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10-16-2007, 11:08 PM
converts from the most unlikely places, a person that claimed he'd stay pc because it was 'the future':


SO I INSTALLED iWORK08 on my Macbook Pro, and I've been playing around with Pages. It's still not my beloved WordPerfect, but I like it better than Microsoft Word. And it opens Word documents just fine -- I got back the edited version of my Dick Cheney piece from the editors at the Northwestern University Law Review in Word and it opened up perfectly in Pages, with all the change-tracking and everything. (And boy are those Northwestern folks fast -- they just accepted the piece a couple of weeks ago.) I'm not sure that Pages gives me quite the warm glow that Sarah Pullman experiences, but I like it!
posted at 12:05 PM by Glenn Reynolds

10-16-2007, 11:57 PM
I used to use WordPerfect in dos, the staff in the office got cheesed off with me giving them my horrible handwritten memos and reports and articles so they banded together and forced me to use WP. I touchtype very quickly but I had to learn all those commands in WP, but it was a good lesson. When I moved from dos to Windows using Word was easy. However at home I went to Linux a couple of years ago and I would never go back to Windows. As for the Mac, yes, excellent but I'm happy with Linux.

10-17-2007, 12:16 AM
I used to use WordPerfect in dos, the staff in the office got cheesed off with me giving them my horrible handwritten memos and reports and articles so they banded together and forced me to use WP. I touchtype very quickly but I had to learn all those commands in WP, but it was a good lesson. When I moved from dos to Windows using Word was easy. However at home I went to Linux a couple of years ago and I would never go back to Windows. As for the Mac, yes, excellent but I'm happy with Linux.

Perhaps it's a WordPerfect thing? 1993, I bought a HP word processor, mind you, not a computer. It was WP, I loved it. Banged out most of my papers on that. 1995, bought my first Compaq. 2 years later, my second, well into Word by then. Never liked it as well as WP, but adapted. So on, through 5 PC's. 4 more if we consider school. 2 years ago bought G5, in a pique. Best choice I ever made. Last month bought a mac powerbook, 2nd best choice. Tonight I had to order the teacher and student edition of Windows for teachers, not alternative, but not happy. The Mac edition is superior.

10-17-2007, 03:01 AM
My first home "computer" was an Amstrad PCW, glorified word processor really but it was nice to be finally free of the typewriter. The Amstrad ran on a language called Mallard and the screen was in glorious monochrome. It did the job. I upgraded to an Olivetti pc with colour (286). I thought I was Superman with that one :laugh2: That ran on dos. I eventually upgraded to Windows 3.0 and then 3.1 and I remember the day I went for broke and got Windows 95, what a huge decision that was :coffee: