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View Full Version : Just Looking At Arial Shot Of Brooklyn March For Terror

10-28-2023, 03:04 PM
Literally thousands. :crying33

10-28-2023, 03:08 PM
Literally thousands. :crying33

I'm all for rounding them up and shipping them to Gaza. Or Iran. No place for that kind of hate.

10-29-2023, 09:17 AM
Literally thousands. :crying33

It seems I should be doing the counts of marches. Hmmm. Lots of black clothing and lots of masks. Using flags like umbrellas. Very much looks like Antifa. Put together that and the university schools funding run through Qatar and it's starting to make sense. Read the following, it very much sounds like summer of 2020 repeat, focusing on police and destruction of property.


More Than 300 Pro-Hamas Morons Arrested at Grand CentralJAZZ SHAW 8:31 AM on October 29, 2023

More Than 300 Pro-Hamas Morons Arrested at Grand Central
(AP Photo/Michel Euler)
The latest anti-Israel protests in New York City broke out on Friday evening and throughout Saturday. Police estimated that the number of protesters may have been as high as 7,000 at one point. First, they overran the Brooklyn Bridge, climbing onto the superstructure and hanging banners and Palestinian flags. They damaged some police cars and fights broke out with law enforcement. One of the speakers who addressed the crowd on the bridge with a bullhorn made it clear what their objective was. She called for the state of Israel to be “taken down by any means.” Some in the crowd were heard chanting “long live Hamas.” Note that they were not chanting for “Palestinians” in general. They were cheering for the terrorist militants of Hamas who committed all of the war atrocities against Israel.

Leaving the bridge, the mob swarmed to Union Square where they damaged more police cars and vandalized a Starbucks. Traffic was intentionally shut down for hours as more chants of “Long live Hamas” were heard. Up until this point, the NYPD had been showing remarkable restraint, particularly considering that this event had stopped being a “protest” almost immediately and turned into a full-fledged, violent riot. But then the rioters moved to Grand Central Station and proceeded to shut down the transportation hub. At that point, the police had clearly had enough. They broke out the clubs and the handcuffs and began arresting people and hauling them away. (It’s a good thing these same idiots previously emptied the jails, eh? That wound up being convenient.) More than 300 of the rioters were arrested, taken to jail, and issued court summonses. But even that still seems like not enough to get the message across.

More than 300 pro-Palestinian protesters who forced the temporary closure of Grand Central Terminal during rush hour were arrested and hit with court summonses, officials said Saturday.

In all, “335 individuals received Criminal Court summonses for criminal trespass and disorderly conduct” during the protest.

Many of the demonstrators at the sit-in wore black shirts that read “Jews say cease-fire now,” when they took over the station’s cavernous concourse chanting “No more weapons. No more war. Ceasefire is what we’re fighting for.”

Arresting more than 300 of these vandals was a good start, but as I already noted, it was far too little and too late. Even in a city the size of New York, there aren’t enough jail cells to suddenly take in 7,000 people and hold them for any significant period of time. Even in a worst case scenario of prolonged, extreme violence, the cops probably don’t have that many bullets on hand. The rioters no doubt knew this and were likely counting on it.

But something needs to be done. These are no longer just “protests” designed to promote a message. The maniacs are actively seeking to shut down one of the largest cities in the world and grind society to a halt. They are causing damage, assaulting police officers, and destroying vehicles. Of course, we probably shouldn’t be terribly surprised. When you’re talking about a group of individuals that worship a murderous terrorist organization, how did we expect them to behave?

And yet these developments are somehow familiar and should remind everyone of the BLM riots during the “summer of love” in 2020. Those were also originally billed as “protests” in support of law enforcement “reform.” But they quickly devolved into violent riots marked by arson and assaults. We haven’t seen any reports of mass looting taking place at the pro-Hamas rallies, but that’s probably not far off.

In the end, however, what’s the purpose of all of this? Demonstrations in the United States have traditionally been held with the intent of influencing government policy. But the American government can’t stop the war in Gaza. They can exert some influence and even cut off supplies if they want to betray our ally, but only Israel can end the war. And I seriously doubt Bibi Netanyahu is overly concerned about the opinions of a mob of rioters in America who represent only a tiny but very noisy fraction of the American public.

George Soros may not fund Antifa directly, but has majorly funded BLM and other Antifa supported organizations: https://nypost.com/2023/10/28/news/soros-funneled-15-m-plus-to-groups-rallying-for-hamas/

His goal is taking down US through chaos-again the left and right come together on tearing down our system and creating violence and chaos in the country.


10-29-2023, 11:28 AM
Been going on at increasing pace for decades:


PROF GIORDANO: K-12 conditions students to hate Jews in collegeIlliteracy regarding basic history is not limited to the Holocaust. Only 13% of students demonstrate proficiency in U.S. History, including our involvement in World War II.

Nicholas Giordano | Professor, Suffolk Community College
October 25, 2023, 8:22 am ET
Nicholas Giordano is a professor of Political Science, the host of The P.A.S. Report Podcast, and a fellow at Campus Reform’s Higher Education Fellowship. With 2 decades of teaching experience and over a decade of experience in the emergency management/homeland security arena, Professor Giordano is regularly called on to speak about issues related to government, politics, and international relations.

Many people are aghast at the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests that have erupted on college campuses throughout the country, but no one should be surprised. Since 2009, Campus Reform has been reporting on radical anti-Semitism in higher education fueled by a far-left ideology.

This ideology has supplanted scholarship, debate, and the pursuit of truth. However, students learn to despise Jews long before they enter college. The problem begins in the K-12 system where basic history is ignored, and students are not taught how to think critically, leaving them more susceptible to the anti-Semitic brainwashing that occurs at the college level.

Over 1,400 innocent men, women, children, and babies, including 32 Americans were killed in the barbaric Hamas attacks. Instead of displaying outrage at the Hamas massacre, high school students staged walk-outs around the country, including in California and Michigan, to protest the Israeli response to the savage attacks.

Students chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” which is a call for the elimination of Israel. I suspect they do not realize that the slogan calls for genocide as they accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing. These students also remain oblivious to the fact that groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the leaders in Iran advocate for the complete annihilation of Israel and its people every single day.

[RELATED: PROF GIORDANO: The far-reaching consequences of radical indoctrination]

Rather than denounce Hamas, these students are unwittingly calling for a second holocaust, and it is clear they know little about the first Holocaust. A Pew Survey found that 43% of students aged 13 to 17 are unaware of the specific time frame during which the Holocaust took place. Only 38% knew how many Jews were slaughtered during the Holocaust, and only 33% knew that Hitler rose to the chancellor of Germany through the democratic process. The numbers would be worse had the survey not provided multiple-choice options.

Illiteracy regarding basic history is not limited to the Holocaust. Only 13% of students demonstrate proficiency in U.S. History, including our involvement in World War II. Compounding the problem, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives made things worse and continues to perpetuate an education system that promotes ignorance over learning and critical thinking.

For example, consider how the Oregon State Board of Education unanimously decided that students do not need to demonstrate a mastery of reading, writing, or math in order to graduate. Their justification for such ridiculous standards is that it harms “students of color,” which in and of itself is racist.

Under DEI, California’s Santa Ana Unified School District adopted an anti-Semitic curriculum within its ethnic studies program, equating Israel with “settler colonialism,” perpetuating the demonization of Israel. An earlier version of the ethnic studies curriculum adopted by the state claimed that Irish, Polish, and Jewish immigrants arrived in America with built-in “white privilege,” no matter the hardships they faced.

[RELATED: BREAKING: DeSantis to ‘deactivate’ pro-Hamas student groups]

From kindergarten all throughout college, students are bombarded with anti-American, anti-Western, and anti-Israel information. Everything must be viewed through the prism of race, privilege, and oppression, but only when it matches a particular political agenda.

As the education system pushes a victimhood mentality and produces social justice warriors, it is impossible not to notice the hypocrisy. The social justice warriors were swift to speak out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, yet their response to Hamas has been muted. It appears Israeli lives hold less value.

The fact that students and teachers are unable to condemn Hamas, and some even go so far as to push a false moral equivalency between a terrorist organization and Israel, reveals that our education system has failed. Without a solid K-12 educational foundation, impressionable students have been susceptible to the hate-filled propaganda that has taken over college campuses. Students are being brainwashed by ideological zealots and the result is a student body devoid of employing reason, logic, and quite frankly, common sense.

10-29-2023, 01:04 PM
Professional protesters. Anarchists. The only thing they really are protesting is law, order and society. Any flavor of the day appears to be a good enough excuse. They push the very limits of the law where violence is concerned. Just like the Nazi's they are , 5 on 1 is a fair fight to them.

Have also noticed they NEVER use firearms. That has to be "orders from above". They'll use most anything else, and any property is fair game. But in all this chaos there appears to be that one overriding rule because they know if they do all Hell will rain down on them. Same tactics/strategy used by the Brownshirts in 1930s Germany.

10-30-2023, 12:14 PM
It seems I should be doing the counts of marches. Hmmm. Lots of black clothing and lots of masks. Using flags like umbrellas. Very much looks like Antifa. Put together that and the university schools funding run through Qatar and it's starting to make sense. Read the following, it very much sounds like summer of 2020 repeat, focusing on police and destruction of property.


George Soros may not fund Antifa directly, but has majorly funded BLM and other Antifa supported organizations: https://nypost.com/2023/10/28/news/soros-funneled-15-m-plus-to-groups-rallying-for-hamas/

His goal is taking down US through chaos-again the left and right come together on tearing down our system and creating violence and chaos in the country.

