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View Full Version : Video: 9/11 Truths Infiltrate Bill Maher’s ‘Real Time’

10-20-2007, 04:00 AM
I found this funny...I never watch Billy boy Maher(just because I can't stand him).... but I ran across this tonight......
Where is that liberal tolerance for DISSENT, DISCORSE, shouting down someone you don't agree with.....
Kinda like seeing Codepinko camping out on the Madame's speakers sidewalk....
Remember......lay with dogs....you will probably get fleas...:laugh2::cow:
Bill Maher wouldn’t have anything to do with a group of 9/11 conspiracy theorists, or “Truthers” as they’re called, on his show Friday night. Maher and his guests were interrupted several times with outbursts from the hecklers in the audience. Most of what they said was unintelligible, but at certain times you could hear them ask Maher “what about building 7?”. At one point Maher got fed up with their looniness and ran into the audience demanding security take them away. Watch:

video at link below and comments...


10-20-2007, 06:09 AM
That was funny!

10-20-2007, 07:19 AM
Sertes almost gets his ass kicked by Bill Maher! :laugh2:

10-20-2007, 10:00 AM
Most of what they said was unintelligible, but at certain times you could hear them ask Maher “what about building 7?”. At one point Maher got fed up with their looniness and ran into the audience demanding security take them away.

Asking questions was never a crime in the U.S. before. Some people can afford to not answer in public forums, where the loss of face is hidden behind a nickname, but when you're on tv... you show your muscles by asking security do the dirty work of silencing people with unsettling questions.

Good for them that they didn't got tasered down: that's the kind of america someone wants: got a question? zoot.

10-20-2007, 12:50 PM
Bill Maher, a fascist who muzzles dissent and has no tolerance for those who oppose him. Who'd a thunk?