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10-26-2007, 05:48 PM
I need to get a movie tonight, but nothing good is out.

I need suggestions for a movie to rent, any movie, that you think is really good.

10-26-2007, 05:49 PM
It could be your favorite, or whatever.

10-26-2007, 05:52 PM

10-26-2007, 06:02 PM
Nobody knows of a good movie ??

10-26-2007, 06:12 PM
What're you in the mood to see?

Wet Hot American Summer
Run Ronnie Run
Shaun of the Dead

28 Days Later
Return of the Living Dead

A Scanner Darkly
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

10-26-2007, 06:24 PM
What're you in the mood to see?

Wet Hot American Summer
Run Ronnie Run
Shaun of the Dead

28 Days Later
Return of the Living Dead

A Scanner Darkly
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Drama, but those 3 don't look good.
Know of any others?

10-26-2007, 06:26 PM
The Sentinel w/ Matt Damon.

10-26-2007, 06:30 PM
What're you in the mood to see?

Wet Hot American Summer
Run Ronnie Run
Shaun of the Dead

28 Days Later
Return of the Living Dead

A Scanner Darkly
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I didn't like Magnolia. I tried to watch it twice. I must be missing something.

One of my recent favorites is 'The Proposition".


10-26-2007, 06:30 PM
Drama, but those 3 don't look good.
Know of any others?

Waking Life
Boogie Nights
American Beauty
Before Sunrise/Before Sunset
The Breakfast Club

10-26-2007, 06:35 PM
Inherit the Wind - 1960 Spencer Tracy/Frederick March

The Sting - Robert Redfrord/Paul Newman

The Stunt Man - Peter O'Toole/Steve Railsback

My Favorite Year - Peter O'Toole/Mark Lynn Baker

Shadow of the Vampire - Willem DaFoe/John Malkovich/Eddie Izzard

The Station Agent - Peter Dinklage

Hot Fuzz - Simon Pegg/Nick Frost


We are Marshall - Matthew McConaughy/Matthew Fox

Art School Confidential

The Day the Earth Stood Still

10-26-2007, 06:38 PM
I recommend Deja Vu.

10-26-2007, 06:48 PM
try blockbuster.com, they have 4,000 movies you should see, and rottentomatoes.com to rate any movie.

It could be your favorite, or whatever.

10-26-2007, 06:49 PM
I've decided to go with The Station Agent...

Thanks guys!!!

10-26-2007, 06:50 PM
I've decided to go with The Station Agent...

Thanks guys!!!

Great movie. I'll see anything with Dinklage in it. I hope you enjoy it.

10-26-2007, 08:00 PM
Great movie. I'll see anything with Dinklage in it. I hope you enjoy it.

Agreed, it's a great film, and Dinklage is a great actor. Have you ever seen Living in Oblivion? It's an indie from around '95, I think. Dinklage is great in that.

The Onion AV Club just ran a great interview with him discussing some of his film roles.

10-26-2007, 08:02 PM
Agreed, it's a great film, and Dinklage is a great actor. Have you ever seen Living in Oblivion? It's an indie from around '95, I think. Dinklage is great in that.

The Onion AV Club just ran a great interview with him discussing some of his film roles.

I haven't seen it, I'll need to pick it up. Thanks for the tip.

I blinked and missed Death at a Funeral while it was in theatres, I hope the DVD hits the market soon.

10-26-2007, 08:02 PM
I didn't like Magnolia. I tried to watch it twice. I must be missing something.

Yep, good taste! BOO-YAH

Nah, it's definitely weird and quirky. It definitely tries way too hard to be weird, and it's a big long to say the least, but for some reason it just strikes a really powerful chord with me. Did you watch the whole thing? Because the climax is one of the more suprising moments in any film I've seen.

10-26-2007, 08:04 PM
Hot Fuzz - Simon Pegg/Nick Frost

I almost put this in my comedies list, but I've found that a lot of people just don't seem to get it or something. I thought it was outstanding. Maybe you really have to be a fan of action movies. Glad to see it's got its fans around these parts.

10-26-2007, 08:09 PM
I almost put this in my comedies list, but I've found that a lot of people just don't seem to get it or something. I thought it was outstanding. Maybe you really have to be a fan of action movies. Glad to see it's got its fans around these parts.

Funny thing, my wife says that had she watched Shaun of the Dead before we watched Hot Fuzz, she never would have watched Hot Fuzz, which she enjoyed thoroughly. Some days I can't believe we're married, LOL. Then again, she doesn't get Monty Python or South Park either, and these things I knew before we married.

10-26-2007, 08:19 PM
Funny thing, my wife says that had she watched Shaun of the Dead before we watched Hot Fuzz, she never would have watched Hot Fuzz, which she enjoyed thoroughly. Some days I can't believe we're married, LOL. Then again, she doesn't get Monty Python or South Park either, and these things I knew before we married.

You must be a very forgiving person!:D

I've gotten used to people not really getting my sense of humor, or what I find funny in movies & TV and that kind of thing. I've only met probably three or four people who pretty much like all the same stuff as me.

10-26-2007, 08:29 PM
Yep, good taste! BOO-YAH

Nah, it's definitely weird and quirky. It definitely tries way too hard to be weird, and it's a big long to say the least, but for some reason it just strikes a really powerful chord with me. Did you watch the whole thing? Because the climax is one of the more suprising moments in any film I've seen.

No I didn't see the end. What happened?

10-26-2007, 08:47 PM
MAGNOLIA SPOILERS!!!! (like anyone cares)




OK, so everyone's story pretty much reaches a breaking point (the cop loses his gun, his date doesn't go well, Tom Cruise goes to see his dad and cusses him out, the game show host is about to kill himself, etc.), and then, out of the blue, a plague of frogs comes falling out of the sky. It's really cool, even though I'm not so sure I know exactly why it happens. Also, if you look close, the number 82 appears in the movie almost constantly. That's because in chapter 8, verse 2 of one of the books of the Bible (can't remember which), it speaks of a plague of frogs. Kinda cool.

10-26-2007, 08:51 PM
MAGNOLIA SPOILERS!!!! (like anyone cares)




OK, so everyone's story pretty much reaches a breaking point (the cop loses his gun, his date doesn't go well, Tom Cruise goes to see his dad and cusses him out, the game show host is about to kill himself, etc.), and then, out of the blue, a plague of frogs comes falling out of the sky. It's really cool, even though I'm not so sure I know exactly why it happens. Also, if you look close, the number 82 appears in the movie almost constantly. That's because in chapter 8, verse 2 of one of the books of the Bible (can't remember which), it speaks of a plague of frogs. Kinda cool.

Frogs? I guess the made everyone forget about their problems? 2:laugh2:

I forgot about the cop and his date. I remember the girl in her apartment and the cops showing up. That's about it.