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red states rule
11-09-2007, 03:53 PM
No wonder the Dem run Congress has record low poll numbers.

What have the Dems accomplished? They made alot of promises to get elected, but what have they delivered on?

A Failure to Lead

The Democratic Congress is more interested in acting out than in taking positive action.

Friday, November 9, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST


This week is the one-year anniversary of Democrats winning Congress. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid probably aren't in a celebrating mood. The goodwill they enjoyed after their victory is gone. Their bright campaign promises are unfulfilled. Democratic leadership is in disarray. And Congress's approval rating has fallen to its lowest point in history.

The problems the Democrats are now experiencing begin with the federal budget. Or rather, the lack of one. In 2006, Democrats criticized Congress for dragging its feet on the budget and pledged that they would do better. Instead, they did worse. The new fiscal year started Oct. 1--five weeks ago--but Democrats have yet to send the president a single annual appropriations bill. It's been at least 20 years since Congress has gone this late in passing any appropriation bills, an indication of the mess the Pelosi-Reid Congress is now in.

Even worse, the Democrats have made clear all their talk about "fiscal discipline" is just that--talk. They're proposing to spend $205 billion more than the president has proposed over the next five years. And the opening wedge of this binge is $22 billion more in spending proposed for the coming year. Only in Washington could someone in public life be so clueless to say, as Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi have, that $22 billion is a "relatively small" difference.


The list of Congress's failures grows each month. No energy bill. No action on health care. No action on the mortgage crisis. No immigration reform. No progress on renewing No Child Left Behind. Precious little action on judges and not enough on reducing trade barriers. Congress has not done its work. And these failures will have consequences.
Democrats had a moment after the 2006 election, but now that moment has passed. They've squandered it. They have demonstrated both the inability and unwillingness to govern. Instead, after more than a decade in the congressional minority, they reflexively look for short-term partisan advantage and attempt to appease the party's most strident fringe. Now that Democrats have the reins of congressional power, their true colors are coming out and the public doesn't like what it sees.

The Democratic victory in 2006 was narrow. They won the House by 85,961 votes out of over 80 million cast and the Senate by a mere 3,562 out of over 62 million cast. A party that wins control by that narrow margin can quickly see its fortunes reversed when it fails to act responsibly, fails to fulfill its promises, and fails to lead.


11-09-2007, 06:01 PM
more "facts" from the king of cut and paste???? :laugh2:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:03 PM
more "facts" from the king of cut and paste???? :laugh2:

so please tell us what the Dem Congress accomplished

11-09-2007, 06:17 PM
Its not against the rules to cut and paste.

You want sources right?. how do you get them here cut and paste.

Cut and paste happens every day

Live and let live man.

I agree with him dems, have talked alot, but not gotten much of anything done.


more "facts" from the king of cut and paste???? :laugh2:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:18 PM
Its not against the rules to cut and paste.

You want sources right?. how do you get them here cut and paste.

Cut and paste happens every day

Live and let live man.

I agree with him dems, have talked alot, but not gotten much of anything done.


Never confront MM with facts - being a liberal he has a sever phobia to them.

Still waiting for the long list of the Dems accomplishments from MM

I'll wait

11-09-2007, 06:37 PM
When a septic tank man arrives on the scene of a major overflow do they get much done right away? No! The first order is to find out why it happened and then start to cleanup the pile. It is the same for this administrations mess. First you need to find out why things are so smelly. Then you can start to clean up the mess.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:38 PM
When a septic tank man arrives on the scene of a major overflow do they get much done right away? No! The first order is to find out why it happened and then start to cleanup the pile. It is the same for this administrations mess. First you need to find out why things are so smelly. Then you can start to clean up the mess.

the smell comes from the Dems shitting on their promises and the voters

11-09-2007, 06:50 PM
the smell comes from the Dems shitting on their promises and the votersThe smell comes from the rotten morals/ethics of the current administration.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:53 PM
The smell comes from the rotten morals/ethics of the current administration.

So enlighten us. Please tell us about all the accomplishments of the Dem Congress

It will not take you long to do so

11-09-2007, 07:11 PM
more "facts" from the king of cut and paste???? :laugh2:

Hey manfrommaine, why do you feel the need to harp on the guy for pasting in an article for discussion? Could it be that you have nothing to base your argument on and simply take a cheap shot out of desperation? I think so.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:14 PM
Hey manfrommaine, why do you feel the need to harp on the guy for pasting in an article for discussion? Could it be that you have nothing to base your argument on and simply take a cheap shot out of desperation? I think so.

Facts have the same effect on him like Holy Water on the Devil

11-09-2007, 07:15 PM
edited for content

11-09-2007, 07:16 PM
When a septic tank man arrives on the scene of a major overflow do they get much done right away? No! The first order is to find out why it happened and then start to cleanup the pile. It is the same for this administrations mess. First you need to find out why things are so smelly. Then you can start to clean up the mess.

good lord april, i told you to stick to numbers, not facts and stuff...

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:30 PM
So far not one lib has listed the Dems accomplishments

Oh, they have none


11-09-2007, 08:44 PM
I think he's a control freak.

Never confront MM with facts - being a liberal he has a sever phobia to them.

Still waiting for the long list of the Dems accomplishments from MM

I'll wait

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:45 PM
I think he's a control freak.

Still waiting for all the Dems accomplishments

11-09-2007, 08:47 PM
does taking up a seat count?

11-09-2007, 08:48 PM
Harry Reid was visually stressed yesterday, outsmarted once again by the minority... Nancy had held the Veterans funding bill for over eight weeks following passage and then put it together with the bloated HUD bill and sent it to the Senate... The Republicans raised a point of order and and found the Veterans bill to be out of order to accompany the HUD bill so the HUD bill was returned to the house... Today it went to the president alone to be vetoed. She held the VA funding for one more try at a trick. Then the military funding bill went to the senate together with a continuation resolution to keep the government running through late Nov... The republican leader found the two bill violated senate rules and was about to return them to the House to be separated that would have closed down the government... it was a that moment that Harry decided it was time to have the vote on the AG that ended near midnight yesterday. The quid pro quo was hilarious when following the approval the senate went on recess until Tues. The military funding and continuation of government funding were sent to the prez...

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:50 PM
Harry Reid was visually stressed yesterday, outsmarted once again by the minority... Nancy had held the Veterans funding bill for over eight weeks following passage and then put it together with the bloated HUD bill and sent it to the Senate... The Republicans raised a point of order and and found the Veterans bill to be out of order to accompany the HUD bill so the HUD bill was returned to the house... Today it went to the president alone to be vetoed. She held the VA funding for one more try at a trick. Then the military funding bill went to the senate together with a continuation resolution to keep the government running through late Nov... The republican leader found the two bill violated senate rules and was about to return them to the House to be separated that would have closed down the government... it was a that moment that Harry decided it was time to have the vote on the AG that ended near midnight yesterday. The quid pro quo was hilarious when following the approval the senate went on recess until Tues. The military funding and continuation of government funding were sent to the prez...

Hey, I thought Dems were going to cut the pork and get the spending bills passed on time

You mean they lied????????

11-09-2007, 09:17 PM
good lord april, i told you to stick to numbers, not facts and stuff...I would like to tell you a few things but you probably couldn't figure them out on your own so you are in the Bush file.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 09:19 PM
I would like to tell you a few things but you probably couldn't figure them out on your own so you are in the Bush file.

Still waiting for all the accomplishments of the Dems

Which is what the thread is all about

11-09-2007, 09:26 PM
Hey, I thought Dems were going to cut the pork and get the spending bills passed on time

You mean they lied????????But since Dennis Kucinich has a pending action on the Impeachment of the Vice President the Democratic candidates can be firm, like Hillary was on NY drivers licenses when they are asked in the next debate... do you agree with Dennis Kucinich that the VP should be impeached? And if not why? I can hardly wait to hear Hillary's search for cover to protect her Cos/Sorros support while attempting to be a mature adult.

Is that Cos or Kos? Bet Cindy Sheehan is burning Nancy Pelosi in effigy and will add a new ragbag to the fire if they don't agree with Dennis... Port -a- Potties in Nancy's yard for the protesters... dems hate losers... self haters.

red states rule
11-10-2007, 12:06 PM
does taking up a seat count?

That and making sure the men put the seat down in the transgender bathroom

11-10-2007, 06:21 PM
The biggest failure to lead is G W Bush. Anyway you slice or dice it hands down the biggest looser to be elected.

red states rule
11-10-2007, 06:31 PM
The biggest failure to lead is G W Bush. Anyway you slice or dice it hands down the biggest looser to be elected.

So much for a liberal telling us all the great acomplishements of the Reid/Pelosi Congress

11-10-2007, 06:33 PM
The biggest failure to lead is G W Bush. Anyway you slice or dice it hands down the biggest looser to be elected.I'll give you odds he will be remembered by historians as one of the greatest presidents ever.

President JF Kennedy is considered great and he launched an invasion on Cuba when he took office and then refused to support the invasion... then, the nation he could have taken joined with the USSR and set up Nukes pointed at the US... Now that F'ed up if you ask me... is he not the worst presidents of all times? He could have freed a nation but instead was cowardly.

red states rule
11-10-2007, 06:41 PM
I'll give you odds he will be remembered by historians as one of the greatest presidents ever.

President JF Kennedy is considered great and he launched an invasion on Cuba when he took office and then refused to support the invasion... then, the nation he could have taken joined with the USSR and set up Nukes pointed at the US... Now that F'ed up if you ask me... is he not the worst presidents of all times? He could have freed a nation but instead was cowardly.

and libs like Sean Penn and Rosie will commit mass suicide

Hey, what a great PPV

11-10-2007, 06:42 PM
i wont cry for sean shit and rosie penn.

and libs like Sean Penn and Rosie will commit mass suicide

Hey, what a great PPV

red states rule
11-10-2007, 06:45 PM
i wont cry for sean shit and rosie penn.

I would not piss on them if they were on fire

11-10-2007, 07:13 PM
I wouldnt give shawn penn a dollar if i had all the money if the world, and i would free rosie from terrorists even if i could

they would probably be welcome spokesman

hi im rosie o'donnell and im a member of T.A.L.Q. terrorist americans for al-queda

and we need youre help

for 30$ a month , one dollar a day you can pay for terrorists (NOT MUSLIMS) to go to school (al queda training camp), eat healthy meals (rats in caves) , and partnership (wives for them to beat, and force to have sex with)

wont u please help destory america

we know you hate this country as much as we do

call or click today

1-800-wehate or check our website www.americaissatan.com

I would not piss on them if they were on fire

red states rule
11-10-2007, 07:14 PM
I wouldnt give shawn penn a dollar if i had all the money if the world, and i would free rosie from terrorists even if i could

they would probably be welcome spokesman

hi im rosie and im a member of terrorist americans for al queda

To be fair, Dems did pass a huge tax increase yesterday

At least they have accomplished at least one thing after being on the job for 10 months

11-10-2007, 07:19 PM
I'm glad the Dems. haven't been able to accomplish anything..

Most of what they have tried to shove down our throats is to take MORE OF OUR MONEY, and give it to other people...:cheers2:

11-10-2007, 07:20 PM
does saying hateful things about their country , going to syria and pissing me off count?

lets not forget playing nice with illegals, and saying our troops are like nazis

I'm glad the Dems. haven't been able to accomplish anything..

Most of what they have tried to shove down our throats is to take MORE OF OUR MONEY, and give it to other people...:cheers2:

red states rule
11-10-2007, 07:21 PM
I'm glad the Dems. haven't been able to accomplish anything..

Most of what they have tried to shove down our throats is to take MORE OF OUR MONEY, and give it to other people...:cheers2:

How sweet it is.

The tax cut will be vetoed

I remember all the promises Reid and Pelosi made - they forgot about them as soon as they walked into the House and Senate chamber

red states rule
11-10-2007, 07:30 PM
I wouldnt give shawn penn a dollar if i had all the money if the world, and i would free rosie from terrorists even if i could

they would probably be welcome spokesman

hi im rosie o'donnell and im a member of T.A.L.Q. terrorist americans for al-queda

and we need youre help

for 30$ a month , one dollar a day you can pay for terrorists (NOT MUSLIMS) to go to school (al queda training camp), eat healthy meals (rats in caves) , and partnership (wives for them to beat, and force to have sex with)

wont u please help destory america

we know you hate this country as much as we do

call or click today

1-800-wehate or check our website www.americaissatan.com

Rosie had a recent issue. She had to have a new bathtub installed - her old one had stretch marks

11-10-2007, 07:36 PM
your avatar is so cute, what do you think of mine?

To be fair, Dems did pass a huge tax increase yesterday

At least they have accomplished at least one thing after being on the job for 10 months

11-11-2007, 04:31 PM
It will be nice to have all the crap from the repubs that was shoved down our throats removed and a sensible government re-instated when the dems get the whitehouse in 08. Then we can befin to investigate the bush era and all the crimes against America brought out him and his cronies charged with the crimes they have committed and hid under executive privilege.

red states rule
11-11-2007, 04:32 PM
It will be nice to have all the crap from the repubs that was shoved down our throats removed and a sensible government re-instated when the dems get the whitehouse in 08. Then we can befin to investigate the bush era and all the crimes against America brought out him and his cronies charged with the crimes they have committed and hid under executive privilege.

Still no accomplishments from your beloved Dem Congress April?

well here is a gem

Dems passed a tax increase this week - and the middle class is wacked by it

From the Washington Post

If Congress does not act to prevent these hikes, the impact will be dramatic. According to an analysis by the Treasury Department, for a family of four earning $50,000, it will be, an average tax hike of $2,100. Five million taxpayers currently paying no federal income tax will be brought onto the tax rolls. Marginal tax rates would rise for most taxpayers. The tax on dividend income would more than double and capital gains tax rate would jump from 15 percent to 20 percent. In a time when the tax on capital has been declining in other countries to encourage investment and attract capital, the U.S. tax code is scheduled to head in the opposite direction.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ wp....110901790.html