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10-23-2007, 05:25 PM
Hillary! Uncensored - Banned By The Media

The Roughcut Trailer for- Hillary!Uncensored- the Documentary Using Exclusive Home Videos of Hillary to Expose the Illegalities ... all » that Elected Hillary to the Senate and the Obstructions of Justice That Keep Her There-

Video at..

also check out... http://www.ejfa.org/

10-23-2007, 05:52 PM
Wow. Too bad 43% of America is too closed-minded to bother to watch this.

10-23-2007, 05:57 PM
Wow. I hope he can succeed in bringing this about. Watch for his demise if it starts to look like he will be successful. I think history will eventually show the clintons to be the most corrupt people in government since Grant.

10-23-2007, 07:03 PM
Until the courts are done it is just so much legaleze.

10-23-2007, 07:53 PM
Until the courts are done it is just so much legaleze.

that's true....in the US you are presumed innocent until that presumption is proven to be laughable....

10-23-2007, 09:07 PM
that's true....in the US you are presumed innocent until that presumption is proven to be laughable....

Hmmm, obviously you have never been accused of a crime. The saying goes "innocent until proven guilty" but then it is only a saying. The truth of the matter is that you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent. Just ask Nancy Grace of Court TV fame. I doubt she ever met an accused she believed was innocent.

By the way, Steph, that was an interesting cut. I'm sure there are rebutals from the Clintons to each of those accusations. I wouldn't mind hearing them. :)


10-23-2007, 11:08 PM
Hillary! Uncensored - Banned By The Media

The Roughcut Trailer for- Hillary!Uncensored- the Documentary Using Exclusive Home Videos of Hillary to Expose the Illegalities ... all » that Elected Hillary to the Senate and the Obstructions of Justice That Keep Her There-

Video at..

also check out... http://www.ejfa.org/

Wow. More proof in front of everybody of just how corrupt the Clintons really are. Its quite obvious they are the most power hungry politicians in the entire world. No qualms about breaking the law and making themselves immune to the law by appointing corrupt partisan judges. We alread know B.J.'s history of pardoning his felony friends, there is no doubt the corruption will sunk even lower with Hitlery in office. Because this time they know they can get away with anything.
And the silence by the liberals about this is deafening.

10-24-2007, 07:05 AM
obviously you have never been accused of a crime

and since you didn't get it, apparently you didn't watch the video.....

10-24-2007, 07:28 AM
..... I'm sure there are rebutals from the Clintons to each of those accusations. I wouldn't mind hearing them. :)

So wouldn't I (grammer?). But Hillary's tactic, historically, is to use the media, and lack thereof, to quash a story, while she works behind the scenes channels to destroy the opponent.

By the way am I the only one who noticed his totally hot wife? She's got to be about 6-2 anyway.

10-24-2007, 07:37 AM
and since you didn't get it, apparently you didn't watch the video.....

Actually, I did watch the video. It was very interesting. I'm sure there are rebuttals from the Clintons not that I would believe them though.

I did, however, miss your sarcasm though.

Having been falsely accused of a crime, though, I typically reply to anyone who says "Innocent until proven guilty" with the response I gave to you. Even though our legal system is supposed to be built on "innocent until proven guilty" it is by no stretch of the imagination a lie. As far as the legal system is concerned, the accused is guilty until he proves himself innocent.

If you are ever accused of a crime, do not for an instance believe that you will be treated as if you are innocent until the prosecutor proves you guilty. If you do, you will very likely end up sitting in a 6' x 10' cell for a long time.


10-24-2007, 12:51 PM
Actually, I did watch the video. It was very interesting. I'm sure there are rebuttals from the Clintons not that I would believe them though.

I did, however, miss your sarcasm though.

Having been falsely accused of a crime, though, I typically reply to anyone who says "Innocent until proven guilty" with the response I gave to you. Even though our legal system is supposed to be built on "innocent until proven guilty" it is by no stretch of the imagination a lie. As far as the legal system is concerned, the accused is guilty until he proves himself innocent.

If you are ever accused of a crime, do not for an instance believe that you will be treated as if you are innocent until the prosecutor proves you guilty. If you do, you will very likely end up sitting in a 6' x 10' cell for a long time.


I thought I was one of the very few who had this happen to them. I had the police lie to get a conviction. Then the property clerk got some balls and told the truth so I was exonerated.
When called for the Scott Peterson case as a potential juror I felt and saw the guy would never get a fair trial anywhere. They asked if you could give death to a person on circumstancial evidence. Also asked was if you believe a police officer never lies. That boy was convicted before he got to court!