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View Full Version : Trump asks Supreme Court to put off his election interference trial, claiming immunit

02-12-2024, 05:40 PM
IMO, Trump does not rate special consideration because he decided to run for President.

The Supreme Court has previously held that presidents are immune from civil liability for official acts, and Trump’s lawyers have for months argued that that protection should be extended to criminal prosecution (https://apnews.com/article/trump-jan-6-special-counsel-immunity-appeal-64eec975e6a602949eb4b90315239318) as well.

I'm not buying this argument unless he's claiming Jan 6th was an "official act". In which case, where does THAT put him (admitting culpability in an attempt to interfere with the vote certification)?

Trump asks Supreme Court to put off his election interference trial, claiming immunity (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-faces-monday-deadline-to-ask-the-supreme-court-for-a-delay-in-his-election-interference-trial/ar-BB1i9rHp?ocid=msedgntp&pc=HCTS&cvid=571372e3947c45519ba77f128ad4e3b4&ei=23)

02-14-2024, 12:32 PM
I would say the same rationale for not allowing elected officials to fundraise using government resources because of the Hatch Act is the same for trump whining about elections.