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red states rule
11-04-2007, 02:41 PM
This should be great for Republicans - depsite the cover the liberal media is giving the Dems

A $1 trillion tax increase is what the Dems want - for starters

Rangel's tax plan heartens GOP
By Donald Lambro
November 4, 2007

Republican strategists predict that the House Democrats' tax plan will improve Republican chances of making gains in Congress and holding onto the presidency in 2008.

Republican officials said they have begun laying the groundwork to make the tax bill the target of a fierce campaign offensive. They say the plan, introduced by Rep. Charles B. Rangel, New York Democrat and chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, will raise tax rates on small businesses, self-employed Americans, investors and millions of two-earner married couples.

"It's obviously a grand income-redistribution scheme by Charlie Rangel to raise taxes on working Americans so they can take more people off the tax rolls and pay for Hillary Clinton's plan to take over health care," said former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, Texas Republican.

"I think it helps the Republicans and gives them something to run against, something serious. Rangel's given Republicans hope that they could take the House back," Mr. Armey said.

Mr. Rangel doesn't see any such advantage for Republicans.

"We are not raising taxes," he said when he announced the plan on Oct. 25. "We are restructuring the rates of taxes so that at the end of the day 90 million taxpayers will walk away and say, 'I've got a decrease in taxes.' "

At a campaign strategy meeting of conservative activists last week, Rep. Thomas M. Reynolds, New York Republican and former chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said voter anger over the tax bill "will boost GOP numbers in the House."

"It's a tremendous opportunity for the Republicans. This is a gift from the gods. This is something Republicans could not have done for themselves," said tax-cut crusader Grover Norquist, who hosted the meeting.


11-04-2007, 06:09 PM
Yes the Dems are stupid for allowing this to be talked about. But in reality, and I say this as a Republican, I don't care if the Dems look dumb, or the Republicans look better...What I know is that in the next two decades we're going to have 77 million people retiring, while there will only be 45 million people there to take their spot. We have a 9 trillion + national debt.....This needs to get fixed....They won't be able to raise taxes enough in the future if they don't start to fix things. And it needs to start now!!! Republican's can't do it alone....The Bush years proved that. The Dems can't do it alone either. Remember how much Clinton and Gingrich hated each other? They still worked to try and balance the budget. It's going to take both sides to get it done. I am getting sick and tired of the Red States vs the Blue States. It's not necessarily the parties, as it is the leaders of the parties. My Democrat friends and I can discuss things logically and without name calling. Why can't Washington? Both parties are guilty of not caring. Like I said. Not the parties, but their leaders....

11-04-2007, 11:34 PM
"We are not raising taxes," Rangel said when he announced the plan on Oct. 25. "We are restructuring the rates of taxes so that at the end of the day 90 million taxpayers will walk away and say, 'I've got a decrease in taxes.' " His plan wipes out the Alternative minimum tax that was NEVER meant to hit the middle class.