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View Full Version : lmao!!EVERYONE WATCH THIS!!!

10-27-2007, 05:05 PM
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ye_2a7Lrl80"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ye_2a7Lrl80" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

10-27-2007, 05:56 PM
:laugh2: Brilliant! That's how to handle hate :lol:

10-27-2007, 07:53 PM
bracheeze, you are doing/advocating the same thing you are accusing her of. in fact, you are taking it a step further, you are personally insulting, knocking her looks and then something about an adam's apple?


10-27-2007, 08:54 PM
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ye_2a7Lrl80"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ye_2a7Lrl80" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

The only thing remotely amusing about that lame ass song is the line about how this little "Jewish Princess" supposedly grew in to her nose...... she needs to take a look in the mirror....... hate??? try humor, Ann is not only brilliant, she is very funny. Unfortunately, the simpletons on the left have no sense of humor or common sense for that matter, so humor and sarcasm is labeled as hate. Some how, it's OK for the leftist dimwits to refer to Rush as a big fat idiot, or President Bush as a Nazi, retard, war criminal, liar, racist, hater, imperialist, etc., etc........ sometimes the blind hypocrisy that is the liberal, socialist party..... is just overwhelming.

10-27-2007, 09:20 PM
The only thing remotely amusing about that lame ass song is the line about how this little "Jewish Princess" supposedly grew in to her nose...... she needs to take a look in the mirror....... hate??? try humor, Ann is not only brilliant, she is very funny. Unfortunately, the simpletons on the left have no sense of humor or common sense for that matter, so humor and sarcasm is labeled as hate. Some how, it's OK for the leftist dimwits to refer to Rush as a big fat idiot, or President Bush as a Nazi, retard, war criminal, liar, racist, hater, imperialist, etc., etc........ sometimes the blind hypocrisy that is the liberal, socialist party..... is just overwhelming.

no, you're lying, i know it, in fact, the media tells me so

10-27-2007, 09:27 PM
bracheeze, you are doing/advocating the same thing you are accusing her of. in fact, you are taking it a step further, you are personally insulting, knocking her looks and then something about an adam's apple?

Actually there was very little personal insults minus the adams apple thing. The video was just making fun of her comments.

I never said Ann couldn't make comments on what other people say, but what I do have a problem with is when she calls a politician a faggot and makes anti-sematic remarks. In case you didn't notice Yurt, those were the two underlying themese for the video.

10-27-2007, 09:29 PM
The only thing remotely amusing about that lame ass song is the line about how this little "Jewish Princess" supposedly grew in to her nose...... she needs to take a look in the mirror....... hate??? try humor, Ann is not only brilliant, she is very funny. Unfortunately, the simpletons on the left have no sense of humor or common sense for that matter, so humor and sarcasm is labeled as hate. Some how, it's OK for the leftist dimwits to refer to Rush as a big fat idiot, or President Bush as a Nazi, retard, war criminal, liar, racist, hater, imperialist, etc., etc........ sometimes the blind hypocrisy that is the liberal, socialist party..... is just overwhelming.
I think calling John Edwards a faggot is a lot worse than calling Rush an idiot. And if Ann, whos a pundit for Bush's causes and causes of the Christian right, wants to make anti-sematic comments towards Jews, then of course it makes sense to call them Nazi's.

10-27-2007, 09:31 PM
Actually there was very little personal insults minus the adams apple thing. The video was just making fun of her comments.

I never said Ann couldn't make comments on what other people say, but what I do have a problem with is when she calls a politician a faggot and makes anti-sematic remarks. In case you didn't notice Yurt, those were the two underlying themese for the video.

you are a jewish fag huh?.....:poke:...you like the big brown stick ...huh?

10-27-2007, 10:14 PM
I think calling John Edwards a faggot is a lot worse than calling Rush an idiot. And if Ann, whos a pundit for Bush's causes and causes of the Christian right, wants to make anti-sematic comments towards Jews, then of course it makes sense to call them Nazi's.

i was under the impression that you on the left that being gay was something to be praised. How then is calling someone gay worse than being called stupid? Do you praise stupidity now too?

10-28-2007, 12:46 AM
I think calling John Edwards a faggot is a lot worse than calling Rush an idiot. And if Ann, whos a pundit for Bush's causes and causes of the Christian right, wants to make anti-sematic comments towards Jews, then of course it makes sense to call them Nazi's.

That was the thing that was so funny about what she said, she never called him a faggot. It was very current since Isaiah Washington had gone into rehab after calling his costar a faggot on the set of Gray's Anatomy within a month before(he was later fired), most people seemed to have missed the reference.

I also don't believe she was serious at all when she made the comment about helping the Jewish people become perfect, I saw the interview and that was obvious to anyone that knows anything about her(by the way Obama, the use of the word Jew is considered a slur by many of the Jewish faith). You are young and don't have a clue what the Nazis were or you wouldn't make such an assinine comment, then again you are a leftist and it's possible that no matter how much schooling you labor through, you will still be ignorant about the world around you. Clinton is a great example of that...... supposedly a Rhodes scholar(spent less than 2 years at Oxford) and yet doesn't have a lick of common sense...... I wonder who stops him from standing in the rain with his mouth agape, staring up in wonder.

10-29-2007, 04:52 AM
It's funny and it's good to see it's gotten under the skin of some posting here. Remember, what goes around. This is what happens when public discourse is reduced to the crap Coulter peddles. When that cow is ignored by the right and the left then the political discourse will have been improved just a little. But while people are fascinated by the crap Coulter peddles and yes, by some of the more hysterical crap coming from some on the other side of politics as well, policy isn't being examined.

Pale Rider
10-29-2007, 05:27 AM
It's funny and it's good to see it's gotten under the skin of some posting here. Remember, what goes around. This is what happens when public discourse is reduced to the crap Coulter peddles. When that cow is ignored by the right and the left then the political discourse will have been improved just a little. But while people are fascinated by the crap Coulter peddles and yes, by some of the more hysterical crap coming from some on the other side of politics as well, policy isn't being examined.

The "crap" Anne peddles... makes wonder... what "crap" are you speaking of? Got any specific examples?

And does this mean you'd throw a pie at her if she came to Australia to give a speech?

But we won't bring up the mickey moores, or the bill mahers, or the james carvils, etc., etc., etc., of the left... :no:

10-29-2007, 07:18 AM
As a moderate conservative, I thought the clip was funny. I'm not a "fan" of Ann. I just don't find her brand of "humor" if that is what it truly is to be funny. I enjoy satire and this clip was nothing but satire. Ann's "humor" is denigrating to particular people. I find that rude, but this clip was a satirical play on Ann's character. Isn't it said that immitation is the greatest form of compliment?

I think Ann should be thrilled with this clip. If you can't laugh at yourself then you should not be laughing at others. :)


10-29-2007, 07:20 AM
The logic here is making my head spin.... The conservatives constantly trash Michael Moore, Al Franken, etc. Then, the left trashes the right's counterpart, Coulter, and the right's immediate reaction is "Well, it's okay for you to do, but when we do it, it's not fair?" EVERYBODY does it. I agree with diuretic, the sooner people stop looking to people like Ann Coulter or Michael Moore or Bill Maher to form their political opinion (and, don't lie to yourselves, some people do), the better off we'll all be. Unfortunately, in our celebrity culture, it ain't happening.

10-29-2007, 09:23 AM
It's funny and it's good to see it's gotten under the skin of some posting here. Remember, what goes around. This is what happens when public discourse is reduced to the crap Coulter peddles. When that cow is ignored by the right and the left then the political discourse will have been improved just a little. But while people are fascinated by the crap Coulter peddles and yes, by some of the more hysterical crap coming from some on the other side of politics as well, policy isn't being examined.

gotten under the skin? i didnt realize there were alot of people posting.

If anyones gotten under someone's skin, Ann has gotten under the skin of alot of the liberals here.

10-30-2007, 02:49 AM
The "crap" Anne peddles... makes wonder... what "crap" are you speaking of? Got any specific examples?

Pale! Have you been under a rock in the desert????

And does this mean you'd throw a pie at her if she came to Australia to give a speech?

No way, I'm not a fan of anyone who tries to stop anyone else putting their views. The booing and pie-throwing at anyone is really anti-democratic.

But we won't bring up the mickey moores, or the bill mahers, or the james carvils, etc., etc., etc., of the left... :no:

Why not? We can do that. It's just that this thread seems to be about Ann.

Oh and comments about her physiology are also crap, I'm focused on her ideas, not her tits.

10-30-2007, 02:58 AM
gotten under the skin? i didnt realize there were alot of people posting.

If anyones gotten under someone's skin, Ann has gotten under the skin of alot of the liberals here.

av - don't minimise the impact of my better efforts! :lol:

I think with Ann, she's a sort of lightning rod for people left of centre and beyond of course. But she does invite it. However, she knows that and she fosters it and she thrives on it, both intellectually and I would think, financially. But subtle she ain't.

But she's a lightweight. I mean I've read a bit of Ayn Rand, not a lot I admit, just bits. But at least people are still reading her (albeit in many philosophy departments in universities are the world there is huge argument about whether or not her objectivism is a philosophy but that's above my pay grade so I'll leave that one alone). In years to come Ann will be forgotten, along with the other usual suspects - O'Reilly, Hannity, Savage, Liddy and other wingnuts. Not that it matters, they're just entertainers. And that's my point I suppose. They're merely entertainers, not policy-makers. I mean, sometimes politics is a circus, it needs clowns, but the real circus act is on the high wire, that's what makes us react. The clowns we just laugh at.