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03-19-2024, 12:37 PM

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03-20-2024, 05:25 PM

No sub requiredI think it's a pretty good article. Need to read it again. Was in a hurry :)

03-21-2024, 10:50 AM

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This is an essential political truth—arguments, ideas and theories are no match for the ability to channel the raw power of popular sentiment, which can be raucous and savage. The history of the Republican Party in the past 10 years has been exactly this: the triumph of “the firebrand of the word” over the “lemonade-like outpourings of drawing room heroes.”
But there are also warnings about the left from those interwar years. In “The Third Reich in Power,” the second book in Evans’s trilogy, he examines how the National Socialist government went about literally implementing the totalitarian idea that sought to harness every aspect of life to the regnant ideology. So in science, we had “Aryan physics” and “Nazi mathematics.” The latter emphasized geometry over algebra because it was thought to be closer to the supposed model of perfection of their race.
This mad—but dangerous—derogation of scientific truth to an ideology of human racial identity sounds disturbingly close to what our dominant “progressive” ideologues are doing on campuses and in public spaces when they tell us (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/modern-mathematics-confronts-its-white-patriarchal-past/) that math is racist and seek to silence dissenting ideas.
We aren’t Nazi Germany. But history is full of examples of how ordinary people can be driven by exigent circumstances and manipulative leaders into some very dark places.
Good summation. Couldn't have stated it better. I have made comparison to the 1930s mor than a few times in the past few years. Current military is certainly on par with 1930. Wholly unprepared to back the checks politicians have written. Current politics appear to be going the way of 1930s Germany as well. Radical extremists polarizing/dividing based mostly on revisionist hate and fear. A MSM more intent on diving voice to it than presenting anything resembling the truth.

And who bore the brunt of retribution for the Third Reich's atrocities? The people. Most of the perpetrators of war died in it or as a result of it. The German people who stood complacently by while the radicals rose to power, then stoob by helplessly after it was too late to stop the government are the ones who paid the price in the end.

Can't speak for everyone, but current politicians inhabiting our government appear to be dragging us down a similar path and one I mostly disagree with. One that makes a farce of what we are supposed to be as a people.

The Weimar government and the German people are who put Hitler in a position of power. A hate-filled nobody with a big mouth. It wasn't a case of him seizing power from nowhere. They voted for him.