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10-10-2023, 07:57 AM
There are times moral equivalency may come into play. This attack on Israel was not one of those times. Nor should fear of 'over compensating' cause Israel to under react-it needs to be good and hard, without mercy or grace. The reasons for attack are as clear as the reason for the Holocaust by Nazis-to eradicate the Jews.


https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_652,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:st eep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F6799cb3 0-e5f0-469f-b009-d6bf7b854f86_1024x683.jpeg
Real decolonization is a physical process. It is about removing bodies from a place. (Photo by Ilia Yefimovich/picture alliance via Getty Images)This Is What ‘Decolonization’ Looks Like

Fancy-sounding academic jargon is not a curious intellectual exercise. Words make worlds. Words make nightmares.By Peter Savodnik (https://www.thefp.com/t/peter-savodnik)
October 9, 2023

On Saturday, as the raping and murdering and kidnapping were happening in Israel, Najma Sharif (https://www.najmasharif.com/), a writer for Soho House magazine and Teen Vogue, posted (https://x.com/overdramatique/status/1710689657757769783?s=20) on X: “What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”

So far, Sharif’s post has been liked 100,000 times and reposted nearly 23,000 times—by, among others, The Washington Post’s global opinions editor, Karen Attiah (https://archive.org/details/attiah-616x576).
The point was: Don’t be squeamish. Never mind the Jewish girl being pulled by her hair with blood streaming between her legs. Never mind the women being raped beside the corpses of their friends at a music festival. Never mind the children and babies snatched from their parents.

If you can’t handle it, if you condemn it without a preamble or equivocation, you’re an apologist for the Zionist colonizers.

All this is a good reminder that when people say something, they often mean it, and we should believe them, or at least take them seriously. Fancy-sounding academic jargon is not a curious intellectual exercise. Words make worlds.

Here is how Quillette editor Claire Lehmann put it (https://x.com/clairlemon/status/1711509492838580247?s=20) on X, formerly Twitter: “For the past decade I’ve been told that jokes, words & scholarly debates need to be suppressed because they may cause ‘harm’ to vulnerable minorities. Yet when a global minority is butchered, tortured & maimed, those who suppress words shrug as if war crimes are no big deal.”

Real decolonization is a physical process. It is about removing bodies from a place.

The meaning of Sharif’s post—a very tidy, very millennial encapsulation of the old Bolshevik spirit—is: the ends shall justify the means, and if that bothers you, well, you’ve probably been infected by some bourgeois, liberal fungus.

Nor was she alone.

“And as you might have seen, there was some sort of rave or desert party where they were having a great time until the resistance came in electrified hang gliders and took at least several dozen hipsters,” a speaker at a Democratic Socialists of America rally in New York proclaimed (https://twitter.com/bgonthescene/status/1711145162657673347?s=42&t=5bdiY8Rn_XtKD5OVS5dXxQ) to whoops and laughter. (DSA members include representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar.)

“Decolonization is about dreaming and fighting for a present and future free of occupied Indigenous territories,” Jairo Fúnez-Florez, an assistant professor at Texas Tech, posted (https://twitter.com/Jairo_I_Funez/status/1710724640551674351). “It’s about a Free Palestine. It’s about liberation and self-determination. It’s about living with dignity.”

https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:s teep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbd85259 9-e68f-469f-8a72-1c65b4efaa64_1024x683.jpeg (https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbd85259 9-e68f-469f-8a72-1c65b4efaa64_1024x683.jpeg)A pro-Palestinian rally in New York’s Times Square. (Photo by Bryan R. Smith/AFP via Getty Images)
Columbia student groups called (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/education/israel-war-columbia-student-group-hamas-attack-justified) the attack on Israel “an unprecedented historic moment for the Palestinians of Gaza, who tore through the wall that has been suffocating them.”

A joint statement issued by dozens of Harvard student organizations declared (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HfMvVpey18ArAnVHtp8UlqT_8V5zaR9sFE5ohC4Ls7U/edit) “the Israeli regime” is “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”
“Shabbat shalom and may every colonizer fall everywhere,” wrote (https://twitter.com/BarnabyRaine/status/1710615958354800831) Barnaby Raine, who received his PhD in history from Columbia and now teaches at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research.

The writer Mohammed El-Kurd, the Palestine correspondent for The Nation, stated (https://twitter.com/m7mdkurd/status/1710574388246987243): “What is happening in occupied Palestine is a response to weeks and months and years of daily military invasions into Palestinian towns, killings of Palestinians, and the very fact that millions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are besieged under Israeli blockade.”

Rania Khalek, a Lebanese American journalist, wrote (https://twitter.com/RaniaKhalek/status/1710619705109524724): “Watching armed indigenous people take their land back from their colonizers is something else.”
Self-styled “journalist” Mariam Barghouti said (https://twitter.com/MariamBarghouti/status/1710535758476406795): “Gaza just broke out of prison.”

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis suggested (https://twitter.com/yanisvaroufakis/status/1710627736664854638) “the path to ending the tragic loss of innocent lives—both Palestinian and Israeli—begins with one crucial first step: the end of the Israeli occupation and apartheid.”

The New York Times decided this was the right moment to run a story headlined (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/07/world/middleeast/gaza-blockade-israel.html) “Gaza Has Suffered Under 16-Year Blockade.” The Times was good enough to note that the blockade was made possible not only by Israel but by Egypt, but it failed to mention Israeli forces withdrew from Gaza (https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-quot-sharon-plan-quot-gaza-disengagement) in 2005; that Palestinians elected (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/jan/26/israel1) Hamas to rule them; that Israelis routinely give Gazans notice (https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/09/world/middleeast/by-phone-and-leaflet-israeli-attackers-warn-gazans.html) before attacking to minimize loss of civilian life; and that one reason (maybe the reason) so many Palestinian children have died during Israeli air strikes is Hamas uses them as human shields (https://nypost.com/2015/05/02/un-report-outlines-how-hamas-used-kids-as-human-shields/)—the better to generate sympathetic news coverage.

Then, of course, there were the moral relativists, those who provide a patina of legitimacy to the alleged freedom fighters. Amnesty International’s Agnes Callamard called on (https://twitter.com/AgnesCallamard/status/1710752942578368793) “all parties to the conflict to abide by international law and make every effort to avoid further civilian bloodshed.” Representative Ilhan Omar reminded (https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1710861036838941059) everyone, “Gaza doesn’t have shelters or an iron dome” (one wonders if she mentioned this to the Hamas leadership in Doha or its patrons in Tehran before the violence commenced). Or Jeremy Corbyn, Britain’s national embarrassment, declaring (https://twitter.com/jeremycorbyn/status/1710632920950489167), “we need a route out of this tragic cycle of violence.”

Meanwhile, the ersatz activists of Hollywood and Silicon Valley are eerily quiet. The people who turned the Ukrainian flag into their avatars, those who worry about misgendering and triggering and safe spaces, those who insist words are violence (those for whom violence is apparently not violence)—they’re busy ignoring all this.
We should listen closely to these latter-day Bolsheviks and their many enablers. They are being honest. They are saying exactly what they believe and what they want to see happen.

Which means the next time some academic or media personality on cable blithely informs us that Palestine must be liberated “from the river to the sea (https://www.jns.org/the-real-meaning-of-from-the-river-to-the-sea-palestine-will-be-free/)”—that means from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, i.e., the whole of the Jewish state—we should ask them whether they are okay with all the girls who will be raped, all the old people and toddlers who will be mowed down or strung up. We should ask if they believe that as a “settler-colonialist” entity, the United States awaits a similar fate.
What would this death cult do if it could do anything? We have glimpsed that over the past 72 hours. We know what they are capable of, and we know that they have many defenders here at home. Those who imagine themselves fomenting the long-awaited revolution. Those who know that the beloved academic language of decolonization means nothing if you’re unwilling to see it enacted in flesh, and especially blood.

10-10-2023, 09:30 AM
the article talks about the people who sadly support the horror show of attacks.

doesn't really say anything about "Why Attack? Who Was Attacked? Who Attacked?"

What Israel does in retaliation makes a difference.
They need know who did it and to attack/punish those that lead and did the violence.

People support violent actions for good reasons and for bad.
You support Ukraine, Drones attacked the Kremlin, should Putin attack you? without restraint or concerns about over compensating?

10-10-2023, 09:52 AM
the article talks about the people who sadly support the horror show of attacks.

doesn't really say anything about "Why Attack? Who Was Attacked? Who Attacked?"

What Israel does in retaliation makes a difference.
They need know who did it and to attack/punish those that lead and did the violence.

People support violent actions for good reasons and for bad.
You support Ukraine, Drones attacked the Kremlin, should Putin attack you? without restraint or concerns about over compensating?

Hamas attacked because they planned, with their partners to do so. They did so to exterminate as many Jews and supporters as possible. Who voted Hamas into power? The Palestinians. Why? To get Israelis out of Gaza. Now, it's not enough, time to finish what the charter demands.

10-10-2023, 10:23 AM
Yep, pretty much agree with Ben Shapiro on this, which I made fairly clear I think on comic comment earlier. Here's an idea: 'We'll send thousands of terrorists into Israel by paragliders, motorcycles, and autos. We'll infiltrate through the tunnel systems. We'll behead the vermin; we'll chop up babies; we'll gang rape women, march them through streets for all to mourn, then kill them and spit on them; we'll take many hostage, so retaliation may be turned into persecution of innocents.'

We'll call for truce, as we are peaceful innocents.


Hamas official says group is open to discussions over truce with IsraelReuters
October 9, 202311:19 AM MSTUpdated 21 hours ago


https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1711743108734390572?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1711743108734390572%7Ctwgr% 5Ee78cfa18b7c5f2bd5e9384180ca69b876bb40ff0%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitchy.com%2Fsamj%2F2023%2F 10%2F10%2Fshapiro-tate-n2388355

Ben Shapiro
If you can't see the difference between terrorists who behead babies, celebrate it, and hide behind their own children to avoid consequence, and soldiers who attempt to avoid civilian casualties, you are not "morally sophisticated." You are a fool, and a dangerous fool at that.
6:58 AM · Oct 10, 2023



Ben Shapiro




If you can't see the difference between terrorists who behead babies, celebrate it, and hide behind their own children to avoid consequence, and soldiers who attempt to avoid civilian casualties, you are not "morally sophisticated." You are a fool, and a dangerous fool at that.

6:58 AM · Oct 10, 2023 (https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1711743108734390572)

10-10-2023, 10:40 AM
I like people who want to see the good in others. Normally I see myself as a pretty decent person, trying to be better. While I won't say that I'm for appeasement in general when it comes to protecting Americans home or abroad, I'm certainly not for aggression on US part. Under any circumstances though, I do not like or tolerate bullies. Bullies can take different forms, as any of us from our school days are well aware. It's not always or even mostly the biggest kid or most athletic kid. Sometimes it's the quiet kid that has others torment one or more peers. Sometimes it's the oddest kid in class, that is just really good at getting others into problems with authority.


Hamas’s Barbaric Attack and the New World Disorder
Savagery is essential to the terrorists’ strategy, and U.S. weakness surely emboldened them.
Gerard Baker
Oct. 9, 2023 2:35 pm ET


10-10-2023, 10:48 AM
and sometimes, when the 'quiet bully' tries to get the victim into trouble with authority, the victim says, 'What the hell, it's payback time.'


IDF: Gaza border sealed; 360,000 reservists mobilized for you-know-what
ED MORRISSEY 11:21 AM on October 10, 2023

IDF: Gaza border sealed; 360,000 reservists mobilized for you-know-what
AP Photo/Yousef Masoud
Consider this step one of the most obvious initial offensive strategy for fighting the war Gaza launched late last week: siege. The IDF has mainly finished its defensive strategy of restoring control over the areas in which Hamas terrorists seized communities near Gaza, racking up a total of 1500 enemy terrorists killed over the course of the war.

With the border sealed, the army now turns to reduction of the enemy within its own turf:

The Israel Defense Forces said it had finally regained control over its suddenly porous border with the Gaza Strip Tuesday morning, some 72 hours after Hamas terrorists blew through sections of the barrier and launched an invasion that saw over 1,000 Israelis slaughtered or kidnapped.

As Israel continued to grapple with the emerging enormity of Saturday’s massacres and the military was formally notifying hostages’ families that their loved ones were being held in Gaza, air force planes bombarded wide swaths of the Strip. Meanwhile, some 300,000 reservists girded for a possible ground invasion, sweeps to locate terrorists feared still hiding inside Israel continued and tensions on the northern border threatened to snowball into a second front.

That number has grown to 360,000 reservists mobilized as of this morning. That is in addition to their active-duty ranks, too, which are at the tip of the spear on both ends of the country. A ground invasion of Gaza won’t need all 360,000; it may not require half of that number. That’s something that Hezbollah/Lebanon might be keeping in mind at the moment, or should be.

Back to Gaza:

Amid a threat from Hamas that it would begin executing hostages in response to Israeli strikes in Gaza carried out without warnings, the IDF said Tuesday it struck more than 200 targets in the Gaza Strip overnight, including a weapons storage site in a mosque, an apartment used by Hamas’s anti-tank guided missile forces, and a high-rise tower used by the terror group, among other military installations.

Hecht said the military struck hundreds of Hamas targets overnight in Gaza’s City Rimal neighborhood, which is home to many Hamas ministries and government buildings. He said residents were being notified over social media to evacuate before the strikes but did not elaborate further.

So much for Hamas’ human shields, eh? Hecht also made clear that while Israelis want their loved ones back, those are secondary considerations given the profound security issues involved for Israel. If Hamas thought this would be business as usual around hostaging, they made a serious mistake.

The gloves are obviously coming off now. Israel has made clear that it will not accept a half-solution on Hamas any longer, and the pictures coming out of Gaza now show it:

In past conflicts, Israel avoided creating images such as these. After the brutal, widespread, and clearly planned atrocities by Hamas against Israeli civilians, they no longer care. Previously, they would conduct targeted airstrikes to “reduce capability”; this time, they are going for a full-on war to completely defeat Hamas and the Gazans that support and shelter them.

It’s Germany 1945, not Gaza City 2013 this time. And these pictures reflect the difference.

What’s next? An armored ground invasion, backed by air power, to root out all of the military and political assets of Hamas. Their mobilization has now hit 360,000 reservists called up, enough to launch a major invasion of Gaza as well as bolster defenses in the north to deter Hezbollah/Lebanon from joining the war:

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Israeli forces would attack Hamas with a force “like never before” and that the destruction of the group’s strongholds in Gaza would be “just the beginning.”

“This enemy wanted war, and this is what they will get,” Netanyahu said Monday, adding “difficult days are still ahead of us.”

Israeli jets continued to bombard Gaza overnight into Tuesday, striking over 200 targets in the Rimal and Khan Yunis neighborhoods, according to the IDF. CNN teams near the border heard large explosions and heavy rumbles within Gaza and saw fighter jets above.

It is anticipated that Israel will launch a major offensive into Gaza, although the full scale of the Israeli response remains unclear.

Oh, the scale of this is already clear this time, and it doesn’t appear that Netanyahu and his unity government are in the mood for negotiation over it. The scale isn’t the real question; that was set when Netanyahu declared war on Gaza. Declarations of war require outright victory, a point that even Vladimir Putin knew and hedged his bets by avoiding with Ukraine. A ground operation that results in Israeli casualties will only end when Gaza capitulates and Hamas is destroyed, or the other way around.

The real question is the long-term fate of Gaza. Gazans have used their land to continuously launch missile attacks on Israeli civilian centers ever since the Israelis ended their occupation in 2005. In fact, Hamas is threatening another “major” rocket barrage on Ashkelon today, in a desperate bid to virtue signal against the Israelis:

As the ongoing conflict between Israel and terrorist group Hamas grows tense, the spokesperson for Hamas’s Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, has threatened the Israel’s coastal city of Ashkelon with a major rocket barrage in the coming hours, The Times of Israel reported.

The Hamas leader has also asked the residents to leave their homes in order to not fall victim to the attacks.

“In response to the enemy’s crime of displacing our people and forcing them to flee their homes in several areas of the Gaza Strip, we give the residents of the occupied city of Ashkelon a deadline to leave before 5 p.m.,” Abu Obeida said on his Telegram channel, according to The Times of Israel.

This is Hamas’ attempt at PR, claiming that they are giving more warning than the Israelis. This is, of course, utter nonsense; they gave no warning before butchering 900 or more Israeli civilians, raping women, dragging bodies through the streets, and kidnapping 150 or so hostages to use as bargaining chips against the response for the war they launched.

Again, this returns us to the long-term fate of Gaza. The Israelis cannot afford to allow Hamas, Islamic Jihad, or any other Iranian proxies to re-establish themselves on this land, period. This government will eventually fall over the massive security and intelligence failures that allowed Hamas to succeed in its opening war moves, and the next government will learn from that outcome. The Israelis won’t go for another “occupation” in the legal sense either, which was almost as ineffective for their security. This time, if the Israelis take Gaza, they will almost certainly keep it — and simplify the Palestinian question by localizing it to the West Bank.

If so, that has some strategic consequences too, not just for Israel but also Iran. We’ll have more on that later.

10-10-2023, 11:05 AM
and sometimes it will be the manipulated kid that pays the ultimate price:


Palestinian attack was suicidalEven AP found it difficult to shield Hamas this time.
OCT 10, 2023

After 50 years of terrorism by the Palestinians, readers know the drill. The Arabs attack Israelis, the Israelis counter-attack, and the Western press makes Israel the villain of the story. NBC captioned the above photo, “Relatives mourn people killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on Monday.”

Are there bodies under the sheets? It looks like laundry because I don’t see any feet or body parts pushing against the sheets. The photo looks staged. The AP credited Fatima Al-Zahra'a Shbair, a Palestinian photographer. Who did the Israelis kill? Obviously not women and children because the media would have mentioned it.

To be sure, Palestinian terrorists have mothers who mourn their deaths. I trust Israelis will increase the number of those mothers high enough so that no mother will have a son join the Palestinian army be it Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS or al-Qaeda. Israel is making those mothers pay.

The Times of Israel reported on Monday, “Israel hit 1,707 targets in Gaza since Saturday, including 475 rocket systems, 73 command centers, 23 strategic infrastructure sites and 22 underground targets.”

Palestinians blame this sneak attack and atrocities on Hamas but they elected Hamas to run Gaza, which gives Palestinians ownership of this war which they lost within hours of launching it. Propaganda is all the Palestinians have left. They are losing even that.

The Greek City Times reported, “The Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza was not bombed as initially reported by Palestinian sources.

“Despite rumors, the Facebook page for Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church has denied that it was destroyed today in a bombing by Israel.”

The Palestinians went too far this time making it difficult for their lefty apologists to cover for them. Paragliding into a Rave for Peace and then gang-raping the women in front of their boyfriends and then slaughtering both has finally revolted many of the past supporters of the Palestinians, who wish to drive Israel to the sea.

Even Biden — who gave Iran $6 billion for 5 Americans held hostage to finance this war — has had to dial back his support. There is no American call for a truce before Israel can respond. There are no calls for proportionality in response. Instead, we cheer as Israel pays back Palestine for launching thousands of rockets by launching Israeli rockets.

I have not seen Americans root this hard for Israel since the Six Day War 56 years ago. Instead of a quick call for peace after Palestinians were done attacking, Biden sent an aircraft carrier.

Jonathan Tobin of the Jewish News Organization wrote, “But when and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken came out and faced the cameras in the White House on the afternoon of the first day of the conflict, what he said [link] should have satisfied even the most ardent supporter of Israel.

“This was no pro forma statement about reaffirming the alliance between the two countries. His characterization of the terrorist attacks was spot on. Unlike the mainstream corporate American media, he referred to it as terrorism and called their actions unconscionable. When he said, ‘Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. Full Stop,’ that was exactly what the world needed to hear. The same could be said of his warning about ‘any party hostile to Israel’ seeking to exploit the attacks for their advantage.”

[B]Hamas has made Gaza toxic. Israel is making it rubble.

Tobin wrote, “The Palestinians’ crimes may have made it imperative that Israel not accept a return to a status quo that enables the terrorists to pose an ongoing threat. Netanyahu is likely to have the domestic support he needs to do whatever is needed — no matter how many human shields in Gaza are harmed — to guarantee that Hamas and the Palestinians are defeated in this war rather than benefiting politically.”

Collin Rugg, founder of Trending Politics, confirmed Biden has had to act in support of Israel.

Rugg tweeted, “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told President Joe Biden that Israel has no choice but to launch a ground operation in Gaza.

“‘We have to go in. We can’t negotiate now. We need to restore deterrence,’ Netanyahu said.

“The report claims that Biden did not push back against the PM.”

Biden’s action has to bum Obama out, but the savagery of the attack on a Jewish holiday shocked the world because the depravity of gang rapes went beyond the pale. To be fair, Obama eventually condemned the attack. His was a tactical retreat.

The Palestinians already had lost some Arab support. Egypt ditched them when Carter was president. Trump’s Abraham Accords formalized the abandonment of Palestinians by five other Muslim nations.

Breitbart reported, “The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) issued a statement Sunday directly condemning the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas for a bloody terror spree that has left over 700 dead since early Saturday, urging the region to avoid following the group toward ‘nihilistic destruction.’

“The UAE is one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential explicitly Islamic governments. Abu Dhabi’s condemnation of Hamas and extension of condolences to the majority-Jewish victims of the Hamas rapes, abductions, and massacres on Saturday is a dramatic contrast in tone from neighboring Iran — where the regime threw a street party to celebrate the killings, complete with a fireworks display — and the eruption of pro-Hamas rallies and celebrations around the world, including in the United States.”

AP for years shielded Hamas by having its Gaza City offices inside the building that housed the intelligence operations of Hamas. Two summers ago, Israel had enough and told AP to leave within an hour — and then blew up the building after AP left.

This upset AP, as one might expect.

But its reporting of this weekend’s horror has not had the poor-Palestinians-just-throwing-rocks taint. Maybe it was because Hamas was not throwing rocks but raping and killing innocents attending a concert. That was just one of the many Hamas atrocities this weekend, but it was the one that hit Hamas hardest because the target was a bunch of young kids having fun. The rape of the rave justified taking care of the Palestinian problem once and for all.

AP reported, “Israel increased airstrikes on the Gaza Strip and sealed it off from food, fuel, and other supplies in retaliation for a bloody incursion by Hamas militants. Hamas pledged to kill captured Israelis if attacks targeted civilians without warnings.

“In the war’s third day, Israel was still finding bodies from Hamas’ stunning weekend attack into southern Israeli towns.”

Did you catch that? AP called it Hamas’ stunning weekend attack. There was no defense of Palestinian action in the report.

It is not just Western journalists who were shocked.

The Times of India reported, “A distressing incident occurred near the Gaza Strip during a music festival, where an Israeli student, Noa Argamani, was reportedly abducted by Hamas terrorists. A video released by her family shows the terrifying moments leading to her abduction, with Argamani pleading not to be killed. Her boyfriend, Avi Nathan, was also confronted by the terrorists.”

Even CNN is disgusted by this.

Mediaite reported, “In a stark reminder that covering tragedy can take its own emotional toll, CNN’s Anderson Cooper became visibly choked up on camera while reporting on the Hamas terrorist attacks that rocked Israel over the weekend.

“After airing an interview with a distraught woman, Yifat Zailer, whose cousin’s family — including an infant and a three-year-old — was kidnapped by Hamas, Cooper was back on camera but silent for a moment. He then appeared to look down and off-camera for a moment before throwing to correspondent Hadas Gold. When he finally did speak, his voice was audibly shaky.”

Even Andrea Mitchell is disgusted.

Mediaite reported, “MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell confronted a former spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization who claimed the Hamas attack on Israel wasn’t being ‘put in the proper political context.’”

She said, “I know that there are many grievances over many decades by the Palestinians and a lot of tension and conflicts in the West Bank, very recently, over the last year, intensifying. Can you react to this threat from Hamas now to threaten to execute hostages, who include women, children, the elderly, who were taken from their homes if there are any more air attacks?”

But then there was Forbes magazine’s unprompted tweet from another planet.

The most ill-informed people in America often are journalists. The magazine later removed its kneejerk Israel-is-wrong tweet. Forbes calls itself a capitalist tool. Oh, it is a tool all right.

Last night I learned FAFO in Hebrew is להזדיין ולגלות.

Palestinians also are learning this today. They had a good thing going for themselves. Attack Israelis every few years, get sympathy and get money.

Hamas killed that this weekend — along with 1,000 or so innocent civilians who never said Death to Palestine. Now Hamas is bringing just that.

10-10-2023, 11:20 AM
When the bad guys go too far. Hanson:



Read the whole thing, but this part stands out:

Is it the mass mutilations, the rapes, the desecrations of corpses, the beheadings, the murdering of women, the elderly, and children, that so excites them all—as if they were gleefully watching sacrificial victims marched up to the top of an Aztec temple in ancient Tenochtitlán?
Or rather is their frenzy due to unspoken terror that Hamas at last has gone too far in its premodern savagery? There are now no more of its patrons with the power to call off the IDF. And so they may finally get the existential war that Hamas always for decades had bragged about and begged for.
A bit later last night:

Somebody just felt a really strong tug on his money leash. Hamas has gone too far for the Arab world, which ought to make them easy to isolate and destroy — but we have yet to see exactly how the Biden Cabal will screw things up.
Further, that is.

Posted at 8:35 am by Stephen Green

10-10-2023, 12:44 PM
the article talks about the people who sadly support the horror show of attacks.

doesn't really say anything about "Why Attack? Who Was Attacked? Who Attacked?"

What Israel does in retaliation makes a difference.
They need know who did it and to attack/punish those that lead and did the violence.

People support violent actions for good reasons and for bad.
You support Ukraine, Drones attacked the Kremlin, should Putin attack you? without restraint or concerns about over compensating?

What is Hamas and why is it attacking Israel now?https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/09/middleeast/hamas-attack-strategy-israel-mime-intl/index.html

10-10-2023, 12:48 PM
but we have yet to see exactly how the Biden Cabal will screw things up.


Black Diamond
10-10-2023, 12:50 PM

Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.
