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red states rule
10-26-2007, 07:22 AM
If you rely soley on the liberal media for your news - probably not

What happened to Lt Murphy goes against what the liberal media meadia wants to happen in Iraq

Accordng to them, it is a losing game over there

Why Didn't Some News Organizations Cover Medal of Honor Ceremony?
Thursday, October 25, 2007

By John Gibson

In the better late than never department: the recipient of the first congressional Medal of Honor in the War on Terror, Lt. Michael Murphy of Long Island, New York, a Navy SEAL who was killed in a fierce gun battle in Afghanistan in June of 2005.

Lt. Murphy heroically exposed himself to enemy fire in order to get to a communications device and call for help. He was killed in that selfless act.

There was a ceremony at the White House on Monday. FOX News carried it live. Shepard Smith carried a report on Friday as a preview and another story on Monday in his "Studio B" program. "The Big Story" also covered it on Monday, but because of breaking news fire coverage, we didn't do as much as I would have ordinarily liked.

However, I'm a little troubled by the coverage of other news organizations. I think there were some who really didn't want to cover Lt. Murphy's story and found the fires to be a convenient excuse to avoid it.

Why would other news organizations do that? Because some of them have fallen in with the far left in hoping this war won't work out in something war supporters would call success.

Why would they want that? Because some news organizations have gone partisan, anti-Bush, anti-war and want to turn out right. If events go against them they will be in the embarrassing situation of rooting against the American military in the field when the American military is succeeding.

In other words, better to have us lose because then blame and finger-pointing and impeachment charades will seem much more justified.

Apologies to Lt. Murphy and his family. He was a hero. He did what had to be done without thought to himself, and two years after his death he turned out to be a political symbol the left would like to shun.

Don't believe me? Read today's column by uber-lefty Ted Rall who says he cheers the deaths of American soldiers because each death improves the overall IQ of America. In other words, soldiers are stupid.

It's shameful, but it's true.

That's My Word.


10-26-2007, 07:55 AM
Of course I have heard of LT Murphy. He was a true leader, hero and a great American. He died like a warrior.

10-26-2007, 08:13 AM
Of course I have heard of LT Murphy. He was a true leader, hero and a great American. He died like a warrior.

You might want to tell that to the New York Times.

10-26-2007, 08:37 AM
You might want to tell that to the New York Times.


seems they know it already.

10-26-2007, 08:46 AM
That wasn't the first CMH awarded. Hrm. The Army has had a couple.

I'd say MOST Folk haven't heard of him because MOST media-types are liberal wack jobs who would caveat EVERY act of Heroism with "...well, he shouldn't be there in the first place!" - What libs fail to realize is this isn't George Bush's War. This isn't a war of Polls or Opinions. This is a war where REAL men and women are being SHOT AT. This is a war where the enemy won't stop shooting, just because we leave. This is a war where the enemy hates us because we love freedom. Liberal whack-jobs want people to think WE started this shit. Liberal Whack-jobs are so full of blindness and ignorance to things which don't revolve around themselves they'd assume "if we "Create a Dialog" or even just ignore these terrorist assholes" they'll simply go away.

10-26-2007, 08:50 AM
That wasn't the first CMH awarded. Hrm. The Army has had a couple.
CPL Dunham...SGT Smith

10-26-2007, 08:53 AM
CPL Dunham...SGT Smith

Ooh! you can google! :) Dunham was a marine.

It was SFC Smith. ;)

Read his story.


What I don't understand - why wasn't he posthumously promoted? I know we'd do a DA Form 4187 for that with each 'casualty' we'd send up to battalion HQ.

10-26-2007, 09:51 AM
Lt Murphy is the first CMH winner in Afghanistan. He was a SEAL and he was from Long Island NY, it should have been front page news in the times. They put it in the metro section. Even heroes in Afghanistan don't get credit in the times.

10-26-2007, 10:31 AM

seems they know it already.

What section was it in their print version? Above the fold or buried?

10-26-2007, 12:04 PM
What section was it in their print version? Above the fold or buried?

are you actually asking me a question?

10-26-2007, 01:10 PM
are you actually asking me a question?
I asked you two questions. Its quite easy to tell if someone has done that with this new-fangled thing called: "written language". Any time you see a "?", that is a code for "question".

10-26-2007, 01:17 PM
and why would you expect me to EVER respond to your requests for information, spanker-man? I am aware of what a question is, my question was rhetorical as a means of expressing my incredulity at your even thinking that you had earned the right to expect a civil answer from me to any question you posed.:laugh2:

10-26-2007, 01:39 PM
are you actually asking me a question?The answer is that it was in the middle of the paper... Bill O'Reilly went through each major media coverage of this hero and compared it to the publicity of the bad things like Abu Gabe (SP) and the majority of the media gave the hero third rating on inside of paper or not ready for primetime viewing.

10-26-2007, 01:42 PM
and why would you expect me to EVER respond to your requests for information, spanker-man? I am aware of what a question is, my question was rhetorical as a means of expressing my incredulity at your even thinking that you had earned the right to expect a civil answer from me to any question you posed.:laugh2:

Actually the truth is that you are ashamed of the answer, as it disproves the point that you attempted to make. The reality is that the NYT has reported this honor only begrudgingly, buried in the Metro section of its print version, not above the fold in the National section as it rightly should be.

The fact that you won't admit this obvious dishonor of a great soldier supports my belief that you are unpatriotic.

10-26-2007, 02:09 PM
actually, the truth is that I don't get the NYT delivered to my house so I really don't have any idea where exactly they ran the article. I said that he was a hero....someone suggested that I tell the NYT that fact, and I simply linked to the article which proves that they did not need to be told.

and where it should rightly be is an opinion.... I have no idea what ran above the fold the day the article was in the paper. Wildfires in California, maybe? Much more newsworthy. And where was the article about Murphy in YOUR paper? front page above the fold? I doubt it. Given the worldwide distribution of the NYT, and given the local interest about Murphy's hometown roots, the Metro section might very well be a more appropriate location. I am not the editor and neither are you. I really have no desire to second guess how he does his job....I wonder why YOU do?

and again.... the fact that you don't think I am patriotic is well documented. it is without basis, but well documented, nonetheless.

Like I said earlier.... you think I am an asshole. I think you are an asshole.

you should try to move on.

10-26-2007, 02:16 PM
actually, the truth is that I don't get the NYT delivered to my house so I really don't have any idea where exactly they ran the article. I said that he was a hero....someone suggested that I tell the NYT that fact, and I simply linked to the article which proves that they did not need to be told...... So as usual you argue an issue by without knowing the entire story. :pee:

10-26-2007, 02:25 PM
Glock - MFM - enough of your squabling in this thread, aight?

10-26-2007, 02:28 PM
go reread posts 1,2,3 & 4 for content.

then grow the fuck up.

you act like my son did when he was in middle school!

10-26-2007, 02:32 PM
go reread posts 1,2,3 & 4 for content.

then grow the fuck up.

you act like my son did when he was in middle school!

User Removed from Thread.

10-26-2007, 02:41 PM
Lt Murphy is the first CMH winner in Afghanistan. He was a SEAL and he was from Long Island NY, it should have been front page news in the times. They put it in the metro section. Even heroes in Afghanistan don't get credit in the times. I agree and its too bad that the liberals who run that newspaper insist on dishonoring our troops. Its also too bad that liberals are blind to that.

red states rule
10-29-2007, 06:04 AM
Many people see the one sided bias of the liberal media

This from the letter section of the Washington Post

Lt. Murphy's Honor was Page 1 News
Saturday, October 27, 2007; Page A13

I was disappointed in your coverage of the posthumous presentation of the Medal of Honor to Navy Seal Lt. Michael P. Murphy [news story, Oct. 23].

While Ann Scott Tyson did a good job of covering the ceremony itself, it would appear that her editor felt that such an event deserved only a few column inches and some perfunctory context of the actions for which Lt. Murphy was recognized.

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This insult was compounded by your decision to bury the story on Page A4. While I understand that the fires in California and the tension between Turkey and Kurdish rebels were the two big stories of the day, you cannot tell me that a feature article about one of presidential candidate John Edwards's campaign strategists is more newsworthy than the presentation of only the third Medal of Honor since Sept. 11, 2001.

This strikes me as a clear message to everyone in the military of the value you place on their service when you made the editorial decision to give such coverage to the presentation of the military's highest honor. Whenever there is even the allegation of wrongdoing by service members or a hint of failure in Iraq or Afghanistan, you can be counted on to run the story front and center. By running Lt. Murphy's story inside the paper, you have shamed only yourselves.

-- Mark L. Stoneman


The writer is an Army captain.
