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View Full Version : Debate flies over 'sex play' in kindergartens

10-18-2007, 12:33 AM
Any wagers on how long it'l be until we hear about this happening in the USA? If the progressive liberals and Godless ones have their way - this is where we are heading...


10-18-2007, 01:23 AM
I read that earlier and was going to post it...but it about made me sick...

This is what happens when you give away total control of your children over to the GOVERMENT...

Their working hard on passing stuff like that here...Help us all...

10-18-2007, 01:48 AM
Not trying to derail this thread, but I came across this after I posted...
Here's an example of the GOVERMENT knowing more about what's good for your children....Welcome to socialism....

School Board Approves Birth Control Prescriptions at Maine Middle School
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

PORTLAND, Maine — Pupils at a city middle school will be able to get birth control pills and patches at their student health center after the local school board approved the proposal Wednesday evening.

The plan, offered by city health officials, makes King Middle School the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to students in grades 6 through 8, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services.

A supporter, Richard Verrier, said it's not enough to depend on parents to protect their children because there may be students who can't discuss things with their parents.

Students treated at the centers must first get written parental permission, but under state law such treatment is confidential, and students decide for themselves whether to tell their parents about the services they receive.
read the rest...

10-18-2007, 11:44 AM
Not trying to derail this thread, but I came across this after I posted...
Here's an example of the GOVERMENT knowing more about what's good for your children....Welcome to socialism....

School Board Approves Birth Control Prescriptions at Maine Middle School
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

PORTLAND, Maine — Pupils at a city middle school will be able to get birth control pills and patches at their student health center after the local school board approved the proposal Wednesday evening.

The plan, offered by city health officials, makes King Middle School the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to students in grades 6 through 8, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services.

A supporter, Richard Verrier, said it's not enough to depend on parents to protect their children because there may be students who can't discuss things with their parents.

Students treated at the centers must first get written parental permission, but under state law such treatment is confidential, and students decide for themselves whether to tell their parents about the services they receive.
read the rest...

This is disgusting!!!! These children are between the ages of 11-14, no way should their parents not be involved it they are sexually active.

10-18-2007, 11:53 AM
Any wagers on how long it'l be until we hear about this happening in the USA? If the progressive liberals and Godless ones have their way - this is where we are heading...


Children, she said, should be able "to look at each other and examine each other's bodies. They can play doctor, play mother and father, dance naked and masturbate.

"But their sexuality must also be socialized, so they are not, for example, allowed to masturbate while sitting and eating. Nor can they be allowed to pressure other children into doing things they don't want to."

I pulled this out of the article, to discuss.

I'm sure everyone here, who has a boy, has had him play with himself when they were little, it's completely normal.

How is it so harmfull, NOW, to tell the child that it isn't something that is done in public??

Also, what little child is masterbating?? Playing with it a little yes, but actual masterbation?? This article is about children younger than school age.

10-18-2007, 11:57 AM
More examples of how "Experts" are getting more and more jacked-up in the head. May God have mercy upon us. :-/

10-18-2007, 12:00 PM
This is disgusting!!!! These children are between the ages of 11-14, no way should their parents not be involved it they are sexually active.

And definitely the school should not be encouraging it.

One of the opponents of this said something to the effect that the school board would be responsible for the health and well being of those young girls. I totally agree but am not so certain that the members of the School Board really care.

We all know that some children become sexually active at such young ages. It is bound to happen. However, that does not mean the school board should be enabling it. One more thing, I don't have numbers to back this up, but when children of such young age are active shouldn't someone be finding out who there partners are and making darned sure this is not a case of molestation?


10-18-2007, 12:06 PM
We all know that some children become sexually active at such young ages. It is bound to happen. However, that does not mean the school board should be enabling it. One more thing, I don't have numbers to back this up, but when children of such young age are active shouldn't someone be finding out who there partners are and making darned sure this is not a case of molestation?


Damn right someone should be finding out!!! Especially the 10 &11 yr olds in 6th grade. They are not mature enough to handle a sexual relationship.

10-26-2007, 11:21 AM
Not trying to derail this thread, but I came across this after I posted...
Here's an example of the GOVERMENT knowing more about what's good for your children....Welcome to socialism....

School Board Approves Birth Control Prescriptions at Maine Middle School
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

PORTLAND, Maine — Pupils at a city middle school will be able to get birth control pills and patches at their student health center after the local school board approved the proposal Wednesday evening.

The plan, offered by city health officials, makes King Middle School the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to students in grades 6 through 8, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services.

A supporter, Richard Verrier, said it's not enough to depend on parents to protect their children because there may be students who can't discuss things with their parents.

Students treated at the centers must first get written parental permission, but under state law such treatment is confidential, and students decide for themselves whether to tell their parents about the services they receive.
read the rest...

Apparently someone realized 14 yr olds shouldn't be having sex


Portland's school-based health centers have not been reporting all illegal sexual activity involving minors as required by law, but they will from now on, city officials said Thursday.
Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson questioned the health centers' reporting practices after the Portland School Committee decided last week to offer prescription birth control at the King Middle School health center.

The King Student Health Center has offered comprehensive reproductive health care, including providing condoms and testing for sexually transmitted diseases, since it opened in 2000. The school serves students in grades 6 to 8, ages 11 to 15.

Maine law prohibits having sex with a person under age 14, regardless of the age of the other person involved, Anderson said.

A health care provider must report all known or suspected cases of sex with minors age 13 and under to the state Department of Health and Human Services, she said.

10-26-2007, 11:44 AM
The whole problem is parent's need to step up to the plate and discuss these things with their children....they need to realize that kid's are learning about this stuff at a much earlier age then I ever did.

I think I was about 11 before I knew what sex was........... however my 11 year old hopped up on my lap one day when he was 7 and said mom whats sex? Which of course startled me, I was unprepared for that question at the age of 7. So I asked him, well what do you think it is? He said to me it was when a guy sticks his penis in a girls vagina............. needless to say I was quite shocked!

But I used the opportunity to discuss it with him age appropriate and we have had many conversations like that since that time he is very open with me about discussing sex and has no problem busting out at the dinner table with a sex question.

With my son I tried to answer the specific question without going into to many details not wanting to give him more info then he was ready for, although here recently he has been asking for more details regarding different things.

10-26-2007, 11:49 AM
The whole problem is parent's need to step up to the plate and discuss these things with their children....they need to realize that kid's are learning about this stuff at a much earlier age then I ever did.

Your completely right here.

This school system is completely wrong though to try to offer the pill to middle schoolers. The pill is a prescription with side effects that need to be discussed before ever giving them to children this young.

10-26-2007, 12:37 PM
Your completely right here.

This school system is completely wrong though to try to offer the pill to middle schoolers. The pill is a prescription with side effects that need to be discussed before ever giving them to children this young.

I agree.....If my son's school were to try and start this I would be livid, even though I do not have any girls that young, that decision should be solely left up to the parent and child not the school. Just as I would be livid if the school was passing out condoms to my child, we have already discussed this and he is fully aware if he ever feels that he might need them I will go get them for him, not the school.

I however push for abstinence better to be safe then sorry, and even better to wait till you are married. But I know that it most likely will not work out that way and I would be stupid for assuming it would. That is how unwanted pregnancy occurs. When you assume your child will listen to you and not have sex like you told them. Therefore he knows if he decides to go there what he needs to do to protect himself and I have no problem with making sure he has the appropriate items to do so.

You know it is really sad we are even having this conversation isn't it the schools job to educate our children in math, reading, history etc. etc. not educate them in something that is and should be strictly the parents job.

10-26-2007, 12:41 PM
bet that same school district won't give your kid an asprin without parental consent.....but birth control and abortion.....

the left always complains about the right creating an orwelian society.....

interesting they always push an agenda that will create an orwelian society and accuse the right of exactly what they are doing....

effing freaks...

10-26-2007, 01:27 PM
bet that same school district won't give your kid an asprin without parental consent.....but birth control and abortion.....

the left always complains about the right creating an orwelian society.....

interesting they always push an agenda that will create an orwelian society and accuse the right of exactly what they are doing....

effing freaks...

In our school system parents have to bring in Asprin and even cough drops for their kids.

That's why I'm having such a hard time understanding how this school system thought they could get away with this.

10-26-2007, 01:41 PM
In our school system parents have to bring in Asprin and even cough drops for their kids.

That's why I'm having such a hard time understanding how this school system thought they could get away with this.

And not only that, but lord help the young lady who is having cramps and takes a couple of Midol to school in her purse (or even forgets they are there). With zero tolerance it is instant expulsion. That is litterally ridiculous.


10-26-2007, 01:55 PM
In our school system parents have to bring in Asprin and even cough drops for their kids.

That's why I'm having such a hard time understanding how this school system thought they could get away with this.

Yep here to, and I have to fill out a paper stating what it is, how many he can have, what time he can have them, then i have to include his name, age, teacher, room number, grade and then my name and phone number.

Abbey Marie
10-26-2007, 02:56 PM
The liberal "They're going to do it anyway" tripe brought to its natural next level.

Pale Rider
10-26-2007, 04:08 PM
This is all agenda driven by the godless crowd, to push people and what they believe and think further away from religion, of any kind, that teaches morality and decency.

This type of movement to teach BABIES about SEX, and give practical prepubescent girls the pill and boys condoms is in effect telling them, "go ahead, do it, you have our permission." It's filth. It's immoral, and it's all headed up by the godless secularists of the world. People's children are under attack. If I had a child in school today, I'd be livid, and the principles worst nightmare.

10-26-2007, 09:16 PM
government schools, subverting our kids, since the 19??

And not only that, but lord help the young lady who is having cramps and takes a couple of Midol to school in her purse (or even forgets they are there). With zero tolerance it is instant expulsion. That is litterally ridiculous.


10-26-2007, 09:48 PM
This is all agenda driven by the godless crowd, to push people and what they believe and think further away from religion, of any kind, that teaches morality and decency.

This type of movement to teach BABIES about SEX, and give practical prepubescent girls the pill and boys condoms is in effect telling them, "go ahead, do it, you have our permission." It's filth. It's immoral, and it's all headed up by the godless secularists of the world. People's children are under attack. If I had a child in school today, I'd be livid, and the principles worst nightmare.

What is interesting is that this supposed 'secular' view is allowed over a 'religious' view. It seems that if someone creates a theory of how we should live and simply leaves 'god' out of it, then it becomes 'secular.'

In order to win in the courts, this might actually be a viable option. I am not saying we should lie per se, rather, develop an idea of a way to live life that is based on what we as humans deem important. Leave out the mention of 'god' and simply state that this is our 'belief.' Sure, it might seem like giving in to secular, however, I believe sometimes a bit of humor and sarcasm go a long way. What will the secularist do if another 'secularist' crowd screams bloody murder at their 'secularist' ideas?

Pale Rider
10-26-2007, 10:54 PM
What is interesting is that this supposed 'secular' view is allowed over a 'religious' view. It seems that if someone creates a theory of how we should live and simply leaves 'god' out of it, then it becomes 'secular.'

In order to win in the courts, this might actually be a viable option. I am not saying we should lie per se, rather, develop an idea of a way to live life that is based on what we as humans deem important. Leave out the mention of 'god' and simply state that this is our 'belief.' Sure, it might seem like giving in to secular, however, I believe sometimes a bit of humor and sarcasm go a long way. What will the secularist do if another 'secularist' crowd screams bloody murder at their 'secularist' ideas?

I said "secularists," because that is exactly what they are...

sec·u·lar·ism /ˈsɛkyələˌrɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sek-yuh-luh-riz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. secular spirit or tendency, esp. a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship.
2. the view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element.


... and they, as you mentioned in your post above, want to make up the rules of morality as they go. If today it's illegal to play sex with little baby girls, then we'll just make it legal tomorrow. That's the way "secularist" think.

I realize that exposing the actions of those who want to fondle babies sex parts will make those who think it's a good idea... uncomfortable.

10-27-2007, 01:23 AM
I said "secularists," because that is exactly what they are...

... and they, as you mentioned in your post above, want to make up the rules of morality as they go. If today it's illegal to play sex with little baby girls, then we'll just make it legal tomorrow. That's the way "secularist" think.

I realize that exposing the actions of those who want to fondle babies sex parts will make those who think it's a good idea... uncomfortable.

I know, that is why I want my own 'secularist' movement.....

The seperation btwn 'church' and state has become very hazy, for what exactly is a 'church'. Is it simply the intonation of a 'god'? The secularists have purposefully driven a wedge between this country's founding and this alleged seperation of church and state.

My only point was that it would be interesting to use the same arguments back at them, e.g., we believe because there is no god that you .....

10-27-2007, 01:28 AM
My thinking is.....

We've turned the other cheek long enough.....and been slapped around for it...
80% of America considers themselves a christian....
Now we start fighting back....by speaking up for us...


10-27-2007, 10:59 AM
What debate? If you know psychology and human development, you know that children have more feelings of curiosity than sexuality at that young age.

Pale Rider
10-28-2007, 04:17 AM
I know, that is why I want my own 'secularist' movement.....

The seperation btwn 'church' and state has become very hazy, for what exactly is a 'church'. Is it simply the intonation of a 'god'? The secularists have purposefully driven a wedge between this country's founding and this alleged seperation of church and state.

My only point was that it would be interesting to use the same arguments back at them, e.g., we believe because there is no god that you .....

My point is simple. The secularist want to make their own rules, devoid of any God and his/her commandments. They want to change what is accepted on an as needed basis, instead of keeping with age old doctrines or morality, whether taught, or deemed by religion.

End result is, secularists don't think what they want to do is sick, because they want to determine sick on their own terms. Question is, how far will they go? I think the answer is, as far as humanity will allow. Just so they can keep redefining what is sick/immoral, and what isn't without condemnation.

In my opinion, wanting to sit around playing with babies pee pees is just about as sick as you can get, but yet here it is. They not only want to do it, but they put it right out there for all the world to see as if it was a legitimate thing, and not a sick fucking, perverted act. I think even debating as to whether or not adults should sit around playing with babies genitals is outrageously diseased thinking.