View Full Version : Slovakis's PM expected to survive assassination attempt

05-15-2024, 06:45 PM

05-16-2024, 08:54 AM
Slovakia REJECTS The WHO proposed Pandemic Accord.

Only last week Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico gave this speech:-

“I also clearly declare that we (Slovakia Democratic Party) WILL NOT support strengthening the Powers of the World Health Organisation”
“One study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccination with experimental untested vaccines”
“If someone had a different opinion on vaccination against Covid - they were dangerous to society”

Then he's shot in public

Coincidence. pure. Coincidence.
just like this



05-16-2024, 01:27 PM
Slovakia REJECTS The WHO proposed Pandemic Accord.

Only last week Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico gave this speech:-

“I also clearly declare that we (Slovakia Democratic Party) WILL NOT support strengthening the Powers of the World Health Organisation”
“One study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccination with experimental untested vaccines”
“If someone had a different opinion on vaccination against Covid - they were dangerous to society”

Then he's shot in public

Coincidence. pure. Coincidence.
just like this


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ewts8oDWEAEDbUc?format=jpg&name=smallOkay, Recep :smoke:

05-17-2024, 03:31 AM
I said it was coincidence.
And that's all it is so far.

Concerning the Japanese PM specifically, seems that info is not exactly on point.

05-17-2024, 08:03 AM
Coincidence. pure. Coincidence.
just like this

IIRC Abe was the ex-PM at the time. Nevertheless have you done a study of all world leaders cross checked against their covid/WHO/WEF positions and there deaths timely or otherwise? Or was it a "study" of 3?