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View Full Version : Lloyd Austin: Scrutiny grows on US defence secretary over hospital secrecy

01-08-2024, 12:01 PM
I happened to pick this article because I ran into it first. There are plenty. An outraged, kept in dark MSM wants answers and heads should roll. All those speculative bylines lost:rolleyes:

I have an issue without Biden/admin being notified, incompetent fools that they are. Surely "Mr unnamed source on conditions of anonymity " would have leaked the news. Not to worry though, the AsstSecDef had it covered from her vacation spot in the Carribean:rolleyes: I have an issue with that.

Another one of those red flags from the Pentagon, that began speaking on its own behalf last year as t was a 4th branch of government. After all, who is Pretender in Chief to presume he has the right to the knowledge that his SecDef is off-line? Mustn't invade Lloyd Austin's privacy and personal choices:rolleyes:

Lloyd Austin: Scrutiny grows on US defence secretary over hospital secrecy (bbc.com) (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67913855)

01-08-2024, 12:13 PM
I happened to pick this article because I ran into it first. There are plenty. An outraged, kept in dark MSM wants answers and heads should roll. All those speculative bylines lost:rolleyes:

I have an issue without Biden/admin being notified, incompetent fools that they are. Surely "Mr unnamed source on conditions of anonymity " would have leaked the news. Not to worry though, the AsstSecDef had it covered from her vacation spot in the Carribean:rolleyes: I have an issue with that.

Another one of those red flags from the Pentagon, that began speaking on its own behalf last year as t was a 4th branch of government. After all, who is Pretender in Chief to presume he has the right to the knowledge that his SecDef is off-line? Mustn't invade Lloyd Austin's privacy and personal choices:rolleyes:

Lloyd Austin: Scrutiny grows on US defence secretary over hospital secrecy (bbc.com) (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67913855)

Seriously, this administration is beyond weird. No one is in charge and everyone is.

01-09-2024, 01:54 PM
Seriously, this administration is beyond weird. No one is in charge and everyone is. It's hard to tell, but definitely questionable. On one hand, I've pointed out several times where the Pentagon spoke for itself. Unheard of in my day unless reiterating Admin policy. Minus the partisan, politically biased and goaled current idiots (Austin & Co) it would actually be preferrable to me.

Because on the other hand, there was the Afghanistan fiasco. I'm still not believing any real, professional military came up with that compounding f-up on top of more f-ups "plan". It in fact has Joe Biden's incompetence stamped all over it. Expert in foreign policy that he is :rolleyes: