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11-10-2007, 10:55 AM

11-10-2007, 11:08 AM
Yay! Just a link with no discussion! :-/

Who the fuck do you think YOU are? You're too spineless and weak to serve in the first place. :)

A visit by the President would be a HUGE morale boost to soldiers, etc. You won't understand that, though, because you're a partisan hack. :)

11-10-2007, 11:33 AM
Yay! Just a link with no discussion! :-/

Who the fuck do you think YOU are? You're too spineless and weak to serve in the first place. :)

A visit by the President would be a HUGE morale boost to soldiers, etc. You won't understand that, though, because you're a partisan hack. :)
lmao...First of all, for you to call me "spineless and weak" is laughable at best. You know nothing about me.
Weak in which way? Weak because I won't give into something that destroys another persons life for "freedom"? Or physically weak? If you mean physically weak, hahaha, well then you really don't know me. I haven't played sports my entire life and not received anything from it. I haven't gone to the weight room every other day of my entire high school career so far and not gotten anything out of it.
And considering both my brothers are in the army, and my dad went to Vietnam, the "you're just ignorant" talking point really isn't working anymore. It's a good one though dmp!

A morale boost? How about "the president never served in the military, he lied to the country in order to send us to Iraq, I have no face now, no legs, and I can't see out of one eye, but now this president who has never experienced what we experienced, who still sent us to feel that experience, is here to try and "boost" or morale"...Sort of fucked don't cha think?
LOL, what type of question was that? dmp doesn't "think", he just supports the mission! He's a PATRIOT!!!:salute:

Hugh Lincoln
11-10-2007, 11:36 AM
Who does Obama think he is?

The Second Coming of Christ.

11-10-2007, 11:49 AM
lmao...First of all, for you to call me "spineless and weak" is laughable at best. You know nothing about me.
Weak in which way? Weak because I won't give into something that destroys another persons life for "freedom"? Or physically weak? If you mean physically weak, hahaha, well then you really don't know me. I haven't played sports my entire life and not received anything from it. I haven't gone to the weight room every other day of my entire high school career so far and not gotten anything out of it.
And considering both my brothers are in the army, and my dad went to Vietnam, the "you're just ignorant" talking point really isn't working anymore. It's a good one though dmp!

My cousin Johnny was a fireman. He died September 11, 2001, in New York City. Just because he was a fireman doesn't make me an expert at putting out fires. All you know about the military is second hand.

A morale boost? How about "the president never served in the military, he lied to the country in order to send us to Iraq, I have no face now, no legs, and I can't see out of one eye, but now this president who has never experienced what we experienced, who still sent us to feel that experience, is here to try and "boost" or morale"...Sort of fucked don't cha think?
LOL, what type of question was that? dmp doesn't "think", he just supports the mission! He's a PATRIOT!!!:salute:

So folks that serve in the National Guard were never in the military? Tell that to the guys in Iraq and Afghanistan.

11-10-2007, 12:05 PM
lmao...First of all, for you to call me "spineless and weak" is laughable at best. You know nothing about me.
Weak in which way? Weak because I won't give into something that destroys another persons life for "freedom"? Or physically weak? If you mean physically weak, hahaha, well then you really don't know me. I haven't played sports my entire life and not received anything from it. I haven't gone to the weight room every other day of my entire high school career so far and not gotten anything out of it.
And considering both my brothers are in the army, and my dad went to Vietnam, the "you're just ignorant" talking point really isn't working anymore. It's a good one though dmp!

A morale boost? How about "the president never served in the military, he lied to the country in order to send us to Iraq, I have no face now, no legs, and I can't see out of one eye, but now this president who has never experienced what we experienced, who still sent us to feel that experience, is here to try and "boost" or morale"...Sort of fucked don't cha think?
LOL, what type of question was that? dmp doesn't "think", he just supports the mission! He's a PATRIOT!!!:salute:

your posts give a good insight into your personality , your basicly a kid with a kids perspective of life .

11-10-2007, 12:18 PM
I'll tell you precisely who he 'thinks' he is. He's the f-ing commander-in-chief of the entire armed forces, making it his duty to see to the welfare of all of those under his command. He does these trips to boost morale and to remind himself of the price others must pay if he screws up, just the same as, say, a colonel visiting his wounded in an EVAC hospital or aid station.

11-10-2007, 12:44 PM

He IS the president of the United States of America, and commander in chief of the forces whose wounded he is visiting.

Who are you that you would have an apoplectic fit because he goes to visit soldiers who have been hurt in the war. Who are you that you would post trashing the man for trying to encourage those who have bravely served this country. Who are you, whom I am certain has no service under his/its belt, to squeal in your abject and moronic hatred of a man who is actually doing something unlike yourself who has done little other than stand on the sidelines and toss bombs from the safety of your keyboard.


11-10-2007, 12:47 PM
your posts give a good insight into your personality , your basicly a kid with a kids perspective of life .

My 8-year-old has a more-grown-up perspective of life than that fool. :)

11-10-2007, 12:51 PM
He's the President of the United States.

Unless you meant the soldiers. and then they are veterans of the United States.

BTW the last time i checked the National Guard is part of the military.

11-10-2007, 12:57 PM
BTW the last time i checked the National Guard is part of the military.

shh!! No it's not! Don't ruin his thread with "facts"! Obama doesn't LIKE "facts". :)

They fly CIVILIAN planes!


AND - these guys are loading AirSoft rounds, too..


11-10-2007, 01:02 PM

There are plenty of things that Bush can be criticized for. Visiting wounded troops and treating them like they're still a human being despite disfigurements isn't one of them.

11-10-2007, 01:20 PM
I think Bush should go. There are no military problems that can't be rectified by a fake turkey and a few photo ops. Mission Accomplished!

11-10-2007, 01:40 PM
There are plenty of things that Bush can be criticized for. Visiting wounded troops and treating them like they're still a human being despite disfigurements isn't one of them.

Well said Missileman, well said.

11-10-2007, 01:46 PM
Thanks for visiting. Too bad about my leg getting blown off. Not that it matters any to you.


11-10-2007, 01:49 PM
Thanks for visiting. Too bad about my leg getting blown off. Not that it matters any to you.


What do you suggest he should do ? Ignore them?

11-10-2007, 02:00 PM
Thanks for visiting. Too bad about my leg getting blown off. Not that it matters any to you.


So what have you done to make this country a better place to live in?

11-10-2007, 02:03 PM
I help kids who get fucked up living in weird families.
What have you done?

11-10-2007, 02:05 PM
I help kids who get fucked up living in weird families.
What have you done?

no wonder they never get better.

11-10-2007, 02:05 PM
I help kids who get fucked up living in weird families.
What have you done?

I cast votes against democrats.

11-10-2007, 02:09 PM
Lot of good that has done you lately. :lmao:

My profession needs more respect. Look at all the kids we have rescued from having lived in fucked up Conservative Republican families! We help them live with their stress and guilt.

11-10-2007, 02:18 PM
Thanks for visiting. Too bad about my leg getting blown off. Not that it matters any to you.


Yet another post filled with well thought out commentary? Nope. Another "I hate Bush and therefore anything I claim on his part is correct" garbage post that does NOTHING to try and work together in aid of those whom the president is now being trashed by the least intellectually honest among us.

Most of those reading this thread will notice that questions aimed at the liberals are seldom ever answered and are ignored in favor of another witless dishonest rant.

11-10-2007, 02:22 PM
So folks that serve in the National Guard were never in the military? Tell that to the guys in Iraq and Afghanistan.

guys who joined the texas air national guard and specifically requested flight training in an aircraft that was already phased out of overseas service so that they could avoid Vietnam are a different breed of cat than the brave guardsman serviing in harm's way in Bush's wars. Actually, they are not "cats" at all, but "chickens".

11-10-2007, 02:27 PM
guys who joined the texas air national guard and specifically requested flight training in an aircraft that was already phased out of overseas service so that they could avoid Vietnam are a different breed of cat than the brave guardsman serviing in harm's way in Bush's wars. Actually, they are not "cats" at all, but "chickens".

The military I served in didn't take requests...which one were you in again? I suppose if he'd requested "Sopwith Camel", he'd have some great Bi-plane pics to use for political gain.

11-10-2007, 02:29 PM
My 8-year-old has a more-grown-up perspective of life than that fool. :)

my 15 year old certainly as , as well and he doesnt try to act grown up either .

no wonder they never get better.

very deep

11-10-2007, 02:33 PM
guys who joined the texas air national guard and specifically requested flight training in an aircraft that was already phased out of overseas service so that they could avoid Vietnam are a different breed of cat than the brave guardsman serviing in harm's way in Bush's wars. Actually, they are not "cats" at all, but "chickens".

Is that why you chose the Navy?

11-10-2007, 02:33 PM
guys who joined the texas air national guard and specifically requested flight training in an aircraft that was already phased out of overseas service so that they could avoid Vietnam are a different breed of cat than the brave guardsman serviing in harm's way in Bush's wars. Actually, they are not "cats" at all, but "chickens".

So you too are supporting the idea that the president should never try to encourage those wounded in war and show them the leader of the country is concerned about them?

The left certainly can get behind anything with which their dishonesty tells them is apropos to trash the country, its ideals, and its leader.

11-10-2007, 02:36 PM
guys who joined the texas air national guard and specifically requested flight training in an aircraft that was already phased out of overseas service so that they could avoid Vietnam are a different breed of cat than the brave guardsman serviing in harm's way in Bush's wars. Actually, they are not "cats" at all, but "chickens".

Cmon---every vet is a hero and sacrificed for this country. There ain't a rotten one in the bunch and they are the only ones here qualified to even speak about military matters !!!

11-10-2007, 05:11 PM
The juxtaposition of that severely wounded soldier with the grinning loon is sickening. Bush hasn't got a fucking clue, he's holding up that tee shirt and giving that "fuck the lot of you" face. That is fucking disgusting, it's sickening. You Bushbots are seeing your hero at his self-absorbed worst.

11-10-2007, 05:17 PM
lmao...First of all, for you to call me "spineless and weak" is laughable at best. You know nothing about me.
Weak in which way? Weak because I won't give into something that destroys another persons life for "freedom"? Or physically weak? If you mean physically weak, hahaha, well then you really don't know me. I haven't played sports my entire life and not received anything from it. I haven't gone to the weight room every other day of my entire high school career so far and not gotten anything out of it.
And considering both my brothers are in the army, and my dad went to Vietnam, the "you're just ignorant" talking point really isn't working anymore. It's a good one though dmp!

A morale boost? How about "the president never served in the military, he lied to the country in order to send us to Iraq, I have no face now, no legs, and I can't see out of one eye, but now this president who has never experienced what we experienced, who still sent us to feel that experience, is here to try and "boost" or morale"...Sort of fucked don't cha think?
LOL, what type of question was that? dmp doesn't "think", he just supports the mission! He's a PATRIOT!!!:salute::fu: Your just a little snot nosed punk WTF would you know except sucking Daddy's dick for drug money and mommy's ass to borrow the Yugo to take your boyfriend to the bath house GET A CLUE MORON You don't know shit about politics STFU and maybe you will learn something

11-10-2007, 05:47 PM

he is the comander in chief of the US armed forces visiting his wounded troops......same thing clinton did for all the wounded returning from somalia, bosnia and rawanda ....

tel me who the fuck do you think you are?

11-10-2007, 06:02 PM
he is the comander in chief of the US armed forces visiting his wounded troops......same thing clinton did for all the wounded returning from somalia, bosnia and rawanda ....

tel me who the fuck do you think you are?

He is an embarrassment. I'm still sickened by that photograph.

11-10-2007, 06:29 PM
He is an embarrassment. I'm still sickened by that photograph.

i agree. obama08 is an embarassment

11-10-2007, 06:48 PM
He is an embarrassment. I'm still sickened by that photograph.

what do you care you live in oz

11-10-2007, 09:42 PM
what do you care you live in oz

Don't be a twat, I can be embarrassed for Americans and I can be sicked by the antics of Bush, grinning like a fucking loon when he's standing with a seriously injured man. All the sensitivity of an SS soldier marching into Warsaw. He is completely oblivious to the scene. The man is a narcissist.

Someone should have told him, "George, don't laugh, it's not mean to be funny! You need to do the "caring look", yes, the one where you furrow your brow and your eyes get dewey and you look more simian than usual. Yes, we know you look stupid but at least you don't look like you don't give a fuck about the injured man you're standing alongside George......sotto voce - thank fuck he hasn't got a third term......"

Manu, thanks for the opportunity to post that. You're an inspiration to me, don't go away, I could bounce off folks like you.

11-10-2007, 09:43 PM
i agree. obama08 is an embarassment

Where's the "LAME" sign?

11-10-2007, 10:42 PM
Don't be a twat, I can be embarrassed for Americans and I can be sicked by the antics of Bush, grinning like a fucking loon when he's standing with a seriously injured man. All the sensitivity of an SS soldier marching into Warsaw. He is completely oblivious to the scene. The man is a narcissist.

Someone should have told him, "George, don't laugh, it's not mean to be funny! You need to do the "caring look", yes, the one where you furrow your brow and your eyes get dewey and you look more simian than usual. Yes, we know you look stupid but at least you don't look like you don't give a fuck about the injured man you're standing alongside George......sotto voce - thank fuck he hasn't got a third term......"

Manu, thanks for the opportunity to post that. You're an inspiration to me, don't go away, I could bounce off folks like you.

don't be a fanny....happy to be your straight man....

11-10-2007, 10:51 PM
Don't be a twat, I can be embarrassed for Americans and I can be sicked by the antics of Bush, grinning like a fucking loon when he's standing with a seriously injured man. All the sensitivity of an SS soldier marching into Warsaw. He is completely oblivious to the scene. The man is a narcissist.

Someone should have told him, "George, don't laugh, it's not mean to be funny! You need to do the "caring look", yes, the one where you furrow your brow and your eyes get dewey and you look more simian than usual. Yes, we know you look stupid but at least you don't look like you don't give a fuck about the injured man you're standing alongside George......sotto voce - thank fuck he hasn't got a third term......"

Manu, thanks for the opportunity to post that. You're an inspiration to me, don't go away, I could bounce off folks like you.

I've got to say that I thought you were much brighter than you are proving to be here. Your hatred for President Bush has you speaking like a dimwitted little kid that worships overated and untalented guitar bangers.

Should President Bush have held a pity party for these extraordinary guys with more life still in them than most fully limbed whinners from the Democrat party? By laughing and joking with them he shows them respect for the extremely strong individuals that they obviously are. I have no doubt that the pictures you didn't see were those of the President praying with those that needed to or the many tears he has actually shed for each of these heroes.

This man is so sincere that you on the left don't know what to think of him, you surround yourselves with nothing but bullshit artists that won't walk outside without checking their advisers and the latest polls to tell them what to think, say and how to act. President Bush is real which is so foreign to you guys it scares you. It's a bit pathetic really.

11-11-2007, 01:03 AM
im not sure who you or he thinks he is, but according to his birth certificate he is george bush. :laugh2:


11-11-2007, 01:31 AM
The rabid liberals become more insane and hateful every day...It must suck to hate someone so much..I pity them..


11-11-2007, 02:24 AM
don't be a fanny....happy to be your straight man....

I suppose you'll want a cut now. 60/40? 60 for me of course, I do most of the work.

11-11-2007, 02:29 AM
I've got to say that I thought you were much brighter than you are proving to be here. Your hatred for President Bush has you speaking like a dimwitted little kid that worships overated and untalented guitar bangers.

Should President Bush have held a pity party for these extraordinary guys with more life still in them than most fully limbed whinners from the Democrat party? By laughing and joking with them he shows them respect for the extremely strong individuals that they obviously are. I have no doubt that the pictures you didn't see were those of the President praying with those that needed to or the many tears he has actually shed for each of these heroes.

This man is so sincere that you on the left don't know what to think of him, you surround yourselves with nothing but bullshit artists that won't walk outside without checking their advisers and the latest polls to tell them what to think, say and how to act. President Bush is real which is so foreign to you guys it scares you. It's a bit pathetic really.

You need to look at that photograph again. Look at the face of the soldier on the left.
Bush is oblivious, yukking it up for the camera. I don't "hate" Bush, I do feel contempt for him though, a lot of contempt. But did I make a big issue of him getting Austria confused with Australia when he was in Sydney? And did I say a word when he confused OPEC with APEC, again in Sydney? No. Because at the time, even though here in Aus everyone was taking the piss out of him I thought it wasn't worth commenting on. But that photo fair ignited my contempt for him. Think what you like Sitarro, that's your prerogative, but I tell you, that photo is telling.

11-11-2007, 02:31 AM
The rabid liberals become more insane and hateful every day...It must suck to hate someone so much..I pity them..


Yes, I'm an idiot, I looked into the eyes of that soldier in the photo and saw him looking at the grinning loon that is his CinC. And I say again, I don't hate Bush, I have contempt for him - big difference.

11-11-2007, 02:45 AM
Yes, I'm an idiot, I looked into the eyes of that soldier in the photo and saw him looking at the grinning loon that is his CinC. And I say again, I don't hate Bush, I have contempt for him - big difference.

I was mainly referring to people here in the U.S.. you don't count..:laugh2:


11-11-2007, 03:11 AM
I was mainly referring to people here in the U.S.. you don't count..:laugh2:



What about if I'm in transit in an airport then? :laugh2:

11-11-2007, 03:35 AM

What about if I'm in transit in an airport then? :laugh2:

O.K..I like that..
maybe then I will get to call you a lunatic lefty liberal nutball..let me know when you're in one of our airports..:laugh2:


11-11-2007, 03:50 AM
Oh dear, President Bush should not have posed so happily in this photo op, it looks pretty bad to me...as though he was clueless to the pain and suffering these guys are going through.... What is WRONG with him to NOT know any better?

11-11-2007, 04:29 AM

Who does he think he is? He is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, that's who.

11-11-2007, 04:38 AM
I find these type of people who post this kind of stuff have no use for the military, unless it's to use them as a tool for their hatred towards President Bush and the rest of us who support our Troops no matter where they are sent off to do their job...by BOTH REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTS....

Their really not worth responding to....

God Bless our troops and the United States of America....We will never forget..:salute::salute:

11-11-2007, 06:23 AM
O.K..I like that..
maybe then I will get to call you a lunatic lefty liberal nutball..let me know when you're in one of our airports..:laugh2:


I have some contacts in ICE - they'll let you know ;)

11-11-2007, 06:24 AM
Oh dear, President Bush should not have posed so happily in this photo op, it looks pretty bad to me...as though he was clueless to the pain and suffering these guys are going through.... What is WRONG with him to NOT know any better?

That's what I meant, I let my anger take control of my keyboard though.

Joe Steel
11-11-2007, 07:38 AM

He's the draft-dodging deserter who's sending-off Americans to die and be maimed for Republican campaign contributions, oil profits and Israel.

11-11-2007, 08:05 AM
Oh dear, President Bush should not have posed so happily in this photo op, it looks pretty bad to me...as though he was clueless to the pain and suffering these guys are going through.... What is WRONG with him to NOT know any better?

That is the point, he isn't posing...... he's not Bill Clinton who I am sure spent a great deal of time in front of a mirror checking specific poses for specific events. President Bush is a real man not a poser, not a used car salesman from Arkansas.

I'm guessing that you guys are talking about the photo that was shot with the severly burned man on the left. I would bet that the shot you see here is taken way out of context because it is taken from a video or by a photographer shooting for that spaz Huffington. Obviously, Huffington's overpaid staff spent plenty of time looking for the photo that was most likely to be misconstrued, especially for those that would actually open that idiot Huffington's web sight. For all we know, that man on the Presidents right has just cracked a joke that President Bush is responding to and the other guy could be laughing his ass off in the next frame. Knowing what a slime ball Huffington is, that guy that is on the President's left was photoshoped into the photo...... not hard to do, even a socialist dimwit could do it.

Don't believe everything you see. After all, Clinton was laughing at Ron Brown's funeral one second and when he saw a camera pointed at him immediately wiped away an imaginary tear.

Sir Evil
11-11-2007, 08:34 AM
Oh dear, President Bush should not have posed so happily in this photo op, it looks pretty bad to me...as though he was clueless to the pain and suffering these guys are going through.... What is WRONG with him to NOT know any better?

Of course it would look bad to you ya imbecile, if he posed in any different manner it would look bad to you.

So you know exactly what took place during this photo? you were there to hear what was said? you are certain that he is clueless as to what the troops must endure? And now you know it as a fact that he does'nt know right from wrong?

Don't you ever get sick of the see through person you are? :rolleyes:

11-11-2007, 09:50 AM
lmao...First of all, for you to call me "spineless and weak" is laughable at best. You know nothing about me.
Weak in which way? Weak because I won't give into something that destroys another persons life for "freedom"? Or physically weak? If you mean physically weak, hahaha, well then you really don't know me. I haven't played sports my entire life and not received anything from it. I haven't gone to the weight room every other day of my entire high school career so far and not gotten anything out of it.
And considering both my brothers are in the army, and my dad went to Vietnam, the "you're just ignorant" talking point really isn't working anymore. It's a good one though dmp!

A morale boost? How about "the president never served in the military, he lied to the country in order to send us to Iraq, I have no face now, no legs, and I can't see out of one eye, but now this president who has never experienced what we experienced, who still sent us to feel that experience, is here to try and "boost" or morale"...Sort of fucked don't cha think?
LOL, what type of question was that? dmp doesn't "think", he just supports the mission! He's a PATRIOT!!!:salute:

That post just reconfirmed what everyone here already thought of you. :laugh2:

11-11-2007, 10:40 AM
Of course it would look bad to you ya imbecile, if he posed in any different manner it would look bad to you.

So you know exactly what took place during this photo? you were there to hear what was said? you are certain that he is clueless as to what the troops must endure? And now you know it as a fact that he does'nt know right from wrong?

Don't you ever get sick of the see through person you are? :rolleyes:

Enough already Sir Evil. I challenge you to go through all of my posts and pull out this supposed Bush hatred that I supposedly express towards President Bush. Get the plank out of your own eye. I am not a Bush Basher and have never been a Bush basher.

Do I agree with his policies....most of them, absolutely NOT. But this does not translate in to Bush Hatred as you continually try to accuse me of....so you can stop this little game of yours and your protectionism of Bush with me....it has NO PLACE in any of your arguments.

How were you when Clinton was in Power....it would be enlightening to see if you are not just carrying guilt from your own Clinton Bashing that you did for years....

I don't know what took place in the picture, but I do know what it "looks like"....which is the guy behind him is sad or angry or disgusted and it does look like President Bush is wayyy to jolly for the photo op with this mamed and burned, sad like, soldier next to him.

I think it is appropriate for president Bush to visit these soldiers who took their injuries and maming for him... I don't think it is appropriate for him to be so jokingly jolly, and if I were his media person, I would have made sure a more appropriate picture of his visit would have been in order, verses this one.

The guys in the photo ARE NOT laughing with him. If they were, then maybe it would have been appropriate imo, but they were NOT.

And witnessing the burned guy almost makes me sick enough to throw up, it really hurts inside to see our guys come home from this war with these kind of injuries...it hits home... the sacrafice they truely are making...I can't imagine how those mamed are feeling, but I can imagine what it would be like to be one of their relatives or friends...and it hurts, my heart goes out to them.


11-11-2007, 10:47 AM
Oh dear, President Bush should not have posed so happily in this photo op, it looks pretty bad to me...as though he was clueless to the pain and suffering these guys are going through.... What is WRONG with him to NOT know any better?

Who knew that a person's sense of humor resides in the skin or extremities? Where's it written that wounded soldiers and those around them are to forever forego laughter?

11-11-2007, 11:00 AM
Who knew that a person's sense of humor resides in the skin or extremities? Where's it written that wounded soldiers and those around them are to forever forego laughter?

hmmmmm, maybe you see something that I don't see?

Were they Laughing Missleman? The only person laughing was president Bush, there was no laughter or smiles or a gleam in the eyes of those mamed soldiers that I could see.


11-11-2007, 11:05 AM
hmmmmm, maybe you see something that I don't see?

Were they Laughing Missleman? The only person laughing was president Bush, there was no laughter or smiles or a gleam in the eyes of those mamed soldiers that I could see.


You have no idea at all who else was in the room, what was said, who said it, etc.

What I SEE are a lot of people who want to attribute their own context to that photo.

11-11-2007, 11:16 AM
You have no idea at all who else was in the room, what was said, who said it, etc.

What I SEE are a lot of people who want to attribute their own context to that photo. A picture speaks a thousand words.

Maybe you see something with those soldiers in the picture with him other than sadness, that I don't see....?

And maybe those in the crowd were laughing with President Bush as you surmise....

I suppose we will never know. But if I were President Bush's media person, I would have not used this picture to promote his visit.


11-11-2007, 11:32 AM
hmmmmm, maybe you see something that I don't see?

Were they Laughing Missleman? The only person laughing was president Bush, there was no laughter or smiles or a gleam in the eyes of those mamed soldiers that I could see.

You really see a lot I dont!!!! Have you ever dealt personally with a burn victim. The gentelman on the left looks like he is attempting to smile to me. After the disfiguring burns to his body and face it is very very difficult to tell expressions due to the sever nerve damage and skin grafts however he has an upturned expression to his mouth.

Did you look at ALL the pictures?? There were a number of them with smiling soldiers. My favorite was the one with Bush placing his head against the head of a soldier that looks to have severe arm damage they look to be in prayer and the soldiers, every last one of them looks determined to be the best they can be. the last thing they need is a sideline couch potato telling them that Preident Bush shouldnt be visiting them and boosting their moral.

Hey you all attribute Bush with this callous attitude toward our troops yet he has been supporting them from the start. guite trying to read more into something that isn't there.......

To every last one of those soldiers, I send my prayers and heart felt thanks. I pray for God to look over them:salute::salute:

11-11-2007, 11:40 AM
You really see a lot I dont!!!! Have you ever dealt personally with a burn victim. The gentelman on the left looks like he is attempting to smile to me. After the disfiguring burns to his body and face it is very very difficult to tell expressions due to the sever nerve damage and skin grafts however he has an upturned expression to his mouth.

Did you look at ALL the pictures?? There were a number of them with smiling soldiers. My favorite was the one with Bush placing his head against the head of a soldier that looks to have severe arm damage they look to be in prayer and the soldiers, every last one of them looks determined to be the best they can be. the last thing they need is a sideline couch potato telling them that Preident Bush shouldnt be visiting them and boosting their moral.

Hey you all attribute Bush with this callous attitude toward our troops yet he has been supporting them from the start. guite trying to read more into something that isn't there.......

To every last one of those soldiers, I send my prayers and heart felt thanks. I pray for God to look over them:salute::salute:

No, I only saw this one picture Nuke, and maybe that is where I have gone wrong, I can admit to that....


11-11-2007, 12:16 PM
No, I only saw this one picture Nuke, and maybe that is where I have gone wrong, I can admit to that....

jdThe web sight with the pics is awful I have T3 line and the second pic took forever but after that they came up pretty quick....

There are some good images not just the first one. I will repeat what others have said, A picture can be taken out of context very easily because you have no dialogue to go with it you are not privy to any information that occured prior to the picture being taken and you have no idea what was going on out of frame....

You put all this together and it is impossible to defend a Picture taken out of context without having FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE OF WHEN AND WHERE THE PICTURE WAS TAKEN.....

Obama is just being a child and thats it. He is still a child he may have an adult body what with all his working out and sports:rolleyes: but he has the narrow mind set of a CHILD. Everything has to be black and white, good and bad, right or wrong. Life has many shades of grey to it and to distinguish these shades you need real life experience.

Obama in another thread you state you would GLADLY give up your freedoms to stop the type of war being waged in Iraq!! Have you made these same statements to your family who have served in the military? If not why? If so what was their response to you. How do they feel about your take on the military??

You really need to

1 get out of school
2 get out of your parents house
3 do some real work
4 interact with people of differing opinions and give the respect by not insulting everything YOU disagree with because your sooooo smart
5 travel the world a little and live in another country without the freedoms you so quickly dismiss here and see if you still feel the same way.

What I am trying to tell you is, get out in the real world and get a little experience and than debate, discuss, or argue all you want but do it with real life experience not something your professor told you or you read in a book.....

This is where your lacking and your credibility falls on this board...

Hagbard Celine
11-11-2007, 12:47 PM
I'd be pretty damn angry at everybody and everything if I were forced to live through having my entire body burnt to a crisp. I'd wish for death. Having some politician grinning a big sh*t-eating grin in my face would bring me no solace.

Sir Evil
11-11-2007, 01:24 PM
Enough already Sir Evil. I challenge you to go through all of my posts and pull out this supposed Bush hatred that I supposedly express towards President Bush. Get the plank out of your own eye. I am not a Bush Basher and have never been a Bush basher.

Umm, pull the plank out of your ass! You know damn well you would say something negative about any person of the right influence, and then when questioned on it you would do one of those typical dumb fox replies like "please explain because I thought you meant something else" or some other lame shit to ever so slightly disquise what you really wanna say. You are a leftist, big fucking deal, I just call you on some of these stupid ass replies obviously because I don't agree. Is that bothersome to you? Oh well, tough shit.

11-11-2007, 03:09 PM
Umm, pull the plank out of your ass! You know damn well you would say something negative about any person of the right influence, and then when questioned on it you would do one of those typical dumb fox replies like "please explain because I thought you meant something else" or some other lame shit to ever so slightly disquise what you really wanna say. You are a leftist, big fucking deal, I just call you on some of these stupid ass replies obviously because I don't agree. Is that bothersome to you? Oh well, tough shit.

I see you are :dance:ing.... go ahead and show me Sir evil, please show me how much of a bush hater and bush basher I am....


11-11-2007, 07:57 PM
I'd be pretty damn angry at everybody and everything if I were forced to live through having my entire body burnt to a crisp. I'd wish for death. Having some politician grinning a big sh*t-eating grin in my face would bring me no solace.

thankfully not all of us lack hope.

11-11-2007, 08:12 PM
You have no idea at all who else was in the room, what was said, who said it, etc.

What I SEE are a lot of people who want to attribute their own context to that photo.

That's a valid point, it's a sort of Thematic Apperception Test. I know my gut reaction when I saw it but true, someone else may feel differently. Problem is that's exactly what's going to happen each time someone sees the photograph for the first time. Now, I wonder if the photo had an anonymous person in it, rather than Bush, and that person had exactly the same facial expression and posture as Bush, how it would be seen. That's the real test. Because Bush is in there then polarised opinions will prevail.

11-11-2007, 08:13 PM
A picture speaks a thousand words.

Maybe you see something with those soldiers in the picture with him other than sadness, that I don't see....?

And maybe those in the crowd were laughing with President Bush as you surmise....

I suppose we will never know. But if I were President Bush's media person, I would have not used this picture to promote his visit.

I would think they had no choice over it. If I employed a media person and they deliberately released that photo, I'd sack them the moment I saw it.

11-11-2007, 09:08 PM
The web sight with the pics is awful I have T3 line and the second pic took forever but after that they came up pretty quick....

There are some good images not just the first one. I will repeat what others have said, A picture can be taken out of context very easily because you have no dialogue to go with it you are not privy to any information that occured prior to the picture being taken and you have no idea what was going on out of frame....

You put all this together and it is impossible to defend a Picture taken out of context without having FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE OF WHEN AND WHERE THE PICTURE WAS TAKEN.....

nuke i have tried to download them, they just won't load...

i am only on DIAL UP though, no broadband from anyone, where i live....

can you cut and paste one or two of them here or send me a pm with a couple of the other pics?


11-11-2007, 09:11 PM
I would think they had no choice over it. If I employed a media person and they deliberately released that photo, I'd sack them the moment I saw it.

in fairness, looking back on it, since nuke says there are other pictures that put this one pic, more in to perspective, it could be that the huffington post purposely CHOSE that particular picture to be the FRONT picture, to get the irate reaction it gave both you and me and obama etc....


11-11-2007, 11:48 PM
in fairness, looking back on it, since nuke says there are other pictures that put this one pic, more in to perspective, it could be that the huffington post purposely CHOSE that particular picture to be the FRONT picture, to get the irate reaction it gave both you and me and obama etc....


I'll sue, my bp went past my eyebrows :cool:

11-12-2007, 12:28 AM
I'd be pretty damn angry at everybody and everything if I were forced to live through having my entire body burnt to a crisp. I'd wish for death. Having some politician grinning a big sh*t-eating grin in my face would bring me no solace.

I think that would be the difference between having the intestinal fortitude and character of a hero and you. Those guys are there trying their best to live their lives, repair the damage or learn how to live with it the best way possible. To pity them is to disrespect them.

These aren't guys that got drunk at a frat party and crashed the new BMW daddy bought them for graduating high school....... they wear the scars of fighters for freedom, freedom for others they will never know, that is what they wanted to do and believe in. Many, if not most, want to get themselves in good enough shape to go back and finish the job they started and be with others that feel the same way. They fully understand the hard road they will need to travel and accept it because that is who they are....... a true cut, way above the spoiled shits that populate too much of our country. They all have my deepest respect and gratitude.:salute:

11-12-2007, 12:36 AM
in fairness, looking back on it, since nuke says there are other pictures that put this one pic, more in to perspective, it could be that the huffington post purposely CHOSE that particular picture to be the FRONT picture, to get the irate reaction it gave both you and me and obama etc....


Do ya think? That is what those people do, they twist everything this President does into a negative. They look at life in a different way and can't believe a poitician could possibly mean what they say or believe it.

Give me a chance at a Hillary press conference with a video camera and I guarantee that I will come up with a shot that make her look like Satan incarnate....... probably wouldn't even need photoshop.

11-12-2007, 12:41 AM
Do ya think? That is what those people do, they twist everything this President does into a negative. They look at life in a different way and can't believe a poitician could possibly mean what they say or believe it.

Give me a chance at a Hillary press conference with a video camera and I guarantee that I will come up with a shot that make her look like Satan incarnate....... probably wouldn't even need photoshop.


Pale Rider
11-12-2007, 04:14 AM
Maybe somebody TOLD Presient Bush to laugh and joke, as much as he could, because it was GOOD for rehabilitation....

Laughter Is Good Medicine

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22, NIV).

Science has finally caught up with these words in the Bible that King Solomon wrote some 3,000 years ago.

The following report is from The Week magazine: "Laughter is good for your health—and now scientists know why. Researchers at the University of Maryland found that when 20 healthy volunteers smiled and guffawed while watching the comedy, Kingpin, their blood flow increased by 22 percent, about the same increase caused by aerobic exercise. But when volunteers watched tension-filled scenes from Saving Private Ryan, their blood flow decreased 35 percent.

"The researchers say that laughing apparently causes the endothelium, the tissue that lines blood vessels, to expand, which increases blood flow. Laughter may also improve arterial health by reducing mental stress, which constricts vessels and cuts blood flow. A healthy lifestyle—researcher Michael Miller tells New Scientist—would include 30 minutes of exercise three times a week, and 15 minutes of hearty laughter each day."1


I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with the picture. The guy who he's shaking his hand is also smiling. Maybe somebody just cracked a joke. Maybe the vet cracked a joke and the President was being a good guy by responding with laughter. To just condemn President Bush by this one simple picture is a fucking witch hunt supreme, and a pathetic political stunt. Those taking part in it ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Laughter Is Good Medicine; It Helps Relieve Pain for Kids Having Medical Procedures
Using Icy Waters, Researchers Replicated Pain from Medical Procedures. Laughter Helped

It's been said that laughter is good medicine. Could laughter help dull the pain that children have when they're getting painful medical procedures? Researchers wondered and set out to answer this question. In a recent press release, researchers with UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center announced their results. Their research reveals that laughter can also dull the pain associated with many medical procedures.

The UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center worked in conjunction with the nonprofit, Rx Laughter (tm). Together they found that laughter can, indeed, dull the pain that children and adolescents experience during medical procedures.

Many different programs are in use around the country to help brighten the lives of children undergoing stressful or painful medical procedures. While many of these programs use humor as a part of their program, no other research looked at the direct effect that laughter can have on children and adolescents undergoing painful medical procedures.

"We found that viewing funny videos increased the tolerance of pain for children, but did not change their ratings of the severity of the pain. Although they kept their hands in the water longer, they didn't describe the task as any less painful than when they weren't watching the videos. However, this may mean that it simply took longer for the pain to become severe enough to remove their hand," said Stuber, who also is the Jane and Marc Nathanson Professor in the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior.

Stuber referenced the hands of the kids who participated because that was an integral part of the research study. Researchers couldn't hurt children or adolescents on purpose just to see what their pain threshold was to medical procedures, so they devised a different system to cause pain. Their system was not be harmful to any of the participants, was easy to use, and easy to judge.


Sir Evil
11-12-2007, 07:24 AM
I see you are :dance:ing.... go ahead and show me Sir evil, please show me how much of a bush hater and bush basher I am....


So you do suffer comprehension problems of some sort? I did'nt say anything about hating Bush although I beleive you do. If you take a second and read S_L_O_W_L_Y as to what I replied it might sink in that I suggested that regardless of who was in the picture so long as they were of the right influence you would of replied with some sort of negative dribble as you almost always do.

11-12-2007, 07:53 AM
So you do suffer comprehension problems of some sort? I did'nt say anything about hating Bush although I beleive you do. If you take a second and read S_L_O_W_L_Y as to what I replied it might sink in that I suggested that regardless of who was in the picture so long as they were of the right influence you would of replied with some sort of negative dribble as you almost always do. i read it slowly sir evil, i KNOW what you were saying, which is what you always say....

and for your information, i don't hate republicans or conservatives, i happen to be married to one that i love with all my heart, body and soul.

do i trust republican politicians or agree with the policies of the ones that have been in office for nearly the past decade, NO, for the most part, I don't.

and i pretty much feel the same way about the democratic politicians....they can't be trusted either.

am i a democrat, yes, have been one my whole life.

now lets put these same questions to you...do you hate democrats? do you speak out whenever you can to disparage them, degrade them? do you throw out insults whenever you can at just about any democrat on this board or on other boards that we have posted on together for even the smallest of things? are you a clinton basher? are you a hillary basher? are you a ''liberal'' basher at all costs?


Sir Evil
11-12-2007, 08:19 AM
now lets put these same questions to you...do you hate democrats? do you speak out whenever you can to disparage them, degrade them?

Nope, but there are a few I would say that are losers, and are lower then the average sleazy politician.

do you throw out insults whenever you can at just about any democrat on this board or on other boards that we have posted on together for even the smallest of things?

No not really, and if you should bother to look around you would see that I save that for obvious liars. Yeah, I think you are a liar. I've said all too many times about the posts you make that try to say one thing, and mean another. You are very good at it but also very obvious. lol, you want talk about the other board? you were even worse there as you were surrounded by your own kind, and you all had not a single decent thing to say to anyone with a different opinion. Obviously that became boring, you can only agree for so long on the same subjects before it gets old. What's next, gonna tell what a dove you were on that board as well? :rolleyes:

are you a clinton basher? are you a hillary basher? are you a ''liberal'' basher at all costs?


Why does it always have to be Clinton? I happen to of liked him for the most part. There were things that I did not agree with but then there are thing about Bush that I don't agree with. Please don't try to draw any comparison between us, I am up front about what I have to say, I'm abrasive to those I choose, I don't hide behind any false facade, and I never try to hide the fact that I lean right. We are not even in the same realm of reality.

11-12-2007, 08:41 AM
Nope, but there are a few I would say that are losers, and are lower then the average sleazy politician.

No not really, and if you should bother to look around you would see that I save that for obvious liars. Yeah, I think you are a liar. I've said all too many times about the posts you make that try to say one thing, and mean another. You are very good at it but also very obvious. lol, you want talk about the other board? you were even worse there as you were surrounded by your own kind, and you all had not a single decent thing to say to anyone with a different opinion. Obviously that became boring, you can only agree for so long on the same subjects before it gets old. What's next, gonna tell what a dove you were on that board as well? :rolleyes:

Why does it always have to be Clinton? I happen to of liked him for the most part. There were things that I did not agree with but then there are thing about Bush that I don't agree with. Please don't try to draw any comparison between us, I am up front about what I have to say, I'm abrasive to those I choose, I don't hide behind any false facade, and I never try to hide the fact that I lean right. We are not even in the same realm of reality.

I AM NOT A LIAR, and never have been a liar, but you however to call me a liar, MAKES YOU A LIAR YOURSELF.

have a great day, prick!!!! :slap:


11-12-2007, 09:05 AM
AND - these guys are loading AirSoft rounds, too..


No, those are paint ball rounds. Yellow as a matter of fact. You can tell by the painted bands on the shells.


Sir Evil
11-12-2007, 09:34 AM
I AM NOT A LIAR, and never have been a liar, but you however to call me a liar, MAKES YOU A LIAR YOURSELF.

have a great day, prick!!!! :slap:


YOU ARE A LIAR, and the worse kind as you hide behind a religion while doing so.
You play this little game of "I'm a dove" "We are better or above" "I thought you meant something else" and so on but the truth is that it is glaringly see thru, I see it as well as others. Pretend to be something that you are not all that you want, won't change the fact for those who see through it.

11-12-2007, 04:57 PM
YOU ARE A LIAR, and the worse kind as you hide behind a religion while doing so.
You play this little game of "I'm a dove" "We are better or above" "I thought you meant something else" and so on but the truth is that it is glaringly see thru, I see it as well as others. Pretend to be something that you are not all that you want, won't change the fact for those who see through it.

Whatever Sir Evil....

you keep saying such but yet you can provide no thread where I have lied.

your user id is beginning to make sense now to me....:cheers2:

Sir Evil
11-13-2007, 06:42 AM
Whatever Sir Evil....

you keep saying such but yet you can provide no thread where I have lied.

your user id is beginning to make sense now to me....:cheers2:

Awww, did I hurt your wittle feeling when I said you were a liar?

Look at how many times you have been involved with a discussion that came down to you saying "maybe I misunderstood" or "I thought you meant something else". Instead of just admitting that you are a leftist on most issues you beat around the bush with half assed arguments. How many other times have you tried the higher ground to argue a point that you wanted to make instead of just saying that you are dead against an issue? "They drop bombs, and innocent people die" Duh, no shit, it's called war and unfortunate circumstances will always surround it. "But we're above that, we should be winning hearts & minds" and all that other typical dribble that you generally post just like many other leftist who just can't say a damn good thing about nothing so long as the republicans did it. :rolleyes:

Oh, and I don't give a flying fuckaroo what you think of my username or me.

11-13-2007, 08:29 AM
Awww, did I hurt your wittle feeling when I said you were a liar?

Look at how many times you have been involved with a discussion that came down to you saying "maybe I misunderstood" or "I thought you meant something else". Instead of just admitting that you are a leftist on most issues you beat around the bush with half assed arguments. How many other times have you tried the higher ground to argue a point that you wanted to make instead of just saying that you are dead against an issue? "They drop bombs, and innocent people die" Duh, no shit, it's called war and unfortunate circumstances will always surround it. "But we're above that, we should be winning hearts & minds" and all that other typical dribble that you generally post just like many other leftist who just can't say a damn good thing about nothing so long as the republicans did it. :rolleyes:

Oh, and I don't give a flying fuckaroo what you think of my username or me.

Sir Evil, I don't know exactly why you continue to bombard me with insults, could be you just like me and want my attention, but if you have any sense of decency in you, please leave me alone.


Sir Evil
11-13-2007, 08:41 AM
Sir Evil, I don't know exactly why you continue to bombard me with insults, could be you just like me and want my attention, but if you have any sense of decency in you, please leave me alone.



How the tables have turned! Seems all is well when everyone agrees with what you have to say but post on a forum where it's not that way and you crumble when someone picks on you? Hey I just enjoy throwing it in your face that you were a phony then as well as now. Really though, it should'nt bother you being above it all, you know, being a dove.....:laugh2: