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02-08-2007, 02:02 PM
Petition Demanding members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives begin Impeachment Proceedings against George Walker Bush immediately.


' 2381 Treason: count one: Only secret orders from the Administration could account for the variance from documented standard procedure resulting in a stand down of forces on September 11, 2001. Count two: Mr. Bush was aware that two planes had hit the World Trade Center while he sat and read a story about a pet goat for about 20 minutes before he acted. Count three: While seated in the highest office of this land, being the ultimate ‘decider’ and supreme commander, his Administration allowed affluent Saudi citizens and relations of Osama Bin Laden to fly when domestic flight by U.S. citizens was prohibited.

'1001(2)Yfalse statements: count one: many reliable sources, such as UN weapons inspectors and U.S. intelligence officials had proven Bush Administration=s allegation, that Saddam Hussein=s possessed weapons of mass destruction were false. Count two: Bush and his Administration lied to the world about 9/11 connections between Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein such allegations were and are false. It can be proven without a doubt, that Bush and his officials lied often and purposefully to start a war of aggression, see the Downing Street memo etc. Not many people know that Iraq’s oil in now controlled by Oil Corporations who Bush and the Republicans gave large tax breaks to.

' 2441. War crimes: count one: lying to the American people to justify a war of aggression. There was and is no proven connection between Saddam Hussein=s government and 9/11,. Count two: violating international law and moral conscience by okaying the use of cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs, indiscriminate bombing and killing of civilians, Bush has described himself as the Awar president@.

'1341. Frauds and swindles: count one: Bush and his Administration have okayed overpayments to weapons manufacture and defense contractor CEO=s in violation of congressionally mandated policy and law.

'1901 carrying on trade and business in the funds of the U.S.: Count one: large election campaign donations had been given to the Bush campaign by energy sector corporations and individual energy company executives, secret meetings between oil company executives and Bush Administration officials occurred. Large tax breaks and environmental laws were relaxed which rewarded energy firms such as ENRON for criminally ripping off American consumers of energy products. Count two: A survey by the Union of Concerned Scientists found 150 climate scientists had personally experienced political interference in their work over the past five years

' 1510. Obstruction of criminal investigations: count one: withholding of Secret service records indicating times and purposes of White house visits by Jack Abramoff. Count two: Cover up the Valerie Plame/Joseph C. Wilson IV incident. Count three: withholding the topics and content of secret meetings with oil industry executives.

'2340A(c)conspiracy to commit torture: count one: Administration memos redefining torture to allow cruel and unusual punishment and extraordinary rendition of captive persons in violation of US, international law and human conscience.

'222 of Title 47 of the Communications Act: telephone companies are prohibited from giving out information regarding their customers' calling habits. Federal judges have determined that the Bush Administration has violated the law by an illegal spying program contrary to FISA regulations requiring a warrant to be signed by a judge before such spying activities involving U.S. citizens are undertaken.

'2383 insurrection against U.S. authority or the laws thereof: Count one: involved in secret insider CIA workings, Skull and Bones affiliation and other connections and actions are proof that allegiance with certain persons and organizations have prevented George W. Bush from faithfully fo filling and executing his oath of office.

§208(a)acts affecting personal financial interest which have affected the integrity of his office: It is well known that George H. W. Bush is on the board of the Carlyle Group to this day and George Bush Sr. has does and will profit from war until he and his “War Lord” son are stopped. GWB is, was and will profit somehow from this war; why else on God’s Green Earth would a president allow defense contractor executives to rape the U.S. treasury and the American people?

'225 continuing a financial crimes enterprise: count one: Allowing and being part of a war profiteering scheme. The congress put limits on CEO and defense contractor pay and benefits to keep individuals from profiting from war, because the money used to protect our nation comes from every individual tax payer. See: § 2324. Allowable costs under defense contracts, FY 2001 -- $374,228, This determination is required to be made pursuant to Section 808 of Pub. L. 105-85. The average pay for defense CEOs was $11.6 million in 2004.


Article VI Clause II is the constitutional decree being the basis of this Petition. The authority of the laws themselves is supreme, greater than the authority of individual office holders. In a nation rich with democratic principle, based on constitutionality, no one is above the law, not even members of the President=s Administration, the Vice President, or even the President himself. This has been proven in cases such as: Clinton v. Jones 520 U.S. 681 (1997), and United States v. Nixon 418 U.S. 683 (1974).

After carefully reading the attached Petition, considering the facts, allegations and information supplied above, I, a signer of this petition, being a Citizen of the United States of America, expect my representatives to bring forward Articles of Impeachment against President George Walker Bush containing as many of the code violations indicated above as they see fit, at the soonest possible moment.

Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________
Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________
Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________ Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________ Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________ Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________ Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________ Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________ Sign:___________________ Print Name:____________________ Date:_______
Address:______________________________________Phon e:______________
The Bush Administration are brainless soulless neo-con corporate Nazis. Money is their GOD. When you have a neo-nazi in the presidency and a neo-nazi Stupreem court that put the criminal there and a mamby pamby Congress and Senate that act like accomplices to the crime of subsidizing oil companies with blood and over $400 billion dollars only for those companies to rip the highest profits ever recorded. I've sent a longer version of this to my representatives and I'm sending out more to everybody until we get the biggest criminal War Lord from hell out of our highest office:

02-08-2007, 02:20 PM
how much time did you waste on that drivel?

02-08-2007, 02:45 PM
Good luck with that. Ask TheSage about noahides while you're at it.

Hagbard Celine
02-08-2007, 03:05 PM
Good luck with that. Ask TheSage about noahides while you're at it.

Is TheSage RWA? :terror:

02-08-2007, 03:21 PM
Is TheSage RWA? :terror:


02-08-2007, 03:25 PM
The Bush Administration and his representatives are the greatest administration in the history of the United States and I'm sending out more to everybody until we get the biggest monument in history for him.

You added a few unnecessary words. Is this what you meant?

Abbey Marie
02-08-2007, 03:32 PM
If only the OP would use his apparently abundant time and emotion for good instead of evil. :bang3:

02-08-2007, 03:53 PM
This one is my fav:

'2383 insurrection against U.S. authority or the laws thereof: Count one: involved in secret insider CIA workings, Skull and Bones affiliation and other connections and actions are proof that allegiance with certain persons and organizations have prevented George W. Bush from faithfully fo filling and executing his oath of office

Wow, now we can indict people for being in college clubs. Ohh, and "involved in secret insider CIA workings".......kinda leaves one speechless. :cheers2:

02-08-2007, 05:14 PM
This belongs in the conspiracy thread.

I'm surprised adolph isn't in here kissing all over this fools ass.

Somehow a smell a drive by troll here. :trolls:

02-08-2007, 05:18 PM
'2383 insurrection against U.S. authority or the laws thereof: Count one: involved in secret insider CIA workings.[/QUOTE]

He had better be involved in secret CIA workings or he surly wouldn't be doing his job. I'm just glad (or at least hope) that there are enough sane people to offset nut cases like this. Makes one wonder about how these crazies even had enough brains to learn to write.

Mr. P
02-08-2007, 05:45 PM
Another drive by, what are the chances? :fart:

02-08-2007, 05:59 PM
Its amazing how the left wasn't very motivated to impeach President Clinton when he legitimately broke the law. Wonder why that is...

02-08-2007, 07:59 PM
Well, ya got to admit, they are consistent, and ever on the offense, if lame, and totally out of touch.

:pee: on this thread.

02-08-2007, 09:19 PM
Petition Demanding members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives begin Impeachment Proceedings against George Walker Bush immediately.


02-08-2007, 09:23 PM
This idiot fails to realize that he is so safe, he can actually make this petition public and not fear reprisals like other countries.

What an idiot. People in MOST countries of the world only dream of this fools freedom.

Yes, you are safer with President George Bush. Deal with it.

02-08-2007, 10:12 PM
We're as safe with President Bush as we were with every other President..

Unfortunately, we have been having terrorist attacks against us since Carter..
Just most we're not in our Country..

We are as safe as we were with their hero, Clinton...

We had a terrorist attack in country with the first world trade center bombing...We didn't have another in Country after that, but we had two or three out of country...

They just care about their...REVENGE..

And IF they can actually FIND ANYTHING to impeach President Bush over, impeachment will be the process we would go through....

You can make up all the so called crimes you want...You can pass around all the petitions you want...

It's Finding and Proving it that is where your idiot brain STOPS...:laugh2:

02-08-2007, 10:14 PM
This idiot fails to realize that he is so safe, he can actually make this petition public and not fear reprisals like other countries.

What an idiot. People in MOST countries of the world only dream of this fools freedom.

Yes, you are safer with President George Bush. Deal with it.

Or other message boards.;)

02-08-2007, 10:17 PM
Its amazing how the left wasn't very motivated to impeach President Clinton when he legitimately broke the law. Wonder why that is...

Maybe because a Fat Chick giving the pres a bj didn't affect the American people, but 3000+ deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan is a slightly more serious situation...

02-08-2007, 10:18 PM
Yes, you are safer with President George Bush. Deal with it.

That has yet to be proven to a satisfactory extent IMO...

02-08-2007, 10:19 PM
Maybe because a Fat Chick giving the pres a bj didn't affect the American people, but 3000+ deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan is a slightly more serious situation...

Well yeah, if you don't count the epedimic of teenagers thinking oral sex was okay because it was "not sexual relations."

02-08-2007, 10:29 PM
We're as safe with President Bush as we were with every other President..

Unfortunately, we have been having terrorist attacks against us since Carter..
Just most we're not in our Country..

We are as safe as we were with their hero, Clinton...

We had a terrorist attack in country with the first world trade center bombing...We didn't have another in Country after that, but we had two or three out of country...

They just care about their...REVENGE..

And IF they can actually FIND ANYTHING to impeach President Bush over, impeachment will be the process we would go through....

You can make up all the so called crimes you want...You can pass around all the petitions you want...

It's Finding and Proving it that is where your idiot brain STOPS...:laugh2:

Speaking of carter. The fall of the shah of iran was his doing. The shah kept the russians out of afganhistan, because while he was in power they didn't dare move into that country as they would then have to fight iran backed by the US. He also kept iraq at bay. saddam tried an invasion and the shah kicked his ass in four days. But carter did nothing to support the shah when kohmani went in to take over. Because carter was busy selling us out to the russians. And the shah stood in the way of certain deals. More people died in one year under kohmanis rule than in the entire time the shah was in power.

Carter did nothing when the radicals took control of iran and nothing when the hostages were taken. Everything went to hell under his administration and we are still paying for it. He wasn't just lame, he was dispicable and still is.

02-08-2007, 10:33 PM
That has yet to be proven to a satisfactory extent IMO...

As I stated above...We're as safe with President Bush, as we were with Clinton....

Remember the FIRST World trade center bombings??

Thank God , that only six were killed and hundreds injured, because they didn't place the truck bomb in the right place...

Man, I know your not that simple..

Or, maybe you are???:lame2:

02-08-2007, 10:34 PM
Speaking of carter. The fall of the shah of iran was his doing. The shah kept the russians out of afganhistan, because while he was in power they didn't dare move into that country as they would then have to fight iran backed by the US. He also kept iraq at bay. saddam tried an invasion and the shah kicked his ass in four days. But carter did nothing to support the shah when kohmani went in to take over. Because carter was busy selling us out to the russians. And the shah stood in the way of certain deals. More people died in one year under kohmanis rule than in the entire time the shah was in power.

Carter did nothing when the radicals took control of iran and nothing when the hostages were taken. Everything went to hell under his administration and we are still paying for it. He wasn't just lame, he was dispicable and still is.

I used to think Carter was just a good man who got caught up over his head. Lately, I've been more inclined to agree with your assessment.

02-08-2007, 10:49 PM
I used to think Carter was just a good man who got caught up over his head. Lately, I've been more inclined to agree with your assessment.

Gaffer is absolutely right about Carter...Not only was he incompetent, but he was a sell out to the highest bidder...

Look who supports him today..

02-08-2007, 10:52 PM
Gaffer is absolutely right about Carter...Not only was he incompetent, but he was a sell out to the highest bidder...

Look who supports him today..

Beleive it or not, I DO try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I knew about the Iran deal, and in fact, Carter is THE reason I switched the party I vote for.

I knew he was incompetent. I just didn't realize until the past few years what an absolute, out of touch with reality screwball he is.

02-08-2007, 10:53 PM
I used to think Carter was just a good man who got caught up over his head. Lately, I've been more inclined to agree with your assessment.

Back when he was in office and years afer I thought the same as you. Just a bafoon in over his head. But over the years I have come to know a lot more about him and the more I learn the uglier he gets.

02-08-2007, 10:57 PM
Back when he was in office and years afer I thought the same as you. Just a bafoon in over his head. But over the years I have come to know a lot more about him and the more I learn the uglier he gets.

I totally understand what you're saying.

02-08-2007, 10:59 PM
You know, I might...MIGHT take this petition a little more seriously if it was properly spelled and punctuated.

02-08-2007, 11:00 PM
You know, I might...MIGHT take this petition a little more seriously if it was properly spelled and puncuated.

And don't forget intelligent.

02-08-2007, 11:09 PM
I totally understand what you're saying.

I was with you both...We only wanted to believe that One of our Presidents could be so incompetent...

It hurts to see the rest...And it's coming back to bite us, NOW..

02-08-2007, 11:14 PM
I was with you both...We only wanted to believe that One of our Presidents could be so incompetent...

It hurts to see the rest...And it's coming back to bite us, NOW..

Nothing like what I envision for our future.:laugh:

02-08-2007, 11:21 PM
Nothing like what I envision for our future.:laugh:


Pale Rider
02-08-2007, 11:40 PM
Well... FYI people, "atliberty" came in here and dropped that steaming pile of horse shit he/she thought was a petition, and has never returned.

So he/she is not only a troll, but doesn't give a rats ass what effect his/her pile of manure had.

A real winner, and no doubt one of these frothing at the mouth, conspiracy theory nut job, liberals.

02-08-2007, 11:43 PM
Well... FYI people, "atliberty" came in here and dropped that steaming pile of horse shit he/she thought was a petition, and has never returned.

So he/she is not only a troll, but doesn't give a rats ass what effect his/her pile of manure had.

A real winner, and no doubt one of these frothing at the mouth liberals.

I definately agree with you on that. I figured that's all he was doing when I saw the post. If he bothers to come back it will be to do the same thing.

02-08-2007, 11:48 PM
Maybe because a Fat Chick giving the pres a bj didn't affect the American people, but 3000+ deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan is a slightly more serious situation...

If you dont think the President of the United States obstructing justice affects all Americans, think again.

Pale Rider
02-08-2007, 11:49 PM
I definately agree with you on that. I figured that's all he was doing when I saw the post. If he bothers to come back it will be to do the same thing.

If he/she comes back and drops another turd like that and just leaves again, that's trolling, pure and simple. We won't allow it.

02-08-2007, 11:53 PM
Well yeah, if you don't count the epedimic of teenagers thinking oral sex was okay because it was "not sexual relations."

I would say those teenagers who think like that are not the brightest bulbs in the socket...

02-08-2007, 11:54 PM
If he/she comes back and drops another turd like that and just leaves again, that's trolling, pure and simple. We won't allow it.


The little minded troll is not a problem...
We would squash him like the itty bitty bug brain that it is....:lmao:

02-08-2007, 11:56 PM
As I stated above...We're as safe with President Bush, as we were with Clinton....

Remember the FIRST World trade center bombings??

Thank God , that only six were killed and hundreds injured, because they didn't place the truck bomb in the right place...

Man, I know your not that simple..

Or, maybe you are???:lame2:

Remember the SECOND World Trade Centre Bombing?

02-08-2007, 11:58 PM
if it was properly spelled and puncuated.

spelled and what?? :laugh:

02-08-2007, 11:59 PM
Remember the SECOND World Trade Centre Bombing?

You mean the one that happened less than a year into Bush's presidency after being planned and set up from about the time Clinton got re-elected?

spelled and what??

Typo. Should be 'punctuated.'

02-09-2007, 12:00 AM
If you dont think the President of the United States obstructing justice affects all Americans, think again.

Taking all the circumstances into account - I don't.

Pale Rider
02-09-2007, 12:05 AM

The little minded troll is not a problem...
We would squash him like the itty bitty bug brain that it is....:lmao:

I'm sure you would in a debate Steph. I have faith in you.. :beer:

But the board isn't a land fill for idiots to go dump off their trash at.

02-09-2007, 12:08 AM
You mean the one that happened less than a year into Bush's presidency after being planned and set up from about the time Clinton got re-elected?

Yeah that one. I mean Steph kindly pointed out that the first WTC bombing was on Clinton's watch six weeks after he took up the reigns. Surely if Clinton only gets six weeks, Bush can have nine months. Or does it kinda work like this:
1) If you are a Dem president and a terrorist attack occurs when you are in office it is your fault.
2) If you are a GoP president and a terrorist attack occurs when you are in office it is the fault of the Dem president who was in office before you.
Sounds fair :wank2:

Typo. Should be 'punctuated.'

I know. I was pointing out the irony...:p

02-09-2007, 12:11 AM
Yeah that one. I mean Steph kindly pointed out that the first WTC bombing was on Clinton's watch six weeks after he took up the reigns. Surely if Clinton only gets six weeks, Bush can have nine months. Or does it kinda work like this:
1) If you are a Dem president and a terrorist attack occurs when you are in office it is your fault.
2) If you are a GoP president and a terrorist attack occurs when you are in office it is the fault of the Dem president who was in office before you.
Sounds fair :wank2:

I know. I was pointing out the irony...:p

any other terror attacks against US interests happen during the blow job years?

02-09-2007, 12:12 AM
I'm sure you would in a debate StephI have faith in you.. :beer:

But the board isn't a land fill for idiots to go dump off their trash at.

I see what your saying, Pale...

But what I was hoping is the idiot troll would come back and see it's tactics will not fly here, by us ripping it to shreds and burying it out in a lonely outback field.......

But I understand we can't have a bunch of trollers soiling up the board.... It can get smelly........:cheers2:

02-09-2007, 12:20 AM
any other terror attacks against US interests happen during the blow job years?

You mean like the cruise liner Archille Leuro (sp?) in the Mediterranean - whoops, sorry, that was Reagan....um...maybe the barracks in Beruit!..um, no that was Reagun, too...The Seal who was killed by hijackers! Oh, that was on Reagan or Bush 41's watch..now there were a couple of bombings of embassies and the USS Cole of course on Clinton's watch. Which kinda proves what? That terrorist attacks can happen on anybody's watch it seems....Me, I tend not to blame presidents - I think the terrorists are to blame. You?

02-09-2007, 12:21 AM
Yeah that one. I mean Steph kindly pointed out that the first WTC bombing was on Clinton's watch six weeks after he took up the reigns. Surely if Clinton only gets six weeks, Bush can have nine months. Or does it kinda work like this:
1) If you are a Dem president and a terrorist attack occurs when you are in office it is your fault.
2) If you are a GOP president and a terrorist attack occurs when you are in office it is the fault of the Dem president who was in office before you.
Sounds fair :wank2:

I know. I was pointing out the irony...:p

Good Gosh....

Is we are as safe as can be with ANY PRESIDENT....
All I did is point out the attacks we have had under ALL PRESIDENTS...

Now you want to break down, six wks, nine months, bla,bla, bla...

I didn't like Clinton, but I'm not trying to say he could of prevented the first world trade center bombing, anymore than Bush, could of prevented this one...

The thing with your liberal's....Your trying to say President Bush, SHOULD OF KNOWN....

That's why you all are not taken seriously...


02-09-2007, 12:41 AM
Yeah that one. I mean Steph kindly pointed out that the first WTC bombing was on Clinton's watch six weeks after he took up the reigns. Surely if Clinton only gets six weeks, Bush can have nine months. Or does it kinda work like this:
1) If you are a Dem president and a terrorist attack occurs when you are in office it is your fault.
2) If you are a GoP president and a terrorist attack occurs when you are in office it is the fault of the Dem president who was in office before you.
Sounds fair :wank2:

I don't criticize Clinton not preventing the first bombing, just his response. He didn't even give a speech, just flew overhead to look.

I know. I was pointing out the irony...:p

Hey, I ain't the one trying to pass off some eyesore rag as a legal document.

02-09-2007, 01:11 AM
The thing with your liberal's....Your trying to say President Bush, SHOULD OF KNOWN....

That's why you all are not taken seriously...


I ain't a liberal. And I don't think anybody SHOULD have known...

02-09-2007, 01:21 AM
I ain't a liberal. And I don't think anybody SHOULD have known...

Wow...Could of fooled me....

But, glad to hear on the second part....:cheers2:

04-26-2007, 09:38 AM
A guy like hawk would not understand that treaties are the law of the land. The CIA has been installing dictators like Saddam, Pinochet, Baby Doc, Sumosa, the Shaw of Iran ect. They also sell weapons to our enemies and then sell weapons to foolish US tax payers to fight the enemies they created. I feel pain and sorrow for a majority of Americans and people of the Earth who are being rapped by these Zionist bankers from hell. In hawk's case, you can't rape the willing

04-26-2007, 09:45 AM
Why would you bump this thread TWO MONTHS later? Wow.

04-26-2007, 10:19 AM
Some how I lost the address to this site and just found it this morning, sorry. It did not matter if I was here or not to debate the validity of my or any other impeach Bush/Cheney petition. Look at what has happened since I started this thread! More and more people are calling for their impeachment. I was suspisious of GWB even before he read the pet goat while Americans were dying on 9/11. Not that we Americans can't stop it from happening but: Samuel Bush profited from selling weapons to the opposing forces of WWI and was known as a "Merchant of Death". Prescott Bush was a director of the Union Banking Corporation a german front bank. Prescott was known by some as "Hitler's Angel" and profited from trading with the enemy before and during WWII. Many of you here have called me a liberal, but I own guns and a chainsaw, I love my country. We need to get Bush and Cheney out before they start WWIII. Sorry again I was not here to stick up for what was and is fact. Nancy Pelosi will be president! :dance:

04-26-2007, 10:21 AM
Actually I totally forgot about posting the impeachment petition here. I came back because I recieved a Debatepolicy.com news letter. I do have quit a few Republican friends, we often have to agree to disagree and change the subject. These labels such as liberal and conservative are not absolute, applying to ones opinion as to every issue. A lot has happened since I posted here, I hope to have enough time to come back here to be a scapegoat and a punching bag again soon.


04-26-2007, 10:27 AM
A guy like hawk would not understand that treaties are the law of the land. The CIA has been installing dictators like Saddam, Pinochet, Baby Doc, Sumosa, the Shaw of Iran ect. They also sell weapons to our enemies and then sell weapons to foolish US tax payers to fight the enemies they created. I feel pain and sorrow for a majority of Americans and people of the Earth who are being rapped by these Zionist bankers from hell. In hawk's case, you can't rape the willing

Wow now you tie in Zionist bankers from hell with the impeachment of Bush.
Nut case.:tinfoil:

04-26-2007, 10:30 AM
Many of you here have called me a liberal, but I own guns and a chainsaw, I love my country.

Nancy Pelosi will be president! :dance:

Anyone who dances to the thought of Nancy Pelosi usurping the Presidency must be a moonbat liberal. Owning a gun or a chainsaw (wtf?) doesn't change that.

04-26-2007, 10:44 AM
...people of the Earth who are being rapped by these Zionist



You mean WRAPPED?



Mr. P
04-26-2007, 10:45 AM
Wow now you tie in Zionist bankers from hell with the impeachment of Bush.
Nut case.:tinfoil:


04-26-2007, 10:56 AM
Wow now you tie in Zionist bankers from hell with the impeachment of Bush.
Nut case.:tinfoil:

Actually GWB's grandparents were bankers who financed Hitler's major backer.

Google Prescott Bush and then check out his father.

Prescott was a senior VP (one of two or three) of Brown Bros harrimen (one of three banks that originally owned the federal reserve) who had many assets seized during WWII for aiding and abetting the enemy. And his father was president of an equally power bank in St Loius.

Mr. P
04-26-2007, 11:04 AM
Actually GWB's grandparents were bankers who financed Hitler's major backer.

Google Prescott Bush and then check out his father.

Prescott was a senior VP (one of two or three) of Brown Bros harrimen (one of three banks that originally owned the federal reserve) who had many assets seized during WWII for aiding and abetting the enemy. And his father was president of an equally power bank in St Loius.

So this has what to do with GWB at this time?

04-26-2007, 11:10 AM
So this has what to do with GWB at this time?

his ancestors were evil so he is evil...

dirty hands argument....only applies to those on the right side of the aisle....

Mr. P
04-26-2007, 11:27 AM
his ancestors were evil so he is evil...

dirty hands argument....only applies to those on the right side of the aisle....

I know. We could talk about the Kennedy family illegal affairs of the past, but what’s the point?

04-26-2007, 11:31 AM
I know. We could talk about the Kennedy family illegal affairs of the past, but what’s the point?

the kennedy's redeemed themselves....but only the left can be absolved of their politcal sins....the right is guilty forever....

04-26-2007, 12:38 PM
So this has what to do with GWB at this time?

it is a link between bankers and Bush.

Mr. P
04-26-2007, 12:58 PM
it is a link between bankers and Bush.

Right. So Ted has links with liquor runners I guess.