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Pale Rider
11-05-2007, 02:32 AM
Pakistani Police Detain 500 Activists

Sunday, November 4, 2007 2:44 PM EST
The Associated Press
By MATTHEW PENNINGTON Associated Press Writer

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Police and soldiers emboldened by state of emergency powers swept up hundreds of activists and opposition members on Sunday, dragged away protesters shouting "Shame on you!", and turned government buildings into barbed-wire compounds.

Gen. Pervez Musharraf's government said parliamentary elections could be delayed up to a year as it tries to stamp out a growing Islamic militant threat — effectively linking two of the greatest concerns of Pakistan's biggest international donors: the United States and Britain.

Increasingly concerned about the unfolding crisis, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Washington was reviewing billions of dollars in aid to its close terrorism-fighting ally. Britain is also examining its assistance.

"Some of the aid that goes to Pakistan is directly related to the counterterrorism mission," Rice told reporters traveling with her. "We just have to review the situation."

But, she said, she did not expect the U.S. "to ignore or set aside our concerns about terrorism."

Scores of paramilitary troops blocked access to the Supreme Court and parliament. Streets in the capital appeared largely calm, with only a handful of demonstrations. But one, attended by 40 people at the Marriott Hotel, was broken up by baton-wielding police.

"Shame on you! Go Musharraf go!" the protesters shouted as officers dragged some out of the crowd and forced them to the ground. Eight were taken away in a van.

Others were apathetic. Standing at on a dusty street corner in Islamabad, Togul Khan, 38, said he didn't care about the emergency declaration.

"For us, life stays the same, even when politicians throw Pakistan into the sky, spin it around and watch as it crashes back down to earth," the day laborer said as he waited for work.

In an address to the nation late Saturday, Musharraf said the growth of a militant Islamic movement and a court system that hindered his powers forced him to declare a state of emergency, despite the urging of Western allies against authoritarian measures.

Less than 24 hours after the order was issued, militants in the Afghan border freed 211 captured Pakistani soldiers in exchange for the army's decision to free 28 insurgents, including some allegedly connected to suicide attacks, officials said.

Though they gave no explanation for the decision, it appeared to fly in the face of Musharraf's claims that emergency rule was needed to make sure terrorists — dozens of whom he says have been freed by Pakistani courts — stay off the streets.

Critics say Musharraf, a 1999 coup leader who had promised to give up his army post and become a civilian president this year, imposed emergency rule in a last-ditch attempt to cling to power.

His leadership is threatened by the Islamic militant movement that has spread from border regions to the capital, the reemergence of political rival and former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, and an increasingly defiant Supreme Court, which was expected to rule soon on the validity of his recent presidential election win. Hearings scheduled for next week were postponed indefinitely.

Attorney General Malik Mohammed Qayyum denied claims by Bhutto and others that Musharraf had imposed martial law — direct rule by the army — under the guise of a state of emergency. He noted the prime minister was still in place and that the legislature would complete its term next week.

Crucial parliamentary elections had been scheduled for January, but Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said the polls could be delayed up to a year. He said the extraordinary measures would be in place "as long as it is necessary."

In Islamabad, phone service that was cut Saturday evening appeared to have been restored by Sunday morning, but television news networks other than state-controlled Pakistan TV remained off the air.

Aziz said up to 500 people were detained nationwide in 24 hours.

Among them were Javed Hashmi, the acting president of the party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif; cricket star-turned politician, Imran Khan; Asma Jehangir, chairman of the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan; and Hamid Gul, former chief of the main intelligence agency and a critic of Musharraf.

Around 200 police with assault rifles and sticks stormed the rights commission's office in the eastern city of Lahore, breaking up a meeting and arresting about 50 members, said Mehbood Ahmed Khan, legal officer for the activists.

"They dragged us out, including the women," he said from the police station. "It's inhuman, undemocratic and a violation of human rights to enter a room and arrest people gathering peacefully there."

Bhutto, who narrowly escaped assassination in an Oct. 18 suicide bombing that killed 145 others, scoffed at claims that Musharraf imposed the emergency measures to fight Islamic militants — even though Muslim insurgents were widely blamed for the attempt on her life.

"Many people in Pakistan believe that it has nothing to do with stopping terrorism, and it has everything to do with stopping a court verdict that was coming against him," she told the weekend edition of ABC News' "Good Morning America."

Musharraf replaced the chief justice, Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry, who had emerged as the main check on the his power. Aitzaz Ahsan, a lawyer who represented the judge, also was arrested.

The U.S. has provided about $11 billion to Pakistan since 2001, when Musharraf made a strategic shift to ally with the United States after the Sept. 11 attacks. Rice told reporters that Washington would review its aid in light of the new emergency measures, though the Pentagon earlier said the emergency rule would not affect its military support to the Muslim nation.

Britain also said it was examining if Musharraf's steps would affect the hundreds of millions of dollars in aid it has pledged to the south Asian nation.

Musharraf's emergency order suspended the 1973 constitution. Seven of the 17 Supreme Court judges immediately rejected the order, and only five agreed to take the oath of office under the new provisional constitution.

Musharraf issued two ordinances toughening media laws, including a ban on live broadcasts of "incidents of violence and conflict." Also, TV operators who "ridicule" the president, armed forces, and other powerful state bodies face up to three years in jail.


11-05-2007, 03:36 AM
The article didn't mention that many of the judges and other people that he cracked down on are muslim extremists. He's cleaning house big time. I will with hold judgement on him until I see more of what's really going on.

Pale Rider
11-05-2007, 01:41 PM
True. On the surface it looks bad, but maybe what he's doing is really needed. Maybe the guy knows more than we do. We shall see...

11-05-2007, 01:56 PM
Gaffer's right, as usual. The MSM is making great profits defending the "rights" of the extremists, at the expense of sanity, of course. The real story is probably quite different that what is being told.

11-05-2007, 02:03 PM
I'm with Gaffer and Glock here, Gen. Pervez Musharraf has kept a tight lid on the extremist in his country. The last thing he wants is to let them have too much power. I think if not for him we would have seen a terrorist nuclear attack by now. He is probably the only thing keeping this lunatics at bay.

He has been extremly loyaly to the US for years and I dread the day he is no longer in power. Thankfully the military and most of underlings see things his way and help....

11-05-2007, 02:04 PM
Gaffer's right, as usual. The MSM is making great profits defending the "rights" of the extremists, at the expense of sanity, of course. The real story is probably quite different that what is being told.

Agreed----What is the real reason he declared martial law? Is he trying to prevent an Islamic revolution or just trying to stay in control of Pakistan ? Who exactly are all the players involved here. What would Americas situation is there had been repeated attempts at assasinating the president ? ------------Never mind--half of America would probably cheer.

Pale Rider
11-05-2007, 02:07 PM
Just heard that President Bush is calling for Musharaff to end the Marshall law, return to democracy, allow all communications to return to normal, and to release everyone that has been arrested.

Doesn't sound to me like we're too happy with what he's doing with all those demands.

11-05-2007, 02:09 PM
Just heard that President Bush is calling for Musharaff to end the Marshall law, return to democracy, allow all communications to return to normal, and to release everyone that has been arrested.

Doesn't sound to me like we're too happy with what he's doing with all those demands.

history shall repeat itself.......can you say "shaw of iran"

11-05-2007, 02:12 PM
history shall repeat itself.......can you say "shaw of iran"

He's probably waiting for them to finish building a compound for him in the US.

Pale Rider
11-05-2007, 02:16 PM
history shall repeat itself.......can you say "shaw of iran"

Little history tid bit... I was in Air Force Basic Training at Lackland AFB when the Shaw of Iran was admitted to Wilford Hall, (the base hospital), November, 1979.

11-05-2007, 02:20 PM
Little history tid bit... I was in Air Force Basic Training at Lackland AFB when the Shaw of Iran was admitted to Wilford Hall, (the base hospital), November, 1979.

cool....i was on a backpacking trip and was trapped between a flash flood and a forest fire.....

Pale Rider
11-05-2007, 04:56 PM
cool....i was on a backpacking trip and was trapped between a flash flood and a forest fire.....

Sounds like we were both just enjoying the hell out of ourselves. What was it with 1979?