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View Full Version : What rate do you accrue vacation/leave time?

11-06-2007, 05:53 PM
I get 19.5 days (almost 4 work weeks) leave/vacation per year, and 13 days of sick leave (2.5 work-weeks). In three years it'll jump to 26 days vacation per year. We can only carry-over 240 hours of vacation from year to year, however. Unlimited sick leave.

I'll use a bit next month - out of 21 possible work day (4 5-day weeks, minus christmas) I'll have to be at work 11 of them.

Right. Poor me.


11-06-2007, 06:15 PM
I get no sick time or vacation.

11-06-2007, 06:18 PM
I get no sick time or vacation.

Do you have a job?

11-06-2007, 06:32 PM
I get about 2 weeks' vacation time and one week sick time. It's accrued 3.2 hours per pay period.

11-06-2007, 06:33 PM
Do you have a job?
Self employed.

11-06-2007, 06:42 PM
I receive 8.6 hours every 2 weeks this is for vacation/sick/holiday it works out to 224 hour or 5.6 weeks a year. I can carry up to 360 hours. Not too bad but it could always be better. I think I jump up to 10 hours every 2 weeks in another 5 years...

11-06-2007, 06:43 PM
I get 19.5 days (almost 4 work weeks) leave/vacation per year, and 13 days of sick leave (2.5 work-weeks). In three years it'll jump to 26 days vacation per year. We can only carry-over 240 hours of vacation from year to year, however. Unlimited sick leave.

I'll use a bit next month - out of 21 possible work day (4 5-day weeks, minus christmas) I'll have to be at work 11 of them.

Right. Poor me.


15 hours of vacation and 12 hours of sick time accrue monthly. I also will be taking some time next month, but we get the entire week off after Christmas as a gimmie! :)

I take the week off before Christmas and get a nice long holiday break.

11-06-2007, 06:48 PM
15 hours of vacation and 12 hours of sick time accrue monthly. I also will be taking some time next month, but we get the entire week off after Christmas as a gimmie! :)

I take the week off before Christmas and get a nice long holiday break.

VERY good benefits! :)

11-06-2007, 06:52 PM
I get 2 personal days, 10 sick days per year. The sick days accrue through to retirement. I get off some holidays and days off to celebrate the arrival of Spring. Oh, summertime is pretty good too! ;)

11-06-2007, 06:56 PM
I get 2 weeks vacation, 1 week of sick, and 3 optional days. Next year I go to 3 weeks vacation.

11-06-2007, 07:50 PM
I get 19.5 days (almost 4 work weeks) leave/vacation per year, and 13 days of sick leave (2.5 work-weeks). In three years it'll jump to 26 days vacation per year. We can only carry-over 240 hours of vacation from year to year, however. Unlimited sick leave.

I'll use a bit next month - out of 21 possible work day (4 5-day weeks, minus christmas) I'll have to be at work 11 of them.

Right. Poor me.


Similar to you - a bit less on the sick days, only sick leave depends on condition. We get volunteer days too, I'm not sure how many and three personal days. Not much carry over either. :laugh:

One thing I like about it all is that I pick a day I need off, fill out a form and submit it. That's it, that's all. No questions asked. I went to the dentist on Friday. No one wanted tohear my excuse they were like 'yeah, yeah. Put that on the form". :laugh2:

11-07-2007, 04:01 AM
6 weeks per year. Long service leave 14 days after ten years, that increases after 15 and 20 and accrues if not taken.

Pale Rider
11-07-2007, 04:53 AM
I get 19.5 days (almost 4 work weeks) leave/vacation per year, and 13 days of sick leave (2.5 work-weeks). In three years it'll jump to 26 days vacation per year. We can only carry-over 240 hours of vacation from year to year, however. Unlimited sick leave.

I'll use a bit next month - out of 21 possible work day (4 5-day weeks, minus christmas) I'll have to be at work 11 of them.

Right. Poor me.


Poor you? I'm on perpetual vacation... poor ME... :D

11-07-2007, 07:08 AM
I get 4 weeks a year, I'm not sure about sick time since I hardly use it (I've taken about 6 hours of sick time over the past several years)

We also have "max flex" time. That means I can come into work at any time and leave at any time, so long as I put in 40 hours (I don't get paid overtime).

We also have a liberal telecommuter policy (some people in my company work from home 100% of the time)

11-07-2007, 10:50 AM
12 hours a month and no sick leave.after 5 years an extra day per year upto 5 days

11-07-2007, 11:08 AM
i can can come and go as i please as long as i do 20% net profit on 6 million a year.....

11-07-2007, 11:12 AM
Need an assistant? I'd move there for $150K/year + moving. I can do stuff. and junk.

Abbey Marie
11-07-2007, 11:20 AM
Choose me, Manu!

11-07-2007, 11:22 AM
I get 19.5 days (almost 4 work weeks) leave/vacation per year, and 13 days of sick leave (2.5 work-weeks). In three years it'll jump to 26 days vacation per year. We can only carry-over 240 hours of vacation from year to year, however. Unlimited sick leave.

I'll use a bit next month - out of 21 possible work day (4 5-day weeks, minus christmas) I'll have to be at work 11 of them.

Right. Poor me.


I make the exact same leave numbers as you. You must be a gob-ment employee too. :laugh2:


11-07-2007, 11:42 AM
I am, Hawk...12 years in. :D

11-07-2007, 12:05 PM
My husband gets two weeks vacation per year. Use it or lose it. You get an extra week for each five years of service. Capped at six weeks.
He gets no "sick days" that I know of. They have a policy covering extended illnesses, but I am not sure of the details.

11-07-2007, 12:23 PM
Need an assistant? I'd move there for $150K/year + moving. I can do stuff. and junk.

oh my staff has rules....i think they get 2 weeks vacation a year and a week of sick and 8 paid holidays or something like that....i prtty much let them do what they want....they are all very dedicated....we have all been together about 10 years now.....

the rest of the company is like a pack of feral cats

11-07-2007, 12:36 PM
oh my staff has rules....i think they get 2 weeks vacation a year and a week of sick and 8 paid holidays or something like that....i prtty much let them do what they want....they are all very dedicated....we have all been together about 10 years now.....

the rest of the company is like a pack of feral cats

This sounds gay...but I'd "work on your staff" C'mon...Hire me. Let me also bathe your grandma. And let me shave her beard.


11-07-2007, 12:40 PM
This sounds gay...but I'd "work on your staff" C'mon...Hire me. Let me also bathe your grandma. And let me shave her beard.


i already have a personal assistant.....

11-07-2007, 12:46 PM
Is she hot? :)

Abbey Marie
11-07-2007, 01:26 PM
i already have a personal assistant.....

But a "man-servant" sounds so upper-crusty.

11-07-2007, 01:54 PM
sounds to me like the initiater of this thread works for the gvt, and we are giving out too much of my family's tax dollars for your vacation time.... LOL! :D

11-07-2007, 02:15 PM
Soldiers get even MORE time-off...Politicians get ABSURD amounts of time off....don't be a hata! :D

11-07-2007, 02:47 PM
Soldiers get even MORE time-off...Politicians get ABSURD amounts of time off....don't be a hata! :DI know, my father was in the service for 22 years and then the civil service for another 20....he reaped the benefits of a government job in both cases.

It still seems very unfair when many, many many millions of tax payers in this country do not even get 2 weeks vacation a year working full time, while they are forced to pay for you and my dad's...almost absurd ...benefits.

I know it is a tough subject, and I am not singling out you in particular, but it is out of hand, in all of the different areas of government that you have mentioned including capital hill.


11-07-2007, 03:00 PM
I know, my father was in the service for 22 years and then the civil service for another 20....he reaped the benefits of a government job in both cases.

It still seems very unfair when many, many many millions of tax payers in this country do not even get 2 weeks vacation a year working full time, while they are forced to pay for you and my dad's...almost absurd ...benefits.

I know it is a tough subject, and I am not singling out you in particular, but it is out of hand, in all of the different areas of government that you have mentioned including capital hill.


uh...toots? If people don't like their benefits, they can quit and find a job with BETTER benefits. USAJOBS.com is a good start. (shrug).

I've EARNED my benefits by investing 12 years into service of our nation. Trust me, what I get in Benies, I lack in Pay. I don't do this job to get rich - I do this job because I LOVE being part of the greater-good. I enjoy the satisfaction of making the lives and jobs of soldiers a LITTLE bit easier.

So you SUCH a socialist...lmao :)

11-07-2007, 03:15 PM
uh...toots? If people don't like their benefits, they can quit and find a job with BETTER benefits. USAJOBS.com is a good start. (shrug).

I've EARNED my benefits by investing 12 years into service of our nation. Trust me, what I get in Benies, I lack in Pay. I don't do this job to get rich - I do this job because I LOVE being part of the greater-good. I enjoy the satisfaction of making the lives and jobs of soldiers a LITTLE bit easier.

So you SUCH a socialist...lmao :)uhhhhh, don't be ridiculous, there are not many employers out there that can afford to pay their employees what you get in bennies. And if they quit and start at another job, they lose what seniority that they have and begin from square1 on the vacation time.

We give govt employees TOO MANY BENEFITS, compared to the rest of the working country. That is not debatable, imo.

I realize that this comes hard for you...just as putting the nuclear waste in someones back yard...

It is always about what the government can cut to save money, but NEVER about the benefits being cut by the gvt that you get for yourselves, always a govt program that doesn't involve oneself...

We need to make some serious cuts in government spending and gvt employee bennies should NOT be taken off the table imo.

And I am a fiscal conservative Democrat, a bluedog dem, always have been a numbers person....I am not just picking on you, I am looking at the national debt doubling in size in just the last 6 years, DRASTIC measures have to be taken, and that includes reevaluating yours and my dad's bennies.


11-07-2007, 03:31 PM
uhhhhh, don't be ridiculous, there are not many employers out there that can afford to pay their employees what you get in bennies. And if they quit and start at another job, they lose what seniority that they have and begin from square1 on the vacation time.

That's a crock. Ever hear of "Boeing"? Every Boeing Union guy I know gets nearly TWICE the days off I get. (shrug). That's just ONE.

We give govt employees TOO MANY BENEFITS, compared to the rest of the working country. That is not debatable, imo.

Except you have NO data to back that up. It's absolutely debatable to a reasonable person. You find one job at a large company, private sector, and show the pay and benefits. I find one from the Gubbment, and we compare.

I realize that this comes hard for you...just as putting the nuclear waste in someones back yard...

It is always about what the government can cut to save money, but NEVER about the benefits being cut by the gvt that you get for yourselves, always a govt program that doesn't involve oneself...

Uh? Wha? Federal Employee numbers are reducing because the Gov't CANNOT KEEP UP with what the Private Sector pays. Stop blowing your opinion around without doing at least a modicum of research.

We need to make some serious cuts in government spending and gvt employee bennies should NOT be taken off the table imo.

Right - those bennies are there to entire folk and reward folk for serving.

And I am a fiscal conservative Democrat, a bluedog dem, always have been a numbers person....I am not just picking on you, I am looking at the national debt doubling in size in just the last 6 years, DRASTIC measures have to be taken, and that includes reevaluating yours and my dad's bennies.


And what part of our National Debt comes from Employee Benefits? Shouldn't THAT bit of info matter to you? In other words, please, PLEASE tell me how the government would save money having me work on, say, Columbus Day, when everybody in my chain of command is NOT working, due to the federal holiday?

Did you know last year FORTY-THREE Percent of Federal Employees were over 50 years old? That's ONE sign of an aging workforce struggling to compete with private industry.

11-07-2007, 04:04 PM
That's a crock. Ever hear of "Boeing"? Every Boeing Union guy I know gets nearly TWICE the days off I get. (shrug). That's just ONE.

Boeing makes most of their money off of government contracts, so indirectly, the usa tax payer again..... :( and one company or a hand full of companies do not account for all of Americans and the opportunities they may have....the average worker in the usa do not even take 2 weeks vacation A YEAR is what I have read, and that is the average including the government workers that gets to take 4 weeks, so many people have jobs that give no vacation time....for the first time in our lives, my husband works for one of these companies....while he pays his high taxes for you and my dad to get his benefits.

Except you have NO data to back that up. It's absolutely debatable to a reasonable person. You find one job at a large company, private sector, and show the pay and benefits. I find one from the Gubbment, and we compare.

Look it up Darin, see for yourself how we Americans take less than 2 weeks vacation a year on average while people in other westernized countries like those in the EU take on average 4-6 weeks a year depending on the country. 80% of the jobs in American are jobs working for small business owners, not these mega corporations that do have decent benefits.

Uh? Wha? Federal Employee numbers are reducing because the Gov't CANNOT KEEP UP with what the Private Sector pays. Stop blowing your opinion around without doing at least a modicum of research.

TOTAL BS on that one Darin, government jobs increased MORE THE LAST 6 YEARS under Bush than any other time in recent history...in fact this was the major complaint when jobs were finally being added to our economy and the unemployment rate started to go down, MOST OF THOSE ADDED JOBS were government jobs.

Right - those bennies are there to entire folk and reward folk for serving.

I can understand all of this Darin, it still does not mean that it shouldn't be reevaluated...and considered for cuts.

And what part of our National Debt comes from Employee Benefits? Shouldn't THAT bit of info matter to you? In other words, please, PLEASE tell me how the government would save money having me work on, say, Columbus Day, when everybody in my chain of command is NOT working, due to the federal holiday?

Did you know last year FORTY-THREE Percent of Federal Employees were over 50 years old? That's ONE sign of an aging workforce struggling to compete with private industry.

I think gvt jobs and their pay should come from merit not from some scale that moves up the longer one stays there regardless of their productivity.jd

11-07-2007, 06:31 PM
Boeing makes most of their money off of government contracts, so indirectly, the usa tax payer again.....


:( and one company or a hand full of companies do not account for all of Americans and the opportunities they may have....the average worker in the usa do not even take 2 weeks vacation A YEAR is what I have read, and that is the average including the government workers that gets to take 4 weeks, so many people have jobs that give no vacation time....for the first time in our lives, my husband works for one of these companies....while he pays his high taxes for you and my dad to get his benefits.


BIG BS on that. The AVERAGE Gov't worker gets 4 weeks? What makes you think that?
I've said it before - but you seriously didn't read it or didn't understand it:


Look at this thread - there are several folk who replied, working private sector, who get MORE Vacation time than I - and I'd bet MONEY they get more pay, too. You are absolutely talking out of your bum here, JD. You are just making shit up.

Look it up Darin, see for yourself how we Americans take less than 2 weeks vacation a year on average while people in other westernized countries like those in the EU take on average 4-6 weeks a year depending on the country. 80% of the jobs in American are jobs working for small business owners, not these mega corporations that do have decent benefits.

Why are you changing the topic? Nobody is 'forced' to work anywhere.

TOTAL BS on that one Darin, government jobs increased MORE THE LAST 6 YEARS under Bush than any other time in recent history...in fact this was the major complaint when jobs were finally being added to our economy and the unemployment rate started to go down, MOST OF THOSE ADDED JOBS were government jobs.

Why are you talking about that?

I can understand all of this Darin, it still does not mean that it shouldn't be reevaluated...and considered for cuts.

Cuts from where? How? Cut what? Again - PLEASE explain how the gov't would SAVE money by having me at work on Columbus Day. Or Veteran's Day. Or Washington's Birthday.

Why are you so Obtuse? The Gov't is COMPETING with Private industry for employees, and are LOSING frequently.

I just did a quick google search, and based on salary.com, I could expect at LEAST another $10K over what I make - as the Mean. I'll take my 10 federal holidays with a free conscious thankyouverymuch.

I think gvt jobs and their pay should come from merit not from some scale that moves up the longer one stays there regardless of their productivity.

That's how it happens. People with successful performance evaluations get within-grade pay increases. I can't think of ONE Major company who doesn't have something similar.

What I said was (based on 2006 data, the latest data available) 43% (http://www.opm.gov/feddata/html/Age_Dist.asp#2006) of workers are older than FIFTY YEARS, and you start talking about total amount of government jobs - care to talk to that?

11-07-2007, 06:57 PM
Is she hot? :)


11-08-2007, 11:58 PM
Hey JD! Think your "tax dollars" are being wasted by a company YOU claim gets "most of its revenue from Govt Contracts"? I won't see a DIME of this:


SEATTLE (AP) - Boeing will add a $3,000 lump sum payment to the Nov. 21 paychecks of union machinists.

Machinists Lodge 751 says the payment will inject $67.5 million into the Puget Sound economy.

11-09-2007, 03:25 PM
Hey JD! Think your "tax dollars" are being wasted by a company YOU claim gets "most of its revenue from Govt Contracts"? I won't see a DIME of this:

