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11-01-2007, 09:24 PM

11-09-2007, 07:38 PM

Not shocked/surprised one bit.

In any culture where you make anything taboo, it stimulates human interest in violating that taboo. That's the nature of fallen mankind. Is the very physiology of the power of sin, that has pervaded this world since very early times.

Even the Apostle Paul said that the Law of Moses or the Commandments couldn't bring "life" or "righteousness" to man, but instead would, or was designed by God to convince man of his sinfulness. The law says don't covet, and the law of sin takes opportunity in the human soul through the taboo. The Law was delivered to mankind to convince man of his total incapability to achieve righteousness in his own strength. God knew it all along, but man needed to realize the depth of his lostness before His Maker. The Law handily did that. Righteousness of man was only going to be bestowed through God gracious work, and not man's prideful work. Acceptance before God would only come as an "unmerited gift", so that man would have nothing to brag upon.

You tell your child to "Don't touch" and they will want even more to "touch" that taboo thing. It is the inborn rebellious nature of man to determine his/her own destiny minus any Godly authority.

As the Law is intended to convince man of his lost condition before a Holy and Just Creator, so the Creator provided the Scapegoat for this weak, vessel called mankind. Christ.
So you have a religious system (Islam) that has many taboos from Allah via his prophet Mohammed, yet offers no alternative or forgiveness or a propitiation in the form of a Scapegoat from Allah to reprieve his people from the doom of damnation. Islam only offers man's works or attempt at making God "happy" with him/her. I.E. Bow to Mecca three times a day..........do this or do that......etc. etc... works, works, works. The absolute absence of grace. Man is trying constantly to make a very hard, exacting God/Allah pleased with Him. It never ends. It is a perpetual treadmill of good days and bad days. Also there is the constant fear of not making the "mark" or "bar" of Allah's approval. That is not what Jesus revealed of God, and he succinctly said that "I and the Father our one.". To see and know Jesus is to see and know the Father in heaven. God incarnate. That is a seeking, understanding God, that desires a close relationship with his special creation, man.

It (Islam) is a belief system that lacks understanding of the human condition..i.e. temptations, and a means to resist or escape it.

Christ was God, incarnate in human flesh. Why? So that the passover lamb/Scapegoat, would totally identify with the human species in every way. That included, pain, anger, rejection, heart break, temptation, yet stay sinless and be the perfect, blameless sacrifice to meet our Creator's requirement for just discipline or punishment for a fallen race/man. Now all man's responsiblity was to appropriate by faith/belief this magnificent offer from God through His Son. Yet, many did, currently do now, and will in the future, reject this gracious offer, and will captain their lives themselves and take the wide/broad highway to total, eternal loss.

Violations of Islamic law, require punishment, or some kind of legalistic-works based requirement on the part of the condemned/accused in order to be made right with Allah. In some cases, death is the only offered remedy.

There is an area in Africa where one of our associate pastors of our church visited many years ago and met with a Black African Tribe that was Islamic in religious belief.

Our Pastor asked one of the more religious-learned of that tribe some questions about their God, Allah. He asked if they could tell him the attributes of Allah, as our pastor was curious how they lined up with the attributes of God, from the Christian bible. Interestingly, the Muslim person said that there were 99 known attributes of Allah, and 1 unknown attribute that only the camel knew, and the camel would never tell the people.

Well, this religious spokes-person for this tribe named off the 99 attributes, and they were very similar if not the same as the attributes that both the Old and New Testament of the bible included for God.

The one glaring and most important attribute missing from this Islamic tribes list in the 99 known-one's was......

LOVE...............................Yes, number 100, that only the camel knows must be, LOVE, cause the whole tribe knew nothing of that attribute being ascribed to their Allah, of Islam.

Interestingly, LOVE, is glaringly the most important attribute of God in the Christian bible. Paul says that God can bless you with all kinds of skills, and talents, and spiritual gifts, but if they are not undergirded with LOVE, they are absolutely useless in this world, and absolutely useless to God. They only glorify one's self and not God, who was the Giver of those talents/gifts to man.

Just check out the book of 1st Corinthians of the N.T. and you will see that Love is the undergirding foundation of Christianity, and the motivating force of the lives of true Christians.

Just as a marriage is nothing if it isn't undergirded with love, so the bible says that anything we do in our life is basically useless if it isn't motivated with love. This love is not the wishy washy mushy love of T.V., but Agape love that is also defined in some bible translations as "Charity".

It's the giving of one's self for another. It's the giving up something precious for another's good, or blessing.

Similarly, Paul told husbands, "Love your wives as Christ loved the church.". How did Christ love the church? He died for it!

There is no place in the economy of Islam for Agape love. It is stuck in the old covenant of an eye for an eye. It is calculated, cold, and merciless. It's adherents so badly need the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but instead see Christians as dangerous infidels as well as the atheists, agnostics, intellectuals of the world who don't embrace Islam.

It divulges it's ugly head in it's strict Koranic form when you see an innocent infidel beheaded on Al-Jazerra.

Mercy, forgiveness, love..........? In so many ways it is the anti-thesis of the Koran.

These ladys and girls that use the internet to break their Islamic laws, are just acting out the true nature of lost mankind. Make a law, and man's very nature is to test it.

Remember that delicious tree in the Garden? God said "No.". Man said, "Why?" and proceeded ahead and lost a wonderful union with his/her Maker. This Maker didn't let things stand as they were in a fallen/hopeless/lost state, but offered a solution, planned in eternity-past, before the very foundations of the earth were in existence. The Lamb of God.