article.asp?id=1432)

Black Diamond
10-08-2023, 06:29 PM
Americans who died at Pearl harbor weren't suckers. So take your title and shove it up your ass. I hope you go out camping, encounter a grizzly bear, and get mauled.

10-08-2023, 06:55 PM
I wrote two threads about subjects like this. "History is for suckers" and "How you are (most likely) brainwashed." So it should be no surprise to anybody that America was deceived into thinking that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. And those who died there and in the war that followed were suckers. One and all! For any ex-military around here, that should especially make you very angry.

I looked quite a bit into the matter. There is no doubt that FDR knew quite well where the Japanese were going to attack and when. There are many websites that go into the matter. (And about an equal number that deny it) I will show you one of the ones that say the U.S. knew. But because FDR wanted war, it was kept secret. Here is the telling sentence for me in the article. It says, "By November 16, 1941 (Manila time) Leitwiler informed Parke that he was "reading enough current traffic to keep two translators very busy."

www.independent.org › issues › articlePearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke (https://www.independent.org/issues/article.asp?id=1432)

What am idiotic thing to say. What did you expect the citizens of America to do? In spite of what the leaders may or may not have known the battle needed to be fought.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-08-2023, 07:15 PM
I wrote two threads about subjects like this. "History is for suckers" and "How you are (most likely) brainwashed." So it should be no surprise to anybody that America was deceived into thinking that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. And those who died there and in the war that followed were suckers. One and all! For any ex-military around here, that should especially make you very angry.

I looked quite a bit into the matter. There is no doubt that FDR knew quite well where the Japanese were going to attack and when. There are many websites that go into the matter. (And about an equal number that deny it) I will show you one of the ones that say the U.S. knew. But because FDR wanted war, it was kept secret. Here is the telling sentence for me in the article. It says, "By November 16, 1941 (Manila time) Leitwiler informed Parke that he was "reading enough current traffic to keep two translators very busy."

www.independent.org › issues › articlePearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke (https://www.independent.org/issues/article.asp?id=1432)

Yes, it is well known that we had broken the Japanese military code prior and we knew they were going to attack and we knew exactly what time. Roosevelt kept it secret because the American public was firmly against us entering the war! But Roosevelt also knew if they attack us our patriotic citizens would rush to join to fight them. And he was correct. Our citizens joined and we eventually crushed them!!! --Tyr

10-08-2023, 07:23 PM
Americans who died at Pearl harbor weren't suckers. So take your title and shove it up your ass. I hope you go out camping, encounter a grizzly bear, and get mauled.

They weren't suckers? Well they were needlessly killed by our government. You can't get any more "sucker" than that.

10-08-2023, 07:28 PM
What am idiotic thing to say. What did you expect the citizens of America to do? In spite of what the leaders may or may not have known the battle needed to be fought.

What I said is nowhere as stupid as what you said. In fact, what I said wasn't stupid at all. FDR wanted war. That is FAR from meaning we should have went to war. The battle you speak of never should have taken place to begin with. What the Japanese were doing in China or wherever was none of our business.

10-08-2023, 07:34 PM
Yes, it is well known that we had broken the Japanese military code prior and we knew they were going to attack and we knew exactly what time. Roosevelt kept it secret because the American public was firmly against us entering the war! But Roosevelt also knew if they attack us our patriotic citizens would rush to join to fight them. And he was correct. Our citizens joined and we eventually crushed them!!! --Tyr

Why do feel they needed to be crushed. Because of what they were doing in China? The Chinese have given us a lot of trouble in the Korean and Vietnamese wars. Chinese hackers have also stolen most of our secret military technology. And a future conflict with China is a possibility. So I wish the Japanese would have completely depopulated the entire fucking country!

10-09-2023, 04:08 PM
They weren't suckers? Well they were needlessly killed by our government. You can't get any more "sucker" than that.

Yes we can. We can generate idiots like yourself ... that is a total suck scenario.

10-09-2023, 04:10 PM
What I said is nowhere as stupid as what you said. In fact, what I said wasn't stupid at all. FDR wanted war. That is FAR from meaning we should have went to war. The battle you speak of never should have taken place to begin with. What the Japanese were doing in China or wherever was none of our business.

Well, yes, what you said is extremely stupid ... actually what you said is beyond stupid. It's idiotic.

You said people who fought and died were suckers. They were patriotic. The Intel was stupid.

10-09-2023, 04:52 PM
Well, yes, what you said is extremely stupid ... actually what you said is beyond stupid. It's idiotic.

You said people who fought and died were suckers. They were patriotic. The Intel was stupid.

Could it be that you don't think they were suckers is because you're a sucker yourself?

10-09-2023, 05:00 PM
Could it be that you don't think they were suckers is because you're a sucker yourself?
I stand by what I said .. they were patriots.

I feel sorry for you and your relatives. It's unfortunate that you ended up the way you are with your ideology.

If you think you're going to change any minds here you're wasting your time.

10-09-2023, 05:51 PM
Could it be that you don't think they were suckers is because you're a sucker yourself?Want to go there?

In case your informed self doesn't know what a "Gunny" is, it is a Gunnery Sergeant, USMC. I take offense to the existence of this thread which is why I avoided it until now, and your enlightened self doesn't have a damned clue what you are talking about.

When you walk a mile in my combat boots you feel free to tell me what we are and what we think. Otherwise, this thread is an insult to me and anyone else who ever put on the uniform of the US military, and especially those that died in the line of duty because they believed in something more than self.

10-09-2023, 05:57 PM
I stand by what I said .. they were patriots.

I feel sorry for you and your relatives. It's unfortunate that you ended up the way you are with your ideology.

If you think you're going to change any minds here you're wasting your time.

Did you not read my thread? They were killed. NEEDLESSLY! That isn't an "ideology." It is a fact! Before Pearl Harbor, we were reading the Japanese naval code. And even if we weren't, (though we were) we would still have known what the Japanese were up to. Because the Japanese fleet wasn't maintaining radio silence. Through radio triangulation we knew exactly where the Japanese fleet was. And tracking it heading towards the Hawaiian Islands, even a fool would have been able to understand what they were up to. But this information was kept secret. Because FDR wanted war. He told the American public that he wouldn't send their sons to fight in a foreign war. Like we wrongly did in WW I. The best way to have war was to get the Japanese to start it. And if you can claim that it was a "sneak attack," all the better.

You need to understand a little better how our government works. There was a person named general Smedley Butler who knew. He used to be a general in the U.S. Marine Corps. Among other medals, he had received two Medals of Honor. This was a person to be taken seriously! I will show you part of something he wrote.


Black Diamond
10-09-2023, 06:00 PM
Want to go there?

In case your informed self doesn't know what a "Gunny" is, it is a Gunnery Sergeant, USMC. I take offense to the existence of this thread which is why I avoided it until now, and your enlightened self doesn't have a damned clue what you are talking about.

When you walk a mile in my combat boots you feel free to tell me what we are and what we think. Otherwise, this thread is an insult to me and anyone else who ever put on the uniform of the US military, and especially those that died in the line of duty because they believed in something more than self.

Excellent. That's all

10-09-2023, 06:03 PM
I've read all the stories. There is no hard evidence that proves the allegation. Even IF there was, it does not negate the courage and heroism of the Soldiers and Sailors that were killed and give you no license to piss on them.

10-09-2023, 06:24 PM
Want to go there?

In case your informed self doesn't know what a "Gunny" is, it is a Gunnery Sergeant, USMC. I take offense to the existence of this thread which is why I avoided it until now, and your enlightened self doesn't have a damned clue what you are talking about.

When you walk a mile in my combat boots you feel free to tell me what we are and what we think. Otherwise, this thread is an insult to me and anyone else who ever put on the uniform of the US military, and especially those that died in the line of duty because they believed in something more than self.

I know what "Gunny" means. But you shouldn't be offended at me. You should be offended that U.S. Marines along with many other servicemen were needlessly sacrificed to get us involved in a war that there was no need for. Except maybe to get the U.S. out of the Great Depression. But even that isn't a good enough of a reason. Also, you were only sergeant. In post #13 I mentioned something said by a General in the U.S. Marine Corps. You should pay attention to what a superior officer had to say. It was a lesson not learned. The Korean War was a stalemate. We got our asses kicked in Vietnam. It was sheer stupidity that caused us to support the Afghans in their war against Russia. 9-11 PROVED that.

As for our war in Afghanistan, that shouldn't have happened either. We should have just bombed the hell out of the country and called it even. Instead, we ended up just arming the hell out of the Taliban with American weapons. Neither was there any reason for either war against Iraq. The second one was over a poison gas and nuclear issue that didn't exist. Gaining oil was the real reason for that war. Which didn't turn out very well. All the trillions of dollars spent and American lives wasted did was basically hand the country over to Iran and form ISIS. Those things should piss you off.

10-09-2023, 06:32 PM
I know what "Gunny" means. But you shouldn't be offended at me. You should be offended that U.S. Marines along with many other servicemen were needlessly sacrificed to get us involved in a war that there was no need for. Except maybe to get the U.S. out of the Great Depression. But even that isn't a good enough of a reason. Also, you were only sergeant. In post #13 I mentioned something said by a General in the U.S. Marine Corps. You should pay attention to what a superior officer had to say. It was a lesson not learned. The Korean War was a stalemate. We got our asses kicked in Vietnam. It was sheer stupidity that caused us to support the Afghans in their war against Russia. 9-11 PROVED that.

As for our war in Afghanistan, that shouldn't have happened either. We should have just bombed the hell out of the country and called it even. Instead, we ended up just arming the hell out of the Taliban with American weapons. Neither was there any reason for either war against Iraq. The second one was over a poison gas and nuclear issue that didn't exist. Gaining oil was the real reason for that war. Which didn't turn out very well. All the trillions of dollars spent and American lives wasted did was basically hand the country over to Iran and form ISIS. Those things should piss you off.

Officers put their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us.

Your opinions are noted. Perhaps you should try insulting those you feel are guilty of said alleged crimes instead of those who died in the line of duty trying to defend themselves and those around them.

If there are guilty parties you sure are doing them a service running deflection for them.

10-09-2023, 06:33 PM
I've read all the stories. There is no hard evidence that proves the allegation. Even IF there was, it does not negate the courage and heroism of the Soldiers and Sailors that were killed and give you no license to piss on them.

Well, apparently you didn't read them well enough. I posted a link with hard evidence. Read it. If what was said by those involved with breaking the Japanese naval code isn't good enough for you, nothing will be. Neither am I saying anything personally against our servicemen who died at Pearl Harbor. It just turns out that our government turned them into suckers.

10-09-2023, 06:40 PM
Officers put their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us.

Your opinions are noted. Perhaps you should try insulting those you feel are guilty of said alleged crimes instead of those who died in the line of duty trying to defend themselves and those around them.

If there are guilty parties you sure are doing them a service running deflection for them.

There is no better way to cast disrepute on those who caused the Pearl Harbor to happen than to call those who died because of it "suckers." And as you read, that sort of shit has been going on ever sense. I would speak about the many instances of it. But the truth just isn't allowed around here. Sooner or later I would just be branded as a "racist" and be banned.

Black Diamond
10-09-2023, 07:55 PM
Want to go there?

In case your informed self doesn't know what a "Gunny" is, it is a Gunnery Sergeant, USMC. I take offense to the existence of this thread which is why I avoided it until now, and your enlightened self doesn't have a damned clue what you are talking about.

When you walk a mile in my combat boots you feel free to tell me what we are and what we think. Otherwise, this thread is an insult to me and anyone else who ever put on the uniform of the US military, and especially those that died in the line of duty because they believed in something more than self.

Yeah I don't have a problem discussing whether FDR knew of the attack or not ( I don't think he did)
But going after our boys. For fucks sake. Some of those kids are still entombed in the Arizona.

10-09-2023, 08:02 PM
Want to go there?

In case your informed self doesn't know what a "Gunny" is, it is a Gunnery Sergeant, USMC. I take offense to the existence of this thread which is why I avoided it until now, and your enlightened self doesn't have a damned clue what you are talking about.

When you walk a mile in my combat boots you feel free to tell me what we are and what we think. Otherwise, this thread is an insult to me and anyone else who ever put on the uniform of the US military, and especially those that died in the line of duty because they believed in something more than self.

I was married to a CSM for 20 years so I am just as offended.

10-09-2023, 08:06 PM
Did you not read my thread? They were killed. NEEDLESSLY! That isn't an "ideology." It is a fact! Before Pearl Harbor, we were reading the Japanese naval code. And even if we weren't, (though we were) we would still have known what the Japanese were up to. Because the Japanese fleet wasn't maintaining radio silence. Through radio triangulation we knew exactly where the Japanese fleet was. And tracking it heading towards the Hawaiian Islands, even a fool would have been able to understand what they were up to. But this information was kept secret. Because FDR wanted war. He told the American public that he wouldn't send their sons to fight in a foreign war. Like we wrongly did in WW I. The best way to have war was to get the Japanese to start it. And if you can claim that it was a "sneak attack," all the better.

You need to understand a little better how our government works. There was a person named general Smedley Butler who knew. He used to be a general in the U.S. Marine Corps. Among other medals, he had received two Medals of Honor. This was a person to be taken seriously! I will show you part of something he wrote.


You are still wrong in your assertion. Whether they lived or died they were not suckers. You are pathetic.

10-09-2023, 08:07 PM
There is no better way to cast disrepute on those who caused the Pearl Harbor to happen than to call those who died because of it "suckers." And as you read, that sort of shit has been going on ever sense. I would speak about the many instances of it. But the truth just isn't allowed around here. Sooner or later I would just be branded as a "racist" and be banned.
Not necessarily a racist ... just stupid.

10-10-2023, 02:05 PM
There is no better way to cast disrepute on those who caused the Pearl Harbor to happen than to call those who died because of it "suckers." And as you read, that sort of shit has been going on ever sense. I would speak about the many instances of it. But the truth just isn't allowed around here. Sooner or later I would just be branded as a "racist" and be banned.

If you believe that you've got some serious issues. Not sure what planet you're living on, but your statement is incorrect and achieves the exact opposite result you hope to achieve. It's nothing more than a cheap, disrespectful, sensationalist attempt to play on emotion. YOUR misuse of words angers people toward YOU, not who you are accusing.

Even if you had a message that hasn't already been beat to death and debunked, it's completely lost in your inability to articulate it.

10-10-2023, 05:57 PM
If you believe that you've got some serious issues. Not sure what planet you're living on, but your statement is incorrect and achieves the exact opposite result you hope to achieve. It's nothing more than a cheap, disrespectful, sensationalist attempt to play on emotion. YOUR misuse of words angers people toward YOU, not who you are accusing.

Even if you had a message that hasn't already been beat to death and debunked, it's completely lost in your inability to articulate it.

Maybe you need to read up on the matter more. Skip the websites that say that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack and concentrate on those that say it wasn't. There is much you can learn. For example, there were two different congressional inquiries on the matter. One in the 40's and one in the 90's. In both instances, there were secret documents that congress just wasn't allowed to see. You think even congress can force the military to give out its secrets? It is the military that has the guns. Next, what would you call servicemen who were killed by the government they serve. Heroes? I think that sucker is a better term. Also, don't speak of what message I may have to tell. You have seen very little of it. And I probably wouldn't be allowed to speak it. I have been banned at other forums for doing so. And not because of my inability to articulate, but because I articulate too well. I can't be defeated in debate. Though I'm not always exactly right. I'm only right about 98% of the time. Which I think is pretty good.

Take the topic of advanced knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I don't think you want to believe that FDR had prior knowledge. I tried to convince you. But apparently it did no good. I will give a link to another website for you. But I doubt if you will read it.

thenewamerican.com › us › culturePearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not - The New ... (https://thenewamerican.com/us/culture/history/pearl-harbor-hawaii-was-surprised-fdr-was-not/)

10-11-2023, 08:00 AM
Maybe you need to read up on the matter more. Skip the websites that say that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack and concentrate on those that say it wasn't. There is much you can learn. For example, there were two different congressional inquiries on the matter. One in the 40's and one in the 90's. In both instances, there were secret documents that congress just wasn't allowed to see. You think even congress can force the military to give out its secrets? It is the military that has the guns. Next, what would you call servicemen who were killed by the government they serve. Heroes? I think that sucker is a better term. Also, don't speak of what message I may have to tell. You have seen very little of it. And I probably wouldn't be allowed to speak it. I have been banned at other forums for doing so. And not because of my inability to articulate, but because I articulate too well. I can't be defeated in debate. Though I'm not always exactly right. I'm only right about 98% of the time. Which I think is pretty good.

Take the topic of advanced knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I don't think you want to believe that FDR had prior knowledge. I tried to convince you. But apparently it did no good. I will give a link to another website for you. But I doubt if you will read it.

thenewamerican.com › us › culturePearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not - The New ... (https://thenewamerican.com/us/culture/history/pearl-harbor-hawaii-was-surprised-fdr-was-not/)

You have no idea what you are blathering on about.

10-11-2023, 06:17 PM
You have no idea what you are blathering on about.

Oh I have the idea. It is you who doesn't. Read the last link I posted. Enlighten yourself.

Black Diamond
10-11-2023, 06:50 PM

I'm just imagining some recruit.

"Enlighten yourself, Gunnery Sergeant"