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View Full Version : Republican Party in sad disarray

GW in Ohio
11-01-2007, 11:45 AM
One year before voters go to the polls to select the next president, the Republican Party is as weak as it has been in a generation, a detailed new poll from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press suggests.

Only 36 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say the GOP “does an excellent or good job” of “standing up for traditional GOP positions” on issues like reducing the size of government, cutting taxes and promoting conservative social issues.

That’s a decline of 25 points since July 2004. In fact, it’s the lowest Republican rating for the GOP since Pew began tracking the issue in 2000.

And while the Democratic Party had only a slight lead in July 2004 as the party “better able to manage the federal government” and as the party that is “more honest and ethical,” today Democrats lead both categories by double-digit margins.

By even larger margins, Democrats are seen as the party “more concerned about people like me” (by 29 points) and the party best able to bring about “needed change” (by 22 points).

Other polling has also showed that, for the first time in decades, Americans now see the two parties as equally qualified to face down national security threats — erasing the “security advantage” Republicans have long relied on.

Clinton would cream Giuliani, poll finds
The findings remain preliminary, considering even the primaries are still two months off.

But Pew questioned an unusually large number of voters to try to paint the most accurate picture possible of where the presidential contest — among other factors — stands today.

Should the White House race continue down its current trajectory, the poll finds Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) would defeat Rudy Giuliani by eight points.

In the hypothetical matchup, bloc after bloc of traditionally Republican voters break for Clinton.

She wins the South, polls evenly with Giuliani among voters who attend church at least once a week and splits families with a household income above $100,000. She loses rural voters and men — but only by a narrow margin.

All are constituencies Republicans have dominated for decades; George W. Bush won each by double-digit margins.

Source: Politico http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1107/6671.html

Pale Rider
11-01-2007, 11:54 AM

Abbey Marie
11-01-2007, 12:08 PM
Two things about the piece:

1. It just reaffirms that Republicans want a true conservative in the WH. That is a good thing.

2. No matter how moderate the eventual Republican candidate is, it indicates that he will still get the votes over anyone the Dems put up.

GW in Ohio
11-01-2007, 12:24 PM
Two things about the piece:

1. It just reaffirms that Republicans want a true conservative in the WH. That is a good thing.

2. No matter how moderate the eventual Republican candidate is, it indicates that he will still get the votes over anyone the Dems put up.

I like it when conservatives retreat into their shell of denial.

It's quaint....and endearing....and a little sad.

11-01-2007, 12:31 PM
Two things about the piece:

1. It just reaffirms that Republicans want a true conservative in the WH. That is a good thing.

2. No matter how moderate the eventual Republican candidate is, it indicates that he will still get the votes over anyone the Dems put up.

just back from a cruise on that river in Egypt, I see!

My take: if the republicans put up a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control new york moderate in an attempt to beat a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control new york moderate, the religious right will vote with the seat of their pants.

11-01-2007, 02:04 PM
It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up in the general election. The 2008 race will be a mandate on Iraq and the Bushies screwing up the country. Why do you think 17 (and counting) current GOP congressional delegates have decided not to run again? Why are others attempting to distance themselves from the current administration?
The only way the Dems can screw up is if they nominate Hillary. I would vote for anyone who ran against her.

Abbey Marie
11-01-2007, 02:20 PM
just back from a cruise on that river in Egypt, I see!

My take: if the republicans put up a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control new york moderate in an attempt to beat a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control new york moderate, the religious right will vote with the seat of their pants.

And what do you think the seat of their pants will tell them? To vote for Hillary? :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
11-01-2007, 02:23 PM
I like it when conservatives retreat into their shell of denial.

It's quaint....and endearing....and a little sad.

The thing that is really sad, is that the Dem party is in all likelihood going to choose a Socialist criminal as their nominee. And by that, I mean sad for the whole country.

11-01-2007, 02:25 PM
Either post your source in your OP, or this thread goes away.

11-01-2007, 03:10 PM
Thanks :)

Pale Rider
11-01-2007, 03:29 PM
My take: if the republicans put up a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control new york moderate in an attempt to beat a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control new york moderate, the religious right will vote with the seat of their pants.

I'd be one of those you described, and if the case is as you laid out above, I'll write a vote in. I wouldn't vote for either, ever.

11-01-2007, 03:51 PM
2008 will be about immigration and socialism. and Clinton is stepping in it on both issues.

11-05-2007, 10:02 AM
And what do you think the seat of their pants will tell them? To vote for Hillary? :laugh2:

I think the seat of their pants will tell them to stay put on election day and not separate that seat of the pants from the chairs in which they are sitting.

11-05-2007, 10:48 AM
Are we suppose to be surprised what the gullible in the American public thinks? These same idiots believe spending beyond their means is OK. That talking or texting for hours on cell phones about nothing is fun. That unions will save them from the big, evil corporation that provides them with a job. That homosexuals have good taste and are perfectly normal. That killind a baby after it is fully formed in the womb is not only OK but their right. That Rosie O'Donnel, Oprah and Dr. Phil are worth taking time out of their day to pay attention to. That The Price is Right is entertaining, or, that Micheal Moore and Al Gore produce factual documentaries.

These same naive clowns actually believe that Clinton, the first, left this country with a huge surplus of cash that the evil George Bush/Dick Cheney gave away to their rich corporate friends, or that September 11th was a Republican plot and that Iraq is just about oil. That Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, or any of those dumbasses the Democrats have thrown out as candidates, could be an effective President, or that there is a single Democrat that has an honest answer to anything.

Why would anyone give a shit what these assholes think...... if they really are America......... America is doomed.:salute: