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View Full Version : ‘Reckless and irresponsible’: Pentagon officials reel from news Austin kept cancer di

01-10-2024, 08:35 AM
I do not wish cancer on anyone. Even Lloyd Austin.

Having said that, this whole fiasco is FUBAR from beginning to end. Austin's decision was irresponsible, and dereliction of duty as far as I'm concerned. The DC schmucks and left are brushing this off like it's no big deal. Fauxahontas: I'm sure it won't happen again:rolleyes: Just one of the babbling fools and goes right to the question of WTF is in charge at the Beltway cesspool? Unprofessional is an understatement.

Why is this a big deal? This isn't Captain Nobody. For what he's worth, SecDef is 3rd in the chain of command for the defense of this Nation. He's incapacitated for 3-4 days and doesn't find it important enough to notify #1 in the Chain? This is the judgement call of the 3rd in line in the military CoC? God help us all:rolleyes: Getting a clearer view on the Afghanistan debacle with Top 3 being Larry, Curly and Moe. Can't imagine why everyone and his brother is taking potshots at us. There's no living brain cell to give the order to return fire.

Meantime, no big deal to Asst SecDef. She's got this one, via phone from her vacation. I'd like to know what SHE knew. It would be her responsibility in the absence of another to notify CinC she is acting SecDef.

These morons are supposedly in charge yet there is no clear understanding of succession in the CoC? Prescription for disaster.

‘Reckless and irresponsible’: Pentagon officials reel from news Austin kept cancer diagnosis quiet - POLITICO (https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/09/reckless-and-irresponsible-pentagon-officials-reel-from-news-austin-kept-cancer-diagnosis-quiet-00134700)

01-20-2024, 12:04 AM
He should have been fired on the spot.