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View Full Version : Masharif declares Marshall Law in Pakistan

11-04-2007, 08:38 PM
He has suspended the Constitution in his country and surrounded the supreme court with rangers and paramilitary troops. He has taken complete dictatorial control of the country. Everyone is condemning him.

However, the media has not reported that the supreme court was about to rule against Masharif concerning his bid for reelection. And especially that the high court there is controlled by islamists. Most of those arrested or detained are islamists. He's cracking down on the radicals in his government and cleaning house. He's taking the bull by the horns which is the only way to really deal with these fools. Once he cleans out the government he can start on the western part of the country in earnest. Will be interesting to see how it plays out. If he fails Pakistan will become a radical islamic state with nukes. And a nuclear war is then guaranteed in the next few years.

I would bet that while most western countries are publicly condemning him, behind the scenes they are patting him on the back.

11-04-2007, 08:57 PM
I would bet that while most western countries are publicly condemning him, behind the scenes they are patting him on the back.

And saying "oh, well, oh, well'. :cheers2:

11-04-2007, 08:59 PM
goes to show they are heathen

11-04-2007, 09:44 PM
wars and rumors of wars...

11-04-2007, 10:11 PM
He has suspended the Constitution in his country and surrounded the supreme court with rangers and paramilitary troops. He has taken complete dictatorial control of the country. Everyone is condemning him.

However, the media has not reported that the supreme court was about to rule against Masharif concerning his bid for reelection. And especially that the high court there is controlled by islamists. Most of those arrested or detained are islamists. He's cracking down on the radicals in his government and cleaning house. He's taking the bull by the horns which is the only way to really deal with these fools. Once he cleans out the government he can start on the western part of the country in earnest. Will be interesting to see how it plays out. If he fails Pakistan will become a radical islamic state with nukes. And a nuclear war is then guaranteed in the next few years.

I would bet that while most western countries are publicly condemning him, behind the scenes they are patting him on the back.

Yes, this was my immediate thoughts when I heard about this Gaffer. Our government has not publically comndemned him...not with any kind of sincerity or conviction imo.... and to me, this is also being played low in the media too....just a blip on it here and there, though I did not get the chance to watch all of the Sunday talk shows today so I could have missed something.

It looks so hypocritical of us not to condemn this vigorously. Especially if we say we believe in Democracies and not dictators....

HOWEVER, I agree with you, we HAVE to have Musharaf there in order to continue our quest against Alqaeda!!! Without him, it will become another terrorist state, WORSE than Iran, because they already have nukes and they have actual ties with Alqaeda!!!

Do you really think Musharaf can pull this off and not be killed off?


11-04-2007, 10:13 PM
Yes, this was my immediate thoughts when I heard about this Gaffer. Our government has not publically comndemned him...not with any kind of sincerity or conviction imo.... and to me, this is also being played low in the media too....just a blip on it here and there, though I did not get the chance to watch all of the Sunday talk shows today so I could have missed something.

It looks so hypocritical of us not to condemn this vigorously. Especially if we say we believe in Democracies and not dictators....

HOWEVER, I agree with you, we HAVE to have Musharaf there in order to continue our quest against Alqaeda!!! Without him, it will become another terrorist state, WORSE than Iran, because they already have nukes and they have actual ties with Alqaeda!!!

Do you really think Musharaf can pull this off and not be killed off?


much worse than Iran. Pakistan does have Nukes.

11-04-2007, 10:20 PM
much worse than Iran. Pakistan does have Nukes.yes, agreed! jd

11-05-2007, 12:36 AM
Forget Iran. Pakistan is the most unstable and dangerous country on earth.
Remember, Pakistan already HAS nuclear weapons.


11-05-2007, 01:06 AM
Forget Iran. Pakistan is the most unstable and dangerous country on earth.
Remember, Pakistan already HAS nuclear weapons.


wow... how brilliant... i cant believe someone didnt point that out before... oh wait...

11-05-2007, 01:13 AM
So why do we bitch and moan about Iran wanting to build nuclear weapons, when Pakistan already has them? Doesn't fit in the plan, I suppose.

11-05-2007, 02:56 AM
So why do we bitch and moan about Iran wanting to build nuclear weapons, when Pakistan already has them? Doesn't fit in the plan, I suppose.

Because for now pakistan is under Masharrif's control. Hopefully under a democratic governments control when he's gone. He's a secularist and wants to keep the muslims out of the government. iran is a theocracy run by, of all things, a bunch of muslim nut jobs.

al qaeda wants to take over a country that has nukes. iran wants to build nukes. Which is more dangerous?

11-05-2007, 06:54 PM
So why do we bitch and moan about Iran wanting to build nuclear weapons, when Pakistan already has them? Doesn't fit in the plan, I suppose.

because Iran, unlike Pakistan, is run by Islamic extremists. As long as Pakistan remains out of the hands of the extremists, the fact that they have nukes isnt a problem.

I would have thought that was freaking obvious.