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View Full Version : How Insane Are Trump Supporters?

02-24-2024, 07:16 PM
Apparently insane enough to not have facts matter to them. Not that Biden is much of an alternative. But Trump? That's just insane! Let's take a look at him. First, he tried to commit a coup here in the U.S. That's TREASON! He even wanted to lead the attack on the Capitol Building himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him. He also claimed that the election was stolen from him. With absolutely no proof. Biden won the election by over 7 million popular votes. You can't fake that. Also, how people vote is kept secret. But I'm pretty sure that they voted isn't. For Biden to have won to the degree that he did, apparently Trump thinks that he did it with millions of votes cast by people who either didn't exist or who had no right to vote to begin with. If that was the case, SHOW THEM! There must be many millions of them out there. Show me the list! But he can't because it never happened.

As if that all wasn't bad enough, his talk about securing the border was nothing but talk. Republicans love cheap mexican wage slaves as much as democrats. For example, I saw part of a speech given by W. Bush where he said that we should actually be thanking illegals for coming here. Also, when Trump was first running for president, he promised to deport 11 million illegals if he was elected. It didn't happen, did it. Also, Trump purposefully misled the American people about the seriousness of the coronavirus. I even saw him give an interview where he admitted to it. Apparently, the economy was more important to him than human life.

Here is another point. Trump had a sister who used to be a judge who died fairly recently. What insane Trump supporter can think that they know Trump better than his own sister. Well she herself said that her brother wasn't to be trusted. And that he had no moral standards. At least as a sister, Trump had some family loyalty to count on. But still, she said what she did. And given all of Trump's legal problems, she obviously knew what she was talking about. So all in all, if you still support Trump, you can consider yourself to be truly insane.

Mr. P
02-24-2024, 07:40 PM
Apparently insane enough to not have facts matter to them. Not that Biden is much of an alternative. But Trump? That's just insane! Let's take a look at him. First, he tried to commit a coup here in the U.S. That's TREASON! He even wanted to lead the attack on the Capitol Building himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him. He also claimed that the election was stolen from him. With absolutely no proof. Biden won the election by over 7 million popular votes. You can't fake that. Also, how people vote is kept secret. But I'm pretty sure that they voted isn't. For Biden to have won to the degree that he did, apparently Trump thinks that he did it with millions of votes cast by people who either didn't exist or who had no right to vote to begin with. If that was the case, SHOW THEM! There must be many millions of them out there. Show me the list! But he can't because it never happened.

As if that all wasn't bad enough, his talk about securing the border was nothing but talk. Republicans love cheap mexican wage slaves as much as democrats. For example, I saw part of a speech given by W. Bush where he said that we should actually be thanking illegals for coming here. Also, when Trump was first running for president, he promised to deport 11 million illegals if he was elected. It didn't happen, did it. Also, Trump purposefully misled the American people about the seriousness of the coronavirus. I even saw him give an interview where he admitted to it. Apparently, the economy was more important to him than human life.

Here is another point. Trump had a sister who used to be a judge who died fairly recently. What insane Trump supporter can think that they know Trump better than his own sister. Well she herself said that her brother wasn't to be trusted. And that he had no moral standards. At least as a sister, Trump had some family loyalty to count on. But still, she said what she did. And given all of Trump's legal problems, she obviously knew what she was talking about. So all in all, if you still support Trump, you can consider yourself to be truly insane.

Hillary, Is that you? :laugh:

Alice in Russia
02-25-2024, 02:52 AM
He also claimed that the election was stolen from him. With absolutely no proof.
I am not very immersed in American domestic politics, but even Trump's opponents admit that there were violations. The only question is the scale. Therefore, your statement about the absolute lack of evidence strongly discredits your post.

his talk about securing the border was nothing but talk. Republicans love cheap mexican wage slaves as much as democrats.
Isn't there a problem that these "cheap wage slaves" eventually get American citizenship? The point is not to keep them out of the United States, but to ensure their departure later.

Well she herself said that her brother wasn't to be trusted.
This is a classic forbidden method of conducting a discussion - a reference to authority.

02-25-2024, 02:49 PM
Apparently insane enough to not have facts matter to them. Not that Biden is much of an alternative. But Trump? That's just insane! Let's take a look at him. First, he tried to commit a coup here in the U.S. That's TREASON! He even wanted to lead the attack on the Capitol Building himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him. He also claimed that the election was stolen from him. With absolutely no proof. Biden won the election by over 7 million popular votes. You can't fake that. Also, how people vote is kept secret. But I'm pretty sure that they voted isn't. For Biden to have won to the degree that he did, apparently Trump thinks that he did it with millions of votes cast by people who either didn't exist or who had no right to vote to begin with. If that was the case, SHOW THEM! There must be many millions of them out there. Show me the list! But he can't because it never happened.

As if that all wasn't bad enough, his talk about securing the border was nothing but talk. Republicans love cheap mexican wage slaves as much as democrats. For example, I saw part of a speech given by W. Bush where he said that we should actually be thanking illegals for coming here. Also, when Trump was first running for president, he promised to deport 11 million illegals if he was elected. It didn't happen, did it. Also, Trump purposefully misled the American people about the seriousness of the coronavirus. I even saw him give an interview where he admitted to it. Apparently, the economy was more important to him than human life.

Here is another point. Trump had a sister who used to be a judge who died fairly recently. What insane Trump supporter can think that they know Trump better than his own sister. Well she herself said that her brother wasn't to be trusted. And that he had no moral standards. At least as a sister, Trump had some family loyalty to count on. But still, she said what she did. And given all of Trump's legal problems, she obviously knew what she was talking about. So all in all, if you still support Trump, you can consider yourself to be truly insane.

Some insanity but mostly a resurgence of ignorant populism that is outweighing what used to be giving credence to small-government conservatism.

02-27-2024, 12:31 PM
I am not very immersed in American domestic politics, but even Trump's opponents admit that there were violations. The only question is the scale. Therefore, your statement about the absolute lack of evidence strongly discredits your post.

Isn't there a problem that these "cheap wage slaves" eventually get American citizenship? The point is not to keep them out of the United States, but to ensure their departure later.

This is a classic forbidden method of conducting a discussion - a reference to authority.I would not take this Nazi propagandist seriously. Any time and effort placed in responding to him with facts is wasted.

02-28-2024, 07:10 PM
I would not take this Nazi propagandist seriously. Any time and effort placed in responding to him with facts is wasted.

It is interesting to see people like you who are apparently proudly ignorant. You never give me any "facts." All I get from you is BS. On the other hand, I bombard you with facts. But rather than respond to them, you just delete the threads. There is much I could say about that. But all I would likely get is another infraction for saying utterly disgusting and vile (and completely true) things about you. As for telling alice to not reply to me, I have to thank you for that. It's not as though he, she or it has anything sensible to say.