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View Full Version : John Kerry: I'm Now Prepared to Fight Off Swift Boat Veterans

red states rule
11-09-2007, 04:41 PM
I am not sure if this needs to be put in the humor section. John Boy is reporting 3 years late for duty

John Kerry: I'm Now Prepared to Fight Off Swift Boat Veterans
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, perhaps preparing to get back into the presidential ring one day, claims he's now armed with materials that will make war record critics from his 2004 presidential campaign go running tail between legs.

The 63-year-old Democratic senator told The Patriot-Ledger on Tuesday that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group of Navy servicemen who served with Kerry and criticized his record in Vietnam, will be revealed as liars.

"We have put together a documented portfolio that frankly puts their lies in such a total light of absurdity and indecency, that should they ever rear their ugly heads again, we have every single 't’ crossed and 'i’ dotted, and I welcome that in a sense,'' Kerry said after addressing Boston's South Shore Chamber of Commerce. "It’s a shame we weren’t able to produce all that at the time.''

Kerry, who is up for re-election next year for a fifth term in the U.S. Senate, added that he regrets that he was slow to counter accusations against him during the 2004 presidential campaign, and thinks that Republicans have descended into pure deception to win votes.

for the complete article


11-09-2007, 05:05 PM
just goes to show you how slow a Kerry administration would have been at getting anything done.

Especially when all he had to do is release his military record and if he was telling the truth he would have been vindicated. The fact that he continues to want to hide his record from the world supports what the swifties were saying. Especially considering THEY WERE THERE!

Someone whose story changes every time its told v someone who is consistant and I am going to believe the consistant person. That person isnt John Kerry.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 05:07 PM
just goes to show you how slow a Kerry administration would have been at getting anything done.

Especially when all he had to do is release his military record and if he was telling the truth he would have been vindicated. The fact that he continues to want to hide his record from the world supports what the swifties were saying. Especially considering THEY WERE THERE!

Someone whose story changes every time its told v someone who is consistant and I am going to believe the consistant person. That person isnt John Kerry.

John Kerry must have hit his head either wind surfing or skiing in the alps too much..

he obviously is stuck in a time warp..

11-09-2007, 05:25 PM
just goes to show you how slow a Kerry administration would have been at getting anything done.
Especially when all he had to do is release his military record and if he was telling the truth he would have been vindicated. The fact that he continues to want to hide his record from the world supports what the swifties were saying. Especially considering THEY WERE THERE!

Someone whose story changes every time its told v someone who is consistant and I am going to believe the consistant person. That person isnt John Kerry.


so true

*TV voiceover*

Some decades later, I, the man, myth and legend, John Kerry am ready to take on those guys, the um, swifty, thingys, boat something, whatever, my hair is perfect and I am ready!

11-09-2007, 05:26 PM
that approach would be 3 years too late for 9/11 :lol:

just goes to show you how slow a Kerry administration would have been at getting anything done.

Especially when all he had to do is release his military record and if he was telling the truth he would have been vindicated. The fact that he continues to want to hide his record from the world supports what the swifties were saying. Especially considering THEY WERE THERE!

Someone whose story changes every time its told v someone who is consistant and I am going to believe the consistant person. That person isnt John Kerry.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 05:27 PM

so true

*TV voiceover*

Some decades later, I, the man, myth and legend, John Kerry am ready to take on those guys, the um, swifty, thingys, boat something, whatever, my hair is perfect and I am ready!

John Boy at his best

11-09-2007, 05:44 PM
John Boy at his best


hair and bullshit is perfect

red states rule
11-09-2007, 05:45 PM

hair and bullshit is perfect

John Boy is the modern day version of Tokyo Rose

11-09-2007, 06:02 PM
I believe the French have a phrase for this - l'esprit de l'escalier - "the spirit of the stairs", it's that situation where you've been bested in a verbal joust and as you're walking away a few minutes later a real zinger comes in to your mind.....too bad....too late. Kerry is an idiot. He should have seen these lying bastards coming at him in the campaign, he did but he discounted their influence, he thought the American people would see through the lies.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:07 PM
I believe the French have a phrase for this - l'esprit de l'escalier - "the spirit of the stairs", it's that situation where you've been bested in a verbal joust and as you're walking away a few minutes later a real zinger comes in to your mind.....too bad....too late. Kerry is an idiot. He should have seen these lying bastards coming at him in the campaign, he did but he discounted their influence, he thought the American people would see through the lies.

lying? they exposed him for the lier he was

11-09-2007, 06:16 PM
lying? they exposed him for the lier he was

no. liars. demonstrably so.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:16 PM
no. liars. demonstrably so.

Kerry was exposed for the fraud he was

To libs that is now swift boating

11-09-2007, 06:17 PM
Kerry was exposed for the fraud he was

To libs that is now swift boating

the key swifties were demonstrably liars. fact.

11-09-2007, 06:20 PM
The bottom line with kerry was, i didnt believe in him. I never truly knew his position, or atleast felt i did.

I dont like the whole character attacks on kerry and bush, but that is the norm these days.

Kerry was exposed for the fraud he was

To libs that is now swift boating

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:20 PM
the key swifties were demonstrably liars. fact.

I will have to admit that I too voted for Kerry and then voted against him. It happened on Christmas in 1968 when the then President Nixon asked Kerry and I to go into Cambodia. This memory is seared into my brain.

11-09-2007, 06:22 PM
I will have to admit that I too voted for Kerry and then voted against him. It happened on Christmas in 1968 when the then President Nixon asked Kerry and I to go into Cambodia. This memory is seared into my brain.

just as long as you admit that Thurlow and O'Neil are proven liars, I don't care what else you admit.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:23 PM
just as long as you admit that Thurlow and O'Neil are proven liars, I don't care what else you admit.

In your pea brain dominated by DNC talking points with a fact filter - they are liars

Meanhwile you defend a man guilty of treason and never ending sliming of US troops

Nothing shocking or surprising

11-09-2007, 06:27 PM
In your pea brain dominated by DNC talking points with a fact filter - they are liars

Meanhwile you defend a man guilty of treason and never ending sliming of US troops

Nothing shocking or surprising

no. they are liars.

thurlow claimed that Kerry never took enemy fire on the day he won his bronze star.... oddly enough, thurlow won a bronze star for that very same engagement, and HIS bronze star citation specifically mentions enemy fire taken by the formation. liar.

o'neil called kerry unfit for command in 2004, yet, in Vietnam, he called him the best officer in Coastal Division 11. and a quarter of a century later, in Boston harbor, during a Kerry for Senate campaign rally, he called him a hero and a great leader. liar.

those are the facts.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:29 PM
no. they are liars.

thurlow claimed that Kerry never took enemy fire on the day he won his bronze star.... oddly enough, thurlow won a bronze star for that very same engagement, and HIS bronze star citation specifically mentions enemy fire taken by the formation. liar.

o'neil called kerry unfit for command in 2004, yet, in Vietnam, he called him the best officer in Coastal Division 11. and a quarter of a century later, in Boston harbor, during a Kerry for Senate campaign rally, he called him a hero and a great leader. liar.

those are the facts.

Kerry was in Vietnam for three months when the rest of his crew had to do a full year tour of duty.

Why, or how, did Kerry get out of Vietnam so quickly?

Was it because he won all those shiny ribbons and medals so the military was rewarding him for a job well done?

Or maybe Kerry's commanding officers thought he was a liability and wanted him gone.

Anyway, he got his Silver Star for shooting an unarmed boy in the back as he was running away.

He got three purple hearts for minor scrapes

Wounded three times and never missed a day of combat due to his injuries. Amazing.

11-09-2007, 06:31 PM
why can't you defend the two star swifties and their lies???

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:33 PM
why can't you defend the two star swifties and their lies???

They have not been proven to be liars - only to demented libs like you are the liars

11-09-2007, 06:35 PM
They have not been proven to be liars - only to demented libs like you are the liars

WHAT??Thurlow said there was NO enemy fire, yet HE accepted a bronze star for the same incident and the citation talked specifically about enemy fire to the formation.

can you explain that?

O'Neil has to be lying either in Vietnam and then in Boston a quarter of a century later, or he is lying in the swiftie attack. take your pick...either way, he's a PROVEN liar.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:37 PM

WHAT??Thurlow said there was NO enemy fire, yet HE accepted a bronze star for the same incident and the citation talked specifically about enemy fire to the formation.

can you explain that?

O'Neil has to be lying either in Vietnam and then in Boston a quarter of a century later, or he is lying in the swiftie attack. take your pick...either way, he's a PROVEN liar.

Injuries??? Last I heard, he was being awarded the Purple Heart for superficial wounds, scratches here and there. Kerry was never injured in Vietnam.

the swift boat vets showed what a fake and fraud he was, and still is

11-09-2007, 06:44 PM

WHAT?? Thurlow said there was NO enemy fire, yet HE accepted a bronze star for the same incident and the citation talked specifically about enemy fire to the formation.

can you explain that?

O'Neil has to be lying either in Vietnam and then in Boston a quarter of a century later, or he is lying in the swiftie attack. take your pick...either way, he's a PROVEN liar.

you failed to address these lies. will that happen anytime soon?

red states rule
11-09-2007, 06:45 PM
you failed to address these lies. will that happen anytime soon?

What lies? Nothing has been proven

Anyone taking odds on when or if he will actually authorize the release of his records as he promised to do 3 years ago?

11-09-2007, 06:59 PM
What lies? Nothing has been proven

Anyone taking odds on when or if he will actually authorize the release of his records as he promised to do 3 years ago?

are you suggesting that Thurlow did NOT claim that Kerry did not take enemy fire the day he won his first bronze star?

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:03 PM
are you suggesting that Thurlow did NOT claim that Kerry did not take enemy fire the day he won his first bronze star?

As far as I know they have not been proven to have lied

Of course John Boy did get his medals

11-09-2007, 07:04 PM
As far as I know they have not been proven to have lied

Of course John Boy did get his Purpal Hearts

answer my question. are you suggesting that Thurlow did NOT say that Kerry did NOT take enemy fire the day he got his first bronze star?

yes or no?

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:05 PM
answer my question. are you suggesting that Thurlow did NOT say that Kerry did NOT take enemy fire the day he got his first bronze star?

yes or no?

Keep trying to defend the indefensible

Another lying Dem caught and you issue another pass

11-09-2007, 07:09 PM
Keep trying to defend the indefensible

Another lying Dem caught and you issue another pass

why can't you answer a simple question?

Thurlow stated in "Unfit for Command" that Kerry was lying when he said that he had taken enemy fire during the engagement for which he was awarded his bronze star.


Thurlow received a bronze star for the exact same engagement.


Thurlow's bronze star citation specifically mentions enemy fire being taken by the formation of swift boats.


Thurlow is a liar.


but DO keep trying to run away from it!:laugh2:

11-09-2007, 07:09 PM
the key swifties were demonstrably liars. fact.

wrong. the only thing demonsterful is your posts. now go pet JK's hair and feel good about yourself....

11-09-2007, 07:11 PM
wrong. the only thing demonsterful is your posts. now go pet JK's hair and feel good about yourself....

done eating at the kid's table, are we? how droll!:laugh2:

11-09-2007, 07:11 PM
why can't you answer a simple question?

Thurlow stated in "Unfit for Command" that Kerry was lying when he said that he had taken enemy fire during the engagement for which he was awarded his bronze star.


Thurlow received a bronze star for the exact same engagement.


Thurlow's bronze star citation specifically mentions enemy fire being taken by the formation of swift boats.


Thurlow is a liar.


but DO keep trying to run away from it!:laugh2:

John ketchup Harry's boat left hours ago, go catch up already...

11-09-2007, 07:12 PM
done eating at the kid's table, are we? how droll!:laugh2:

what is wrong with the kids table? you a child hater?

11-09-2007, 07:16 PM
what is wrong with the kids table? you a child hater?

no....I think kids are great. I just always made sure that mine didn't rudely interrupt when adults were talking!:lol:

11-09-2007, 07:18 PM
no....I think kids are great. I just always made sure that mine didn't rudely interrupt when adults were talking!:lol:

and that is why kids like the kid table, when "adults" like you make jokes, we thank the table 'god' for adults like you who send us to a seperate table.....

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:18 PM
no....I think kids are great. I just always made sure that mine didn't rudely interrupt when adults were talking!:lol:

unless they have cancer and need chemo. Then you make jokes about it

11-09-2007, 07:19 PM
unless they have cancer and need chemo. Then you make jokes about it


11-09-2007, 07:19 PM
edited for content

11-09-2007, 07:20 PM
rsr....did you miss this one, or are you just running away like you always do?

why can't you answer a simple question?

Thurlow stated in "Unfit for Command" that Kerry was lying when he said that he had taken enemy fire during the engagement for which he was awarded his bronze star.


Thurlow received a bronze star for the exact same engagement.


Thurlow's bronze star citation specifically mentions enemy fire being taken by the formation of swift boats.


Thurlow is a liar.


but DO keep trying to run away from it!:laugh2:

11-09-2007, 07:21 PM
littlegirlfrommaine (is her name) is a fag, I hope she gets her ass beat one day for being a little bitch.

I dont hit little girls thought, so she is safe. Littlegirlfrommaine

bware the mods

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:21 PM
He is a fag, I hope he gets his ass beat one day for being a little bitch.

Back to the topic. John Boy at one of his finer moments

11-09-2007, 07:23 PM
edited for content

11-09-2007, 07:24 PM
unless they have cancer and need chemo. Then you make jokes about it

oh no...children with cancer are terribly pathetic cases. I would never joke about them...and I am on record, rsr, apologizing to you and to the board for my insensitivity about your apparent cancer and treatment. I didn't believe you at first, but your pals all claim that it is legit. I hope you get well soon. I really do.

Like I said, my lifelong best friend was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma in March. He had chemo...he lost all his hair... I assume you will lose yours too, but the good news is that he has completed his chemo treatments and his hair is already growing back. He has been declared cancer free. Let's all hope that you are too!

11-09-2007, 07:25 PM
oh no...children with cancer are terribly pathetic cases. I would never joke about them...and I am on record, rsr, apologizing to you and to the board for my insensitivity about your apparent cancer and treatment. I didn't believe you at first, but your pals all claim that it is legit. I hope you get well soon. I really do.

Like I said, my lifelong best friend was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma in March. He had chemo...he lost all his hair... I assume you will lose yours too, but the good news is that he has completed his chemo treatments and his hair is already growing back. He has been declared cancer free. Let's all hope that you are too!


11-09-2007, 07:26 PM
rsr...you ever gonna address thurlow's proven lies? Cuz then we can move on to the next swiftie liar. let me know, OK?

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:26 PM
oh no...children with cancer are terribly pathetic cases. I would never joke about them...and I am on record, rsr, apologizing to you and to the board for my insensitivity about your apparent cancer and treatment. I didn't believe you at first, but your pals all claim that it is legit. I hope you get well soon. I really do.

Like I said, my lifelong best friend was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma in March. He had chemo...he lost all his hair... I assume you will lose yours too, but the good news is that he has completed his chemo treatments and his hair is already growing back. He has been declared cancer free. Let's all hope that you are too!

First Dems want to cut and run from iraq - now MM in cutting and running from what he said about me

and he calls others on the board cowards

11-09-2007, 07:29 PM
First Dems want to cut and run from iraq - now MM in cutting and running from what he said about me

and he calls others on the board cowards

I cut and run from nothing. I publicly apologized. that is a matter of record.

are you gonna address thurlow's lies, or are you gonna keep avoiding them?

11-09-2007, 07:29 PM
I cant see pms, but you have a track record of those type of comments maineman, and the fact you havent denied it.

First Dems want to cut and run from iraq - now MM in cutting and running from what he said about me

and he calls others on the board cowards

11-09-2007, 07:31 PM
First Dems want to cut and run from iraq - now MM in cutting and running from what he said about me

and he calls others on the board cowards

reread the word "apparent"

11-09-2007, 07:31 PM
I cant see pms, but you have a track record of those type of comments maineman, and the fact you havent denied it.

isn't it time for another plate of ding dongs, moron?:lol:

11-09-2007, 07:32 PM
i know youre an old man, so ill say this slowly. Turn up youre hearing aid.

Ive lost 5.6 pounds

suck on that faggot.

You make jimmy carter seem rational

isn't it time for another plate of ding dongs, moron?:lol:

11-09-2007, 07:33 PM
isn't it time for another plate of ding dongs, moron?:lol:



11-09-2007, 07:33 PM
i know youre an old man, so ill say this slowly. Turn up youre hearing aid.

Ive lost 5.6 pounds

suck on that faggot.

You make jimmy carter seem rational

so you're down to 255 pounds of jiggly blubber? good for you chubby!:laugh2:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:34 PM
reread the word "apparent"

Another example of liberal compasion

11-09-2007, 07:35 PM
Another example of liberal compasion


11-09-2007, 07:35 PM
RSR: Thurlow. liar. comments?:lol:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:36 PM


11-09-2007, 07:38 PM

I am very compassionate.

are you suggesting that we take everything everyone says or claims at absolute face value at all times? If you claimed to have grown a second head, I am just supposed to ask what color eyes does it have? :lol:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 07:49 PM
What a guy John boy is

He got three purple hearts and yet not miss one day of combat duty due to his injuries

Then again they were scratches

11-09-2007, 07:50 PM
I am very compassionate.

are you suggesting that we take everything everyone says or claims at absolute face value at all times? If you claimed to have grown a second head, I am just supposed to ask what color eyes does it have? :lol:



You are an idiot. You have already been called out on your stchick with RSR over his cancer, and then you effing throw this:

insensitivity about your apparent cancer and treatment

Are you just plain stupid or special stupid?

11-09-2007, 07:59 PM


You are an idiot. You have already been called out on your stchick with RSR over his cancer, and then you effing throw this:

Are you just plain stupid or special stupid?

ummm...can you perhaps comprehend, that at the time of my insensitivity, I was not convinced that RSR was, in fact, afflicted with cancer....hence, at the time that I said it, it was only apparent, and not certain? come on. this ain't rocket science. I have apologized. publicly and privately.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:02 PM
ummm...can you perhaps comprehend, that at the time of my insensitivity, I was not convinced that RSR was, in fact, afflicted with cancer....hence, at the time that I said it, it was only apparent, and not certain? come on. this ain't rocket science. I have apologized. publicly and privately.

Duck everyone - income BS from the state of Maine

11-09-2007, 08:05 PM
ummm...can you perhaps comprehend, that at the time of my insensitivity, I was not convinced that RSR was, in fact, afflicted with cancer....hence, at the time that I said it, it was only apparent, and not certain? come on. this ain't rocket science. I have apologized. publicly and privately.

dolt, you used the word now, not then, NOW. what is wrong with you? go re-read your post again, you are talking present tense, idiot.

11-09-2007, 08:07 PM
why not just say, I hate rsr, and i was mad, i acted badly.


then its all good, atleast for me

Duck everyone - income BS from the state of Maine

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:09 PM
why not just say, I hate rsr, and i was mad, i acted badly.


then its all good, atleast for me

MM and the truth mix as well as oil and water

11-09-2007, 08:12 PM
dolt, you used the word now, not then, NOW. what is wrong with you? go re-read your post again, you are talking present tense, idiot.

no. I was talking about the time at which I exhibited the insensitivity.

11-09-2007, 08:13 PM
its strange, one minute youre sorry the next minute youre telling that same person to fuck off

which is the real maineman

the sensitive sweet maineman :lol:

or the angry hateful maineman

no. I was talking about the time at which I exhibited the insensitivity.

11-09-2007, 08:14 PM
no. I was talking about the time at which I exhibited the insensitivity.

then learn how to write, b/c that is not what you expressed. don't make me rake you over the coals for this. just accept it and move on.

11-09-2007, 08:16 PM
then learn how to write, b/c that is not what you expressed. don't make me rake you over the coals for this. just accept it and move on.

accept my statement of intent. and move on.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:18 PM
I see John Boy is loved by his base

11-09-2007, 08:19 PM
I see John Boy is loved by his base

I see you keep running away from the swiftie lies.

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:20 PM
I see you keep running away from the swiftie lies.

No lies to run away from

Only in your warped and weak mind

11-09-2007, 08:21 PM
accept my statement of intent. and move on.


You just PMd me about this and you have effing nuts to tell me to move on... you sad sack of ................

You are wrong, just admit it, deal with it.

11-09-2007, 08:22 PM

You just PMd me about this and you have effing nuts to tell me to move on... you sad sack of ................

You are wrong, just admit it, deal with it.

I am not wrong....only misinterpreted by you. move on.:fu:

11-09-2007, 08:25 PM
:fu: you started this mess. you made your bed, now lie in it.

I am not wrong....only misinterpreted by you. move on.:fu:

11-09-2007, 08:31 PM
No lies to run away from

Only in your warped and weak mind

did Thurlow claim Kerry was lying about taking enemy fire during the engagement for which he won the bronze star?

yes or no

did Thurlow win a bronze star for the exact same engagement?

yes or no

did Thurlow's citation for that bronze star specifically mention enemy fire upon the swift boats?

yes or no

grow some stones and answer the questions.

or run away, like you always do.

11-09-2007, 08:32 PM
:fu: you started this mess. you made your bed, now lie in it.

did you finish that plate of cupcakes already fatty?

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:33 PM
did Thurlow claim Kerry was lying about taking enemy fire during the engagement for which he won the bronze star?

yes or no

did Thurlow win a bronze star for the exact same engagement?

yes or no

did Thurlow's citation for that bronze star specifically mention enemy fire upon the swift boats?

yes or no

grow some stones and answer the questions.

or run away, like you always do.

Talking points from the Dem Underground and Daily Kos does not count

11-09-2007, 08:37 PM
what? they are from Unfit for Command and from Thurlow's own citiation.

Thurlow claimed that Kerry did not receive enemy fire. fact.

Thurlow's citation for his bronze star specifically mentions enemy fire. fact.

now either explain it or admit that thurlow is a liar or run away.

And here I thought you were the guy who loved facts!

11-09-2007, 08:41 PM
edited for content

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:44 PM
you make fun of people with cancer and talk shit about peoples kids, you have zero credibility, not to mention the fact, you are paranoid that any attack on you is an attack on youre service, or patriotism.

I got it, we got it.

youre a veteran.

You can be a hero, and still be a vicious idiot

Easy bud

The war is over now, maybe he can get the parts for his head

MM is stuck in a time warp - he thinks he can go back and change history with lies and smears

11-09-2007, 08:48 PM
cats make me smile :)

i love youre avatar

Easy bud

The war is over now, maybe he can get the parts for his head

MM is stuck in a time warp - he thinks he can go back and change history with lies and smears

11-09-2007, 08:50 PM
what? they are from Unfit for Command and from Thurlow's own citiation.

Thurlow claimed that Kerry did not receive enemy fire. fact.

Thurlow's citation for his bronze star specifically mentions enemy fire. fact.

now either explain it or admit that thurlow is a liar or run away.

And here I thought you were the guy who loved facts!

keep runnin' red!:laugh2:

11-09-2007, 08:51 PM
cats make me smile :)

i love youre avatar

get a room!:lol:

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:52 PM
keep runnin' red!:laugh2:

All you have is hate, rage, and a hell of alot of BS

The Swift Boaters have been proven correct - much to the dismay of the left and hacks like you

11-09-2007, 08:54 PM
Hate and rage.

Yup, thats our maineman


All you have is hate, rage, and a hell of alot of BS

The Swift Boaters have been proven correct - much to the dismay of the left and hacks like you

red states rule
11-09-2007, 08:54 PM
Hate and rage.

Yup, thats our maineman


You forgot to include the BS

11-09-2007, 08:58 PM
All you have is hate, rage, and a hell of alot of BS

The Swift Boaters have been proven correct - much to the dismay of the left and hacks like you

did thurlow claim that kerry was lying about receiving enemy fire when he got his bronze star?

did thurlow's citation for HIS bronze star that he received for the exact same engagement specifically mention enemy fire?

two simple questions, RSR. no rage ...no hate...no BS...just two simple questions. why do you refuse to answer them?

maybe your pal actsnoblemartin can answer them for you. what about it martin?

what's the matter martin? cat got your tongue? do you mean to say that NEITHER of you can answer those two simple questions?

11-09-2007, 09:03 PM
Im wiling to answer them.

im gonna look into it, in just a moment, until then enjoy

I simply took did thurlow claim that kerry was lying about receiving enemy fire when he got his bronze star?
and put it in google and then took did thurlow's citation for HIS bronze star that he received for the exact same engagement specifically mention enemy fire? and put it into google as well.

to show my sources, of where i will look for the answers, and you can too not just maineman, anyone.

http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=did+thurlow+claim+that+kerry+was+lying+ab out+receiving+enemy+fire+when+he+got+his+bronze+st ar%3F&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGkwYJEjVHqUkAjwJXNyoA?p=did+thurlow %27s+citation+for+HIS+bronze+star+that+he+received +for+the+exact+same+engagement+specifically+mentio n+enemy+fire%3F&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-501

did thurlow claim that kerry was lying about receiving enemy fire when he got his bronze star?

did thurlow's citation for HIS bronze star that he received for the exact same engagement specifically mention enemy fire?

two simple questions, RSR. no rage ...no hate...no BS...just two simple questions. why do you refuse to answer them?

maybe your pal actsnoblemartin can answer them for you. what about it martin?

red states rule
11-09-2007, 09:04 PM
Im wiling to answer them.

Have a shovel to handle MM's BS

11-09-2007, 09:05 PM
Im wiling to answer them.

I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath:laugh2:

oh....here it is:

"In newspaper interviews and a best-selling book, Larry Thurlow, who commanded a Navy Swift boat alongside Kerry in Vietnam, has strongly disputed Kerry's claim that the Massachusetts Democrat's boat came under fire during a mission in Viet Cong-controlled territory on March 13, 1969. Kerry won a Bronze Star for his actions that day

But Thurlow's military records, portions of which were released yesterday to The Washington Post under the Freedom of Information Act, contain several references to "enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire" directed at "all units" of the five-boat flotilla. Thurlow won his own Bronze Star that day, and the citation praises him for providing assistance to a damaged Swift boat "despite enemy bullets flying about him."

comments marty? comments red?

11-09-2007, 09:06 PM
Have a shovel to handle MM's BS

no BS red...just two simple questions. why are you so afraid of answering them?


the silence is deafening!

11-09-2007, 09:13 PM
maineman, do these names mean anything to you?

Rich Barker, Don Droz and Rich McCann

no BS red...just two simple questions. why are you so afraid of answering them?



So Bruce Moomaw says:

"...the obvious thing to do is to track down the skippers of the other
three Swift Boats and find out what THEY say. According to Brinkley
(if he's right), they were Rich Barker, Don Droz and Rich McCann."

11-09-2007, 09:16 PM
maineman, do these names mean anything to you?

Rich Barker, Don Droz and Rich McCann


So Bruce Moomaw says:

"...the obvious thing to do is to track down the skippers of the other
three Swift Boats and find out what THEY say. According to Brinkley
(if he's right), they were Rich Barker, Don Droz and Rich McCann."

and here I thought you said you were going to ANSWER questions.

I was talking about a guy named Thurlow and his accusations against Kerry. Do you want to answer my questions like you said you would or are you gonna blow smoke and run away like RSR?

11-09-2007, 09:17 PM
I seriously doubt, im gonna find a reputable site.

its either gonna be a fuck john kerry site, or a fuck george bush site.


11-09-2007, 09:18 PM
I seriously doubt, im gonna find a reputable site.

its either gonna be a fuck john kerry site, or a fuck george bush site.


your site was revealing. go read the quote above from the washington post.

11-09-2007, 09:19 PM

im in the middle of doing a continuing education thing.

ill do more on this later.


11-09-2007, 09:22 PM
maineman im working on it ok, i didnt go looking for pro or anti kerry sites.

your site was revealing. go read the quote above from the washington post.

11-09-2007, 09:24 PM
Based on the words in this post.

The man lied.

I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath:laugh2:

oh....here it is:

"In newspaper interviews and a best-selling book, Larry Thurlow, who commanded a Navy Swift boat alongside Kerry in Vietnam, has strongly disputed Kerry's claim that the Massachusetts Democrat's boat came under fire during a mission in Viet Cong-controlled territory on March 13, 1969. Kerry won a Bronze Star for his actions that day

But Thurlow's military records, portions of which were released yesterday to The Washington Post under the Freedom of Information Act, contain several references to "enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire" directed at "all units" of the five-boat flotilla. Thurlow won his own Bronze Star that day, and the citation praises him for providing assistance to a damaged Swift boat "despite enemy bullets flying about him."

comments marty? comments red?

11-09-2007, 09:26 PM
I was never a fan of swift boat veterans for truth, when any political group says their for truth run. :lol:

11-09-2007, 09:29 PM
Based on the words in this post.

The man lied.

but wait! your busom buddy RSR has already said that the swifties were "proven" to have told the truth. something is amiss! what could that be???

11-09-2007, 09:33 PM
Denial? I dont know

but wait! your busom buddy RSR has already said that the swifties were "proven" to have told the truth. something is amiss! what could that be???

11-09-2007, 10:09 PM
I haven't read through this complete thread. I've gotten bits and pieces, I'll just say I'll wait to all those of 'the past' have spoken.Then I'll decide. Kerry couldn't rebut the Swiftboaters 'then', I doubt he'll be able to 'now.' I could be wrong and would acknowledge so.

11-09-2007, 10:22 PM
I haven't read through this complete thread. I've gotten bits and pieces, I'll just say I'll wait to all those of 'the past' have spoken.Then I'll decide. Kerry couldn't rebut the Swiftboaters 'then', I doubt he'll be able to 'now.' I could be wrong and would acknowledge so.

it really doesn't matter. Kerry will never be the democratic nominee for president.

he did a terrible job counterpunching when he was subjected to rovian tactics.

I can clearly document clear and unambiguous LIES from two of the swiftie's stars, but who cares? RSR and his ilk will never admit that it was a smear campaign, and I grow weary of the entire affair.

In the final analysis, it is just more obfuscation and misdirection from a group of folks who really doesn't want to talk about how badly they are doing in national polls and how badly it looks like they will get their asses kicked in '08.

But hey...let's talk about Bill Clinton some more...let's talk about Kerry.

Shit...let's talk about Al Smith, for that matter.....but God forbid we talk about George Bush. :laugh2:

11-09-2007, 10:23 PM
Denial? I dont know

you don't KNOW? of COURSE you know. He's your best buddy!

11-09-2007, 11:12 PM
The bottom line with kerry was, i didnt believe in him. I never truly knew his position, or atleast felt i did.

I dont like the whole character attacks on kerry and bush, but that is the norm these days.

no one knows what Kerry's position is. he keeps changing it.

11-09-2007, 11:13 PM
no one knows what Kerry's position is. he keeps changing it.

I would agree. He was a terrible candidate. we could have done much better.

11-10-2007, 12:47 AM
who are you endorsing this time?

I would agree. He was a terrible candidate. we could have done much better.

red states rule
11-10-2007, 06:20 AM
no BS red...just two simple questions. why are you so afraid of answering them?


the silence is deafening!

From what I have read, the Washington post story you linked was based on the fraudulent after action report Kerry wrote

Then John Boy got nailed by his own lies

Kerry's war journal
contradicts medal claim?
At least 9 days after Purple Heart,
wrote he had not 'been shot at yet'

Posted: August 17, 2004
8:00 p.m. Eastern

By Art Moore
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

A previously unnoticed passage in John Kerry's approved war biography, citing his own journals, appears to contradict the senator's claim he won his first Purple Heart as a result of an injury sustained under enemy fire

Kerry, who served as commander of a Navy swift boat, has insisted he was wounded by enemy fire Dec. 2, 1968, when he and two other men took a smaller vessel, a Boston Whaler, on a patrol north of his base at Cam Ranh Bay.

But Douglas Brinkley's "Tour of Duty," for which Kerry supplied his journals and letters, indicates that as Kerry set out on a subsequent mission, he had not yet been under enemy fire.

While the date of the four-day excursion on PCF-44 [Patrol Craft Fast] is not specified, Brinkley notes it commenced when Kerry "had just turned 25, on Dec. 11, 1968," which was nine days after the incident in which he claimed he had been wounded by enemy fire.

Brinkley recounts the outset of that mid-December journey, which included a crew of radarman James Wasser, engineman William Zaladonis, gunner's mate Stephen Gardner and boatswain's mates Drew Whitlow and Stephen Hatch:

"They pulled away from the pier at Cat Lo with spirits high, feeling satisfied with the way things were going for them. They had no lust for battle, but they also were were not afraid. Kerry wrote in his notebook, 'A cocky feeling of invincibility accompanied us up the Long Tau shipping channel because we hadn't been shot at yet, and Americans at war who haven't been shot at are allowed to be cocky.'"
The diary entry apparently confirms assertions made by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth, a group of more than 250 vets opposing his presidential candidacy who served in the Naval operation that patrolled the rivers and canals of the Mekong Delta area controlled by North Vietnam.

Kerry has made his four months of service in Vietnam a central theme in his campaign, arguing his purported war heroics help qualify him to be commander in chief.

In the swift-boat group's newly published book, "Unfit for Command," authors John O'Neill, who took over command of Kerry's boat, and Jerome Corsi assert the wound for which Kerry received his medal actually was caused by him firing an M-79 grenade launcher too close, "causing a tiny piece of shrapnel (one to two centimeters) to barely stick in his arm."


11-10-2007, 02:17 PM
you failed to answer two simple questions:

did Thurlow claim that Kerry had lied about taking enemy fire in the incident for which he was awarded his bronze star? yes or no

did thurlow receive and accept a bronze star for that very same incident and the citation for which specifically mentioned all units taking enemy fire? yes or no

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:23 PM
you failed to answer two simple questions:

did Thurlow claim that Kerry had lied about taking enemy fire in the incident for which he was awarded his bronze star? yes or no

did thurlow receive and accept a bronze star for that very same incident and the citation for which specifically mentioned all units taking enemy fire? yes or no

I did. Kerry wrote the reports which were lies

11-10-2007, 02:31 PM
I did. Kerry wrote the reports which were lies
so..if they were lies, why would Thurlow accept his bronze star for things that did not happen?

I know for a fact that I can damned near recite from memory every single citation for every single medal I ever was awarded. Thurlow took something that he did not deserve if his squadron did not take enemy fire.

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:31 PM
so..if they were lies, why would Thurlow accept his bronze star for things that did not happen?

I know for a fact that I can damned near recite from memory every single citation for every single medal I ever was awarded. Thurlow took something that he did not deserve if his squadron did not take enemy fire.

Kerry lied about his "record" and was caught

11-10-2007, 02:36 PM
Yours were not won

They were borrowed or stolen

that is a silly statement. you, of course, do not know that...this is only an attempt by you to avoid answering the question about Thurlow.:lol:

11-10-2007, 02:37 PM
Kerry lied about his "record" and was caught

you continue to avoid. why IS that?

why did thurlow accept his bronze star if the citation for it was filled with lies?


red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:37 PM
that is a silly statement. you, of course, do not know that...this is only an attempt by you to avoid answering the question about Thurlow.:lol:

I did

Kerry wrote the report and he got his awards for minor scratches

11-10-2007, 02:38 PM
I did

Kerry wrote the report and he got his awards for minor scratches

no. you didn't.

why would thurlow accept HIS bronze star if it was fraudulent?

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:50 PM
no. you didn't.

why would thurlow accept HIS bronze star if it was fraudulent?

According to John Boy, who was in command, they defeated the entire Viet Cong army and navy

11-10-2007, 02:53 PM
According to John Boy, who was in command, they defeated the entire Viet Cong army and navy

why did thurlow accept HIS bronze star if the citation was fraudulent?

red states rule
11-10-2007, 02:55 PM
why did thurlow accept HIS bronze star if the citation was fraudulent?

Not according to Capt Kerry

11-10-2007, 02:56 PM
I do not live in a trailer park nubmnuts. Usually we finds a liberal, use him for bait, and go bear hunting

quit tap dancing. why did thurlow accept his bronze star if it was fraudulent?

simple question..... why not just be a big boy and answer it?

red states rule
11-11-2007, 06:42 PM
quit tap dancing. why did thurlow accept his bronze star if it was fraudulent?

simple question..... why not just be a big boy and answer it?

Kerry wrote the report dipshit

Thurlow did not

11-11-2007, 06:49 PM
but thurlow certainly had the opportunity to refuse his medal then, if the after action report that discussed enemy fire was inaccurate. Why did he accept his bnronze star if it was based opon fruad?

red states rule
11-11-2007, 06:51 PM
but thurlow certainly had the opportunity to refuse his medal then, if the after action report that discussed enemy fire was inaccurate. Why did he accept his bnronze star if it was based opon fruad?

According to the Officer who wrote the report, all was fine with the award. My, we have an election over this - months of debate - Kery still has not released his records - and you still kiss his ass and act like Kerry is the victim

11-11-2007, 06:56 PM
fact: Thurlow received a bronze star that specifically cited his taking enemy fire.

He claims that didn't happen and he supposedly knew it didn't happen the day he recieved his award.

Why would a supposedly honorable naval officer like him not refuse such a medal if the premise for it was fraudulent?

red states rule
11-11-2007, 06:57 PM
fact: Thurlow received a bronze star that specifically cited his taking enemy fire.

He claims that didn't happen and he supposedly knew it didn't happen the day he recieved his award.

Why would a supposedly honorable naval officer like him not refuse such a medal if the premise for it was fraudulent?

As the great Warner Wolfe would say MM

If you took John kerry and 19 states - you lost

Give it up old man

11-11-2007, 07:04 PM
tough question, isn't it? I understand why you would run away from it and not answer. FACTS scare the shit out of you, don't they?

let's try it again:

fact: Thurlow received a bronze star that specifically cited his taking enemy fire.

He claims that didn't happen and he supposedly knew it didn't happen the day he recieved his award.

Why would a supposedly honorable naval officer like him not refuse such a medal if the premise for it was fraudulent?

oh..and point in fact: he has YET to return his Bronze Star even now!

red states rule
11-12-2007, 05:50 AM
tough question, isn't it? I understand why you would run away from it and not answer. FACTS scare the shit out of you, don't they?

let's try it again:

fact: Thurlow received a bronze star that specifically cited his taking enemy fire.

He claims that didn't happen and he supposedly knew it didn't happen the day he recieved his award.

Why would a supposedly honorable naval officer like him not refuse such a medal if the premise for it was fraudulent?

oh..and point in fact: he has YET to return his Bronze Star even now!

Poor boy

Still fighting battles that were lost a long time ago

Now if you idiots would would put this much effort into fighting the terrorists, instead of Pres Bush

11-12-2007, 07:30 AM

who STARTED this thread and now runs away from it?

YOU wanna talk about swifties, but you really don't want to have to answer any of the tough questions about them.


red states rule
11-12-2007, 07:31 AM

who STARTED this thread and now runs away from it?

YOU wanna talk about swifties, but you really don't want to have to answer any of the tough questions about them.


The thread is how John Boy is NOW ready to take on the Swigt Boat Vets

The problem is he is 3 years late reporting for duty

11-12-2007, 07:32 AM
so why can't you answer any questions about the blatant lies of one of those swifties?

red states rule
11-12-2007, 07:37 AM
so why can't you answer any questions about the blatant lies of one of those swifties?

I think this thread now represents post Kerry Loss Delayed Stress Syndrome

11-12-2007, 07:45 AM
but why do you refuse to address Thurlow's obvious lies? what are you afraid of?

red states rule
11-12-2007, 07:47 AM
but why do you refuse to address Thurlow's obvious lies? what are you afraid of?

I have

At least the good Senator from Massachusetts has the courage to take on these extremely annoying people with their boats that are Swift 3 years later and to say, “I am reporting for duty.”

11-12-2007, 07:50 AM
no...you never have...all you do is try to blame it on Kerry.

Why did Thurlow ACCEPT a bronze star that was, according to him, granted to HIM for fraudulent reasons?

red states rule
11-12-2007, 08:15 AM
no...you never have...all you do is try to blame it on Kerry.

Why did Thurlow ACCEPT a bronze star that was, according to him, granted to HIM for fraudulent reasons?

I have

Kerry is not very swift

11-12-2007, 08:32 AM
no. you haven't. you have NEVER explained why Thurlow accepted his bronze star when he knew at the time he was awarded it, that the citation was supposedly fraudulent.

you seem to be running away from that question.

red states rule
11-12-2007, 08:37 AM
no. you haven't. you have NEVER explained why Thurlow accepted his bronze star when he knew at the time he was awarded it, that the citation was supposedly fraudulent.

you seem to be running away from that question.

so you are saying John Boy lied on the after action report?

11-12-2007, 09:09 AM
not at all. you are, of course. and so is Thurlow.

My question to you - which you seem to be running from as fast as you can - is:

If the after action report was fraudulent and the formation of swift boats did NOT receive enemy fire, as Thurlow claims in "Unfit for Command", why did THURLOW accept a bronze star for that very same incident? Why, if the report was fraudulent - according to him - would he accept a medal that was supposedly given under false pretenses?

why won't you just answer that simple question?

red states rule
11-13-2007, 07:16 AM
not at all. you are, of course. and so is Thurlow.

My question to you - which you seem to be running from as fast as you can - is:

If the after action report was fraudulent and the formation of swift boats did NOT receive enemy fire, as Thurlow claims in "Unfit for Command", why did THURLOW accept a bronze star for that very same incident? Why, if the report was fraudulent - according to him - would he accept a medal that was supposedly given under false pretenses?

why won't you just answer that simple question?

Still stuck in a tim warp MM?

John Boy wrote the after action report

Thurlow did not know that at the time

Of John Boy had all the facts, he has kept him to himself and is way late trying to take these guys on

Only hacks like you keep trying to win the war that was lost 3 years ago

11-13-2007, 07:29 AM
Still stuck in a tim warp MM?

John Boy wrote the after action report

Thurlow did not know that at the time

Of John Boy had all the facts, he has kept him to himself and is way late trying to take these guys on

Only hacks like you keep trying to win the war that was lost 3 years ago

Since you have never won a medal for valor, you might be unaware of this...but, before they hand you the medal, they read the citation. Thurlow's citation specifically included references to enemy fire. He knew BEFORE he took the medal, and he could have easily returned it and claimed he did not deserve it under those supposedly inaccurate circumstances. He didn't return it then.... he NEVER returned it. And you, nor he, has any reasonable explanation...but I would love to see you keep tapdancing:dancing :dance: