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View Full Version : Dennis Kucinich To Bring Impeachment To House Floor

red states rule
11-04-2007, 04:58 PM
This is why the Dems are falling in the polls

There soultion to ending the war - impeachment

How do they plan to balance the budget - impeachment

How to make the US energy independent - impeachment

from the article............

Despite the lack of media coverage, however, when citizens are asked what they think about holding members of the Bush administration to account, they respond with an enthusiasm far greater than that displayed for impeaching Richard Nixon at the height of the Watergate scandal. It is this reality -- as opposed to the state of denial fostered by so much of the media and the political class -- that Congressman Dennis Kucinich will act upon next week, when he offers a privileged resolution on the House floor to bring articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.

Kucinich will face an uphill fight in a chamber led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the California Democrat who continues to say that impeachment is "off the table."

The Ohio congressman and long-shot presidential contender may not be following the rules of engagement as dictated by major media and his party leaders. But when Kucinich raises the issue of impeachment, he will be speaking for a great mass of Americans who agree with his argument that, "Congress must hold the Vice President accountable."

How great?

A fresh poll conducted for Vermont's WCAX television station finds that citizens of that state enthusiastically believe that Congress beginning impeachment proceedings against President Bush.

Sixty-one percent of the Vermonters surveyed favor taking steps to impeach the president, while just 33% oppose doing so.

The numbers are even higher for impeaching Cheney. Sixty-four percent of Vermonters favor beginning the process of holding the vice president to account, where only 31 percent are opposed.

The greater level of support for impeaching Cheney parallels the few nationwide figures that have been ascertained. When the American Research Group conducted a national survey in early July of this year, it found that 54 percent of American adults wanted the House to begin impeachment proceedings against Cheney -- with 76 percent of Democrats, 51 percent of independents and a striking 17 percent of Republicans favoring the step.

Forty-six percent of Americans surveyed backed impeachment proceedings against Bush -- with support for impeachment at 69 percent among Democrats, 50 percent among independents and 13 percent among Republicans.

What is notable is that, when Time magazine surveyed Americans in the late spring of 1974, after the Watergate scandal had evolved into a full-scale crisis of confidence in Nixon's presidency, only 43 percent favored impeachment.

A media that actually had a sense of history, not to mention reality, would focus on the fact that Americans are more supportive of a congressional intervention to thwart Bush and Cheney's wrongdoing than they were of moves to hold Nixon to account just months before the former president resigned in disgrace.

Now, it falls to Kucinich to speak the reality that, "The momentum is building for impeachment. Millions of citizens across the nation are demanding Congress rein in the Vice President's abuse of power."

Says the congressman, "Despite this groundswell of opposition to the unconstitutional conduct of office, Vice President Cheney continues to violate the U.S. Constitution by insisting the power of the executive branch is supreme... The Vice President continues to use his office to advocate for a continued occupation of Iraq and prod our nation into a belligerent stance against Iran. If the Vice President is successful, his actions will ensure decades of disastrous consequences."


11-04-2007, 04:59 PM
Ah, special "K" rears his ugly little head again.

red states rule
11-04-2007, 05:01 PM
Ah, special "K" rears his ugly little head again.

I wonder if the space aliens on the UFO he saw told him to do it?

11-04-2007, 09:40 PM
What the heck is the point? it will take them years to investigate anything (if they had anything to investigate). By that time President Bush will have long since left office for the next Republican.

11-04-2007, 10:28 PM
I wonder if the space aliens on the UFO he saw told him to do it?

Good Evening Rsr...

just a slight correction, Kusinich does say he saw a UFO-Unidentified Flying Object, but he has never said he saw space aliens, that is fabricated my friend!


11-04-2007, 10:33 PM
What the heck is the point? it will take them years to investigate anything (if they had anything to investigate). By that time President Bush will have long since left office for the next Republican.
That's what Pelosi said from the time she got leadership, off the table and it is probably because it would just take so much time to investigate and pull it off, if at all...cuz you do need 2/3's to convict him in the senate and the vote is not there either.

I can't believe you and Pelosi actually agree on something!!! :poke:



11-04-2007, 11:26 PM
Good Evening Rsr...

just a slight correction, Kusinich does say he saw a UFO-Unidentified Flying Object, but he has never said he saw space aliens, that is fabricated my friend!


who do you think was flying the UFO......

11-04-2007, 11:39 PM
who do you think was flying the UFO......Don't know? hahahahaha!

But it COULD have been us, testing a new stealth type aircraft ORRRRRRRRR,
here's where my sci fi love comes in....

It could have been us from the future, time traveling back to us...before the nuclear war?

all the UFO'S that have been seen could be us, of the future, coming back in time, then going back to the future!



red states rule
11-08-2007, 05:31 AM
It seems Dennis's impeachemnt attempt has the same amount of success as his Presidental bid

Dennis Kucinich: Live and Unhinged
Rick Moran
Watching the Democrats yesterday on the House floor, one could be forgiven for laughing out loud at their dilemma.

Perhaps the most unhinged member of their caucus, Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a certifiable moonbat who is making something of a vanity run for president, offered up a privileged motion to impeach the Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney.

Never mind that his "case" was weak. It was damn near invisible. But Kucinich soldiered on with it and the Democrats scrambled for cover.

The vote to kill Kucinch’s privileged resolution began as a largely party-line affair, but halfway through the vote, Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) persuaded Republican leaders to get rank-and-file GOP lawmakers to change their votes to force the debate.

At one point, the vote to table the motion stood at 246-165. Once Republicans began switching their votes, momentum swung the other way. When the vote stood at 205-206, some Democrats began switching their votes.

The vote to kill Kucinich’s resolution finally failed 162-251, giving Republicans the opportunity to watch Democrats debate whether to impeach Cheney — a debate in which many liberal Democrats were more than willing to engage.
Knowing full well the political disaster of impeaching the Vice President on evidence Kucinich brought down from his stay on that UFO he was talking about last week, Democrats tried to rid themselves of the resolution only to have the Republicans gleefully deny them that opportunity. Instead of tabling the resolution (which would have defeated it), the GOP forced the Democrats into another vote to refer it to committee by switching dozens of their votes, defeating the motion to set the resolution aside.

The vote to send it to the Judiciary Committee for consideration passed easily. And there it will lie - right next to Kucinich's other impeachment bill he popped in the hopper earlier in the year.
