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11-06-2007, 09:50 PM
Don't know if I told this board but about a week an half ago my neighbor shot my cat in my own backyard with a 22. Bullet went thru her front leg, back, and tail. Took her to the vet to get the stitches out today. Going to have to take her back tomorrow tho her leg where the stitches were just split wide open. I mean gaping exsposed red flesh. Poor kitty, and fuck my stupid neighbor for shooting her for absolutly no reason but kicks.

11-06-2007, 09:52 PM
Sue them for pain and suffering and emotional destress. and call the cops on them.

Don't know if I told this board but about a week an half ago my neighbor shot my cat in my own backyard with a 22. Bullet went thru her front leg, back, and tail. Took her to the vet to get the stitches out today. Going to have to take her back tomorrow tho her leg where the stitches were just split wide open. I mean gaping exsposed red flesh. Poor kitty, and fuck my stupid neighbor for shooting her for absolutly no reason but kicks.

11-06-2007, 09:53 PM
Trust me, you put those fuckers in front of judge judy.. youll get a nice amount of money and show america what assholes they are.

definently file a police report.

animal cruelty is a crime

11-06-2007, 09:55 PM
Cop called when it happened, real asshole. Said it wasn't illegal cuz we didn't see it and couldn't prove for sure it was in our yard and not in the back field. This is costing a lot of money tho in vet bills.

11-06-2007, 09:56 PM
Naw, you didn't share that over here. I was glad to hear though that your cat will be fine. I would have pressed the issue with the police though, and made certain that criminal charges were filed against your neighbor. And then if he plead out, sue the shit out of him based on his guilt (by admission).

But again, despite not being a cat person, I'm glad your cat is doing well after getting patched up.

11-06-2007, 10:02 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I would of already hired a lawyer.
2. Sue the bastard!


11-06-2007, 10:04 PM
My dad nearly got himself arrested for pressing the issue after the cop was a jerk. Said if the cops wouldn't handle it he would, not gona have our pets shot in our own back yard. He was more worried about the dog and my brother tho. Talked to the guy, he said he'd pay the vet bill. We'll see.

11-06-2007, 10:08 PM
A call to the local state's attorney will do more good than pressing the issue with the cops directly. And of course, local media can bring a LOT of pressure on both the state's attorney and the police.

The key is not to say "or else" because that can be construed as intent to commit a crime. Never say (or write) anything which could be used against you later in a court of law.

Just sayin'....

11-06-2007, 10:12 PM
I know, but it's not gona go to court and the issue isn't going to be pressed. I'm a minor and can't press it without my parents support which I'm not gona get on this issue.

11-06-2007, 10:16 PM
Man cat's getting blood all over the place, her legs like ripped all the way down exsposing the muscle.

11-06-2007, 10:17 PM
Man cat's getting blood all over the place, her legs like ripped all the way down exsposing the muscle.

Ripped the stitches out? Ouch. Sorry to hear it LN.

11-06-2007, 10:20 PM
how do you know it was your neighbor?

11-06-2007, 10:20 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Hell just call around and see if a lawyer will take the case, Pro~Bono (Free).
2. Don't hurt to ask.
3. Civilized people don't shoot neighbors animals.
4. I would keep an eye on this dude as well.
5. Drop hints you got a 44 mag.
6. Maybe get ure dad to buy one, for security.


11-06-2007, 10:21 PM
He admitted to it to the cop and we saw him running from our yard after the gunshot.

11-06-2007, 10:22 PM
Ripped the stitches out? Ouch. Sorry to hear it LN.
No, the vet took her stitches out today and the wound just ripped open after I got her home without them in place.

11-06-2007, 11:07 PM

liberal nation!!! please, do it now....the cat should not be bleeding, nor have its muscle showing.

and get some animal group to persue legal actions, they will do it for free.

and isn't it illegal to fire your gun on your own property if you are near neighbors.

btw, your neighbor can easily be a future murderer.... to try to kill a cat, or killing animals for mere FUN is psychotic!!!!

11-06-2007, 11:23 PM
Vet doesn't open till morning. I can't take her till then.

11-06-2007, 11:33 PM
Don't know if I told this board but about a week an half ago my neighbor shot my cat in my own backyard with a 22. Bullet went thru her front leg, back, and tail. Took her to the vet to get the stitches out today. Going to have to take her back tomorrow tho her leg where the stitches were just split wide open. I mean gaping exsposed red flesh. Poor kitty, and fuck my stupid neighbor for shooting her for absolutly no reason but kicks.

Throw a box of roofing nails across his front lawn and driveway.

11-06-2007, 11:51 PM
Vet doesn't open till morning. I can't take her till then.
wrap it up with gauze/tape, don't leave the wound opened.

the vet should not charge you for this visit tomorrow. HE MADE A MISTAKE and took out the stitches too early!!!

call his office tonight, he has an answering service i am sure.... tell them the situation, they will pass the message on to the vet or they will have the number of the vet that is on call for emergencies. that is how it works here!!!


Abbey Marie
11-07-2007, 12:31 AM
JD is right. There are animal emergency clinics all over.

11-07-2007, 01:12 AM
He admitted to it to the cop and we saw him running from our yard after the gunshot.

I thought you said the police could not determine "where" the animal was shot. He was running from your yard, trespassing, I think you have at least some circumstantial evidence. I mean why the hell didn't the police "ask" why he shot the cat if he admitted it.

Small claims court might work too and cheaper than regular court if damages aren't too high. But this new post changes my opinion on the matter.

Pale Rider
11-07-2007, 03:34 AM
I can think of quite a few criminal charges the shooter could be charged with...

1. Criminal Trespassing
2. Discharging a Firearm Within City Limits
3. Criminal Endangerment
4. Cruelty to Animals

I'm sure there's more. Whoever the cop was that showed up should be FIRED! I'd be on the phone to the fucking SHERIFF, or the CHIEF OF POLICE, or the DISTRICT ATTORNEY, or my SENATOR, or CONGRESSMAN, or ALL OF THE AFORE MENTIONED! If I was you, I wouldn't let that little fucker that shot your cat get off Scott free if it was the last fucking thing I did on earth.

You need to get that cat fixed up, IMMEDIATELY, and then go after this asswad neighbor with everything you've got!

If I "SAW" someone SHOOT my cat IN MY YARD, I'd grab my 45 and go get me some. That mother fucker would be DEAD, and I'd plead temporary insanity. Shooting my cat would be the same to me as someone shooting my father, mother, sister, son. He's family. You try and kill one of my family, and you're a dead mother fucker if I get to you before the law does.

11-07-2007, 03:37 AM
Don't know if I told this board but about a week an half ago my neighbor shot my cat in my own backyard with a 22. Bullet went thru her front leg, back, and tail. Took her to the vet to get the stitches out today. Going to have to take her back tomorrow tho her leg where the stitches were just split wide open. I mean gaping exsposed red flesh. Poor kitty, and fuck my stupid neighbor for shooting her for absolutly no reason but kicks.

Kill the fucker!

11-07-2007, 03:38 AM
My dad nearly got himself arrested for pressing the issue after the cop was a jerk. Said if the cops wouldn't handle it he would, not gona have our pets shot in our own back yard. He was more worried about the dog and my brother tho. Talked to the guy, he said he'd pay the vet bill. We'll see.

Good on your dad, he's a good man.

11-07-2007, 03:39 AM
Kill the fucker!

Sorry I take that back, I was too impulsive.

Torture the fucker first, then kill the fucker.

11-07-2007, 07:12 AM
I have something that will help you feel better and your cat can participate. Go to the litter box and scoop the little urine balls into a jar, add water or some other liquid(be creative). Let it sit till this blows over some what. Strain the liquid into another jar. Take the jar of piss over to his house and a time you won't be seen. Pour the liquid into the vent holes near the windshield of his car. When he puts on the heater he will have a pungent reminder what an asshole he is. Otherwise, let the air out of all four tires in a storm...... a royal pain in the ass.

11-07-2007, 08:20 AM
JD is right. There are animal emergency clinics all over.
Not close, it was an hour drive when we took her when she first got shot cuz all the vets were closed on the weekend. Anyway, just waiting for the vet to open so I can take her in.

11-07-2007, 11:03 AM
Kitty is safe an sound at the vets office. She freaked when I took her in the building tho, guess she remembered yesterdays trauma of getting the stitches taken out.

Here are some pics, when she hadn't had the stitches taken out.

This is the one that came apart. It was the worst to begin with.

Front leg



11-07-2007, 11:17 AM
LN....there are a myriad of things you can do in retribution...but DO take your time. Remember that revenge is a dish best served cold.

Pale Rider
11-07-2007, 03:31 PM
Kitty is safe an sound at the vets office. She freaked when I took her in the building tho, guess she remembered yesterdays trauma of getting the stitches taken out.

Here are some pics, when she hadn't had the stitches taken out.

This is the one that came apart. It was the worst to begin with.

What a beautiful cat. I tell ya LN, if I were you, I wouldn't rest until I had that fucker in jail. He broke so many laws it's an outrage. Start calling, NOW! The District Attorney, the county Sheriff, the Chief of Police, and if you get no satisfaction from any of them, call your Senator, your Congressman. Tell them your story and how all these "law enforcement" people are ignoring you. And don't let them give you this "no proof" bull shit. YOU'RE AN EYE WITNESS!!! If you see no action then, you have an OUTSTANDING story to go to press with, radio, TV! Make that fucker suffer like your little cat did.

11-07-2007, 09:24 PM
Only $50 to get her patched up this time. This vet is a lot better than the emergency clinic people we had to take her to the first time. Actually likes animals.

Revenge, I don't want it, just a healthy happy kitty. Parents don't want to press the issue so I couldn'y if I wanted to anyway.

11-07-2007, 09:32 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Let about 8 months pass then.
2. Find a big ol red brick, tie a string around it, and put under the string a typed piece of paper saying,(See 3.) then have a trusted bud throw it through his window at 3 am.
3. "Give Use What We Want And We Will Go Away"


Pale Rider
11-07-2007, 11:21 PM
Only $50 to get her patched up this time. This vet is a lot better than the emergency clinic people we had to take her to the first time. Actually likes animals.

Revenge, I don't want it, just a healthy happy kitty. Parents don't want to press the issue so I couldn'y if I wanted to anyway.

I'm sorry LN, but that kind of attitude is just begging for it to happen again. Maybe even something worse, because now this punk knows you people don't the stomach or the back bone to stand up to him.

11-08-2007, 09:28 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But unfortunately Pale Rider is correct.
2. You need to get this neighbor to move.
3. Thats why I would do the brick thing.
4. Scare the shit out of them, it might work!
5. While your sleeping and a big ol brick comes crashing through a window is a motivator to find a new place to live.


11-08-2007, 10:00 PM
Don't do anything legally actionable, LN. Tossing bricks and the like are only going to serve to get you in trouble with the law, and not accomplish anything else.

Keep it legal. Stay out of jail.

11-09-2007, 03:43 PM
No worries, not planning on doing anything illegal or otherwise.

Cats home, the vet re-sewed her up. Neaither the front or back leg wounds had healed at all and were both pretty infected. Now we have to inject this tea stuff into the front, she has a small hole in her leg which is over basically a large cavern where the wound didn't heal except at the edges. Cat hates it, me and mom both have to hold her down. She growls, wriggles, and bites. Poor cat, think this experience is gona turn her into a biter. Glad she's front declawed tho or I don't think this would be possible. She'd eat us alive. Plus two strong antibiotics.

She's already chewed the stables out of her back leg but the vet said don't worry she stitched it on the inside and as long as the infection is kept down she should heal.

11-09-2007, 04:14 PM
We had this same type of problem with ghetto black guys (and slutty ghetto black girls) [I AM NOT BEING RACIST...Just telling the truth]...And anyway they had 2 pit bulls that they would keep out in the freezing cold all day, and which constantly looked neglected, not fed, and sick. There was a mulch pile in their backyard and the dogs would have to sit in it all day in order to survive and not freeze to death. So anyway we called the animal police people about 4 times, one time was when one of the dogs hopped over our fence and came into our yard (which is dangerous considering I was only about 9 at the time this happened...with the condition those dogs were in mentally and physically they could have easily torn me apart)...and finally the black guys were arrested on drug charges. Our friend (whos a cop) went in there to arrest them, and said in the attic (where the dogs were kept in the summer heat for days on end while the black guys went to NYC) there was shit all over (from months ago) and it smelled of rotten piss so badly that he thought he was gonna pass out.

11-09-2007, 04:46 PM
Some years ago I didn't get a job as a volunteer inspector with our RSPCA. The bloke who ran the organisation who knew me (I'm a Life Member) said, "you'd get locked up after your first job, we can't risk it."

He was right.

11-09-2007, 06:15 PM
Some years ago I didn't get a job as a volunteer inspector with our RSPCA. The bloke who ran the organisation who knew me (I'm a Life Member) said, "you'd get locked up after your first job, we can't risk it."

He was right.

Same here. Well, I mean, I would be the same.

The show Cops makes me laugh. Animal Cops makes me furious.

11-09-2007, 07:29 PM

You come on this board and preach to us, ok, you talk to us, and expect your view to be heard. So I give my view.

From the facts you gave us: he admitted shooting the cat.......

Has anything resulted from that?

You started this thread not knowing what to do, congrats tho on taking of the kitty.

11-09-2007, 08:57 PM
Okay don't get the first sentence but whatever.

What has been done, the guy agreed to pay the vet bill off. $75 dollars a week. He dropped off $150 today to my dad. Like $600 more to go.

11-10-2007, 09:55 AM
Man, cat's leg split wide open again. Gona take her back to the vet. :(

11-10-2007, 05:49 PM
Man, cat's leg split wide open again. Gona take her back to the vet. :(

A different vet I hope. Poor cat.

11-10-2007, 07:49 PM
ghetto is not a racist term, any race can be ghetto.

We had this same type of problem with ghetto black guys (and slutty ghetto black girls) [I AM NOT BEING RACIST...Just telling the truth]...And anyway they had 2 pit bulls that they would keep out in the freezing cold all day, and which constantly looked neglected, not fed, and sick. There was a mulch pile in their backyard and the dogs would have to sit in it all day in order to survive and not freeze to death. So anyway we called the animal police people about 4 times, one time was when one of the dogs hopped over our fence and came into our yard (which is dangerous considering I was only about 9 at the time this happened...with the condition those dogs were in mentally and physically they could have easily torn me apart)...and finally the black guys were arrested on drug charges. Our friend (whos a cop) went in there to arrest them, and said in the attic (where the dogs were kept in the summer heat for days on end while the black guys went to NYC) there was shit all over (from months ago) and it smelled of rotten piss so badly that he thought he was gonna pass out.

11-10-2007, 09:29 PM
ghetto is not a racist term, any race can be ghetto.
