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View Full Version : Turkey Government asks Parliament to let troops enter Iraq

10-15-2007, 01:27 PM

By Gareth Jones and Hidir Goktas
46 minutes ago

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey's cabinet asked parliament on Monday for permission to launch attacks on Kurdish separatists in northern Iraq that Washington fears could destabilize one of the most peaceful areas of the country.

Government spokesman Cemil Cicek said Turkey still hoped military action against the Kurds, who use the mountainous region as base for attacks inside Turkey, would not be needed.

"But the most painful reality of our country, our region, is the reality of terror," he told a news conference.

Cicek said the motion, which parliament is expected to approve on Wednesday, would be valid for one year and would allow multiple cross-border operations.

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's centre-right government is under heavy public pressure to act after a series of attacks on Turkish troops by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which seeks an independent homeland in eastern Turkey.

The prospect of NATO's second largest army crossing into mainly Kurdish northern Iraq helped propel global oil prices to an all-time high of $85 a barrel on Monday while the lira currency fell more than 2 percent against the dollar.

The United States has urged restraint on Turkey, a key NATO ally strategically located between Europe and the Middle East. But Washington's influence in Ankara is being severely undermined by U.S. Congressional moves to brand as genocide the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915.

Ankara has recalled its envoy to Washington and warned of serious damage to ties if next month the House of Representatives backs a resolution pressed by an Armenian lobby with great influence among the Democrat majority.

Turkey rejects the genocide claims, now fatefully entangled with the northern Iraq issue.


"We are continuing to ask the Turks to exercise restraint," State Department spokesman Tom Casey said. "We realize how difficult the problem is and we all want to work together to resolve the problem posed by PKK/terrorism and their operations against Turkey from northern Iraq," Casey said.

"That requires, though, cooperative and coordinated efforts between people on both sides of the border with us supporting that effort. A unilateral step would be unlikely to make the situation any better," he told reporters.

The European Union, which Turkey aims to join, has also urged caution.

"It is a dangerous situation... It can indeed be deadly, but it is not the first time," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner told reporters in Luxembourg.

Large-scale incursions by Turkey into northern Iraq in 1995 and 1997, involving an estimated 35,000 and 50,000 troops respectively, failed to dislodge the rebels.

Cicek said Turkey's sole target, if its troops entered northern Iraq, would be the PKK militants, about 3,000 of whom are believed to be hiding there.

He repeated criticism of Iraq's failure, despite Turkish pressure, to take action against the PKK on its territory. Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi will hold talks in Ankara with Turkish officials on Tuesday, he said.

In the text of the motion, seen by Reuters, the government states continued commitment to Iraq's territorial integrity and defends its right under international law to send troops across the border as an act of self-defence.

Turkey's powerful and respected military has long called for permission to hunt down PKK rebels in Iraq.

And so it begins.

10-15-2007, 02:56 PM
gosh avatar, can't we get the Kurds to stop the pkk from attacking turkey??

Sir Evil
10-15-2007, 03:59 PM
gosh avatar, can't we get the Kurds to stop the pkk from attacking turkey??

Stupid is as stupid does....:slap:

10-15-2007, 04:52 PM
gosh avatar, can't we get the Kurds to stop the pkk from attacking turkey??

Probably not very easily. It's a huge juggling act.

10-15-2007, 05:03 PM
Stupid is as stupid does....:slap:

You baiting me?:rolleyes:



10-15-2007, 05:05 PM
You baiting me?:rolleyes:



how would you know?:poke:

Sir Evil
10-15-2007, 05:06 PM
You baiting me?:rolleyes:



gosh JohnDoe, I dunno. :D

10-15-2007, 05:06 PM
Probably not very easily. It's a huge juggling act.
so is a war or skirmish between the two countries inevitable, out of our control completely?


10-15-2007, 05:09 PM
so is a war or skirmish between the two countries inevitable, out of our control completely?


yes....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ongoing_wars....tell me how the US could have prevented these.....

Sir Evil
10-15-2007, 05:13 PM
so is a war or skirmish between the two countries inevitable, out of our control completely?


Hmm, check with Pelosi...:D

10-15-2007, 05:21 PM
yes....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ongoing_wars....tell me how the US could have prevented these.....couldn't get the link manu, but if it is about the warring between the two since the ottomans lost the region, i am vaguely aware of it...?

so if your answer is yes, there is nothing we can do to stop this, then what can stop it, (like a entrance in to the EU which is desired by the turks), and IF nothing, then what are our options, if any? let them go at it?


10-15-2007, 05:33 PM
couldn't get the link manu, but if it is about the warring between the two since the ottomans lost the region, i am vaguely aware of it...?

so if your answer is yes, there is nothing we can do to stop this, then what can stop it, (like a entrance in to the EU which is desired by the turks), and IF nothing, then what are our options, if any? let them go at it?


the link is to all the current conflicts in the world.....if turkey wants to invade iraq they will.....france is killing rebels in the congo......radical muslims are killing people all over the world....there is genocide in darfur....

as i have said for years.....we should close all foreign military bases...cut off all foreign aid.....outsource to middle america....and wish the rest of the world the best of luck....

either that or turn the military loose and cut them all down like the dogs they are....

play to win or don't play

10-15-2007, 05:36 PM
Hmm, check with Pelosi...:D i think it couldn't hurt to put the genocide bill off for a little bit ...but unlike a good deal of you guys, i am not certain it has anything at all to do with whether this skirmish takes place OR NOT.


10-15-2007, 05:39 PM
i think it couldn't hurt to put the genocide bill off for a little bit ...but unlike a good deal of you guys, i am not certain it has anything at all to do with whether this skirmish takes place OR NOT.


of course turkey's threats are tied to pelosi's bill...

and if you think pelosi didn't do this to rile up turkey....you have no clue how politics works....

Sir Evil
10-15-2007, 05:40 PM
i think it couldn't hurt to put the genocide bill off for a little bit ...but unlike a good deal of you guys, i am not certain it has anything at all to do with whether this skirmish takes place OR NOT.


I say it has alot to do with this bill, in fact Turkey threatened retaliation if the bill is passed, and this being a obvious starting point.

10-15-2007, 05:42 PM
the link is to all the current conflicts in the world.....if turkey wants to invade iraq they will.....france is killing rebels in the congo......radical muslims are killing people all over the world....there is genocide in darfur....

as i have said for years.....we should close all foreign military bases...cut off all foreign aid.....outsource to middle america....and wish the rest of the world the best of luck....

either that or turn the military loose and cut them all down like the dogs they are....

play to win or don't play
good post manu.


10-15-2007, 05:49 PM
I say it has alot to do with this bill, in fact Turkey threatened retaliation if the bill is passed, and this being a obvious starting point.

nahhhhh, i don't think so, ONLY because this fighting has been going on long before the bill came up....long before!!! turkey has amassed troops on the border for a few months now, if not longer from what i've read....?

so, i think this has been something coming on for a long while SE....

but it couldn't hurt, to put it off for just a little bit....so it is not something that the ''right'' can exploit and use to blame this inevitable fight to be on.... LOL :D



Sir Evil
10-15-2007, 05:53 PM
nahhhhh, i don't think so, ONLY because this fighting has been going on long before the bill came up....long before!!! turkey has amassed troops on the border for a few months now, if not longer from what i've read....?

so, i think this has been something coming on for a long while SE....

but it couldn't hurt, to put it off for just a little bit....so it is not something that the ''right'' can exploit and use to blame this inevitable fight to be on.... LOL :D



Gift wrap it anyway you want to but the fact is this is coming at the heel of the vote pushed by Pelosi. The turks wanted to cross borders from day 1 of the invasion so it's coincidental that they are finally seeking approval from their parliament?

10-15-2007, 05:57 PM
Gift wrap it anyway you want to but the fact is this is coming at the heel of the vote pushed by Pelosi. The turks wanted to cross borders from day 1 of the invasion so it's coincidental that they are finally seeking approval from their parliament?

pelosi gives the turks the excuse they need to destroy peace in the north....just as AQ starts to colapse.....interesting timing......

10-15-2007, 06:00 PM
Gift wrap it anyway you want to but the fact is this is coming at the heel of the vote pushed by Pelosi. The turks wanted to cross borders from day 1 of the invasion so it's coincidental that they are finally seeking approval from their parliament?

I think this is how it works--as Americans we can get the world (other than Turkey) to see how impartial and decent we are which will give the troops a real boost to be fighting for a country that is so moral. I mean who needs Turkey to be an ally. :laugh2:

10-15-2007, 06:04 PM
Gift wrap it anyway you want to but the fact is this is coming at the heel of the vote pushed by Pelosi. The turks wanted to cross borders from day 1 of the invasion so it's coincidental that they are finally seeking approval from their parliament?

ummmmm, i don't think so, but honestly i am not 100% certain.... i heard about the parliament looking for this vote well over a week ago...i think after an attack on them by the kurds in their country.....before the committee voted to bring the genocide bill to the floor.... but, could be proven wrong by a link, hahahaha if you would like? ;) :dance:

did the house schedule the vote yet? did they already vote?


10-15-2007, 06:05 PM
I think this is how it works--as Americans we can get the world (other than Turkey) to see how impartial and decent we are which will give the troops a real boost to be fighting for a country that is so moral. I mean who needs Turkey to be an ally. :laugh2:

isn't that what we did during the blow job years and what mis daisy and her driver are promising us?......

Sir Evil
10-15-2007, 06:11 PM
ummmmm, i don't think so, but honestly i am not 100% certain.... i heard about the parliament looking for this vote well over a week ago...

Yep, timing is right so far

i think after an attack on them by the kurds in their country.....before the committee voted to bring the genocide bill to the floor.... but, could be proven wrong by a link, hahahaha if you would like? ;) :dance:

did the house schedule the vote yet? did they already vote?


It's been going on for along time already, those attacks are nothing new. They have been asked not to cross borders on those inscursions before. So now you are thinking that the bill was brought forth because of one of these attacks?...... thats weak.

10-15-2007, 06:23 PM
isn't that what we did during the blow job years and what mis daisy and her driver are promising us?......

yup--cept we need to get the hell out of there if Iran and Turkey wanna buddy up. Who needs oil---it's bad for you anyway. Let them and China run the world for awhile. Since we can blame it all on Bush we dont even have to accept responsibility.
I'm pooped--I just wanna sit home knowing we did the moral thing. :salute:

10-15-2007, 06:27 PM
Yep, timing is right so far

It's been going on for a long time already, those attacks are nothing new. They have been asked not to cross borders on those inscursions before. So now you are thinking that the bill was brought forth because of one of these attacks?...... thats weak.
i could be wrong SE and u know what has been going on with my M-I-L, (she was buried wednesday btw :(), so i could be off but i really think this parliament vote to cross the border thing was discussed before the committee voted on the genocide thing coming to the floor of the house?

IF it didn't come from the parliament before the committee's vote to bring the genocide acknowledgment to the flr, THEN I would have to agree with you, their vote to bring the genocide acknowledgement to the floor, did have something to do with it.


Sir Evil
10-15-2007, 06:30 PM
i could be wrong SE and u know what has been going on with my M-I-L, (she was buried wednesday btw :(), so i could be off but i really think this parliament vote to cross the border thing was discussed before the committee voted on the genocide thing coming to the floor of the house?

IF it didn't come from the parliament before the committee's vote to bring the genocide acknowledgment to the flr, THEN I would have to agree with you, their vote to bring the genocide acknowledgement to the floor, did have something to do with it.


Wait, watch, see how it all unfolds, and then draw conclusions for yourself. I think you will find those dems are not as squeaky clean as you would like them to be.

10-15-2007, 07:14 PM
Turkeys fight with the kurds goes back a century. They have made incursions into iraq before, even when saddam was in charge. They will probably do it again. Unless the iraqi's and US move against the pkk themselves.

The resolution in congress is purely to interfere with the iraq war, especially since it appears we are now starting to win big time. The libs (I don't call them democrats any more) are out to undermine the war in anyway they can and this is another attempt at doing that. If they can alienate Turkey they can get the supply lines cut to iraq which makes things more difficult for our military. This is their goal.

How is embarrassing Turkey and opening old wounds showing the US to be moral? It's purely a liberal move to undermine the military.

Sir Evil
10-15-2007, 07:21 PM
How is embarrassing Turkey and opening old wounds showing the US to be moral? It's purely a liberal move to undermine the military.

What, the righteous dems would do no such thing....:poke:


10-15-2007, 07:37 PM
What, the righteous dems would do no such thing....:poke:


There are few actual democrats in congress any more. The few that are there keep a low profile. They are too heavily out numbered by the nutroots.

10-15-2007, 08:07 PM
Turkeys fight with the kurds goes back a century. They have made incursions into iraq before, even when saddam was in charge. They will probably do it again. Unless the iraqi's and US move against the pkk themselves.

The resolution in congress is purely to interfere with the iraq war, especially since it appears we are now starting to win big time. The libs (I don't call them democrats any more) are out to undermine the war in anyway they can and this is another attempt at doing that. If they can alienate Turkey they can get the supply lines cut to iraq which makes things more difficult for our military. This is their goal.

How is embarrassing Turkey and opening old wounds showing the US to be moral? It's purely a liberal move to undermine the military.

Well Gaffer, IF your are correct, then this is a pretty low blow by congress.

I had read some skivvy on this last weekend, but it was speculation at best, so I thought?

I find it hard to fathom becuz if Turkey shuts us off from getting supplies in to Iraq, then it would also be shutting off supplies and equipment and people getting out of Iraq...which would ultimately hurt those that want the war to be over along with the men and women redeploying in to friendly M/E countries and/ or homebound to the USA!

What would Turkey have to gain in losing billions a year in foreign aid also?

I am certainly no expert on this kind of stuff, so I am not necessarily disagreeing with ya, but I sure HOPE you are wrong!


10-15-2007, 08:12 PM
Well Gaffer, IF your are correct, then this is a pretty low blow by congress.

I had read some skivvy on this last weekend, but it was speculation at best, so I thought?

I find it hard to fathom becuz if Turkey shuts us off from getting supplies in to Iraq, then it would also be shutting off supplies and equipment and people getting out of Iraq...which would ultimately hurt those that want the war to be over along with the men and women redeploying in to friendly M/E countries and/ or homebound to the USA!

What would Turkey have to gain in losing billions a year in foreign aid also?

I am certainly no expert on this kind of stuff, so I am not necessarily disagreeing with ya, but I sure HOPE you are wrong!


turkey would get the oil fields .... at 86 / barrel soon to be a 100....fuck foreign aid....

10-15-2007, 08:24 PM
turkey would get the oil fields .... at 86 / barrel soon to be a 100....fuck foreign aid....

point taken!

but manu do you really believe that turkey would take that chance... of taking over kirkuk (sp?) and mosel via war without the USA blowing them... to smitherines?

i am not sure they are that stupid!?


10-15-2007, 08:28 PM
point taken!

but manu do you really believe that turkey would take that chance... of taking over kirkuk (sp?) and mosel via war without the USA blowing them... to smitherines?

i am not sure they are that stupid!?


we wouldn't touch them....in fact if turkey controld the oil fields it would probably be a good thing.....no way syria or iran fuck with turkey....come to think of it....this may all work out just fine.....

10-15-2007, 08:33 PM
we wouldn't touch them....in fact if turkey controld the oil fields it would probably be a good thing.....no way syria or iran fuck with turkey....come to think of it....this may all work out just fine.....Hahahahahaha!!! :laugh2:

10-15-2007, 08:36 PM
Hahahahahaha!!! :laugh2:

wanna bet?.....

if i remember...most of the oil is in the north and south....zip in the west and the east......guess which two are the most calm and where all our soilders are ....... like moths to a flame......turkey takes the north SA takes the south....iran and syria get each other.......

10-15-2007, 08:46 PM
wanna bet?.....

if i remember...most of the oil is in the north and south....zip in the west and the east......guess which two are the most calm and where all our soilders are ....... like moths to a flame......turkey takes the north SA takes the south....iran and syria get each other.......

no, no, no...lol, I was not disagreeing or mocking with the laughs I posted, I just thought it was funny the way you reasoned that out while typing!



10-15-2007, 08:53 PM
no, no, no...lol, I was not disagreeing or mocking with the laughs I posted, I just thought it was funny the way you reasoned that out while typing!



must be exciting to watch genius at work.....:laugh2:

10-15-2007, 09:15 PM
Well Gaffer, IF your are correct, then this is a pretty low blow by congress.

I had read some skivvy on this last weekend, but it was speculation at best, so I thought?

I find it hard to fathom becuz if Turkey shuts us off from getting supplies in to Iraq, then it would also be shutting off supplies and equipment and people getting out of Iraq...which would ultimately hurt those that want the war to be over along with the men and women redeploying in to friendly M/E countries and/ or homebound to the USA!

What would Turkey have to gain in losing billions a year in foreign aid also?

I am certainly no expert on this kind of stuff, so I am not necessarily disagreeing with ya, but I sure HOPE you are wrong!


Turkey is a supply route. Whether they go into iraq after the kurds is irrelevant. If they get pissed enough over this liberal resolution they could shut off the bases now being used to supply our troops. Troops going into and out of iraq do so through kuwait, but food, ammo and other equipment goes through Turkey. Success in iraq would be a big loss for the libs. So they are going to use any method they can to prevent that success. Or at least delay it as long as possible. They are playing political games with the lives of our soldiers and the American people. All for the sake of power. If I had the opportunity I would call every one of those congress asses a traitor to their face.

If Turkey decides to go into iraq it will be after negotiations with the US and Europe. They have too much to lose going it alone. They would lose all chances of getting into the EU and probably be dropped from NATO as well. Not to mention embargoes, etc. If they go in it will be with permission and will be a limited incursion. Just enough to take out the pkk camps. It's not their PM's they are waiting on for permission to go in. It's the US and Europe.

10-15-2007, 10:55 PM
Turkey is a supply route. Whether they go into iraq after the kurds is irrelevant. If they get pissed enough over this liberal resolution they could shut off the bases now being used to supply our troops. Troops going into and out of iraq do so through kuwait, but food, ammo and other equipment goes through Turkey. Success in iraq would be a big loss for the libs. So they are going to use any method they can to prevent that success. Or at least delay it as long as possible. They are playing political games with the lives of our soldiers and the American people. All for the sake of power. If I had the opportunity I would call every one of those congress asses a traitor to their face.

If Turkey decides to go into iraq it will be after negotiations with the US and Europe. They have too much to lose going it alone. They would lose all chances of getting into the EU and probably be dropped from NATO as well. Not to mention embargoes, etc. If they go in it will be with permission and will be a limited incursion. Just enough to take out the pkk camps. It's not their PM's they are waiting on for permission to go in. It's the US and Europe.

I'll be waiting to see on this one.

Turkey to finance Iran gas deal
Iran: Thursday, October 04 - 2007 at 07:26
Turkey plans to finance a $3.5bn investment in Iranian gas production entirely from a state company of its own, despite objections from the United States, which is urging countries to cut business ties with Iran, reported Reuters. The Turkish Petroleum Corporation will start investing in Iran's South Pars gas field project as soon as a comprehensive agreement is signed in the second half of October.

Maybe the US doesn't have the leverage it needs.

10-15-2007, 10:57 PM
I say we tell turkey to go fuck itself.

Lying basterds.

turkey would get the oil fields .... at 86 / barrel soon to be a 100....fuck foreign aid....