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View Full Version : Obama asked 5 eyes to spy on Trump

03-01-2024, 01:48 AM

03-01-2024, 07:53 AM
Sassy why do you hate America?

Our government doesn't do things like that.
They weren't spying on Trump they were trying to protect our democracy.
Not sure why you want to make it out to be some conspiracy of 5 nations no less.

You can't keep that kinda secret among so many people. Somebody would have talked.
Wait for the fact checkers & Intel agency fax sheet to tell you what really happened.

03-01-2024, 06:07 PM
Sassy why do you hate America?

Our government doesn't do things like that.
They weren't spying on Trump they were trying to protect our democracy.
Not sure why you want to make it out to be some conspiracy of 5 nations no less.

You can't keep that kinda secret among so many people. Somebody would have talked.
Wait for the fact checkers & Intel agency fax sheet to tell you what really happened.
When the fact checkers and the media are part of the DS you can have thousands involved because most of the public have already been so propagandized they will believe what MSM tells them to believe.

03-02-2024, 12:57 AM
When the fact checkers and the media are part of the DS you can have thousands involved because most of the public have already been so propagandized they will believe what MSM tells them to believe.

it's 1984ish.

I ran across an interview with Orwell where he talked about part of where he got the "ministry of truth" concept from.
It was from his time as a war correspondent while in Spain (if I remember the country correctly) He says that what he read in the newspapers that he and others were working for was often the exact opposite of what he saw happen in the feild. or what was told him by his sources on the ground. If it wasn't the opposite it was sometime made up or just mixed with error. Often deliberately for propaganda.

There's a couple of interviews with former CIA folks ,1 from the 1970s and 1 in the 2000s, Both talk about how they manipulated the media especially where foreign reporting is concerned. Saying often only a few knew what happened in XYZ foreign countries event. since they were the ones who were sources. the U.S. reporters who they'd befriend in XYZ foreign country just took their word for it. Or they'd plant false stories in the foreign press and get friendly reporters at the major U.S. papers to repeat the "reports" from those as reliable.
The one who knew the truth were those in CIA who got the CIA inner reports.
the CIA rep from the 2000's said the only thing she really missed not being in the agency anymore was NOT knowing what was REALLY going on XYZ country.

There was this Germany reporter for a major magazine who came out, as he was about to retire, and said OUTRIGHT that he'd reported things he knew where lies about Russia for decades because that what the Germany intel and CIA wanted him to do.
Lies about Russia that enflamed relations.

the medias played like an instrument when the powers that pe want.
Very nearly State media like Pravda and Chinese media. Main difference is that the people in China & Russia KNOW the medias controlled & the gov't lies for it's own ends. Many in the U.S. think the idea is far fetch and the "free" press is doing the best it can, but is just really biased left or right.