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12-29-2023, 09:15 AM
Literally millions entering the country with no vetting at all. Just so happens that many have chosen the past few years to not vaccinate their children because they know better.

Meanwhile polio and leprosy among other diseases are showing up in various sewer testing:

https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2023/12/27/leprosy_polio_malaria_tb_measles__and_massive_unsc reened_illegal_immigration_1000817.html

12-29-2023, 06:12 PM
Literally millions entering the country with no vetting at all. Just so happens that many have chosen the past few years to not vaccinate their children because they know better.

Meanwhile polio and leprosy among other diseases are showing up in various sewer testing:

https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2023/12/27/leprosy_polio_malaria_tb_measles__and_massive_unsc reened_illegal_immigration_1000817.html

millions is crazy I think even many on the left see the problem now.

As far as polio goes
More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus - AP News (https://apnews.com/article/health-united-nations-ap-top-news-pakistan-international-news-7d8b0e32efd0480fbd12acf27729f6a5)

12-31-2023, 11:05 AM
I saw that Mexico was angry at Texas plans to arrest any illegals... imagine that, arresting law breakers. :rolleyes:

Then another parade of billions walking this way as usual. And why? Because they can and they know that incompetence and idiots allow for it.

12-31-2023, 12:33 PM
Literally millions entering the country with no vetting at all. Just so happens that many have chosen the past few years to not vaccinate their children because they know better.

Meanwhile polio and leprosy among other diseases are showing up in various sewer testing:

https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2023/12/27/leprosy_polio_malaria_tb_measles__and_massive_unsc reened_illegal_immigration_1000817.html

Not going to hold my breath waiting on anyone running for office this year to address this. Despite those that "know better", vaccines are and have been proven effective. I'm old enough to remember kids that had polio. Guess they were either pre-vaccine or their parents knew better. Not sure when they made it mandatory to have the vaccine to enter public school here, but it still is last I heard.

I'd chance the one in a billion side effects rather than sit permanently contorted in a wheelchair, if lucky enough that was all that happened. I seem to recall stories of polio victims existing in iron lungs. Not what I'd call having a life.

Something I found interesting in an unrelated article but the same "rule" could be applied here if the Herr Bidet and his merry band of hypocrites wanted:

A munitions shipment to Israel was approved by Biden, bypassing Congress, using the "emergency" and "of vital interest to the US and the security of its allies" clause (to which Tim Kaine cried all over the MSM about). Seems to me if they can use that clause to resupply Israel with arty rounds, they could certainly use it to deploy the US military to the international Southern US Border. Just a thought.