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Pale Rider
11-09-2007, 05:35 AM
Cheery Conservative Huckabee Shakes Up Republican Race

Nov 8 10:13 AM US/Eastern

Mike Huckabee, a wise-cracking, guitar-strumming, Baptist pastor has leapt into a conservative void and shot into contention in the unpredictable 2008 Republican White House race.
Huckabee, 52, was hitherto best known for being born in the same town, Hope, as Bill Clinton, and shedding more than 100 pounds from his once portly frame.

But, partly by exploiting discontent among Christian conservatives with the Republican field, Huckabee, a witty former Arkansas governor, has powered into second place in polls in Iowa, 65 days before the state's crucial caucuses.

"The religious right vote in the Iowa caucuses is a substantial bloc, and if you secure that support you are a serious player," said Cary Covington, a political science professor at the University of Iowa.

"Huckabee is, I think at a tipping point, he is going to need to do something splashy, a big financial haul, or a major endorsement," Covington said.

Huckabee's style is to leaven his staunch conservatism -- pro gun rights, doubts about the theory of evolution, opposition to gay marriage, and hawkish rhetoric on Iraq and the war on terror, with levity.

At an education forum at Northern Iowa University Wednesday, Huckabee, author of a book "Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork," slipped into stand-up comic mode when a mobile phone rang.

"That's probably Dick Cheney wanting to take me hunting, and I am not going with him, OK?" he quipped, mocking the vice president's infamous shooting incident.

Such patter, and the fact that several of his Republican rivals are trying to appear something they are not -- lifelong social conservatives -- helps Huckabee to come across as humble and at ease.

Though a conservative, Huckabee is an outspoken advocate of spending government money on education, and healthcare for poor children.

And he told students at NIU that US schools had focused too narrowly on mathematics and science -- demanding the launch of "weapons of mass instruction" -- music and art.

"Math and science without music and art, is like trying to fly an airplane with a wing on the left, but without one on the right," he warned.

A bit-player at the start of the Republican race, polls now show Huckabee apparently on a roll.

In Iowa, an average by RealClearPolitics.com of recent polls has him in second place, on 15 percent and rising, behind former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney on 29 percent.

Nationally, a Rasmussen national daily tracking poll had Huckabee Wednesday third among Republicans, behind Rudolph Giuliani and Fred Thompson, but ahead of Senator John McCain and Romney.

Huckabee also came a strong second to Romney in a straw poll of evangelical voters recently in Washington.

He may also have another advantage, as ex-governors like Clinton, George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan have dominated the presidency in recent decades.

But Huckabee will still be a longshot for the Republican nomination, even if he causes a stir in the Iowa caucuses on January 3.

Despite warm reviews from pundits, strong performances in Republican debates and backing of grass-roots conservatives, he is short of campaign cash.

Up until October, he had raised only 2.3 million dollars -- limiting his capacity to mount an Iowa advertising blitz.

By comparison, Romney, who has piled millions of dollars of his own cash into the race, had raised 62 million.

Huckabee also suffers from questions about his depth. He has no foreign policy experience -- a liability with Iran, Iraq and terrorism top issues.

So, Huckabee is increasingly being mentioned as a possible vice presidential pick.

As an evangelical Christian, with strong support from the "religious right" Huckabee would be a good match for Giuliani, who has alienated the bloc with his support for abortion rights and gay rights.

On a Romney ticket, Huckabee could head off suspicion among evangelical voters about the former Massachusetts governor's Mormon religion.

And as a southerner, Huckabee could help balance a ticket with either man, both of whom made their names in the liberal northeast.


11-09-2007, 08:01 AM
I'm all aboard the Huckabee Express.

Pale Rider
11-09-2007, 09:53 AM
I'm all aboard the Huckabee Express.

I actually like the fact that he's a preacher, but I wasn't going to support him at all until I heard that he's changed his tune on illegal aliens. Some smart campaign person must have told him, "you don't stand a snow balls chance in hell if you support amnesty."

If he's the wild card man that gets the repub nomination, I'll vote for him.

11-09-2007, 12:46 PM
I'm casting a new movie in which Mike Huckabee would be perfect for the lead.

It's called "Snowball in Hell."

11-09-2007, 01:06 PM
I think Huckabee is a decent, honest to the core man. I would support him as my President, even if he is a Republican.... lol :D


Pale Rider
11-09-2007, 02:21 PM
First typo makes me laugh... and then jd makes me gasp... what's up with you two? I enjoyed that. :dance:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 02:23 PM
He might be Rudy's VP

11-09-2007, 02:34 PM
He might be Rudy's VP

Ru Paul would also be great.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 02:36 PM
Ru Paul would also be great.

He is one of your 9-11 conspiracy kooks.

He is pulling a huge 2 or 3% in the polls. He is done and should go away

11-09-2007, 02:38 PM
you obviously don't know who Ru Paul is!:lol:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 02:42 PM
you obviously don't know who Ru Paul is!:lol:

Looked like a typo from a liberal. Given how you foam at the mouth, I thought you were typing very fast

I can see you cheering Ron paul on as he says the US government was behind 9-11

11-09-2007, 02:49 PM
Looked like a typo from a liberal. Given how you foam at the mouth, I thought you were typing very fast

I can see you cheering Ron paul on as he says the US government was behind 9-11

a typo? It looks like the name of a well known celebrity to me!

you just don't know who he is!:laugh2:

and I have never cheered for Ron Paul at anything. You "see" weird-ass shit. Do you also still "see" your cross dressing pro-gay rights Bernie Kerik-buddy as the republican party's best candidate?

red states rule
11-09-2007, 02:54 PM
a typo? It looks like the name of a well known celebrity to me!

you just don't know who he is!:laugh2:

and I have never cheered for Ron Paul at anything. You "see" weird-ass shit. Do you also still "see" your cross dressing pro-gay rights Bernie Kerik-buddy as the republican party's best candidate?

Your attacks on Rudy shows how the left is worried. He will destroy the flip flopping Hillary - who can't give a direct answer to a direct answer

She falls on her ass in the debate and stiffs a waitress for a tip.

You should worry about your own party first

11-09-2007, 02:57 PM
No to Huckabee...he's no conservative...:cheers2:

11-09-2007, 02:58 PM
You should worry about your own party first

gosh...with all your posts about Hillary, maybe you should take your own advice!

and when you figure out who RuPaul is.... tell me...and then see if you can get the connection between him and Rudy

red states rule
11-09-2007, 02:58 PM
No to Huckabee...he's no conservative...:cheers2:

Personally I would like to see a Rudy/Fred ticket

It would beat anything the Dems could put up

11-09-2007, 03:03 PM
First typo makes me laugh... and then jd makes me gasp... what's up with you two? I enjoyed that. :dance:i am an oldtime Democrat, is what Gaffer tells me. Apparently there is a difference between this and a Liberal. I never knew this, I have always considered mysel as a Liberal, for over 25 years...:dunno: I suppose I am a little behind the times? lol

I don't discount what typo has said though. Huckabee probably will not get the republican nomination. It looks like it will be Rudy or at best Romney, which doesn't excite me in the least.

At this point in the game, and from what i have followed, Huckabee appears to be an honest man. I have no reservations about him having a religious background because....well, because I am religious myself. And if a Republican is destined to be President, then even if i differ with their policy, I can accept them if they are just an honest ace....i see Huckabee as this honest ace.

To me, guilliani is the farthest thing from being an honest ace, I have little to no respect for him....I would take Hillary over guilliani as the lesser of 2 evils...if Guilliani becomes president i will hook up with you and maineman on that ride down to Mexico! :D

ps. My husband is a life long republican, my father is a conservative but a lifelong Democrat from yesteryear, both Veterans. Just by the nature of this, i have come to be more open minded and independent in my thinking, more or less....to prevent myself from being chewed up and spit out, by the two of them!!!!!!! :laugh2:


red states rule
11-09-2007, 03:09 PM
i am an oldtime Democrat, is what Gaffer tells me. Apparently there is a difference between this and a Liberal. I never knew this, I have always considered mysel as a Liberal, for over 25 years...:dunno: I suppose I am a little behind the times? lol

I don't discount what typo has said though. Huckabee probably will not get the republican nomination. It looks like it will be Rudy or at best Romney, which doesn't excite me in the least.

At this point in the game, and from what i have followed, Huckabee appears to be an honest man. I have no reservations about him having a religious background because....well, because I am religious myself. And if a Republican is destined to be President, then even if i differ with their policy, I can accept them if they are just an honest ace....i see Huckabee as this honest ace.

To me, guilliani is the farthest thing from being an honest ace, I have little to no respect for him....I would take Hillary over guilliani as the lesser of 2 evils...if Guilliani becomes president i will hook up with you and maineman on that ride down to Mexico! :D

ps. My husband is a life long republican, my father is a conservative but a lifelong Democrat from yesteryear, both Veterans. Just by the nature of this, i have come to be more open minded and independent in my thinking, more or less....to prevent myself from being chewed up and spit out, by the two of them!!!!!!! :laugh2:


Hey JD

So will will take a corrupt Hillary who has destroyed the lives of so many people who spoke out against Bill, who defended, and allows a sexual predator to roam free, and continues to not tell you what she stands for?

11-09-2007, 03:20 PM
Hey JD

So will will take a corrupt Hillary who has destroyed the lives of so many people who spoke out against Bill, who defended, and allows a sexual predator to roam free, and continues to not tell you what she stands for?Rsr,

I know you like Rudy, but I just can't stand the guy and do not think he can be trusted farther than measley 5'3'' me, could throw him. There are MANY legitimate reasons for me to feel this way about him. And yes, I would vote for Hillary if it is her against Rudy because at least with Hillary there aren't too many more skeletons in the closet that haven't been aired already, whereas with Rudy, I think he's got thousands of them that will come forward and he just is UNTRUSTWORTHY in my humble opinion.

I am hoping the election doesn't come down to just the 2 of them.

My last reason is because the antichrist won't be a woman, so there is no chance of that happening with Hillary, but there would be with Rudy. hahahahahahahahaha!!!! :laugh2: I am just kidding on that one... Thus the support for Huckabee as the republican candidate!!! ;)


11-09-2007, 03:24 PM
Hey JD

So will will take a corrupt Hillary who has destroyed the lives of so many people who spoke out against Bill, who defended, and allows a sexual predator to roam free, and continues to not tell you what she stands for?

I am certainly not supporting Hillary in the nomination race. If she does win it, however, I will reluctantly vote for her over any of the yahoos the republican party might nominate.

and RSR... is "So will will..." and example of how "you foam at the mouth, I thought you were typing very fast"??? :laugh2:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 03:24 PM

I know you like Rudy, but I just can't stand the guy and do not think he can be trusted farther than measley 5'3'' me, could throw him. There are MANY legitimate reasons for me to feel this way about him. And yes, I would vote for Hillary if it is her against Rudy because at least with Hillary there aren't too many more skeletons in the closet that haven't been aired already, whereas with Rudy, I think he's got thousands of them that will come forward and he just is UNTRUSTWORTHY in my humble opinion.

I am hoping the election doesn't come down to just the 2 of them.

My last reason is because the antichrist won't be a woman, so there is no chance of that happening with Hillary, but there would be with Rudy. hahahahahahahahaha!!!! :laugh2: I am just kidding on that one... Thus the support for Huckabee as the republican candidate!!! ;)


Well, it nice to see a women willing to vote for a women who destroys the women who came forward to expose her husband for what he did to them

Hiollary has alot more skeletons to hide

I am sad you were not the waitress Hillary stiffed on a tip. You would have seen her up close and personal - and how she really operates

11-09-2007, 04:38 PM
Ru Paul would also be great.

I like the idea of an unmarried female impersonator as president: no need for a first lady (or the budget for her staff). :)

red states rule
11-09-2007, 04:44 PM
Men will not votre for Hillary - she reminds them of nagging wives

11-09-2007, 05:10 PM
No to Huckabee...he's no conservative...:cheers2:

okay. what makes Huckabee not a conservative?

Why is it we have this no one is conservative except the person "I" happen to support mentality going on?

I see a bunch of conservatives, just not on every issue.

11-09-2007, 06:10 PM
I actually like the fact that he's a preacher, but I wasn't going to support him at all until I heard that he's changed his tune on illegal aliens. Some smart campaign person must have told him, "you don't stand a snow balls chance in hell if you support amnesty."

If he's the wild card man that gets the repub nomination, I'll vote for him.

While he did say he supported the "path to citizenship" in January, he's also come out more recently and said that he wants to seal the border and punish companies that hire illegals. So he gets a B- on immigration from me. Overall, I think he's the best in the field.

Here's some quotes: link (http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Mike_Huckabee_Immigration.htm)

11-09-2007, 06:13 PM
okay. what makes Huckabee not a conservative?

Why is it we have this no one is conservative except the person "I" happen to support mentality going on?

I see a bunch of conservatives, just not on every issue.

cross dressing Rudy is really not "conservative" on the issues that the social conservatives consider important.

Tom Toles' cartoon today with Rudy and Robertson is on point!

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:14 PM
While he did say he supported the "path to citizenship" in January, he's also come out more recently and said that he wants to seal the border and punish companies that hire illegals. So he gets a B- on immigration from me. Overall, I think he's the best in the field.

Here's some quotes: link (http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Mike_Huckabee_Immigration.htm)

and Hillary's and the left's biggest fear

11-09-2007, 06:24 PM
and Hillary's and the left's biggest fear

Huckabee is Hillary's biggest fear? I thought you said that was Rudy! Make up your mind....flip flopper!:lol:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:26 PM
Huckabee is Hillary's biggest fear? I thought you said that was Rudy! Make up your mind....flip flopper!:lol:

with Hillary stumbling and sticking her foot in her mouth on a dialy basis - Rudy/Huckabee or Rudy/Fred causes Dems to sweat

11-09-2007, 06:30 PM
with Hillary stumbling and sticking her foot in her mouth on a dialy basis - Rudy/Huckabee or Rudy/Fred causes Dems to sweat

quyit tap dancing. is Huckabee hillary's BIGGEST fear, as you just said, or is it Rudy, as you have previously said?

You DO know what the meaning of the word "biggest" is, don't you?

or maybe they didn't teach that in high school shop class?:dance:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:32 PM
quyit tap dancing. is Huckabee hillary's BIGGEST fear, as you just said, or is it Rudy, as you have previously said?

You DO know what the meaning of the word "biggest" is, don't you?

or maybe they didn't teach that in high school shop class?:dance:

Right now, Dems are scared that Hilary will be their choice

Of course that would mean going up against the Clinton machine and a free trip to Ft Marcy Park

11-09-2007, 06:37 PM
Right now, Dems are scared that Hilary will be their choice

Of course that would mean going up against the Clinton machine and a free trip to Ft Marcy Park

quit running away from what you said. Is Huckabee Hillary's biggest fear or is Rudy?


11-09-2007, 07:13 PM
Edited for content

11-09-2007, 10:21 PM
okay. what makes Huckabee not a conservative?

Why is it we have this no one is conservative except the person "I" happen to support mentality going on?

I see a bunch of conservatives, just not on every issue.

check out his record as Gov...
Lot's of tax increases, lots of spending, he is for amnesty, I believe I saw he voted for the veto override on Schip.

Pale Rider
11-12-2007, 03:44 AM
To me, guilliani is the farthest thing from being an honest ace, I have little to no respect for him....I would take Hillary over guilliani as the lesser of 2 evils...if Guilliani becomes president i will hook up with you and maineman on that ride down to Mexico! :D

And that very well could be what I do. Sell everything I have and buy a huge diesel pusher RV and head for Mexico. I could live like an absolute king down there on my income.

I better look back into taking Spanish.

Pale Rider
11-12-2007, 03:51 AM
check out his record as Gov...
Lot's of tax increases, lots of spending, he is for amnesty, I believe I saw he voted for the veto override on Schip.

Somebody has been talking to Huckabee lately though. He's done a complete 180 on illegal aliens. He now says that he's totally against any type of amnesty, and for a fence. He was pro illegal alien though, and I find that flip flop disturbing.

11-12-2007, 04:09 AM
When the friggin lamestream media is pushing a candidate on us....That's when you need to take a REAL HARD LOOK at them....

good friggin grief....Huckabee is a liberal dressed up in a conservative clothing....

.check out his RECORD....:dance: