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View Full Version : Judge rejects Fox News attempt to subpoena Soros

10-31-2023, 12:22 PM
See a pattern? Anyone claiming the election was rigged is going down via BS lawsuits. "Fox provided a platform ...":rolleyes:

Paradox: the evidence against the system is the system itself. Prove it beyond any shadow of doubt with hard evidence or the very same system will be used to bury you.

Judge rejects Fox News attempt to subpoena Soros | The Hill (https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4285157-fox-news-george-soros-smartmatic-judge-rejects-subpoena-attempt/)

10-31-2023, 12:29 PM
See a pattern? Anyone claiming the election was rigged is going down via BS lawsuits. "Fox provided a platform ...":rolleyes:

Paradox: the evidence against the system is the system itself. Prove it beyond any shadow of doubt with hard evidence or the very same system will be used to bury you.

Judge rejects Fox News attempt to subpoena Soros | The Hill (https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4285157-fox-news-george-soros-smartmatic-judge-rejects-subpoena-attempt/)

This hits me much like the other claims of 'stolen.' Lawsuits that should have proceeded much earlier, way before election. Afterwards it seems clear wrongdoings took place by people angry at being out maneuvered.

10-31-2023, 12:37 PM
This hits me much like the other claims of 'stolen.' Lawsuits that should have proceeded much earlier, way before election. Afterwards it seems clear wrongdoings took place by people angry at being out maneuvered.

I have my own suspicions. Since I cannot prove them, there's no point to making accusations or statements that can open one to libel. No meaning me. Anyone suing me will spend more than they stand to gain:laugh:

I still have an issue with a media news organization allowing whoever to present their case as THEIR case, not the news organization. Seriously, how big of an audience can one affect over voting machines? 50?

If we are going to go here, who's liable for all the lies that rodent Fauci told? He was speaking for the US Government/Biden Admin, and how many people were affected by his lies?. There are plenty of examples.

Like all else, there needs to be one standard.

10-31-2023, 12:48 PM
I have my own suspicions. Since I cannot prove them, there's no point to making accusations or statements that can open one to libel. No meaning me. Anyone suing me will spend more than they stand to gain:laugh:

I still have an issue with a media news organization allowing whoever to present their case as THEIR case, not the news organization. Seriously, how big of an audience can one affect over voting machines? 50?

If we are going to go here, who's liable for all the lies that rodent Fauci told? He was speaking for the US Government/Biden Admin, and how many people were affected by his lies?. There are plenty of examples.

Like all else, there needs to be one standard.

Fairness, Fauci lies covered two admins.

I agree with all else.