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View Full Version : Taking back the streets from Code Pinkos

10-19-2007, 09:43 PM

Posted: October 19, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Note to smelly old hippies: "YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE ANY MORE."

History was made this week in the battle against treason, defeatism and pacifism at any price.

Hundreds upon hundreds of proud Americans took time away from their jobs and families in the middle of a Wednesday to march in the streets and say loudly and clearly that Code Pink and the anti-military left do not speak for America.

And we beat them back in their own backyard – in the liberal stronghold of Berkeley, Calif.

Berkeley was ground zero for the anti-war marches of the '60s. In fact, it was the birthplace of the "Free Speech" movement a couple of blocks from where new history was made.

The anti-military industrial complex headed by George Soros received quite a wake-up call. On "progressive" radio station KPFA, the lefties were somber and chastened, admitting they were out-gunned, out-maneuvered and out-classed (OK, that may be a bit of a stretch), but they couldn't believe that the "war whores," as we were called, are winning in the public square. And they moaned the pro-troops groups "make foreign policy."

It wasn't too long ago the same people to whom we chanted our patriotic slogans "USA, USA, USA" were spitting at our troops. Now, in 2007, Code Pink and their band of Marxists, communists and anti-American bigots are trying to revive the '60s – but most folks put away the tie-dyed T-shirts, got jobs, started families (sometimes not in that order) and matured into thinking individuals.

The Code Pink crowd, however, obviously never grew up. In the last few weeks, a contingent of Code Pinkos have been gathering in front of the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center in Berkeley. They vandalized the recruiting center, harassed new recruits and called our military men and women "liars," "murderers" and "traitors."

The minute they took opposition to policy and made it into a direct attack against our troops, they crossed the line. It's not fair, civil, or logical to malign Marines for where they're ordered to go, even if it happens to be in some of the darkest corners of the world, like neighborhoods dominated by Islamic rule, or the sometimes-scarier regions of liberal Berkeley.

Calling our military men and women "predators" and "traitors" may have been a fact of life in the Vietnam era, and this may be ho-hum for many in Berkeley, but for most Americans this behavior is beyond the pale. The gifted blogger, columnist and TV commentator Michelle Malkin was representative of the "silent majority," who were sickened by the disrespect shown our troops, and Malkin put out the call to take action and fight back.

I promised Michelle I'd answer the call, and passed on word over the airwaves of KSFO in San Francisco. I soon discovered that Michelle and I weren't the only ones steaming mad. While Berkeley may be ground zero for the people who despise our military, we are not going to let CodePink (the same people who sent $600,000 to the families of terrorists in Iraq who murder our troops) get away with defaming these heroes.

Organizations and inspired individuals alike began to fire off e-mails to their supporter lists, phones started ringing, radios were buzzing with plans to take back the streets from the anti-military left.

The date was set for our response: High Noon on Wednesday, Oct. 17.

read the rest and pictures at..

10-19-2007, 10:03 PM
Thanks for posting this I didn't see it on the news! I did see the news when code pink put the posters on the recruiter offices but either they never covered this equally or I was watching the wrong chanel.

10-19-2007, 10:11 PM
Thanks for posting this I didn't see it on the news! I did see the news when code pink put the posters on the recruiter offices but either they never covered this equally or I was watching the wrong Chanel.

You are welcome...
Melanie Morgan is one patriotic tiger mom...I wouldn't want to mess with her...

I will ALWAYS support our troops against the slime like Code Pinko, Answer, and the rest...They are starting to get a wakeup call.....and they don't like it one bit.....:laugh2: :salute:

10-20-2007, 12:37 AM
Where do you find all this ludicrous extreme right-wing garbage? You continually pollute this forum with crap from shithead blowhards who are nothing but 21st Century Nazis.
I should have guessed this ridiculous garbage was organized by that braindead cur Malkin. Her filth is worse than anything found in Berkeley.
Let me know the next place that Malkin plans to stink up. Perhaps we can send over a suicide bomber.

10-20-2007, 01:05 AM
Where do you find all this ludicrous extreme right-wing garbage? You continually pollute this forum with crap from shithead blowhards who are nothing but 21st Century Nazis.
I should have guessed this ridiculous garbage was organized by that braindead cur Malkin. Her filth is worse than anything found in Berkeley.
Let me know the next place that Malkin plans to stink up. Perhaps we can send over a suicide bomber.

Speaking of pollution...haven't seen any rudepundit for awhile...

Yet...I post a picture of the code pinkos vandalizing a recruiting office, and you call M. Malkin the Nazi..
Or was it the picture of all those patriotic Americans that came out to take on the Pinkos that M. Malkin had a hand in organizing, that got your panties in a bunch.....???

You don't like what I post...don't friggin read it....Whenever you see a thread from Stephanie...you just past that shit right on up....That's what I pretty much do with yours....

And God bless our military men and women who sacrifice for you to spew your hateful rants..:salute:


10-20-2007, 11:33 AM
Malkin's alleged patriotism has always been for sale. Your pseudo patriotic garbage is similarly doubtful. The deaths of American servicemen abroad fit neatly into your hateful bashing of those who disagree with you. The pink color should be red, for the blood that is on all of your hands.

10-20-2007, 12:53 PM
Malkin's alleged patriotism has always been for sale. Your pseudo patriotic garbage is similarly doubtful. The deaths of American servicemen abroad fit neatly into your hateful bashing of those who disagree with you. The pink color should be red, for the blood that is on all of your hands.Malkins patriotism comes from her being an illegal resident. Her folks were not legal residents when she was born.

10-20-2007, 03:05 PM
Malkin's alleged patriotism has always been for sale. Your pseudo patriotic garbage is similarly doubtful. The deaths of American servicemen abroad fit neatly into your hateful bashing of those who disagree with you. The pink color should be red, for the blood that is on all of your hands.

Usually I just ignore you...But I wasn't going to sit here today, and let you spew your hateful shit without speaking up....

You don't know me...and I could give a shit what you doubt about me...

From reading your post, I can guarantee I have more respect for people in my little toe, than you have in all of you...

Now...don't you have some a haten you gotta get back to...:cheers2:

10-20-2007, 03:33 PM
Usually I just ignore you...But I wasn't going to sit here today, and let you spew your hateful shit without speaking up....

You don't know me...and I could give a shit what you doubt about me...

From reading your post, I can guarantee I have more respect for people in my little toe, than you have in all of you...

Now...don't you have some a haten you gotta get back to...:cheers2:After you, by all means!

10-20-2007, 03:43 PM
After you, by all means!


10-20-2007, 04:47 PM
I love how the majority of "patriots" in that picture stephanie posted were a bunch of dumb old men and weird hickoid-types.

Hate to say it, but if you think that a bunch of nut case Nazi's are going to try and take back Berkley or any other California hub for the left, you're insane. The most those "patriots" did was yell at some of the most honorable women in our country as they performed their daily tasks.
The majority of people in California are behind codepink.

10-20-2007, 05:32 PM
Some of the most honorable women...


10-20-2007, 07:10 PM
Some of the most honorable women...


Going about their daily business as well.

10-20-2007, 08:22 PM
Thanks, its nice to see the good guys for a change


Posted: October 19, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Note to smelly old hippies: "YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE ANY MORE."

History was made this week in the battle against treason, defeatism and pacifism at any price.

Hundreds upon hundreds of proud Americans took time away from their jobs and families in the middle of a Wednesday to march in the streets and say loudly and clearly that Code Pink and the anti-military left do not speak for America.

And we beat them back in their own backyard – in the liberal stronghold of Berkeley, Calif.

Berkeley was ground zero for the anti-war marches of the '60s. In fact, it was the birthplace of the "Free Speech" movement a couple of blocks from where new history was made.

The anti-military industrial complex headed by George Soros received quite a wake-up call. On "progressive" radio station KPFA, the lefties were somber and chastened, admitting they were out-gunned, out-maneuvered and out-classed (OK, that may be a bit of a stretch), but they couldn't believe that the "war whores," as we were called, are winning in the public square. And they moaned the pro-troops groups "make foreign policy."

It wasn't too long ago the same people to whom we chanted our patriotic slogans "USA, USA, USA" were spitting at our troops. Now, in 2007, Code Pink and their band of Marxists, communists and anti-American bigots are trying to revive the '60s – but most folks put away the tie-dyed T-shirts, got jobs, started families (sometimes not in that order) and matured into thinking individuals.

The Code Pink crowd, however, obviously never grew up. In the last few weeks, a contingent of Code Pinkos have been gathering in front of the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center in Berkeley. They vandalized the recruiting center, harassed new recruits and called our military men and women "liars," "murderers" and "traitors."

The minute they took opposition to policy and made it into a direct attack against our troops, they crossed the line. It's not fair, civil, or logical to malign Marines for where they're ordered to go, even if it happens to be in some of the darkest corners of the world, like neighborhoods dominated by Islamic rule, or the sometimes-scarier regions of liberal Berkeley.

Calling our military men and women "predators" and "traitors" may have been a fact of life in the Vietnam era, and this may be ho-hum for many in Berkeley, but for most Americans this behavior is beyond the pale. The gifted blogger, columnist and TV commentator Michelle Malkin was representative of the "silent majority," who were sickened by the disrespect shown our troops, and Malkin put out the call to take action and fight back.

I promised Michelle I'd answer the call, and passed on word over the airwaves of KSFO in San Francisco. I soon discovered that Michelle and I weren't the only ones steaming mad. While Berkeley may be ground zero for the people who despise our military, we are not going to let CodePink (the same people who sent $600,000 to the families of terrorists in Iraq who murder our troops) get away with defaming these heroes.

Organizations and inspired individuals alike began to fire off e-mails to their supporter lists, phones started ringing, radios were buzzing with plans to take back the streets from the anti-military left.

The date was set for our response: High Noon on Wednesday, Oct. 17.

read the rest and pictures at..

10-21-2007, 10:42 PM
Now...don't you have some a haten you gotta get back to...:cheers2:

I usually go back to my husband. I don't know where in the barren wilderness you go back to. Obviously to no one with a heart and soul.