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View Full Version : Ron Paul On Jay Leno Last Night

Pale Rider
10-31-2007, 02:01 PM
The first time I've seen him answer questions where he wasn't being laughed at or pressured. He did good, and got several very loud rounds of applause. He's also third in fund raising. Seems the more people hear him, the more they like him. His voting record is pure conservative, he's a constitutionalist, he's against any sort of amnesty and closing down the border, he wants to abolish the IRS for a flat tax, and he wants our troops out of Iraq as soon as possible. THAT sounds like a winning combination if you ask me.

I'm just dreading Giuliani being the Republican nominee. Because if he is, my vote goes else where, and so does many, many other Republican votes. I just wish the party would wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late.


10-31-2007, 03:15 PM
The first time I've seen him answer questions where he wasn't being laughed at or pressured. He did good, and got several very loud rounds of applause. He's also third in fund raising. Seems the more people hear him, the more they like him. His voting record is pure conservative, he's a constitutionalist, he's against any sort of amnesty and closing down the border, he wants to abolish the IRS for a flat tax, and he wants our troops out of Iraq as soon as possible. THAT sounds like a winning combination if you ask me.

I'm just dreading Giuliani being the Republican nominee. Because if he is, my vote goes else where, and so does many, many other Republican votes. I just wish the party would wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late.


But he also stated he would not do anything about Iran.

Pale Rider
10-31-2007, 03:47 PM
But he also stated he would not do anything about Iran.

He'll do what he can short of BOMBING them, sanctions... diplomacy... let someone else do it. WHY does BOMBING IRAN HAVE to be US? Give me ONE good reason.

And good ole bush.... he's got the bunker buster bomb already in production. I'll tell ya... I'm not 100% convinced this war mongering attitude is the best course of action. It certainly is not how America operated in generations past. We waited until we were drawn into war, then kicked ass. We did not go around the world invading counties engaging in nation building.

10-31-2007, 04:06 PM
He'll do what he can short of BOMBING them, sanctions... diplomacy... let someone else do it. WHY does BOMBING IRAN HAVE to be US? Give me ONE good reason.

And good ole bush.... he's got the bunker buster bomb already in production. I'll tell ya... I'm not 100% convinced this war mongering attitude is the best course of action. It certainly is NOT how America operated in decades past.

Ahmadinejackoff said it himself, UN sanctions are nothing more than a pile of papers.
But more than that, you know damned well no one else has the balls to stand up to them. Well, maybe the Israelis but who knows.

Pale Rider
10-31-2007, 04:29 PM
Ahmadinejackoff said it himself, UN sanctions are nothing more than a pile of papers.
But more than that, you know damned well no one else has the balls to stand up to them. Well, maybe the Israelis but who knows.

Little dic ahmadinajad can say what he wants. That doesn't make it so. He's got huge problems over there, and the sanctions are hurting Iran. But sanctions alone aren't the only way to deal with little piss ants like him. His grip on Iran is precarious at best.

Let China bomb the little prick. Let Russia. If we do it, we're just begging for another round of world hatred. When and if little ahma dic ever uses a nuke on "US", THEN make a fucking glass parking lot out of Iran. Otherwise stay the hell otta there. Israel can take care of itself.

10-31-2007, 08:40 PM
Little dic ahmadinajad can say what he wants. That doesn't make it so. He's got huge problems over there, and the sanctions are hurting Iran. But sanctions alone aren't the only way to deal with little piss ants like him. His grip on Iran is precarious at best.

Let China bomb the little prick. Let Russia. If we do it, we're just begging for another round of world hatred. When and if little ahma dic ever uses a nuke on "US", THEN make a fucking glass parking lot out of Iran. Otherwise stay the hell otta there. Israel can take care of itself.

Exactly. :clap:

10-31-2007, 10:08 PM
Little dic ahmadinajad can say what he wants. That doesn't make it so. He's got huge problems over there, and the sanctions are hurting Iran. But sanctions alone aren't the only way to deal with little piss ants like him. His grip on Iran is precarious at best.

Let China bomb the little prick. Let Russia. If we do it, we're just begging for another round of world hatred. When and if little ahma dic ever uses a nuke on "US", THEN make a fucking glass parking lot out of Iran. Otherwise stay the hell otta there. Israel can take care of itself.

First of all ron paul is a truther. That's the first thing I have against him. Secondly he wants to pick up and run from iraq, which would be a stupid thing to do. He wants to sanction and talk to iran. Iran has every intention of getting a nuke and using it on Israel and US. They want to take over the entire middle east. And control all the oil coming out of there.

You think its better to sit back and wait for them to attack us before we do anything. Well if we do that I hope its your city that gets nuked. You can bet we will blow iran away in your memory. I suggest we take them out before they can do it though. You want the world to like us. Fuck that. The world just needs to respect us and not mess with us.

iran is not about to collapse from within. Not without the US taking some sort of military action first.

Ron paul may be a conservative, but he's a pussy. gulliani is liberal pretending to be a conservative. So's romney.

10-31-2007, 11:15 PM
First of all ron paul is a truther. That's the first thing I have against him.

This is a 100% complete lie. You cannot back up statement up because it's simply not true; Ron Paul has never stated support for 9/11 truth.

Secondly he wants to pick up and run from iraq, which would be a stupid thing to do. He wants to sanction and talk to iran. Iran has every intention of getting a nuke and using it on Israel and US. They want to take over the entire middle east. And control all the oil coming out of there.

He is speaking for most of our country.

You think its better to sit back and wait for them to attack us before we do anything. Well if we do that I hope its your city that gets nuked. You can bet we will blow iran away in your memory. I suggest we take them out before they can do it though. You want the world to like us. Fuck that. The world just needs to respect us and not mess with us.

This is the exact type of thinking which cause events like 9/11 to happen.

Please educate yourself in foreign affairs. Blowback. (http://www.amazon.com/Blowback-Second-Consequences-American-Empire/dp/0805075593/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/103-5586130-4780618?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1193890438&sr=8-1)

Ron paul may be a conservative, but he's a pussy. gulliani is liberal pretending to be a conservative. So's romney.

Ron Paul is the closest thing to Barry Goldwater in the race. End of story.

Pale Rider
10-31-2007, 11:16 PM
First of all ron paul is a truther. That's the first thing I have against him. Secondly he wants to pick up and run from iraq, which would be a stupid thing to do. He wants to sanction and talk to iran. Iran has every intention of getting a nuke and using it on Israel and US. They want to take over the entire middle east. And control all the oil coming out of there.

You think its better to sit back and wait for them to attack us before we do anything. Well if we do that I hope its your city that gets nuked. You can bet we will blow iran away in your memory. I suggest we take them out before they can do it though. You want the world to like us. Fuck that. The world just needs to respect us and not mess with us.

iran is not about to collapse from within. Not without the US taking some sort of military action first.
I don't know what a "truther" is pard, and I can't find it in any dictionary.

Paul wants to get our troops out of Iraq, "as soon as possible." I don't think that means, "in 3 days we pull out." I'm sure it would be done with all precaution.

And yeah, I think we should wait and see what happens with Iran. If we are still engaged in Iraq, AND we bomb Iran, we'll HAVE to start a draft. Our military is already at it's breaking point. Troops are wore out because deployments have been tripled, equipment is getting worn out, and the price tag is nearing a TRILLION DOLLARS! For Christ sake man, I think we need to regroup and get out of this war business for a while and try another approach. Let little ahmadic get his bomb and use it. Then the world has NO REASON to say NO to ANYONE that makes a glass parking lot out of his country. Until then, use every other means of sanction and black ops against him. We have no guarantee Iran will EVER be able to fire a nuclear missle and successfully hit America. Even if they did manage to get one across the ocean, we have a pretty damn good anti missile missile defense system now.

Ron paul may be a conservative, but he's a pussy. gulliani is liberal pretending to be a conservative. So's romney.
I think ole Paul would surprize you how bad he could be. But he'd wait until we were attacked before he get us into another war we can't afford.

I wouldn't vote for giuliani on a bet. He's a liberal. Romney is mister slick Washington status quo.

I know I'll draw a lot of heat from my conservative constituents here, but I don't think we should have ever gone into Iraq. It was a huge mistake. But just succumbing to it as an open ended war is NOT the answer either. We need to get our people out of there, SOONER not later. The length and cost of this war are entering into the BULL SHIT stage, and the LAST thing we need to do is pick ANOTHER fight before we've even FINISHED the FIRST ONE!

Sorry... but that's the way I feel. There's an old saying... "cooler heads will prevail."

11-01-2007, 10:42 PM
paul is a truther, he stated it in one of his speeches. He thinks 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not going searching for it now. It's getting late and I'm too tired. That alone turned me against him right at the start. He also wants to pull the troops out now. Not over a period of time which is how its going to have to be done no matter what.

iraq is turning around rather quickly now. Most of al qaeda have been cleaned out and the others are laying down their arms. In spite of the media reports the surge is working.

Yes equipment needs to be replaced and the soldiers need longer breaks between deployments. But our military is still just as capable as it ever was.

The sanctions against iran are having some effect. Except in retaliation iran is cutting back on its oil production by 350,000 barrels a day to drive up prices. Venezuela has promised to do the same. Now if iran can threaten others to join them we will have a serious oil problem real soon. There are war clouds looming on the horizon. I prefer we throw the first punch.

We can fight iran without a draft. They would last about 3 weeks. The occupation would be the hard part, depending on who gets control of the government there.

11-02-2007, 12:28 AM
paul is a truther, he stated it in one of his speeches. He thinks 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not going searching for it now. It's getting late and I'm too tired.

This is a complete and utter lie. He has NEVER stated as such and you need to retract this statement immediately because it is a flat out lie.

11-06-2007, 02:07 AM
Well? Ready to retract your statement?

11-06-2007, 10:04 AM
Well? Ready to retract your statement?

I won't retract it yet. I am still searching. Though I read it some months ago and have had to go through archives. But as there is nothing mentioned lately I may have been mistaken.

He's still a nut. That fact won't change in my opinion.

11-06-2007, 11:49 AM
I won't retract it yet. I am still searching. Though I read it some months ago and have had to go through archives. But as there is nothing mentioned lately I may have been mistaken.

He's still a nut. That fact won't change in my opinion.

You are a liar. His support for the theory of blowback, in the debates, really just shows how much you don't know about this subject. You need to retract this statement because it is a flat out 100% lie, but I'm not surprised that you just make things up regardless of if they're true or not.

11-06-2007, 09:12 PM
You are a liar. His support for the theory of blowback, in the debates, really just shows how much you don't know about this subject. You need to retract this statement because it is a flat out 100% lie, but I'm not surprised that you just make things up regardless of if they're true or not.

You are an ASS. I may be wrong on something and make a mistake. As I said I was looking for it. I may have been mistaken in who I was reading about at the time. I'm not looking for it any longer as we have nothing more to discuss.

11-06-2007, 10:24 PM
You are a liar. His support for the theory of blowback, in the debates, really just shows how much you don't know about this subject. You need to retract this statement because it is a flat out 100% lie, but I'm not surprised that you just make things up regardless of if they're true or not.

he said he would retract if his research found that he was wrong. That makes him a liar? Hardly. It just makes you a douche.

11-06-2007, 11:47 PM
he said he would retract if his research found that he was wrong. That makes him a liar? Hardly. It just makes you a douche.

Oh please. He neg reps me for asking for his evidence and he cannot present any because his original assertion was a LIE.

11-06-2007, 11:57 PM
Oh please. He neg reps me for asking for his evidence and he cannot present any because his original assertion was a LIE.

I neg repped you for calling me a lair. My original assertion might have been wrong, but was not a lie. But you appearantly can't comprehend that.

11-07-2007, 04:11 AM
I neg repped you for calling me a lair. My original assertion might have been wrong, but was not a lie. But you appearantly can't comprehend that.

Sounds like a retraction to me. You're wrong again.

11-07-2007, 04:36 AM
Ron Paul might..not be in with the truthers out in the open...But he IS totally supported by them...and a few other wonderful groups..
White Supremacist...I saw them rooting for him with an full page endorsement on David Dukes website, until they took it down...

It's no matter...RP is a blip on the radar screen...
The one thing I can say....Is most of the RP supporters I've come in contact with, are rude, crude, childish, whiners... and make the most silliest signs I've ever seen...:laugh2:

11-07-2007, 11:53 AM
Ron Paul is an isolationist who seems to think that if we pull back behind our watery walls (Atlantic and Pacific) that all the Islamic fascists will leave us alone. That's naive, at best, and will lead to a nuclear warhead detonation within the United States. That's why I can't support the guy.

Pale Rider
11-07-2007, 03:20 PM
Ron Paul is an isolationist who seems to think that if we pull back behind our watery walls (Atlantic and Pacific) that all the Islamic fascists will leave us alone. That's naive, at best, and will lead to a nuclear warhead detonation within the United States. That's why I can't support the guy.

It would seem that is part of his philosophy, and he wants to do away with the FBI and Homeland Security. Scarey.

11-07-2007, 08:14 PM
Maybe Ron Paul is the Anti-Christ ?

11-07-2007, 09:30 PM
Maybe Ron Paul is the Anti-Christ ?

That is an absurd thing to say. It demeans what the anti-Christ is and makes him sound decent.

11-08-2007, 12:02 PM
That is an absurd thing to say. It demeans what the anti-Christ is and makes him sound decent.
does the bible not say he will sound like a man of peace and fool a lot of people? Just a thought