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11-09-2007, 01:50 PM
We can discuss any disease listed in this thead.

The disease im going to list is A-typical Trigeminal neuralgia. My best in the whole word has it, here is a link with more information because it is hard to explain it.


C. Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia

Atypical TN is characterized by a unilateral, prominent constant and severe aching, boring or burning pain superimposed upon otherwise typical TN symptoms. This should be differentiated from cases of typical TN that develop a minor aching or burning pain within the affected distribution of the trigeminal nerve.

Vascular compression, as described above in typical TN, is thought to be the cause of many cases of atypical TN. Some believe atypical TN is due to vascular compression upon a specific part of the trigeminal nerve (the portio minor), while others theorize that atypical TN represents a more severe form or progression of typical TN.

Atypical TN pain can be at least partially relieved with medications used for typical TN, such as carbamazepine (Tegretol®). MVD surgery is curative for many patients with atypical TN, but not as reliably as for those with typical TN. It is also important to note that rhizotomy procedures may be effective in treating atypical TN, but are more likely to be complicated by annoying or even painful numbness (i.e. deafferentation pain).

11-09-2007, 01:53 PM
I'd like to discuss nymphomania. :laugh:

Mr. P
11-09-2007, 02:22 PM
I'd like to discuss nymphomania. :laugh:

:laugh2: And how to spot a female with this affliction. :dunno:

11-09-2007, 02:31 PM
lets discuss nyphomania then.


Calling someone a nymphomaniac or accusing them of nymphomania isn't something that can be defined by science. Nymphomania is a layperson's term used to label a woman, or a nympho, whose sex drive or sexual activity is subjectively deemed too high. The term "nymphomania," is not scientifically meaningful simply because there are no specific criteria that would define a nymphomaniac. In other words, there isn't a way to determine how much sexual desire or activity is too much.
The clinical conditions that include the concept of high levels of sexual desire and/or activity are hypersexuality and sexual addiction or compulsivity.

The central features of these disorders are that sexual activity is an insatiable need, often interfering with other areas of everyday functioning; sex is impersonal, with no emotional intimacy; and despite frequent orgasms, sexual activity is generally not satisfying.

The label of nymphomania is used in a pejorative and derogatory manner, almost exclusively in reference to women. To many men, the idea of a woman with a greater sex drive than their own is somewhat threatening, so they may use the label to preserve their own egos by "proving" that the woman is abnormal.

Similarly, men with sexual dysfunction might accuse their partners of being oversexed in an effort to hide their own fears or sense of inadequacy, just as some women who object to the frequency of their partner's sexual advances might accuse him of being oversexed.

The difference is that the double standard which exists in our society congratulates a man who is highly sexed and has many partners, calling him a "stud", whereas a woman with the same behavior is often called a "nympho", which carries a negative connotation.

Hagbard Celine
11-09-2007, 02:51 PM
Huh. I was under the impression that nymphomania was an actual mental disorder that makes men and women who have it crave orgasm the way a hop-head craves hop. :dunno:

Mr. P
11-09-2007, 02:55 PM
Huh. I was under the impression that nymphomania was an actual mental disorder that makes men and women who have it crave orgasm the way a hop-head craves hop. :dunno:

Same here for the most part..

11-09-2007, 04:32 PM
There should be a volunteer program for guys who want to serve the community by providing therapy....

Abbey Marie
11-10-2007, 10:51 AM
I've always thought that Narcolepsy was rather fascinating. :)

Mr. P
11-10-2007, 11:26 AM
I've always thought that Narcolepsy was rather fascinating. :)

Me too..I've never met anyone with nymphomania that I know off, but I have met a Narcoleptic.

11-10-2007, 01:42 PM
I've met a sex addict or two, is that the same as a nympho?

11-10-2007, 01:47 PM
I've met a sex addict or two, is that the same as a nympho?

You have to call em "hypersexuals" now to be PC.

11-10-2007, 01:49 PM
You have to call em "hypersexuals" now to be PC.

Oh. That buzz word hasn't made it to Canada yet. Shit, my mother STILL says negro. Ohhhhhh, the shame.

11-10-2007, 01:51 PM
Oh. That buzz word hasn't made it to Canada yet. Shit, my mother STILL says negro. Ohhhhhh, the shame.

We're trying to get y'all up to speed the best we can but I thought y'all were a pretty PC bunch already.

Mr. P
11-10-2007, 01:57 PM
Oh. That buzz word hasn't made it to Canada yet. Shit, my mother STILL says negro. Ohhhhhh, the shame.

Me too.

11-10-2007, 02:01 PM
Me too.
