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10-09-2023, 08:33 PM
This IS all about the pics


Only in the crazy world:

The real problem is Elon letting people see what Hamas videotaped themselves doing
BEEGE WELBORN (https://hotair.com/author/tree-hugging-sister) 8:41 PM on October 09, 2023

(?subject=The%20real%20problem%20is%20Elon%20letti ng%20people%20see%20what%20Hamas%20videotaped%20th emselves%20doing&body=The%20real%20problem%20is%20Elon%20letting%20 people%20see%20what%20Hamas%20videotaped%20themsel ves%20doing%20https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2023/10/09/the-real-problem-is-elon-letting-people-see-what-hamas-videotaped-themselves-doing-n583476)

https://media.townhall.com/townhall/reu/o/2023/280/d9844bd9-acdc-4d95-a632-077d13edae10-860x475.jpgAP Photo/Abed Abu Reash
If you thought that the greatest sin committed this weekend was when Palestinian assassins of every stripe walked, drove, and glided into Israel for murder, mayhem, kidnapping, and rape, you’d be wrong.


If you thought watching blissful rave dancers in the gloaming, exuberantly living life and then noticed the ominous…what, like birds? Dark shapes drifting and shifting, coming ever closer, but still out of focus in the sky beyond them.
At last realizing those were Palestinian motorized paragliders with a mass murderer a piece aboard.
Hamas death riders in the sky, like a redone “Red Dawn“…

…but deadly real.
In hindsight knowing now what they are, you might feel this is one of the most ghastly things you’d ever seen.

You’d be wrong.
When even a hardened, reflexive anti-MAGA, anti-rightwing, anti-conservative critic like Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL is heartsick. Shaken and angered to his very soul by what has happened – the enormity of the horror – and furious at what he is hearing…


…While I’m an sad and trying to cope, I’ll be honest. I’m angry. I’m angry with the world that allowed the dehumanization of the Israelis and sanitized the terrorism of Hamas. I must say, I love this show, and I love this network, but I have to ask, who is writing the scripts? The people who did this – they are not fighters, Jonathan. They are not militants. And I’m looking right at the camera.
…you would think that might be the worst. And, again, you’d be wrong.
The same media that Greenblatt so recently embraced, so willingly was a part of until Saturday morning’s violent reality check slap-in-the-face – in point of fact, at that very network – is here to tell us all what the real danger is.
What the worst of the worst, what the most offensive and abhorrent aspect of this whole situation is turning out to be.
That Elon Musk’s “X” is allowing Hamas to unmask themselves in public (https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/09/x-formerly-twitter-amplifies-disinformation-amid-the-israel-hamas-conflict.html) for the first time.

X, formerly Twitter, amplifies disinformation amid the Israel-Hamas conflict
From the outset of this weekend’s Israel-Hamas conflict, graphic footage of abductions and military operations have spread like wildfire on social media platforms, including X, formerly known as Twitter. But disinformation on the platform has made it harder for users to assess what’s going on in the region.
…Users have noticed the impact of the changes to X’s content moderation, and some have fallen prey to sharing disinformation on the platform.
“It’s remarkable how Elon Musk has destroyed what was perhaps the best thing about Twitter: the ability to get relatively accurate and trustworthy data in real time when there’s a crisis,” Paul Bernal, an IT law professor at the University of East Anglia in England, wrote on X on Monday.
..Some Hamas-created propaganda videos have also been circulating on X. While the terrorist organization is banned from most social media platforms, including X, it continues to share videos on Telegram. Those videos — including some from the most recent assault on Israel — are often reshared onto X, Goldenberg told CNBC. And that can have real-world effects.
“As we’ve seen in the past, especially in May of 2021, for example, when tensions rise in the region, there’s a high possibility of a rise in hate crimes targeting the Jewish community outside of the region,” Goldenberg said.


Oh, yeah- they get the fellow who worries about Jewish folks to burble a few cautionary words, but they make sure to whine about Hamas videos “including some from…the most recent assault” being seen.
They should be hidden from view at all times, and why?
Because Hamas made them in real time.
Hamas operatives made the videos of the wholesale, wanton slaughter. Hamas made and distributed the videos of kidnapped babies in cages, of dragging screaming women off, stripping and defiling a girl’s corpse in a truck before trawling it through the streets. Hamas made the videos abusing a young boy and laughing, of terrorizing a captured geriatric, crippled, reported Holocaust survivor.

Yeah. God FORBID we see these MONSTERS for who they actually are and in their own words as they gleefully execute their own atrocities on a massive scale.
NBC, MSNBC and their ilk have no problem showing us Israel and every last one of their supposed warts.
Why is that?
Could the “truth” be different?
And how would we know if they are the arbiters of what is approved information.


Check out the sympathetic spin the media puts on Hamas. Anything for public consumption to further the narrative – the anti-Israel narrative – is never “disinformation.”
In this instance, they’re reporting on “pain” instead of flagrant “hatred of Jews.”
“Pain” sounds so much better.

Darn it. People would have probably swallowed the whole “Those Jews were asking for it” line IF ONLY THEY HADN’T BEEN ABLE TO SEE WHAT HAMAS ACTUALLY DID.
As they videotaped themselves doing it.
That’s why X and Elon are so dangerous and the worst.
They allow these Stone Age barbarians to prove the lie themselves, to blow up their own narrative, and for people to begin to understand the feral nature of the terrorists’ bloodlust in spite of the decades of combined corrosive…


…collusive cover MSM…

…Democrats, the U.N…

…Obama and now Biden administrations have been laying over the butcherous bastards in Gaza and beyond.
There are over 1000 dead in Israel as of this moment. OVER 1000 slaughtered souls.

And NBC wants to protect our eyes from “disinformation.”

They tell you who they are, you can believe the evidence they themselves have for you, and that is why you are not allowed to see it.
Know them.
And destroy them.

10-09-2023, 08:51 PM
Read this and note how some phrases are showing up by those making excuses for Palestinians, exact same phrases. Israel can do no right, the innocent Palestinians can do no wrong.

Black Diamond
10-09-2023, 08:55 PM
Read this and note how some phrases are showing up by those making excuses for Palestinians, exact same phrases. Israel can do no right, the innocent Palestinians can do no wrong.

Well in a couple weeks Biden admin may be echoing that. Saying Israel is the bad guy in the region.

10-09-2023, 08:58 PM
Well in a couple weeks Biden admin may be echoing that. Saying Israel is the bad guy in the region.
Oh, without a doubt. Problem for them and the squad and the college kids-the videos that have already been seen.

10-09-2023, 09:11 PM
Where the disenfranchised left and right and MSM meet up:

https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1710862706914349283?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1710862706914349283%7Ctwgr% 5Ee5a57ade7a8e9e15b8948736cca9faa2dccb64c3%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpjmedia.com%2Fnews-and-politics%2Flincolnbrown%2F2023%2F10%2F09%2Fthe-ministry-of-truth-fires-up-the-afterburners-n1733521

We have just obtained what appears to be a leaked email written by CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) employee George Achi instructing reporters to: 1. not to mention Gaza has not been occupied since 20052. not refer to Palestinian terrorists as terrorists If true, this employee, must be fired.

Heard all about occupation on all the protests and defenders of the poor, innocent Palestinians.

10-09-2023, 09:17 PM
It just sucks when there's a record:


Nikki Haley clashes with NBC anchor over Biden Iran deal after Hamas attack on Israel'It doesn't go to the Iranian people, it does go to terrorist attacks,' Haley claimed
By Kristine Parks Fox News
Published October 9, 2023 11:12am EDT

Nikki Haley clashes with NBC host over Biden admin response to deadly terror attacks
Republican presidential candidate and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley didn't mince words during a heated exchange with NBC host Kristen Welker on Sunday's "Meet the Press," over whether the Biden administration's recent deal with Iran fueled its terrorist attack against Israel.

On Saturday, Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented, coordinated attack against Israel, firing thousands of rockets and slaughtering Israelis near the Gaza Strip. At least 800 Israelis have been killed and thousands more wounded, as of Monday morning. Israel has declared war in response.

Republicans in Congress partly blamed the Biden White House for the terror attack, pointing to the administration striking a deal with Iran last month to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian assets in exchange for freeing five imprisoned Americans. While Haley was on "Meet the Press," Welker asked the Republican if these accusations were "irresponsible."

"You just saw the Secretary of State effectively say there is no link between that deal and the horrific attacks that unfolded yesterday. Do you think it was irresponsible of your rivals to level that allegation without any evidence or proof?" the NBC host pressed.


Nikki Haley on Meet the Press
Nikki Haley clashed with NBC News over the Biden administration releasing billions in sanctions to Iran leading up to Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel. The U.S. has said there is no link and Iran has denied any role in the attack. (NBC News/Screenshot)

The former diplomat and 2024 GOP candidate claimed the Biden administration wasn't being honest with how Iran viewed these funds.

"I actually think it was irresponsible for Secretary Blinken to say that the $6 billion doesn't weigh in here," Haley rebutted. "I mean, let's be honest with the American people and understand that Hamas knows and Iran knows– they're moving money around as we speak– because they know $6 billion is going to be released. That's the reality."

Haley said that during her time as U.N. ambassador during the Trump administration, she witnessed the results of the Obama administration's $400 million cash payment to Iran, claiming those funds were sent to terrorist groups.

"When I was at the United Nations you saw that when those planes full of cash sent by Obama to Iran, I went to the International Atomic Energy Agency, I met with them. What happened was those funds were sent to Hezbollah and Lebanon. They were sent to Hamas and Gaza. They were sent to the Houthis in Yemen. They go and spread terrorism every time they get a dollar," she argued.

"It doesn't go to the Iranian people, it does go to terrorist attacks, and Secretary Blinken’s just wrong to imply that this money is not being moved around as we speak to hurt those who love freedom," she said.


Attacks on Israel
October 8, 2023. Israeli air attacks on Gaza continue. Flames and smoke rose from the area as a result of the attack on the Gaza. (Mustafa Hassona/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Welker cut in to reiterate there was currently "no proof" to back up the GOP claims. She again asked Haley if it was fair to be leveling these charges against President Biden.

"Is it irresponsible to level that charge when you really don't have any evidence of that at this point in time?" she pressed Haley.

Haley argued the evidence of how Iran would use this money was plain to see.

"[L]ook at what the Iranian people have done to freedom-loving people around the world. Look at what the Iranian people, the Iranian regime, has done to threaten Israel over the years. To think that they're not moving money around is irresponsible to say that to the American people. They are moving money around to threaten those they hate. They hate Israel. They hate America. They are going to continue to use this. It was wrong to release the $6 billion," she insisted.

Haley also used the opportunity to blast Biden's bungling of "that debacle in Afghanistan," and waiving of sanctions on Iran as other examples of the administration helping money "flow to Iran."

"Money has been flowing to Iran and that is the problem because when Iran gets money they use it for hate," she said.

President Joe Biden speaks on the terrorist attacks in Israel alongside Secretary of State Antony Blinken from the State Dining Room at the White House on October 7, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

Earlier in the program, Welker confronted U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken with these criticisms from Republicans. He claimed Republicans were spreading "misinformation" and "playing politics" amidst the deadly attacks, and he said the funds were not from U.S. taxpayer dollars but were "Iranian resources that had accumulated from the sale of its oil, that were stuck in a bank in South Korea."

The Biden administration has insisted these funds were reserved for humanitarian purposes and that none of the money has been spent yet.

Israeli officials said at least 800 people have been killed since Hamas terrorists started firing rockets and slaughtering Israelis near the Gaza Strip, making the conflict one of the deadliest attacks in the country's history. At least 2,000 people have been wounded. Hamas has been the governing authority in the Gaza Strip since 2007.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was "at war" and promised that the attackers would pay "an unprecedented price."

The U.S. has said it hasn't seen direct evidence Iran was behind the terrorist attacks. Iran has said it played no role in the assault, but it has provided funding to Hamas and is considered the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

10-10-2023, 12:51 AM
Only the obtuse will believe that the $6 billion isn't going to terrorism.