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red states rule
11-09-2007, 09:42 AM
It is looking good for Rudy, and I do believe he is the best chance we have to defeat Hillary

I do not believe Amercia wants a crook like Hillary AND a Dem Congress running America and overseeing our national defense

America's Mayor Is on a Roll
By Lawrence Kudlow

While Hillary Clinton is slipping in the polls, Rudy Giuliani is on a roll. This is a big swing of momentum. Even the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC poll puts the two frontrunners in a dead heat.

Sen. Clinton was hurt badly by her flip-flopping performance in last month's Democratic debate. America's mayor, on the other hand, just got a hugely important endorsement from the Rev. Pat Robertson. The message to social conservatives is clear: It's now OK to vote for Rudy.

Why Rudy? Robertson named out-of-control federal spending, appointing conservative judges, reducing crime and, perhaps most importantly, "the overriding issue (of) defending against (the) bloodlust of Islamic terrorists," as issues that strongly favor Giuliani. On the other hand, he called abortion -- something of a sticky subject for Giuliani -- "only one issue" of importance.

The endorsement also suggests that evangelicals are divided on 2008. Indeed, there's no monolithic movement in favor of any major candidate. This is critical. It means no third-party candidacy from the Christian right.

Recall that Bill and Hillary Clinton benefited enormously in 1992 when Ross Perot swiped 19 percent of the vote (most of those Republican) in the race against Papa Bush. And when Perot ran again in '96, he undoubtedly drained votes from Sen. Bob Dole. (I note that Bill Clinton didn't garner 50 percent of the vote in either of these elections.) But Robertson has very likely removed this dynamic. No third-party gifts for Hillary in 2008.

Robertson is a big score for Giuliani, right when he's gaining ground on Mitt Romney in New Hampshire. That said, Romney is still up 15 points in New Hampshire, according to Scott Rasmussen's poll, and 9.5 points, as per the RealClearPolitics average. So you know what? Good for Romney.

To be very clear, I am not picking sides here. I do think Romney is running a strong campaign. And he's gaining strength as a candidate. I also think John McCain is finding his sea legs on the campaign trail. Romney, McCain and Giuliani are all strengthening what they say and how they say it. But at this writing, Giuliani appears to be at the top of his game.

When I interviewed him last week on CNBC, it marked the fourth time we had sat down together this year. But something was different. Giuliani was more in command of a wide breadth of issues, while there was a lot less talk about his considerable accomplishments as mayor of New York City.

For example, when I asked him what a President Giuliani would do to prop up the sagging dollar, he immediately reeled off a series of proposals: Cut spending, and stop the earmarks. Deregulate wherever possible. Curb the stranglehold of Sarbanes-Oxley on the securities market. Make sure there's no new Sarbox for home-loan mortgage credits. Keep the trial lawyers from launching class-action lawsuits against mortgage-security investors, which would only cripple housing credit in the future. Restore confidence in the economy by stopping Charlie Rangel's mother-of-all-tax-hikes proposal.

That was some list. He also came out for cutting the corporate income tax -- both as a pro-growth job creator and as a way to boost the sagging fortunes of the dollar. He's right on both counts. In particular, he was emphatic about reducing the corporate tax so we can better compete with Europe (read the euro).

Grow the economy. Create more jobs. Strengthen worker wages. Giuliani was on fire. In fact, at the end of the interview, as we were walking off the set, he confided in me that he would suggest an immediate corporate-tax-cut proposal to President Bush. Giuliani wants results. And he knows he can win.

"I can beat her," Giuliani said. "I can run in key states other Republicans can't run in. That's why Democrats are attacking me."

I still believe that it's a strong Republican field. And I still believe Hillary Clinton's message of heavy spending, middle-class entitlements and higher taxes is a Mondale-era loser. But there's no doubt about it, America's mayor is on a roll.

Lawrence Kudlow is a former Reagan economic advisor, a syndicated columnist, and the host of CNBC's Kudlow & Company. Visit his blog, Kudlow's Money Politics.

Hugh Lincoln
11-09-2007, 08:50 PM
Jews like Kudlow want Rudy because he's owned by Israel. I don't want more of Bush, personally. I'd rather see America come first for a change.

11-09-2007, 08:52 PM
you are very paranoid.

Jews like Kudlow want Rudy because he's owned by Israel. I don't want more of Bush, personally. I'd rather see America come first for a change.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:53 PM
you are very paranoid.

I have read the same stuff in other sources

Like Mein Kampf

11-09-2007, 08:55 PM
haha. I think the kitty has more sense then william.

I have read the same stuff in other sources

Like Mein Kampf

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:56 PM
haha. I think the kitty has more sense then william.

after reading that racist post, a rock has more sense then william

11-10-2007, 01:50 PM
Rudy is certainly rolling -- to political oblivion.


Giulikerik: Are you fuckin' kiddin' here, Rudy? No, seriously, and, c'mon, is that the best defense you can muster about your longtime companion Bernard Kerik? That you "made a mistake" when you recommended that a mob-connected, corrupt, bribe-takin' wad of fuck be the first person to be in charge of the largest government department ever created?

Then, to top it all off, you offered this rejoinder to critics who would point out that your relationship with Kerik makes you a thug-lovin' piece of shit: "But I think they can then look at the results that I had as United States Attorney, the results I had as Associate Attorney General, and most importantly the results that I had as Mayor and say to themselves: if he makes the same balance of right decisions and incorrect decisions as president, the country would be in pretty good shape."

Giuliani was informed that Kerik had lobbied for city contracts to go to a mob-tied company, and he still appointed him police commissioner. Bernard Kerik banged his mistresses in an apartment near Ground Zero that was set aside so the guys who were down in the pit could take a nap. It was after that valiant abuse of public trust that Giuliani recommended Kerik to the Bush administration.

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:24 PM
Rudy is certainly rolling -- to political oblivion.


Again, unlike the Clinton, Rudy admitted he made a mistake in hiring him

How many crooks and indicted employees did we have in the Clinton WH?

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:27 PM
Of course, Hillary can always have another planted question (this one on Rudy) to be asked of her at a campaign stop

11-10-2007, 02:31 PM
But if for some awful reasone she does. I am moving out of this country until it has recovered from Hitlery Rotten CLinton. I would really like to see Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter. I feel that they have the best ideas on illegal immigration.

Hitlery is :lame2:

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:34 PM
But if for some awful reasone she does. I am moving out of this country until it has recovered from Hitlery Rotten CLinton. I would really like to see Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter. I feel that they have the best ideas on illegal immigration.

Hitlery is :lame2:

She is the "brain" behind Bill. She is the one who destroyed everyone who got in their way

11-10-2007, 02:42 PM
so...RSR...you never did answer my question. after Rudy admitted that he has championed and promoted this indicted felon, are you still suggesting that he is the best candidate for hardcore conservatives like yourself?

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:45 PM
so...RSR...you never did answer my question. after Rudy admitted that he has championed and promoted this indicted felon, are you still suggesting that he is the best candidate for hardcore conservatives like yourself?

I( did answer your question

It comes a shock to a liberal hack like you for a man like Rudy to admit he made a msitake after 8 years of kissing Bill's and Hillary's ass, and circling the wagons around them

11-10-2007, 02:50 PM
I( did answer your question

It comes a shock to a liberal hack like you for a man like Rudy to admit he made a msitake after 8 years of kissing Bill's and Hillary's ass, and circling the wagons around them

so..even though he showed terrible judgement regarding Bernie Kerik, even though he stands squarely against the three major issues of social conservatives, he's still your guy?:laugh2:

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:53 PM
so..even though he showed terrible judgement regarding Bernie Kerik, even though he stands squarely against the three major issues of social conservatives, he's still your guy?:laugh2:

I see alzheimer's disease must be setting in on you. i have told you many times, the main issues that mean the most to me, Rudy is my guy


War on Terror


Secure the borders

11-10-2007, 02:55 PM
isn't healthcare important to you?

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:55 PM
isn't healthcare important to you?

We have the best health care system in the world. The last thing we need is for the government to take it over and run it

11-10-2007, 02:58 PM
We have the best health care system in the world. The last thing we need is for the government to take it over and run it

I am glad you feel that way. one wonders why our infant mortality rate is the lowest among developed countries.....


red states rule
11-10-2007, 03:03 PM
I am glad you feel that way. one wonders why our infant mortality rate is the lowest among developed countries.....


Why not tell the entire story?

Premature Births Increase in U.S.

According to health care experts, there is no simple explanation for the increase in U.S. infant mortality.

"But there are a number of factors that could contribute," said Dr. William A. Engle, neonatologist with the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis.

"The number of babies born pre-term has increased in general, and pre-term populations are at a higher risk for morbidity and mortality," Engle said.

Births of two or more babies are often associated with prematurity, and, Engle said, "the number of multiple births has increased." Some of these multiple births are the result of fertility drugs and in-vitro fertilization procedures.

Engle explained that while a normal, healthy gestation period is 40 weeks, because of the increased number of pre-term deliveries, the gestation period in the United States now averages just 39 weeks. "The 34- to 37-week gestation group has increased over the last 10 years," he said. "There are fewer births after 40 weeks than there were even a few years ago."

African-American Rates Alarmingly High

Within the United States, there are important differences in the infant mortality rates between racial groups and across geographic boundaries.

"Infant mortality rates tends to trend with socio-economic status," said Dr. Nancy Green, medical director for the March of Dimes. "African-Americans have much, much higher rates of infant mortality than other groups."

The rate among African-Americans is nearly double that of the general population: 13.9 versus 7.0. Rates among some other ethnic minorities also tend to be higher: the infant mortality rate among Puerto Ricans is 8.2, and for Native Americans, the rate is 9.1.

"Some of that is due to poverty but it doesn't track perfectly with poverty," said Green. The infant mortality rate among Central and South American immigrants, for example, is only 5.1.

Infant mortality rates also vary from state to state. "The states in the Southeast tend to have higher infant mortality rates than others," said Green. Most of the Southeast has rates exceeding 7.5, while most West Coast and Northeast states have rates below 6.2.


I wonder if the number includes illegals? Like the uninsured number does

11-10-2007, 03:07 PM
so what? premature births don't happen anywhere else?:lol:

11-10-2007, 05:17 PM
I see alzheimer's disease must be setting in on you. i have told you many times, the main issues that mean the most to me, Rudy is my guy


War on Terror


Secure the borders

See for all of those I would love to see either Tancredo or Hunter one as president and one as vice president.

I believe Tancredo has the best stances on all of the above. His tax plan seems pretty interesting. Hunter however has promised to finish the border fence in 6 months if he is elected. He has vowed to hire multiple contractors to build it then they all meet in the middle type of a deal.

Hugh Lincoln
11-10-2007, 09:00 PM
I am glad you feel that way. one wonders why our infant mortality rate is the lowest among developed countries.....


Because part of our population is from undeveloped countries. The black infant mortality rate is high wherever blacks are found, be it Africa or Atlanta.

11-10-2007, 09:14 PM
Because part of our population is from undeveloped countries. The black infant mortality rate is high wherever blacks are found, be it Africa or Atlanta.

what portion of our black population is not native born? are you suggesting that it is those folks who drive us that far down the list?


Pale Rider
11-11-2007, 01:19 AM
It is looking good for Rudy, and I do believe he is the best chance we have to defeat Hillary

I do not believe Amercia wants a crook like Hillary AND a Dem Congress running America and overseeing our national defense

You push Giuliani all you want rsr. It's a free country. But don't expect me to vote for the sum bitch. He's a damn liberal, period, and the prediction is that up to 33% of the TRUE CONSERVATIVES of the Republican party feel the same as I do, and they won't vote for him either. Seems to me that Giuliani on the Republican ticket is a sure damn way to LOSE.

11-11-2007, 09:42 AM
Stop trying to ram Rudy down our throats. We get enough of that crap in the MSM.

red states rule
11-11-2007, 03:52 PM
You push Giuliani all you want rsr. It's a free country. But don't expect me to vote for the sum bitch. He's a damn liberal, period, and the prediction is that up to 33% of the TRUE CONSERVATIVES of the Republican party feel the same as I do, and they won't vote for him either. Seems to me that Giuliani on the Republican ticket is a sure damn way to LOSE.

If it caomes down to Rudy VS Hillary, I believe alot of Republicans will vote for Rudy

The prospects of Hillary and a Reid and Pelosi Congress running America will make them do so

11-11-2007, 04:50 PM
Jews like Kudlow want Rudy because he's owned by Israel. I don't want more of Bush, personally. I'd rather see America come first for a change.

Maybe you can get your mentor David Duke to make a failed run for President again?

red states rule
11-11-2007, 04:52 PM
Maybe you can get your mentor David Duke to make a failed run for President again?

He would fit in great in Berlin during the 1930's

Pale Rider
11-11-2007, 08:43 PM
If it caomes down to Rudy VS Hillary, I believe alot of Republicans will vote for Rudy

The prospects of Hillary and a Reid and Pelosi Congress running America will make them do so

If it comes down to Giuliani vs Clinton, I won't vote for either, and that's my point, neither will many other true conservatives. Rudy is a liberal, and I won't vote for liberal. Under any circumstances.

So if Clinton were to win because of that situation, I would hope that would be a learning lesson to the Republicans, "DON'T PUSH LIBERALS AT US AND EXPECT US TO VOTE FOR THEM."

red states rule
11-12-2007, 05:48 AM
If it comes down to Giuliani vs Clinton, I won't vote for either, and that's my point, neither will many other true conservatives. Rudy is a liberal, and I won't vote for liberal. Under any circumstances.

So if Clinton were to win because of that situation, I would hope that would be a learning lesson to the Republicans, "DON'T PUSH LIBERALS AT US AND EXPECT US TO VOTE FOR THEM."

That is your right of course

However consider what Hillary and the libs want

To raise taxes by over $1 trillion, open the flood gates to illeagals and give them cradle to grave handouts, surrender and appease to terrorists, government run health care, liberal Judges who ignore the US Constitution, and removing all references of God from the public view

Is Rudy my perfect candidate? No

Do I disagree with him of some issues? Yes

But he is the best chance we have of stopping Hillary from taking over and turning America in a secular-progressive socialist country with a bullseye on it so the terrorists can take better aim