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View Full Version : Biden, The Filthy Traitor.

02-24-2024, 07:53 PM
Apparently to Biden, letting illegal invaders into this country is more important than supporting the Ukraine. But the U.S. has a long history of having nothing but trouble with Russia. There was the Iron Curtain. The Cold war. The nuclear arms race. And they helped the North Koreans and the North Vietnamese in our wars with them. We even nearly went to nuclear war with Russia on 3 separate occasions. But letting illegals invade our country is more important than supporting the Ukraine? There's some high powered treason there!

Also, let us be clear. Letting illegal invaders from every latan american country into this country IS an invasion! Sure, there may not be an actual military conflict driving it. But it is still an invasion none the less. Also, when Biden took the oath of office, didn't he swear to uphold the Constitution? Well in Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution, speaking of the States it clearly says, "and shall protect each of them against invasion;" Here is something else on that matter. I have heard some BS floating around out there that illegal invaders aren't actually invaders. That with there being no military action driving that invasion, they are actually "friendly invaders." Those who say that are definitely not playing with a full deck. They definitely have some loose screws in their brain. Illegals come here for one thing only. TO TAKE WHAT YOU HAVE! In no way shape or form can anybody trying to take what you have be considered a "friend."

Here is something else on that matter. John F Kennedy once said, "There is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it." Well get this. The traditions of illegal invaders aren't our traditions. Much like the invaders themselves, their "traditions" are pure filth. That is why they're coming here. Because their "traditions" have screwed up their home countries so bad. For example, some time ago a pregnant 10 year old mexican girl had to travel to another state to get an abortion. The person who was convicted for impregnating her was named Gershon Funtes. From what I hear, adults having sex with girls that young isn't all that big of a deal in mexico. And from what I remember reading about the case, the girl's mother wasn't all that pissed off (if pissed off at all) about her daughter getting knocked up by her boyfriend. Are those types of "traditions" you want to see entering into the U.S.?

Alice in Russia
02-25-2024, 03:01 AM
Letting illegal invaders from every latan american country into this country IS an invasion!
This is a classic forbidden polemic technique - substitution of concepts

02-25-2024, 07:03 AM
The avatar and the hate is familiar, but the name is changed... and it's still not posting anything worthy of consideration.

02-25-2024, 06:54 PM
This is a classic forbidden polemic technique - substitution of concepts

That's a pretty indirect way of saying that you agree with me. (If that is in fact what you are doing) Those who are letting illegals into this country can call it anything they want. But it is in fact an invasion. So they need to be called out on labeling it in any other way.

02-25-2024, 06:56 PM
The avatar and the hate is familiar, but the name is changed... and it's still not posting anything worthy of consideration.

What is Putin paying people like you to spread treason these days.