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View Full Version : Map And Tag Em: Its Better To Know Just Where The Enemy Is*

11-10-2007, 09:05 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But LAPD has it right, they should know where the enemy is when *The Sh_t Hits The Fan*, out there.
2. They should know where they all are, all over this Nation.
3. Islam is dangerous and unhealthy for *All Free Peoples*.
4. When will we truly understand this???:poke:


5. Read this:



LOS ANGELES -- A plan by the LAPD counterterrorism bureau to create a map detailing the Muslim communities in that city was reported Friday to be angering civil rights groups.


At least three major Muslim groups and the American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter Thursday to top city officials raising concerns about the plan, The New York Times reported.

"When the starting point for a police investigation is, 'Let's look at all Muslims,' we are going down a dangerous road," attorney Peter Bibring of the ACLU of Southern California told the newspaper in an interview.

Some Los Angeles-based Muslim groups were critical of the approach.

"For the LAPD or any police department to assume that one group is more terrorist or violent than another because of their religion alone, that's a very scary phenomenon in our country," a Muslim advocate group representative said.

One representative brought up past incidents, comparing them to the recent developments regarding the map.

"It arouses suspicions in the minds of Muslims that, 'Here we come again,'" a Muslim Public Affairs Council of Southern California representative said. "They wanted to study us, to classify us, to map us."

The objections started after LAPD Deputy Chief Michael P. Downing, who heads the counterterrorism bureau, testified before a U.S. Senate committee on Oct. 30 that the LAPD was combining forces with an unidentified academic institution and looking for a Muslim partner to carry out the mapping project of Muslim neighborhoods, the Times reported.

He testified that the project would determine the geographic distribution of Muslims in the Los Angeles area and take "a look at their history, demographics, language, culture, ethnic breakdown, socioeconomic status and social interactions."

Local Muslim leaders have decried the LAPD's new plan. More

The idea, Downing told the Times, would be to determine which communities might be having problems integrating and thus might have members susceptible to carrying out attacks.

The estimated 500,000 Muslims living in the Greater L.A. area, including Orange and Riverside counties, represent the second-biggest U.S. concentration outside New York City.

Not all area Muslim groups object to Downing's idea.

Salam al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, which is considering being the LAPD's partner in the project, told the Times he supported anything that would help integration, as long as it safeguarded civil liberties.

But other groups argue that the mapping idea is no better than racial profiling.

The letter sent Thursday suggested that representatives of groups opposed to the project meet with Downing to discuss it, the Times reported. Signatories included Muslim Advocates, a national association of Muslim lawyers, and the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, an umbrella organization for mosques.

On Friday, LAPD Chief William Bratton addressed the issue at a police academy graduation ceremony.

"I think what we got hung up on unfortunately was a word -- mapping," LAPD Chief William Bratton said. More

"I think what we got hung up on unfortunately was a word -- mapping," Bratton said at a police academy graduation ceremony. "And that unfortunately conjures up partially the concerns in this country we have about profiling, whether for religious purposes or racial purposes -- this is about community engagement."

The engagement is necessary to identify extremist elements, the LAPD said. They referenced European cities as examples where detached Muslim communities are fertile breeding grounds for terrorist recruitment.

Local Muslims disagreed with the comparisons.

"I don't think that American Muslims are very susceptible to that because we enjoy a certain degree of economic prosperity in this country," a woman said.



11-10-2007, 09:33 AM
I knew Bratton would cock up in LA, I knew it. His big rep in NYPD was down to Jack Maple. He's on the skids.

11-10-2007, 10:30 AM
obviously, the LAPD plan is preposterous....everyone knows that if you want to look for a Muslim fanatic you should start in Chinatown......

11-10-2007, 05:23 PM
A plan by the LAPD counterterrorism bureau to create a map detailing the Muslim communities in that city was reported Friday to be angering civil rights groups. TUFF SHIT

11-10-2007, 05:47 PM
obviously, the LAPD plan is preposterous....everyone knows that if you want to look for a Muslim fanatic you should start in Chinatown......

Yep, Muslim fanatics are easy to pick out. They have long beards and wear flowing robes, just like the 9/11 hijackers.

11-10-2007, 08:23 PM
Yep, Muslim fanatics are easy to pick out. They have long beards and wear flowing robes, just like the 9/11 hijackers.

shows how much you know.....they wear black ninja outfits and eat with chopsticks......

11-10-2007, 09:23 PM
shows how much you know.....they wear black ninja outfits and eat with chopsticks......

Uh-oh, I think I saw them at a Benihana....ain't going back there again.

11-11-2007, 10:34 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But LAPD has it right, they should know where the enemy is when *The Sh_t Hits The Fan*, out there.
2. They should know where they all are, all over this Nation.
3. Islam is dangerous and unhealthy for *All Free Peoples*.
4. When will we truly understand this???:poke:


5. Read this:



LOS ANGELES -- A plan by the LAPD counterterrorism bureau to create a map detailing the Muslim communities in that city was reported Friday to be angering civil rights groups.


At least three major Muslim groups and the American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter Thursday to top city officials raising concerns about the plan, The New York Times reported.

"When the starting point for a police investigation is, 'Let's look at all Muslims,' we are going down a dangerous road," attorney Peter Bibring of the ACLU of Southern California told the newspaper in an interview.

Some Los Angeles-based Muslim groups were critical of the approach.

"For the LAPD or any police department to assume that one group is more terrorist or violent than another because of their religion alone, that's a very scary phenomenon in our country," a Muslim advocate group representative said.

One representative brought up past incidents, comparing them to the recent developments regarding the map.

"It arouses suspicions in the minds of Muslims that, 'Here we come again,'" a Muslim Public Affairs Council of Southern California representative said. "They wanted to study us, to classify us, to map us."

The objections started after LAPD Deputy Chief Michael P. Downing, who heads the counterterrorism bureau, testified before a U.S. Senate committee on Oct. 30 that the LAPD was combining forces with an unidentified academic institution and looking for a Muslim partner to carry out the mapping project of Muslim neighborhoods, the Times reported.

He testified that the project would determine the geographic distribution of Muslims in the Los Angeles area and take "a look at their history, demographics, language, culture, ethnic breakdown, socioeconomic status and social interactions."

Local Muslim leaders have decried the LAPD's new plan. More

The idea, Downing told the Times, would be to determine which communities might be having problems integrating and thus might have members susceptible to carrying out attacks.

The estimated 500,000 Muslims living in the Greater L.A. area, including Orange and Riverside counties, represent the second-biggest U.S. concentration outside New York City.

Not all area Muslim groups object to Downing's idea.

Salam al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, which is considering being the LAPD's partner in the project, told the Times he supported anything that would help integration, as long as it safeguarded civil liberties.

But other groups argue that the mapping idea is no better than racial profiling.

The letter sent Thursday suggested that representatives of groups opposed to the project meet with Downing to discuss it, the Times reported. Signatories included Muslim Advocates, a national association of Muslim lawyers, and the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, an umbrella organization for mosques.

On Friday, LAPD Chief William Bratton addressed the issue at a police academy graduation ceremony.

"I think what we got hung up on unfortunately was a word -- mapping," LAPD Chief William Bratton said. More

"I think what we got hung up on unfortunately was a word -- mapping," Bratton said at a police academy graduation ceremony. "And that unfortunately conjures up partially the concerns in this country we have about profiling, whether for religious purposes or racial purposes -- this is about community engagement."

The engagement is necessary to identify extremist elements, the LAPD said. They referenced European cities as examples where detached Muslim communities are fertile breeding grounds for terrorist recruitment.

Local Muslims disagreed with the comparisons.

"I don't think that American Muslims are very susceptible to that because we enjoy a certain degree of economic prosperity in this country," a woman said.



While we're at it, why don't we just tattoo barcodes to their forearms and send them to re-education camps? And when they get there, why don't we de-louse them with Zyklon-B? After that, we can strip any gold fillings they have in their teeth, and sell their belongings to defray the expenses of their care.

You and your ilk make me sick. You really don't know the meaning of what the Founders, and every generation since, fought and died for to bring this country into being and protect it. We faced down the Axis Powers in WW II...We faced down the Soviet Union in the Cold War...Either one could have spelled the doom of America and the freedoms it stands for. And now you want to throw out the Constitution and everything it represents because you're afraid of a bunch of religious fanatics who, if left to their own devices would be cheerfully killing each other? You and your kind are pathetic cravens. To think that this nation has come to this. If we are willing to sacrifice the Constitution...The Bill of Rights...The freedoms that made this nation great...on the altar of "national security", then we deserve what we get. It is those very things...the Constitution, The Bill of Rights...and the freedoms they guarantee that secure this nation. Not the fearful maunderings of a President utterly divorced from reality. So, be careful what you wish for you sniveling, cowardly, ambulatory dung-heap. You may get it...in spades.

11-11-2007, 11:03 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But BP, this Nations Protections should apply to those who seek to defend them.
2. Islam does not.
3. It wants this Nation destroyed.
4. If you need a building to fall out from beneath you or on top of you, thats your problem.


11-11-2007, 11:06 AM
Germany had a similar program with Jews last century, it worked.
Then we found out (too late) that jews were the victims, not the dangerous terrorists that made reichstag fire.

Pale Rider
11-11-2007, 12:51 PM
"When the starting point for a police investigation is, 'Let's look at all Muslims,' we are going down a dangerous road," attorney Peter Bibring of the ACLU of Southern California told the newspaper in an interview.
I think it's much more dangerous, and even neglectful to ignore them. But what about the millions of illegal aliens in California? They better broaden that mapping to include them.

The estimated 500,000 Muslims living in the Greater L.A. area, including Orange and Riverside counties, represent the second-biggest U.S. concentration outside New York City.
Yeah... let's just ignore them until they set off a nuclear BOMB! Then we can THANK the LIBERAL LEFT and the ACLU for that.

But other groups argue that the mapping idea is no better than racial profiling.
So? Racial profiling is a highly effective tool. Use it. Fuck anybody that bitches about it.