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View Full Version : Hillary Stiffs Another Waitress

red states rule
11-08-2007, 01:35 PM
Hillary says she cares about the working folks - but she walked out of a restaurant and did not leave the waitress a tip.

She did the same thing in her first Senate run

So much for her "caring" and "compassion" for the working folks.

Of course, her staff took the blame and tiped the waitress AFTER the story broke

Chance Encounter with Clinton

I followed Clinton during a recent bus tour across Iowa, when she and her entourage pulled into a Maid-Rite, a greasy spoon famous for its loose-meat sandwich. Clinton settled into a red stool at the counter, ate a sandwich, chatted with her waitress and then was on her way.

The scene gave Clinton perfect fodder for her next few stump speeches. It turns out her waitress was a single, working mom — just the kind of voter Democrats are courting aggressively this year.

Clinton recalled the meeting for an audience up the road in Boone. "The woman waiting on us — it was her first day," she said, adding, "She was a little nervous. Single mom, raised two boys, works at a nursing home and always has a second job."

If she's elected president, Clinton promised, people like her waitress will have it better.

The way Clinton eased the waitress into her rhetoric is something repeated day after day, by all the campaigns. But in the process, people like the waitress don't always have their stories told.

'Nobody Got Left a Tip'

"I wished I would have been asked first," the waitress, Anita Esterday, said of Clinton's decision to insert her in a speech. "I wish she would have asked if she could talk about me later. I didn't like it when someone called me up and said Hillary Clinton is talking about you. It's like, what'd I do now? What's she saying?"

When I returned to the Maid-Rite a few weeks later, Esterday said the senator had caught her off guard. But once they got talking, she was honest with Clinton about her need to work two to three jobs.

"I've been doing it all my life. Why should it change now that I'm old," Esterday said.

Esterday does not think Clinton got it. "I don't think she understood at all what I was saying," Esterday said. "I mean, nobody got left a tip that day."

Clinton may have decided not to tip. She was also never given a bill — her meal was on the house. Still, Esterday said Clinton might have left her something: "Maybe they don't carry money. I don't know."

The visit hurt Esterday in another way. The local paper ran photos of her with Clinton. She said her supervisor at the nursing home isn't a big Hillary Clinton fan and she thinks that may be related to why her hours were almost totally cut.

Now, Esterday is looking for a different second job. However, she said she's not upset that Clinton visited the restaurant.

"I got my 15 minutes of fame out of the world," Esterday said. "There you go. I got her autograph. That's something I'll treasure forever."

But as far as the attention she's received? "It hasn't helped me. It's made things worse."

Still, Esterday doesn't blame Clinton; she says she may even vote for the former first lady. She's also considering voting for Barack Obama.


11-08-2007, 02:32 PM
"esterday all my troubles seem so far away"

hillaries fave song

Hagbard Celine
11-08-2007, 02:41 PM
God forbid Hillary forgets to tip. It's not as if she has anything else on her mind ya know? :rolleyes: There's not a "f*cking moronic tripe" emoticon so you'll just have to settle for the typed version.

11-08-2007, 02:49 PM
Hillary is just practicing for stiffing the rest of us.

11-08-2007, 03:00 PM
What do you mean Hillary didn't leave a tip? It says right here that she did in the waitress' own words, Esterday said. "There you go. I got her autograph. That's something I'll treasure forever."

I mean come on! That autograph has got to be more valuable than any 15-20% tip at a diner.

I mean what if the waitress should run out of TP? :D

Now in all honesty...

God forbid Hillary forgets to tip. It's not as if she has anything else on her mind ya know? :rolleyes: There's not a "f*cking moronic tripe" emoticon so you'll just have to settle for the typed version.

I can understand how she might not have left a tip. I mean she's with an entourage, I would expect that she could have expected someone from the entourage to pay the bill and take care of the tip.


11-08-2007, 03:09 PM
LOL, its just so funny how these elitist liberals get exposed for what they really are. I can just picture her and her cronies huddled around trying to figure out a way for Hillary to "connect with the people". Yea, stop by some backwater grease-spoon roadstop and mingle with "the little people". Of course Hillary in such a situation is like a fish out of water. She can swoon the Hollywood elite at Peter Paul fundraisers, but has no clue how to act at a simple little old diner. I guess Hitlery is just too used to people giving her large amounts of money after a meal, so the thought never ran through her noggin to actually leave money for someone else.

Hagbard Celine
11-08-2007, 03:45 PM
LOL, its just so funny how these elitist liberals get exposed for what they really are. I can just picture her and her cronies huddled around trying to figure out a way for Hillary to "connect with the people". Yea, stop by some backwater grease-spoon roadstop and mingle with "the little people". Of course Hillary in such a situation is like a fish out of water. She can swoon the Hollywood elite at Peter Paul fundraisers, but has no clue how to act at a simple little old diner. I guess Hitlery is just too used to people giving her large amounts of money after a meal, so the thought never ran through her noggin to actually leave money for someone else.

That's it! You're on to her! Her plan is to swing by po-dunk diners and stiff waitresses! It's her dastardly plan to ruin Americuh, one Waffle House at a time! :poke:

11-08-2007, 04:33 PM
Maybe the seat was too hard or the tabasco used by the next table ruined her meal or it could be she just didn't like the service. These are all reasons I have stiffed waiters/waitresses.

11-08-2007, 05:02 PM
Hillary is just practicing for stiffing the rest of us.
It looks like certain members of this board have a stiffy for Hillary.

11-08-2007, 05:18 PM
That's it! You're on to her! Her plan is to swing by po-dunk diners and stiff waitresses! It's her dastardly plan to ruin Americuh, one Waffle House at a time! :poke:

I'm not saying she is out to stiff common folks like that. Its just that she is so out of her element, that being her own little world of elite liberals. If people aren't kowtowing to her with their ear to ear smiles while slipping her their campaign contribution, then they are invisible to her.

11-08-2007, 05:38 PM
There is no excuse to stiff a waitress/waiter. Especially when you have money. Its always good to be generous. Even with bad service... just not as generous.

11-08-2007, 05:41 PM
are you sure it was hillary, i mean, she couldn't stiff anything...

Hagbard Celine
11-08-2007, 05:41 PM
I'm not saying she is out to stiff common folks like that. Its just that she is so out of her element, that being her own little world of elite liberals. If people aren't kowtowing to her with their ear to ear smiles while slipping her their campaign contribution, then they are invisible to her.

Eh. I don't buy it. Rubbing elbows with the "common folk" was Bill's specialty on the campaign trail. I can't believe that this would be a weak point for her with him as her coach.

11-08-2007, 07:06 PM
Eh. I don't buy it. Rubbing elbows with the "common folk" was Bill's specialty on the campaign trail. I can't believe that this would be a weak point for her with him as her coach. You think they actually talk to each other? :lol:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:36 AM
That's it! You're on to her! Her plan is to swing by po-dunk diners and stiff waitresses! It's her dastardly plan to ruin Americuh, one Waffle House at a time! :poke:

No, John Kerry was a lock on the Waffle Houses. He has been serving up waffles since the 1980's

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:37 AM
Maybe the seat was too hard or the tabasco used by the next table ruined her meal or it could be she just didn't like the service. These are all reasons I have stiffed waiters/waitresses.

Now the Clinton war room is full damage control. I love the excuse they are giving

ABC News' Eloise Harper Reports: Rule number one when campaigning at a diner: always leave a good tip -- and, apparently, make sure it gets properly 'disbursed'.

In early October, Sen. Hillary Clinton's 'Middle Class Express' made a pit stop at the Maid Rite diner in Marshalltown, Iowa.

The New York senator, joined by local political luminaries Christie Vilsack and Ruth Harkin, enjoyed a famous loose meat sandwich and attempted to hand caucus cards to the Iowans inside.

Clinton also spoke to one of the diner's waitresses, Anita Esterday. It was her first day on the job and she and Clinton shared a short exchange. Esterday, who has three jobs and works 12 hour shifts, said to Clinton "both of my sons have worked since they were 14 years old"; Clinton told her, "I'm proud of you."

But, according to Esterday, that's where Clinton's gratitude ended as the campaign crew left with nary a gratuity for any of the hard working Maid-Riters.

"I mean, nobody got left a tip that day," Esterday said in an interview with NPR after a visit by Senator Clinton.

UPDATE: The Clinton campaign contacted ABC News to assert that they did, contrary to Esterday's claim to NPR, pay $157 for food at Maid-Rite and left a $100 tip to be split among the staff.

Sensing the story was reaching the tipping point, ABC News' Eloise Harper contacted Brad Crawford, manager of Maid-Rite caught in the political mixer, who said the senator's staff did pay a tip but "it might have not been disbursed properly."

The NPR report claimed the meal was on the house. And even the Emily Post Institute doesn't have anything to say on the etiquette of presidential campaign tipping. (Post does, however, have something so say about the National Anthem -- a sore subject in the Obama camp these days).

"I don't think she understood at all what I was saying," Esterday continued to tell NPR. "Afterwards it was like do you guys live in the real world, maybe they don't carry money, I don't know."

Esterday's assertion may be a bipartisan one: earlier this year, former Governor Mitt Romney, R-Mass., who holds a fortune estimated between $190-$250 million found himself sans wallet and without the means to pay for his vanilla steamer at a campaign stop in DeWitt, Iowa.

But an allegedly tip-less visit wasn't Esterday's only complaint.

"As for all of this attention on me, it hasn't helped my life, its made my life worse," added the Maid-Rite waitress.

Esterday's picture with the Senator also landed in a local newspaper. Her employer at the nursing home is not a Clinton fan and, since the photo appeared, the waitress claims her shifts have been reduced; she suspects the picture in the paper was the reason.

Despite everything, Esterday did take Clinton's pitch to heart: she's still deciding whether to support Clinton or Obama.


red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:43 AM
Eh. I don't buy it. Rubbing elbows with the "common folk" was Bill's specialty on the campaign trail. I can't believe that this would be a weak point for her with him as her coach.

November 08, 2007
It takes a village to tip a single mom (updated)
Clarice Feldman
David Greene of NPR reports that Hillary and her entourage swept into an Iowa diner, had a meal on the house, spoke to her waitress who reported she had to work two jobs to support her family then left without leaving her a tip and (without permission to do so) used that woman's story in a campaign speech.

"I wished I would have been asked first," the waitress, Anita Esterday, said of Clinton's decision to insert her in a speech. "I wish she would have asked if she could talk about me later. I didn't like it when someone called me up and said Hillary Clinton is talking about you. It's like, what'd I do now? What's she saying?"

When I returned to the Maid-Rite a few weeks later, Esterday said the senator had caught her off guard. But once they got talking, she was honest with Clinton about her need to work two to three jobs.

"I've been doing it all my life. Why should it change now that I'm old," Esterday said.

Esterday does not think Clinton got it. "I don't think she understood at all what I was saying," Esterday said. "I mean, nobody got left a tip that day."
It's not the first time the champion of working women has stiffed a waitress after scarfing down a freebie meal.
NPR has appended an editor's note to the original story:

Editor's Note: Since this story aired, Hillary Clinton's campaign contacted NPR to say that the campaign paid Maid-Rite a bill for $157 the day of Clinton's visit and left $100 in tip money. NPR contacted Maid-Rite manager Brad Crawford, who confirmed that a bill was paid and tip money was left. Crawford, who was not in the restaurant at the time, said that he believes a campaign staffer left the money with one of his employees, but "where Hillary was sitting, there was no tip left." Neither Anita Esterday nor the manager on duty that day were available for comment as of noon Thursday.

Here's a photo of the diner. You can see how small it is and how unlikely the Clinton campaign story is. Color me skeptical respecting the report from the manager who admittedly was not there that day. I do not think it possible that the diner received a $100 cash tip that day and none of the waitresses knew of it, or if they did they didn't inform the waitress who served Hillary.

Here is the link to the photo of the diner

red states rule
11-10-2007, 05:54 AM
Hillary is just practicing for stiffing the rest of us.

Update of Hillary and the missing tip - this is a real Clinton excuse

Hey libs, please tell us again how Hillary cares about the working middle class

Hillary campaign and the Iowa waitresses (updated)
Clarice Feldman
It seems I was right to be suspicious of the Clinton Campaign's version of the tip story at the Iowa diner last month. Hillary's contempt for actual flesh & blood ordinary working people, contrary to her pose of championing their interests, keeps coming through loud and clear. NPR has this today. Read the whole thing to get the complete picture, but here is what is laid out:
A Clinton campaign staffer called on Esterday at the restaurant Thursday after the story aired. The staff member apologized to her and gave her a $20 bill, according to Esterday. The Clinton campaign confirmed that visit.
The campaign did pay $157.46 for the meal, but the receipt shows no tip. Yesterday the Hillary!campaign told Esterday, the single mom whose story was used by Hillary in her next speech, that they left a $100 bill as a tip. So what happened to it?

"She just said, 'Well, there was one left,'" Esterday said. "She just kept repeating, 'There was one left.'

After the campaign staffer stopped at the diner Thursday, Esterday said, the $100 tip was a hot topic.

"Two others that had worked with me that day turned around and said, 'We didn't know about any $100 tip,' because they both turned around and said 'We didn't get a part of it.' And they didn't. So, it's like 'OK, where did it go?' That's the mystery question: Where did it go?"

Esterday said it would surprise her if money that was intended to be split among the staff was never shared.

"The ladies that were working that day have been working there for years - some of them for 30 years, some of them for 25 years," Esterday said. "And I've known a lot of these ladies most of my life living here, too. And I can't imagine them pocketing it."
I can't believe that it helps Hillary more that her staff is obviously trying to peg Iowa minimum wage earners as thieves rather than accept blame for not having taken care of this properly themselves. Since Hillary previously got into trouble for not tipping a waitress at a diner during her Senate campaign it says much of her executive ability that her staff wasn't properly prepped on the protocol.

Add to this the fact that she exploited without permission the waitress' story about her life, this is not a pretty picture.

Update: reader Patrick Albanese writes:

I find it interesting that Hillary's camp took credit for having left a $100 tip that vanished or was stolen, and in order to correct the misunderstanding, they return and give the waitress a $20 tip to replace the c-note, which by the way, is about a 13% tip. A below average tip from a below average candidate.

11-10-2007, 06:28 PM
And yet no one complains about our president giving your money to other countries to buy allegince.

red states rule
11-10-2007, 06:30 PM
And yet no one complains about our president giving your money to other countries to buy allegince.

and what the hell does that have to with Hillary shafting a single mom?

This is not the first time she did this. she did the same thing when she ran for the Senate/ Typical of the Clintons

Hillary has spent her life walking over people - so she never sees them nor does she care about them

11-10-2007, 06:32 PM
nothing its called changing the subject

and what the hell does that have to with Hillary shafting a single mom?

This is not the first time she did this. she did the same thing when she ran for the Senate/ Typical of the Clintons

Hillary has spent her life walking over people - so she never sees them nor does she care about them

red states rule
11-10-2007, 06:36 PM
nothing its called changing the subject

You expect a lib like April 15 to admit the truth?

I thought at least the liberal talking point would be the staff member was a plant by Rudy's campaign

11-10-2007, 06:38 PM
atleast hitler told the truth, hillary cant even do that.

she tap dances on the truth.

when it comes to the truth she flips more then a gymnist, and flps more then a seal

You expect a lib like April 15 to admit the truth?

I thought at least the liberal talking point would be the staff member was a plant by Rudy's campaign

red states rule
11-10-2007, 06:46 PM
atleast hitler told the truth, hillary cant even do that.

she tap dances on the truth.

when it comes to the truth she flips more then a gymnist, and flps more then a seal

Like John Kerry, she has more positions then a Bill Clinton intern

11-10-2007, 06:53 PM



Like John Kerry, she has more positions then a Bill Clinton intern




red states rule
11-10-2007, 06:57 PM
Yea, but who is the poor slob she has the positions with

Is the slob male or female?

11-10-2007, 07:21 PM
who knows, maybe bill swings both ways?

red states rule
11-10-2007, 07:23 PM
Yea, but who is the poor slob she has the positions with

Is the slob male or female?

Pass the Pepto with that thought in my mind

11-10-2007, 07:38 PM
passes pepto to rsr :coffee:

Pass the Pepto with that thought in my mind