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View Full Version : Over 900 Penn faculty warn of 'hostile takeover' by trustees, donors

12-22-2023, 11:35 AM
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so stoopid. Give us your money and shut up. How dare you think that doling out millions entitles you to an opinion on the school's academic direction:rolleyes:

Over 900 Penn faculty warn of 'hostile takeover' by trustees, donors in response to Marc Rowan letter | The Daily Pennsylvanian (thedp.com) (https://www.thedp.com/article/2023/12/penn-faculty-concern-marc-rowan-letter)

12-22-2023, 12:27 PM
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so stoopid. Give us your money and shut up. How dare you think that doling out millions entitles you to an opinion on the school's academic direction:rolleyes:

Over 900 Penn faculty warn of 'hostile takeover' by trustees, donors in response to Marc Rowan letter | The Daily Pennsylvanian (thedp.com) (https://www.thedp.com/article/2023/12/penn-faculty-concern-marc-rowan-letter)

Time will tell, but the it seems the moment has come where consumers are really looking at the cost effectiveness, not too mention the real likelihood of indoctrination and saying, "Whoa! Time to rethink..." Now alumni, they really want to be proud of their alma maters. These raw displays of non-thinking students, encouraged by higher degreed faculty, make it impossible. Even small things catch alumni attention and they are likely to send a note or make a call. THIS? Is really unprecedented and the reason so many are losing cash, not too mention future applicants.

12-23-2023, 01:14 PM
Time will tell, but the it seems the moment has come where consumers are really looking at the cost effectiveness, not too mention the real likelihood of indoctrination and saying, "Whoa! Time to rethink..." Now alumni, they really want to be proud of their alma maters. These raw displays of non-thinking students, encouraged by higher degreed faculty, make it impossible. Even small things catch alumni attention and they are likely to send a note or make a call. THIS? Is really unprecedented and the reason so many are losing cash, not too mention future applicants.

Agree completely. Different level but same basic premise: I dole out to the kids' Boy Scout deal. They start allowing girls and or "those who identify as" as the purse strings get pulled tight here. Same goes for the girls' Girl Scouts. And yes, I was a Boy Scout until I discovered girls :). Son in law was/is an Eagle Scout, one of the troop leaders, and ANY opportunity to prance around in his uniform with all the bells and whistles is a good one:laugh:

Point is, yes, people take pride in the institutions they support; especially, if they are still part of them and dolling out the $. If the institution is going to go against what it once stood for, it has no right to crybaby about donors withholding dollars. In the World where government is supposed to work correctly, Federal funding should be on the chopping block as well, as far as I'm concerned.