View Full Version : So, Who Here Hates The Truth.

02-27-2024, 08:03 PM
Make yourself known to me. And of course I would be interested in knowing just what you find to be so repugnant, so repulsive about the truth. I would really like to know. Because don't you know that if you disapprove of the truth, you are nothing more than a slave? To which nothing good can come. To that end, if I were allowed to tell you, it might please you to know that I have had threads just disappear around here. No "steel cage" for them. Just disappeared. But telling you that would probably be breaking a rule. So if that indeed happened, it is up to you to wonder whether or not that did happen. I won't say so one way or another.

Now on the other hand, nearly impossible as it is, could it be possible that there is somebody around here who actually does support the truth? If so, then I REALLY would like to hear from you! Because people with such a high moral, ethical and superior intellectual standard are very very rare indeed. Though with that being the case, probably the only way you could contact me is through a PM. Because I'm sure such people would never be allowed to speak in the open forum.

02-28-2024, 09:42 AM
Define "truth." Truth is OK, fact is superior.

02-28-2024, 10:44 AM
Make yourself known to me. And of course I would be interested in knowing just what you find to be so repugnant, so repulsive about the truth. I would really like to know. Because don't you know that if you disapprove of the truth, you are nothing more than a slave? To which nothing good can come. To that end, if I were allowed to tell you, it might please you to know that I have had threads just disappear around here. No "steel cage" for them. Just disappeared. But telling you that would probably be breaking a rule. So if that indeed happened, it is up to you to wonder whether or not that did happen. I won't say so one way or another.

Now on the other hand, nearly impossible as it is, could it be possible that there is somebody around here who actually does support the truth? If so, then I REALLY would like to hear from you! Because people with such a high moral, ethical and superior intellectual standard are very very rare indeed. Though with that being the case, probably the only way you could contact me is through a PM. Because I'm sure such people would never be allowed to speak in the open forum.

Threads do not disappear on this board. You know that, so you are a liar. Ironic, given your choice of topic.

02-28-2024, 07:16 PM
Define "truth." Truth is OK, fact is superior.

Well, that's a pretty silly question to ask. Are you being serious? Because if you are, I think I would rather not speak to you at all. But seeing how I have nothing better to do at the moment, I'll answer your stupid question. "Define truth?" Ok, here is is. Truth is FACT.

02-28-2024, 07:29 PM
Well, that's a pretty silly question to ask. Are you being serious? Because if you are, I think I would rather not speak to you at all. But seeing how I have nothing better to do at the moment, I'll answer your stupid question. "Define truth?" Ok, here is is. Truth is FACT.

Truth is not fact; truth has a measure of subjectivity to it, fact does not. Truth is discerned from facts. There are plenty of rabbit holes to go down if you want to discuss fact vs. truth but I'm that would be just getting lost in the weeds.

I can hate truth if it incorrectly interprets facts. I can hate facts if they are a child of evil.

02-28-2024, 07:33 PM
Threads do not disappear on this board. You know that, so you are a liar. Ironic, given your choice of topic.

A liar? Really?! Why would you say that. You know that isn't true. I did indeed have threads here that vanished off the face of the earth. What I am wondering now is what you are going to do to me for saying so. Possibly ban me? Well at other forums, that does seem to be the go to way for a moderator to prove that they are "right." Pathetic as that is. I'll tell what threads I created here that I can no longer find any trace of. One was called, "History according to a Jew." Another was, "Sick of all the racist forums." The other one was called, "White Genocide." So, you still going to call me a liar? How about this. What if I reposted those threads. What would you do then.

02-29-2024, 08:39 AM
"Define truth?" Ok, here is is. Truth is FACT.







02-29-2024, 01:55 PM
A liar? Really?! Why would you say that. You know that isn't true. I did indeed have threads here that vanished off the face of the earth. What I am wondering now is what you are going to do to me for saying so. Possibly ban me? Well at other forums, that does seem to be the go to way for a moderator to prove that they are "right." Pathetic as that is. I'll tell what threads I created here that I can no longer find any trace of. One was called, "History according to a Jew." Another was, "Sick of all the racist forums." The other one was called, "White Genocide." So, you still going to call me a liar? How about this. What if I reposted those threads. What would you do then.

Are you admitting in writing that you are a banned member here without permission to return?

As far as "your" (intellectual property of the board the second you hit enter) threads go, I do seem to recall your same-sounding vitriol being merged with other same-sounding threads. If you cannot find them I can only assume they are lost within themselves and you can't tell your lies and hatred one from the other any more than anyone else can.

02-29-2024, 06:03 PM
Truth is not fact; truth has a measure of subjectivity to it, fact does not. Truth is discerned from facts. There are plenty of rabbit holes to go down if you want to discuss fact vs. truth but I'm that would be just getting lost in the weeds.

I can hate truth if it incorrectly interprets facts. I can hate facts if they are a child of evil.

Twisting shit around only works for twisted minds. Get this, and pay attention. If something is a fact, it is the truth. When I speak of truth, that is what I am speaking about. No other "truth" matters.

02-29-2024, 06:20 PM
Are you admitting in writing that you are a banned member here without permission to return?

As far as "your" (intellectual property of the board the second you hit enter) threads go, I do seem to recall your same-sounding vitriol being merged with other same-sounding threads. If you cannot find them I can only assume they are lost within themselves and you can't tell your lies and hatred one from the other any more than anyone else can.

You called me a liar for saying that I had threads vanish from this forum. I told you what those threads were called. So why the song and dance. Things are as I said they are. You said that threads don't vanish from this forum. I proved you wrong. Though I won't stoop to your level and call you a liar. My threads weren't moved, merged or anything else. They are just gone. You know, I can click on my username and click on showing all threads I created. The ones I mentioned don't show up. It is though they never existed. You think the threads I mentioned still exist somewhere? Tell me where that is.

Also, if you think the threads I mentioned never existed, that must mean that you don't know what they were about. I suggested before that I could always repost them. Seeing how you in theory don't know what they were about, you can't have any objection to my reposting them. So what do you say. Can I repost them? Under these conditions, if you say no, you are admitting that you are a liar. So which is it to be. Yes, I can repost them or no, I can't repost them.

03-01-2024, 08:21 AM
Twisting shit around only works for twisted minds. Get this, and pay attention. If something is a fact, it is the truth. When I speak of truth, that is what I am speaking about. No other "truth" matters.

You raise a question that begs defining the words involved. There's no twisting of anything. The question you ask is simple minded; the real question is more complex. One answer to your simple-minded question is yes, there is truth that is worthy of hate. So that is the second time I've answered your question; rebuttal?

You could also restate your question as, "who here hate facts?" Is there a fact that you hate? Or even if you don't restate, is there a truth that you hate?

03-01-2024, 08:26 AM
Twisting shit around only works for twisted minds. Get this, and pay attention. If something is a fact, it is the truth. When I speak of truth, that is what I am speaking about. No other "truth" matters.

You called me a liar for saying that I had threads vanish from this forum. I told you what those threads were called. So why the song and dance. Things are as I said they are. You said that threads don't vanish from this forum. I proved you wrong. Though I won't stoop to your level and call you a liar. My threads weren't moved, merged or anything else. They are just gone. You know, I can click on my username and click on showing all threads I created. The ones I mentioned don't show up. It is though they never existed. You think the threads I mentioned still exist somewhere? Tell me where that is.

Also, if you think the threads I mentioned never existed, that must mean that you don't know what they were about. I suggested before that I could always repost them. Seeing how you in theory don't know what they were about, you can't have any objection to my reposting them. So what do you say. Can I repost them? Under these conditions, if you say no, you are admitting that you are a liar. So which is it to be. Yes, I can repost them or no, I can't repost them.

I am comparing the second statement which apparently didn't read the preceding, incorrect one. Truth is not fact. Fact is fact. Fact is, no threads have been removed from this board that were mot spam. Since your dishonest little self is aware of this fact, you are a liar, and creating your own, baseless truth that works only for that paramecium swimming around behind your eyes.

I don't owe you this much explanation, much less any further one. I bothered at all not for you, but for the benefit of those reading this who might wish to think there is any validity to your lie.

If you don't like the rules here, leave.

03-01-2024, 05:42 PM
You raise a question that begs defining the words involved. There's no twisting of anything. The question you ask is simple minded; the real question is more complex. One answer to your simple-minded question is yes, there is truth that is worthy of hate. So that is the second time I've answered your question; rebuttal?

You could also restate your question as, "who here hate facts?" Is there a fact that you hate? Or even if you don't restate, is there a truth that you hate?

I don't need to define anything. Neither does it need definition. Truth is truth. That is it. You either hate it or you don't. So, which is it.

03-01-2024, 06:03 PM
I am comparing the second statement which apparently didn't read the preceding, incorrect one. Truth is not fact. Fact is fact. Fact is, no threads have been removed from this board that were mot spam. Since your dishonest little self is aware of this fact, you are a liar, and creating your own, baseless truth that works only for that paramecium swimming around behind your eyes.

I don't owe you this much explanation, much less any further one. I bothered at all not for you, but for the benefit of those reading this who might wish to think there is any validity to your lie.

If you don't like the rules here, leave.

So, you admit to being a LIAR! That's refreshing. Do you refute that you admit to it? You said, "no threads have been removed from this board that were "not" spam." That means they were removed and the reason for it was because you consider them to be "spam." If you can manage to pry your lips away from some jew sphincter for long enough, answer me this. How can the threads that were removed b e considered "spam" if I never posted them here before.

So, as you said, "for the benefit of those reading this." Know this one and all. Gunny is a LIAR. He ADMITTED IT! I said that I had threads removed from this forum. You basically admitted it by saying they were removed because they were considered to be "spam." As for what you said about the rules here, sure, I don't like them. But they're just about the same at any forum. Though there is something I like even less. You. What do you make of that. Is there a rule here that says I can't dislike a mod?

03-01-2024, 09:22 PM
Is there a rule here that says I can't dislike a mod?



03-02-2024, 12:15 PM
I don't need to define anything. Neither does it need definition. Truth is truth. That is it. You either hate it or you don't. So, which is it.

Asked and answered. You are simple minded.

Whelp. I see you've gone too far. nazi apologists typically do eventually. Similar to populists but with the added hatred of fellow man.