View Full Version : Thanks to Fauci & Co., America now must worry about measles outbreaks

01-21-2024, 01:27 PM
NY Post article

If you think that same agency’s endless flip-flopping and outright lying on COVID, vaccines, masks, and social distancing aren’t a prime cause of this, we have a bridge we’d like to sell you.

Thanks to Fauci & Co., America now must worry about measles outbreaks (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/thanks-to-fauci-co-america-now-must-worry-about-measles-outbreaks/ar-BB1gZB0w?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=107685684d32433c9b99d0c39408b537&ei=74)

01-21-2024, 02:26 PM
NY Post article

Thanks to Fauci & Co., America now must worry about measles outbreaks (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/thanks-to-fauci-co-america-now-must-worry-about-measles-outbreaks/ar-BB1gZB0w?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=107685684d32433c9b99d0c39408b537&ei=74)

The problems with antivax regarding MMR started way before covid. I'm sure it's gotten worse. That's both antivax proponents and the liars at CCD faults.

01-22-2024, 05:48 PM
The problems with antivax regarding MMR started way before covid. I'm sure it's gotten worse. That's both antivax proponents and the liars at CCD faults.Completely agree. I would say it's gotten worse since prior to COVID, antivaxxers were considered more underground conspiracy theorist nutjobs than anything else. Fauci and the rest of the stooges have given some legitimacy to them and swayed the opinions of some fence-sitters to the wrong side.

Still waiting for someone to prosecute the gnome.

01-22-2024, 06:19 PM
Completely agree. I would say it's gotten worse since prior to COVID, antivaxxers were considered more underground conspiracy theorist nutjobs than anything else. Fauci and the rest of the stooges have given some legitimacy to them and swayed the opinions of some fence-sitters to the wrong side.

Still waiting for someone to prosecute the gnome.

Doesn't feel like the wrong side as more and more info comes out.

01-22-2024, 06:29 PM
Doesn't feel like the wrong side as more and more info comes out.We do not agree.

01-22-2024, 06:54 PM
People who took every vaccine the govt or doctor told them too blindly & obediently & who dismissed all contrary evidence out of hand, used to be considered "normal" and "good citizens".
Now thanks to Faucci, his ilk and the side effects, uselessness and death caused by the Covid vaccines many people are half awakened to the fact that they should consider vaccines just like any other medications.
Asking whether or not it's effective, what test have been done and even if it's necessary. Asking to see real studies against placebos.
Asking if the 32 plus vaccines have any cross side effects.. or even studies to check.
Are you at more at risk of problems WITH Them or WITHOUT Them.
And does the gov't really have ANY right to tell you you MUST take any medication.

you know "Crazy" "conspiracy" questions people ask about EVERY OTHER medication.

01-22-2024, 07:00 PM
People should have as much right to be free of fearmongering horseshit as they do government officials lying to them. If one doesn't like being told what to think, one should not be telling others what to.

01-22-2024, 07:31 PM
Yes, People should have the right to be free TO EXAMINE fear-mongering horseshit from government officials lying to them or any one.
And from snake oil salesmans at big pharma and "natural" foods pushers.

Freedom of speech says people can promote whatever crap they want.
people just have to take time and LOOK at the evidence to see whether or not it's BS.
At least that's what they should do, instead of blindly "trusting" what they've been told about everything since they were in grade school.

If one doesn't like being told what to think, one should not be telling others what to.

Giving people information to examine is NOT telling people what to think.
Telling people "HEY DON'T CROSS THE STREET A BUS IS COMING!" may come across like "telling others what to do"
but frankly I'd appreciate the info and WILL LOOK TO SEE if it's TRUE for myself.
Some folk will just walk on anyway because they've always crossed the street without looking and NEVER got hit. Plus the yelling about a bus sounds like fear-mongering horseshit .

01-22-2024, 07:34 PM
BTW did someone mentioned Fear-Mongering?

info to review or not...

What is Measles? It’s Basically a Rash

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics (https://redbook.solutions.aap.org/chapter.aspx?sectionid=189640130&bookid=2205#:~:text=Measles%20is%20an%20acute%20vi ral,Koplik%20spots)%20may%20be%20present.) (AAP):
“Measles is an acute viral disease characterized by fever, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis, followed by a maculopapular rash beginning on the face and spreading cephalocaudally and centrifugally.”

What does that mean?

Cough is a cough.
Coryza means inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose. Most people call this a “stuffy nose.”
Conjunctivitis is often called “pink eye,” is a common eye disease, especially in children. It usually lasts a few days and goes away by itself.
Maculopapular rash is a type of rash that is covered with small bumps. It can sometimes be itchy.
Cephalocaudally and Centrifugally means moving downward and away from center.

So, according to pediatricians, measles is a rash that can sometimes be itchy and spread across the body. It may cause a stuffy nose and pink eye.
Although measles is basically a rash, we are told that the complications can be serious and sometimes deadly.
Let’ see what the CDC said before there was a vaccine.
According to the former head of the CDC, Dr. Alexander D. Langmuir, measles is a
“self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality….”
Medical Importance of Measles, Alexander Langmuir, MD. Am J Dis Child, 1962;103(3):224-226 (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/500100#:~:text=Among%20all%20diseases%20measles%20 has,biological%20balance%20over%20the%20centuries) .

He said this in 1962, before the measles vaccine was in use.
The term self-limiting means a disease that tends to go away on its own, without treatment.
According to an article published in The American Journal of Public Health:
“By the early 1960’s, almost all children contracted measles before they reached adolescence…By 1960, thanks to the use of antibiotics and improvements in living conditions, measles mortality was declining steadily in industrialized countries. Parents largely came to see measles as an unpleasant, although more or less inevitable, part of childhood…Many primary care physicians shared this view.” (emphasis added)

[I]Measles Vaccination Before the Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine. Hendriks, MSc and Stuart Blume, PhD, Am J Public Health. 2013 August; 103(8): 1393–1401. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4007870/).....

Continued at link

01-22-2024, 07:43 PM
Sorry. Had to go put my antibiotic eardrops in. I tried dancing around the totem pole and chanting but it didn't work on the infection. After all, what's an ear infection but a pain in the ear?:rolleyes:

I'm up to snuff on my shots. Already had measles. If you want that "just a rash", feel free. I got enough scars.

All of which has nothing to do with non-medical people who get their information from conspiracy sites on the web pushing it on others as gospel.

01-22-2024, 07:47 PM
something else to consider ... or not

Vaccine-associated measles
The case study reviewed here is from the 1990s but that is all-the-more troubling since it raises a number of serious public health questions that the CDC has known about for decades and has not yet attempted to address. Worse yet, it has not yet disclosed these known dangers to the public. While it whips up terror about wild measles outbreaks, it’s hiding the dangers it knows about its engineered vaccine virus.
The CDC has known for decades that its measles vaccine virus can cause infections, that those infections can lurk silently in people for a long time and they can kill, that the virus sheds in the urine of vaccinated (https://jcm.asm.org/content/jcm/33/9/2485.full.pdf) individuals and that it can spread. In 2011, for example, doctors released a 22-year-old theatre worker in New York City from hospital with full-blown measles to roam the streets. They thought she was only sick with vaccine-associated measles. It looks just like measles but doctors are told not to count i (http://www.ghostshipmedia.com/2019/03/31/measles-measles-everywhere/)t (http://www.ghostshipmedia.com/2019/03/31/measles-measles-everywhere/) when it occurs in the recently vaccinated and that it can’t spread.
They were wrong. The vaccinated “Measles Mary” (https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/04/measles-outbreak-traced-fully-vaccinated-patient-first-time?fbclid=IwAR3daqFTmcEFPO_9iZ7wjv4WtZM9T-C-L0C6im3KeKQ8iQ0h2tCqieKek3g) spread the vaccine disease to four of her contacts (two of whom were fully vaccinated) who spread the disease until it became a full-on measles outbreak. Like today that was almost certainly blamed on irresponsible “anti-vaxxers” at the time, though it all began in a vaccine needle....

more at link

01-22-2024, 08:31 PM
Crazy Anti-Vaxxer Conspiracy Theorist Fear Mongers

Brady Bunch Measles

Donna Reed Show

01-23-2024, 06:39 PM
Sorry. Had to go put my antibiotic eardrops in. I tried dancing around the totem pole and chanting but it didn't work on the infection. After all, what's an ear infection but a pain in the ear?:rolleyes:

I'm up to snuff on my shots. Already had measles. If you want that "just a rash", feel free. I got enough scars.

All of which has nothing to do with non-medical people who get their information from conspiracy sites on the web pushing it on others as gospel.

And this is where you are wrong. My doctor is a trusted source and my info is not from a conspiracy site. You just can't admit that you jumped the minute you were told to and some of us didn't.

And, if you were truly up-to-date you would realize the CDC and WHO and all the other pandemic nut jobs lied. But you just can't accept it. Might be kinda scary to admit your Government lied to you. Good soldier.

01-23-2024, 07:50 PM
And this is where you are wrong. My doctor is a trusted source and my info is not from a conspiracy site. You just can't admit that you jumped the minute you were told to and some of us didn't.

And, if you were truly up-to-date you would realize the CDC and WHO and all the other pandemic nut jobs lied. But you just can't accept it. Might be kinda scary to admit your Government lied to you. Good soldier.


You would be incorrect in your baseless assumptions.

01-24-2024, 04:01 AM

You would be incorrect in your baseless assumptions.

Pot calling kettle black. :laugh:

01-24-2024, 06:02 PM
Pot calling kettle black. :laugh:You are the one that gets all defensive and wants to fight.

Regarding the OP I posted that states Fauci & Co lied and I have never stated otherwise ...

I would like to see Fauci & CO investigated with same due diligence (and then some) they've gone after Trump. There's a tie to him and Wuhan via funding the MSM doesn't seem much interested in harping on like they do other things (conservative/Republican). What did he fund? Who authorized it? Did he or other stooges of his ilk have knowledge Wuhan was experimenting with bio weapons? What's the money trail? Who'd he have lunch with 2019?

They won't do it. As proven by the fact he had his job prior to Biden (cross-admins), he is part of the bureaucracy, not the political elite. He's been allowed to retire and almost no attention paid to him. Politicians won't touch the bureaucracy (see Clinton/Linda Tripp and Trump threatening to "drain the Swamp). He would have to have a bloody knife in his hand standing over a dead body and I STILL wouldn't bet on a conviction.

01-24-2024, 10:53 PM
You are the one that gets all defensive and wants to fight.

Regarding the OP I posted that states Fauci & Co lied and I have never stated otherwise ...

I would like to see Fauci & CO investigated with same due diligence (and then some) they've gone after Trump. There's a tie to him and Wuhan via funding the MSM doesn't seem much interested in harping on like they do other things (conservative/Republican). What did he fund? Who authorized it? Did he or other stooges of his ilk have knowledge Wuhan was experimenting with bio weapons? What's the money trail? Who'd he have lunch with 2019?

They won't do it. As proven by the fact he had his job prior to Biden (cross-admins), he is part of the bureaucracy, not the political elite. He's been allowed to retire and almost no attention paid to him. Politicians won't touch the bureaucracy (see Clinton/Linda Tripp and Trump threatening to "drain the Swamp). He would have to have a bloody knife in his hand standing over a dead body and I STILL wouldn't bet on a conviction.

All that info is already known but the DOJ will not do anything under this administration.

01-25-2024, 09:32 AM
All that info is already known but the DOJ will not do anything under this administration. DOJ is also part of the bureaucracy, not the elected. I don't have all the fancy terms for explaining it. The simple version is the bureaucracy is the "machine" of invisible people that year in year out, regardless who's elected to occupy a spot for 4-6 years, that make the government function. Such that it does. Some I knew were 2nd and 3rd generation civil service who had never been outside the Beltway (exaggeration but close enough).

Some are so stupid they don't get past twiddling the paperweight on their desks. Don't have a sense of urgency, fuck with their time around the coffee pot, lunch dates, or their time outside 0730-1630. Whatever you do, don't ask them to actually make and effort and do some work.

You can't fire them regardless incompetence and/or lack of necessity for their job. If I recall correctly, it takes 3 negative counseling sessions over a period of a year to even file such a notion. Their red flag and subsequent propaganda/smear campaign among the rest of the lifers to follow shortly after the first counseling session. You'll be a racist and a prick to people who have never even seen you within a week or two. Even if you get them fired of do away with their job, they go immediately on a have to hire priority list and pop up as someone else's problem.

THEY run that place. Next in line are the kiss asses. Military and political people who ingratiate themselves into their system. Spend most of their time on station/in office politicking for a more permanent job.

Next in line are the politicians. They only aren't last because We, the People are. They can screw with anything political they want so long as they don't upset the system. If you do, it chews you up and spits you out. Regardless your righteous indignation, they just don't care. You get swatted like a fly for the annoyance of having to put some effort into dealing with your noisy ass.

Somewhere in all that are true professionals just trying to do their jobs because they know what they are doing and are good at it. They're always kept in the background and minimized. Or, given a fancy title and office somewhere out of the way as a "necessary evil" so no one has to do the work they do.

In that, I can't really blame Biden, nor any other elected official. It's the nature of the beast. Did anyone really care about Clinton and Monica Lewisnky? One, pissed off civil service employee named Linda Tripp did for no mor reason than revenge. Bill didn't like her and tried to marginalize her by doing away with her job and giving her an equal job of lesser importance out of the limelight.

Same with Trump. He threatened the establishment. It is still chewing him up. They got all day.

Then there's this: who and what pops up when an investigation is started into a US Gov't stooge putting his name to gain of function funding? Epstein's list? And what's the fallout behind the stooge? Time to call Hillary for a "cleanup":rolleyes:

The nature of the beast.